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Pantheon / Blood and Gore

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The Hall of Blood and Gore is considered the most visceral and certainly the most bloody hall in the pantheon. While the top levels seem like a normal butcher's shop, underneath is a cave full of Rivers of Blood. For medical purposes it's advised to wear a hazmat suit when visiting, however there are domiciles where the gore is kept in jars and other medical or scientific devices for analysis.

The House of Health and Diseases can at least rely on them for a clean blood supply in case of need of donation. This is a favorite hall for vampires to visit due to the massive amount of blood.

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Greater Gods

    Jedah Dohma 
Jedah Dohma, God of Weaponized Blood (The Vampire Savior, The Distressed Lord of Death, Dark Messiah)
  • Greater God
  • Symbol: A scythe blade-like wings with blood dripping from it.
  • Theme Music: Fetus of God, Slice and Dice*
  • Alignment: Lawful Evil
  • Portfolio: Bloody Murder, Dark Messiah, Aristocrats Are Evil, Pumping People Full of Blood, Femme Fatalons, Mood-Swinger, Evil Is Visceral, The Keeper of the Womb Level
  • Domains: Blood, Combat, Nobles, Demons
  • Followers: Power
  • Allies: Dio Brando, Saiou "Sartorius" Takuma, Strygwyr and Warwick, Q-Bee, Eliza, Dormammu, Shinnok, The Mage of the Beginning
  • Interested in: Relius Clover, Orochi
  • Enemies: Morrigan and Lilith Aensland, Demitri Maximoff, Thanos, B.B. Hood, Carmine Prime, Dante
  • His ascension to in a form of a giant beam of light shining down from the skies With Ominous Latin Chanting playing as he ascended from the skies, saying how he will change the world to bring a brand new era, finishing it off with his signature Evil Laugh.
  • Originally, the position of Bloody Murder was held by Esidisi. When the two met, Esidisi tried to fight him off by injecting him with his burning blood. However, Jedah quickly shot his arm at his mouth, pumped his body full of blood and made him explode. This more or less guaranteed his ascension.
    • Esidisi was able to survive the explosion as a brain and regenerate, albeit having one of his positions stripped from him. He tried to have his master Kars to destroy Jedah, but Kars seems to have gained an interest on him.
  • Has taken part of couple of merging of the worlds, even once being made to join the forces of good, even if it means working with Morrigan and Demitri. Interestingly, his interest in regards to the Marvel universe has been minimal... until he heard about the Infinity Stones. The truth about his sudden interest is actually bit complicated, as he wished to fuse the world of Marvel and Capcom to bring ""equilibrium" between life and death, and got the help of Lady Death to do so. Things really went south when Death got Thanos to gather the Infinity Stones to her, who got Ultron to help him, which lead to Ultron's alliance with Sigma. In the end, he did achieve the merging of the world, but that only got him the direct ire of Thanos, even if he is only really mad at Death for deceiving him.
  • He has some interest in Relius Clover, saying that the reason for that is they sound a kind. It is also because he thinks Relius' plans of creating a new world would help with his own vision of a new world and if Relius gets his act together, he might help him in the future.
    • His plans still seems to give birth to a new almighty god. And he thinks he has found a perfect vassal to bear it; Orochi.
  • Yes, his body is made out of blood. No, he doesn't tolerate bloodsuckers trying to suck his blood due of that. The last guy who tried that got dragged into a Drowning Pit full of blood and stabbed to death by the blood.
  • He does, however, find Yoshii Akihisa and Tsuchiya Kouta amusing due to the ridiculous amounts of blood they release on a (semi) regular basis, even making the occasional blood donation.

Ouranos, Protogenoi of Life-Inducing Blood and Bedding One's Parent (Uranus, Caelus, Father Sky, Father of the Titans)
  • Greater God (Overdeity pre-emasculation)
  • Symbol: A bronze dome with a sky-blue interior
  • Alignment: Neutral Evil
  • Portfolio: Archnemesis Dad, Origin Of The Cycle Of Patricide, Embodiment Of The Sky, Eldritch Abomination (Usually), The Son And Mate Of Gaea, Light Is Not Good, The Old Gods, Spending Eternity Emasculated And Dethroned, Siring Monsters From His Blood Due To His Castration, Evil Overlord
  • Domains: Divinity, The Sky, Tyranny, Abuse, Blood, Incest, Prophecy
  • Allies: Chakravartin Ragyo Kiryuin, Heihachi Mishima
  • Headbutting Villains with: Bandos, Zanza
  • Rivals: Zeus (his grandson), Al'Akir, Rayquaza
  • Enemies: Cronus (his son), Gaea (his mother and former wife), Tartarus (his uncle/step-father), Aphrodite (his daughter/lost bits), YHVH, Zygarde, Geb, Beavis and Butthead
  • Opposes: Set, the House of Otherness, Cyclopes
  • Opposed by: All those with Abusive Parents, Osiris, most of his descendants
  • Interested in: Kratos (his great-grandson), Davros, Jedah Dohma and Skarlet
  • Respects: The Weird Sisters
  • Ouranos was one of the Protogenoi or Greek Primordial Gods. More abstract concepts, he was envisioned as a bronze dome that enveloped the Earth. Gaea's son and husband, he detested his children and sealed them up in Tartarus or within his wife. Infuriated, Gaea tasked the youngest of her children, Cronus, with a flint scythe to take down his father. When he was ready to sleep with Gaea, Cronus used the opportunity to castrate his father, dethroning him. But he would have the last laugh as he warned Cronus one day his children would overthrow him, just as he.
  • For eons, Ouranos spent his existence in a state less than death. His only joy came from Cronus suffering the same fate as him. All that changed when the lost primordial was discovered by the Divine Powers. They told him that they understand what it's like to be an old god, long since usurped. Ouranos was interested in regaining his ancient role as Top God of the Greek pantheon, and revenge on his consort, leading to him joining their cause. The Olympians and Titans were on edge for this.
  • In most cases castration means the end of reproduction, but this wasn't entirely the case with Ouranos. When his blood landed on the Earth, it spawned the first giants, the tree nymph Melia and most ferocious the Erinyes. The Erinyes are vengeful spirits who punish oath-breakers, which gives him somewhat of a link to the House of Revenge and Retribution. He is interested in the likes of Davros for his ability to create monsters in hopes he can use his divine blood to make some for him, and what Jedah Dohma and Skarlet could weaponize with his to serve his vengeance.
  • His severed genitals would eventually coalesce into Aphrodite. Hating his castration, he sought to try and steal her away in the vain hope of re-masculating himself. Understands Osiris being upset about his castration, however Osiris doesn't want to be associated with the tyrant sky god in any way. Dislikes Set due to how he castrated Osiris bringing back bad memories.
  • The form he takes is just convenience and originally mating with Gaea. Outside of the pantheon he rarely anthropomorphizes, being more the literal sky as the Ancient Greeks thought it. While an Eldritch Abomination, he dislikes most more obvious abominations due to considering him hideous. This is why he sealed up the Hecatonchires, embodiments of natural disasters with fifty heads and a hundred arms. He dislikes the Hall of Otherness Abominations for perceived ugliness.
  • As mentioned, Ouranos was both the son of Gaea and her husband, whom he came to cover every night and mate with. While Greek gods don't have an incest taboo, this kind of pairing is rare. It's unclear if Ouranos has some sort of Oedipus Complex, though most agree he was the more abusive and aggressive side of the relationship. He has sworn vengeance against Gaea for helping Cronus overthrow him, and has attacked the likes of Geb and Zygarde for being a lot like Gaea. Geb notices that like his beloved Nut he is the sky incarnate, which makes him really uncomfortable seeing someone so evil embody what Nut embodies.
  • Sees some of himself in Ragyo Kiryuin, being a controlling, abusive parent. The whole incest thing is inverted in his case compared to her, but he sees her as useful for his endeavors and desire to get back at Gaea. He respects Heihachi Mishima's treatment of his family.
  • Wanted to ascend under his old title of "God of the Sky", but was informed that wasn't a trope. He will still act as he is still the god of the sky, and is ready to fight for that title. Because of this he considers Rayquaza a rival, and often fights with the Sky High Pokemon for dominance in the ozone layer. He feels his role as the embodiment of the sky should also give him precedent over the wind, leading him to butt heads with Al'Akir.
    • Sees Zeus as his biggest rival, being the current Top God of the Greek pantheon in what used to be his position. He calls him "a usurper of a usurper". Zeus considers him as bad as Cronus, just with less cannibalism.
  • Is a bit irritated that there are so many gods in the pantheon. Back in his day, pantheons were a lot more exclusive.
  • While he has sided with the Divine Powers for restoration, he has also sided with Chakravartin for revenge on Gaea. He is aware of her hatred for Gohma Vlitra and Chakravartin being that monster's master, and wants in on it for his vengeance. To help him achieve dominance once more he is working with Bandos and Zanza, but it is only temporary. He doesn't trust them due to their tendency to destroy worlds.
  • Goes by Ouranos, but Uranus fits him just as well. Or Caelus going by the Roman version. The seventh planet from the Sun is named after him. Having been out of it for the past few eons, he was incredibly displeased to learn the word "Uranus" has become a joke, which is why he prefers to go by Ouranos in the pantheon.
  • Make a crack about Uranus and he'll make you pay. Beavis and Butthead couldn't resist, and got thrown into Tartarus for their troubles. Tartarus spit them out to spite him due to Tartarus being Gaea's new mate and disliking, making them very lucky and Ouranos searching for an even worse fate for them. He hates the Protogenoi of the Abyss for being in a happy relationship with "his" Gaea.
  • The source of the Cycle of Patricide and Cronus' paranoia, making him responsible for the Oedipal conflict that has plagued the gods. He spends time in the House of Prophecy coming up with more of these kinds of prophecies, all in hopes of consuming his descendants and enemies with paranoia. He respects the Weird Sisters for how they used prophecy to manipulate Macbeth.
    • Interested in Kratos for continuing this cycle, killing Cronus and Zeus. He sees Kratos as a potential pawn, but has yet to act because he knows its best not to mess with his great-grandson. At least not like his relatives have.

Intermediate Gods

    Elizabeth Bathory 
Elizabeth Báthory, Goddess of Blood Baths (The Blood Countess, Countess Dracula, Lancer, Assassin, "Carmilla", Caster, Saber, Eli Brave, Brave Elizabeth Bathory, Summer Rider, Rider, Fairy Tale Erzébet, Cinderella)
Contemporary portrait of Countess Bathroy
Click here for her Lancer incarnation
Click here for Caster incarnation
Click here for Saber incarnation
Click here for Rider incarnation
Click here for Carmilla
Click here for Summer Rider Carmilla

    Happy Tree Friends 
The Happy Tree Friends, The Bloody Hilarious Godly Collective
From left to right, bottom to top:
1st car: Toothy, Giggles, Cuddles, Lammy
2nd car: The Mole, Flippy, Russell, Flaky (and Mr. Pickels in the air)
3rd car: Sniffles, Mime, Lumpy, Handy
4th car: Lifty, Disco Bear, Pop, Shifty, Cro-Marmot (with Cub in the air, and Truffles obscured)
Fallen off: Nutty

  • Quasideities in general (Flippy/Fliqpy is a Demigod, Mime might also be a Demigod, Cro-Marmot might be a borderline Lesser God, and Splendid is an Intermediate God). In Deadeye Derby, Cuddles, Giggles, Toothy, Petunia, Flaky, Nutty, Disco Bear, Handy, Sniffles, Lifty, Shifty, and Russell reach Demigod levels.
  • Symbol: their show's title with a tree behind it
  • Theme Song: Happy Tree Friends Theme Song
  • Alignment:
  • Portfolio: Made of Plasticine (except Splendid, Flippy, Lumpy, and Cro-Marmot), Accidental Murder, Amazing Technicolor Wildlife, Color-Coded Characters, Ambidextrous Sprite, Negative Continuity, Pie-Eyed, Too Dumb to Live (even Sniffles and Flaky at times), The Many Deaths of You, The Unintelligible, Dysfunction Junction, Furry Reminder, Universal-Adaptor Cast, Vague Age (except Cub, Pop, Flippy, Lumpy, and Splendid), Blasé Around Carnage (most of them), Butt-Monkey, Cosmic Plaything
  • Domain(s): Animals, Comedy, Death, Gore
  • Herald: Truffles
  • Allies:
  • Enemies: Final Destination!Death
  • Fears:
  • Feared By: Eugene Krabs (Mime only)
  • Avoids:
  • Avoided By: Charlie the Unicorn
  • Opposed by: The Dahaka (Sniffles and Splendid only), Pinkie Pie (both iterations) (Nutty only)
  • Complicated Relationship: John Rambo (Flippy only)
  • Blood, as an indicator of injury and mortality, is usually something you don't want to see — unless the scene plays out in such a way that the gore becomes the joke, turning the gruesome display into hilarity. That is what being Bloody Hilarious is all about. And the web series Happy Tree Friends is all about that; being a whimsical cutesy show on the surface, only to show its true colors to anyone who watches it as its characters suffer (or in the case of some, inflict) all sorts of gruesome deaths, and there is plenty of hilarity to be had along the way.

  • Applies to all or some of them:
    • The first side effect of their ascension is that without Negative Continuity in play, everyone now remembers all of their deaths across the series, and given that a lot of them have died many times, to say the consequences were profound would be an understatement. So much so that the Protectors of the Plot Continuum had to step in to clean up the mess. Notable events include:
      • Catatonic states for everyone except Splendid (least deaths), Cro-Marmot (there's no way to tell with him), and Flippy (as a soldier). Things were actually civil between them before the rest woke up, their personal horrors fresh in their minds.
      • Nearly everybody staying away from Flippy and Lumpy (for being the causes of so many deaths, the former deliberately as Fliqpy).
      • Lifty getting into a quarrel with Shifty for his betrayals.
      • Pop demanding everyone stay away from him and Cub.
      • Flaky being fearful of almost everybody and rambling on how right she was.
      • All the quarreling making Flippy snap into Fliqpy, who promptly went on a killing spree (except on the Mole). Mr. Pickels follows suit (and gets the Mole and others killed) with Lammy failing to stop him.
      • Splendid finally fighting Fliqpy for the first time ever, given they've never got to meet one another in canon outside of the iOS game Deadeye Derby.
      • Fliqpy using those still alive or already dead as shields, and Splendid breaking through them recklessly in his attempt to stop him. And the survivors getting themselves killed in other ways during the panic.
      • A piece of glowing green rock somehow ending up in the place, and it had the same effect on Splendid as the Krypto-Nut: induced vomiting. Fliqpy took this chance to impale the "superhero" with it, but made the mistake of doing it from the front, and thus getting a face full of vomit, which started melting him. Both were the last ones standing and have performed a Mutual Kill.
    • The PPC and the Houses of Life and Death had to do a lot of thinking and debating on how to go through with the Tree Friends' memories after that entire ordeal. Their final verdict is currently classified.
    • Their collective temple resembles the Quirky Town they reside in. Their residences vary, and so do the other buildings and natural areas, but constants include Mime's tent, Sniffles' metallic tree-shaped house (like most others), Flaky's non-tree-shaped house (unlike everyone else), Russell's pirate ship-shaped tree house, an apartment where Lifty and Shifty have a room in, Cro-Marmot's Dome with a hill and an igloo inside, Flippy's quonset hut, Splendid's Acorn Fortress, and a hospital.
    • Since their ascension, the Pantheon's civilian sectors have gotten more bloody mishaps due to the Tree Friends' shenanigans, which always run the risk of escalating until it stops or other people who can keep calm manage to quell it. Thankfully for them, they're also much more likely to avoid deaths thanks to their more observant neighbors (of which there are many) ensuring their survival. Despite that, given a shut window can chop off their limbs or necks, or even tripping can crack a head open, they're still the more frequent visitors to the Houses of Life and Death. Despite that, they are also occasionally seen as an inconvenience due to all the gore they may splatter on a more regular rate than even other Quasideities. Exceptions to this are folks like Flippy and Splendid, but those two have their own sets of problems. Related to that, just like with Mystery Inc., Toon Physics cease to apply while around the Winchesters or Castiel. Unlike Mystery Inc., this is advantageous sometimes, as most of the Tree Friends die far more easily than usual otherwise. Though the supernatural threats the Winchesters face end up killing the Tree Friends easily anyway.
    • Out of all the Tree Friends, only Giggles, Mime (he defaults to a unicycle), Cub (for obvious reasons), and Splendid (who can fly anyway) haven't been seen driving vehicles throughout the main series. It's also been noted that many of the Tree Friends are desensitized to blood and gore (Cub included) even before remembering all of their deaths. The only exceptions are the Neat Freak Petunia and the Properly Paranoid Flaky. Some of them, usually Flippy, Disco Bear, the Mole, and Lumpy (and maybe Cro-Marmot, but no one can tell behind the ice), can actually be a bit blasé around their companions' dead bodies (this also means that they're probably most willing to kill their companions if they ever become zombies). But for the most part, the Tree Friends are as kind as they are fragile. Given their regular deaths, those who radiate bad luck such as Qrow Branwen are advised to stay the duck away from any of the Tree Friends, especially Handy, who seems to never have things go his way already.
    • In the event of an emergency that requires the Tree Friends to take up arms, their carts/boats and slingshots from Deadeye Derby are available for use (well, Sniffles has a special armored drill car with a drill, Lifty and Shifty have their van, Russell sails on a pirate ship instead, and Flippy operates a tank). The only ones who don't have this kind of gear are Mime, Lumpy, the Mole, Cro-Marmot, Pop and Cub, and Lammy (and Mr. Pickels). Yes, even Splendid has a cart, boat, and slingshot despite not needing them given his superpowers.
    • Some of Springfield's denizens see their shenanigans and are reminded of the another violently funny show called "The Itchy and Scratchy Show" which is like Tom and Jerry but bloodier. Speaking of those two, as well as Oggy and his cockroach nemeses, they (yes, even the roaches and their nemesis) all find their antics too shocking as it's too violent. Given all of the bloody nonsense the Tree Friends go through, Charlie the Unicorn prefers to stay away from them given the stuff he's lost in his adventures with Pink and Blue (a kidney and his horn, though he somehow managed to get them back).
    • Cuddles and Handy suffer from epilepsy and froth at the mouth when under this state. As for why Cuddles didn't suffer this during "In A Jam", he was too focused with fiddling with the stage controls to look at the lights. Handy, the Mole, and Lumpy make up the fan-named group No Hands, No Eyes, No Brain, and having the three together is a recipe for disaster, though not as much anymore with sensible people in the Pantheon to keep them all in line. They're all also really good friends with one another.
    • Given they're frequent victims of death (some in elaborate and painful ways) even before entering the Pantheon, Death from Final Destination is something they all fear (though Splendid laughed at that before circumstances actually got him killed). And this Death seems to enjoy finding all sorts of ways to kill them, though it may have to settle with simplicity given how easily most of them can die before any of its usual complex deaths can be pulled off to completion (unless the victim is Lumpy). Because of that, it made sense that its previous victims would harbor pity or even friendhsip to the Tree Friends (except the thieving raccoons who always bring their doom upon themsleves, and Fliqpy who is usually Death's harbinger).

  • Exclusive to Cuddles:
    • Despite his name, Cuddles is a rebellious bunny, and his talents include extreme sports like skateboarding, surfing, and soccer. That said, his usual fragility means not many are willing to participate in those activities with him unless he's got all the protection gear. Surfing was now out of the question given he got killed when wiping out onto a buoy. Reportedly has a Masters Degree in Karate, but given his death record (some of them in the hands of Fliqpy), this is likely a false statement.
    • As a mischief maker on occasion, Cuddles—either by himself, with just Toothy, or with a few more Tree Friends—hangs out with others like him, but is usually either rebuffed due to his chances of death risking a lot of trauma for all who would witness it, lured to getting himself killed in some harebrained scheme given his naivety, or get himself bored as plenty of safety measures are made to avoid death by accidents, though if the substitute activities are fun enough, he's fine with the last. There was also once a rumor that claims he's actually allergic to carrots due to them making him choke. He's dismissed that rumor and proved to be stereotypical in that particular carrot-liking at least.
    • As a rabbit-based being, he's made connections with the Hall of Rabbits and Rodents and all the lagomorphs in the Bestiary. Bugs Bunny has Cuddles take part in a few pranks, but makes sure he doesn't huert himself. Having played the role of an Easter Bunny one episode, Bunnymund also has a soft spot for the kid. After accidentally wounding him greatly, Angel Bunny started to take greater care to keep Cuddles alive since he doesn't want to be caught for murder, especially by his mistress. Cuddles does stay away from the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog though, after having been Stripped to the Bone by it once.

  • Exclusive to Giggles:
    • She immediately signed up at the Grand United Alliance of Nature as soon as she heard of it, being a staunch environmentalist. Of course, apart from speeches and nonviolent protests, she's not permitted to do anything too risky given how easily she can die, though a few unscrupulous ones have been considering using her as a regular martyr. Despite her fear of blood, Giggles has operated as a nurse. When asked, she explains that as long as it's not outside the body or on her, she'll be fine. She once tried to apply as a nurse in the House of Health and Diseases, but her tenure didn't last long because there's so many deaths and injuries in the Pantheon for her to handle, and because she keeps getting added in the patient queue or the morgue by way of often getting infected with nasty diseases, and accidently fatally injuring herself.
    • Has dated Cuddles, the Mole, Russell, Cro-Marmot, and Flippy, but the first is her most frequent date. Many have called her a slut or a whore because of this, and is no longer justified here by way of Negative Continuity. Giggles for her part doesn't know how to answer these accusations. Given her cutesy girly nature, Giggles made fast friends with Minnie Mouse, Daisy Duck, and Hello Kitty. But while they're all willing to protect Giggles from harm, sometimes they're just not successful, and it can be distressing and disheartening, though the girlfriends of Mickey and Donald have been through enough child-unfriendly incidents in the past to not be hit as bad as how Kitty gets it, even with the losses the feline's had to witness while supporting the GUAG Robot War Division.

  • Exclusive to Toothy:
    • Due to Negative Continuity, Toothy's personality can vary, but constants include impulsiveness, mischievousness (but not to Cuddles's level), stubbornness, not being addle-brained, and being handy with some engineering, like building a bicycle from the necessary parts. He also has a pet tortoise that's usually docile, but when set to be territorial, it will pursue and consume. Usually, this should not be a problem to outrun, but Lumpy ended up as a casualty and was eaten piece by bloody piece. Thankfully, again due to Negative Continuity, this tortoise won't exhibit this behavior often.
    • Is allergic to bee stings. As for why he wasn't affected in "Aw Shucks", those were likely wasps. As such, he's always running away from any bee or bee-related deities such as Barry B. Benson, Q-Bee, Arakune, and supervillain Swarm. In fact, just to be safe, he would prefer to stay away from the Hall of Insects for good measure. Nicolas Cage pities him given his character in The Wicker Man (2006) famously for stung by a lot of bees. Simlish aside, Toothy is a very good singer. He's had tail enlargement surgery (and it's a beaver tail like Handy's nautral tail), And ever since his attempt with Nutty, Toothy has been banned from dentistry. There was also one time whenTimmy Turner, seeing Toothy also had huge buck teeth just like him, tried to wish away his injuries, and it just cause him to be more of a risk-taker and injure himself even more.

  • Exclusive to Lumpy:
    • Given his lethal reputation, even if he's shown proficiency in all of them, especially in jobs involving health, Lumpy has been rejected in almost every job he's taken before, mainly because most cannot be bothered to have someone watch him like a hawk all day. And every job he's taken since usually ends up with someone's death, so he often has little to do other than be a nuisance, or be tricked into serving as a decoy for someone to harm or kill, even partnering him with Leeroy Jenkins if they're feeling particularly sadistic.
      • This has also ruined most of his relationships with most of the Tree Friends, who all fear him now, but Pop continues to call for him on occasion, Cub seems to like him still, and so does Russell. He also continues corresponding with the Mole, and is one of the few who are aware of his condition. In spite of that, he's also been genuine in some of his efforts to save someone's life, usually Giggles, more successful at them than Lammy or Splendid (though the latter is admittedly easy to surpass), and is usually willing to take great lengths to go after their aggressors. As for whether he can actually protect them, that's another question.
      • Speaking of Leeroy Jenkins, he's someone Lumpy actually gets along with really well, though Jenkin's is just an idiot in terms of battle plans and not following them. Lumpy's also been approached by Goofy and Derpy Hooves, but all the shenanigans the moose ends up in means the former has to be the Straight Man for him just like in his Kingdom Hearts adventures, and the wall-eyed pegasus doesn't like seeing anybody get killed, and the only reasons her accidents haven't killed like Lumpy is because ponies are much tougher in general than humans, and the Tree Friends are weaker than even them.
    • Is one of the few Tree Friends who isn't Made of Plasticine, though that just means he takes a lot of pain and injuries. He usually lives in a trashy trailer and drives a Lincoln Continental. His favorite foods are cheese and sandwiches, his favorite dessert is cheesecake, and he likes to talk to lettuce. By the way, Lumpy is actually dressed in a T-shirt and pants. They just have the exact same colors as his fur. He's one of the few Tree Friends who are aware of the Mole's blindness and Flippy's PTSD, and the only one to actively do something about them. Though those efforts failed, at least he was trying. And before boarding any aircraft, every Tree Friend is scanned meticulously for any items that can interfere with navigation systems, but Lumpy gets the most scrutiny out of everybody else given just how much he brought last time.
    • For all his blunders, Lumpy is extremely proficient in surfing, can perform an emergency tracheotomy on himself, and once took down a squid the size of a small house with only a mouse trap. And despite being stupid most of the time, he's also a proficient inventor (once making automatic shears by cobbling his garden shears together with a weed whacker, though at the side effect of belching too much smoke) and has exceptional and unique planning skills.

  • Exclusive to Petunia:
    • Unlike other skunks, Petunia is a delight to be around, and there is no need to worry about any spray coming from her (unless you're Disco Bear, and even then she may have just used a can of pepper spray). The only potentially annoying thing about her is her OCD and mysophobia, though can be convinced to at least keep it to herself and her immediate area only, but bigger messes will make her hyperventilate. In fact, it is advised that if Petunia is getting antsy about her cleanliness, she should be helped with cleaning herself, or be incapacitated lest she go so far as to peel herself to death if she's desperate and dirty enough, and that's something almost nobody wants to see again.
    • Has dated Mime a few times, but her primary partner seems to be Handy, and has since moved on from the mute deer. Whenever she sees a Projectile Kiss coming her way, she's always prepared to ensure it never makes it to her; they might shatter to pieces upon contact, she would know after Mime mimed them during a date with him. She also avoids fast food kitchens, since their burger grills bring back horrific nightmares of Fliqpy pushing her face straight into them. And unlike Spongebob Squarepants, her face was burnt off and peeled away by it.
    • As one of the few skunks in the Pantheon, she gets along with Stella of the Hedgies, but loathes Pepé Le Pew after his advances remind her of Disco Bear (not to mention his leaking stink), and whenever he chases her, she gets injured all the time, but he always catches her before she can actually die, and it feels worse that way. She's even started to contemplate suicide (or even murder) just to get him out of her hair.

  • Exclusive to Sniffles:
    • As a skilled inventor, Sniffles has quite the list of inventions, though they also tend to malfunction, leading to the death of others and himself a few times. He may be intelligent, but he's also lacks wisdom at times. Given his last ant-related death was because of one such device, of his own making no less, he's terrified of all forms of mind control/body, and avoids the Hall of Mind Control like the plague as a result. And ever since his… dream where he's suffered numerous deaths while his brain was connected to a TV invention of his that broadcasts his dreams, Sniffles stays away from all TV screens not of his own invention.
    • Now having remembered all his deaths by the Ant Family in gruesome detail, Sniffles now has a phobia for all ants, which is ironic given he's officially an anteater. He dreads Them! the most, and has decided to work on a weapon to neutralize them. However, given it's fear-driven, he's likely to go berserk in the midst of attacking them. And forget about ant heroes like Atom Ant and Ant-Man (even though he's a human-sized human most of the time), the phobia is just too great. Despite that however, Sniffles's place can be seen to have ant farm for study and backup snacks, and as a cartoon character, it's not like he's limited to just ants.
    • As inventors whose inventions don't always work or backfire in some way, Sniffles gets along with Jimmy Neutron and Heinz Doofenshmirtz and even helps them on occasion with some of their works. At least with the latter, Sniffles has less risk of dying since Perry the Platypus would also be there whenever he and Heinz meet one another time and time again. And if there are any "deaths" while Jimmy's inventions are involved, at least the ones Sniffles has suffered (like getting "deleted" by nanobots again.) were all easily reversible and not bloody.
    • One time during the many more fault line cracks Scrat makes with his acorn, one ended up chasing Sniffles and he started running in fear of getting cursed to be bifurcated like last time. By the end of it all, an entire House was badly damaged, there were a lot of injuries, and Sniffles cracked his head after falling in the fault line. And Scrat had to look for another place for his acorn.

  • Exclusive to The Mole:
    • On top of blindness and muteness (given he doesn't scream even at the most excruciating of deaths), he's also hard of hearing, and barely able to feel pain, though he still has some thermoception (feeling temperature through his skin). Given all the disasters the Mole has caused, whenever he's in the area, someone's always there to walk him and essentially babysit him since he clearly keeps on working even when it's clear he shouldn't be. Some people actually wonder if he's really blind at all and not actually just allowing these things to happen. In case he really is, other blind deities in the Hall of Disabilities have considered teaching him to be careful with his surroundings, though so far slow progress has been made, and the house gets damaged a lot during these sessions.
    • Unlike in his home universe, the Mole is either given appropriate jobs that account for his blindness, or not hired at all. Still, he manages to drive a truck just fine. Apparently, he used to be a secret agent, though he's certainly retired from that now and no longer able to be reinstated. Still, Perry the Platypus and Secret Squirrel have made a few social calls to see if any of his skills as a secret agent can ever resurface, and both are willing to step in to stop anyone from getting killed by the Mole's actions, including the Mole himself. Additionally, every Halloween, legitimate ghosts haunt his house, though given his condition, he likely isn't aware of this. And now that he's in the Pantheon, he's also encountered other monsters from the Houses of Beast and Undead. Being blind, he's mostly oblivious to their presence to get scared, and when they try to kill him, half the time they handily succeed, but the other half they get themselves injured by his antics.

  • Applies to Pop and/or Cub:
    • For all his faults that usually end up in Cub's death, it's evident that Pop really does love his son very much. As a result, there have been two factions from the House of Family and Relatives that spend their time on him; one side wants to find a better caretaker for Cub and take him away from Pop for his own good (even thoughhe thinks of himself as a good father), while the other side wants to teach Pop to be a better parent to Cub. Pop for his part finds them all overbearing, especially when both sides start arguing. For all his idiocy however, even Pop would not condone deliberately abusive behavior to children.
    • Before anyone asks, Pop's wife is permanently deceased. It's not known why she doesn't end up in the same system of revival like the rest of the Tree Friends. Pop is also known to be a cheapskate, spending as little money as possible, even if the cheaper item is clearly dangerous, such as an occult eldritch book (though why Toothy had one for sale in the first place is an excellent question as well).
    • Lumpy is one of the few people Pop trusts, and this is also extended to Disco Bear, given they're all always adults (and also dimwitted). While he's apathetic to the rest of the Tree Friends, he's been most antagonistic with Sniffles (who's still more patient with him sometimes if he's helping to save Cub) and Splendid (though will attend a convention for the "superhero" because Cub likes him). While he's become slightly less abrasive toward everyone else later on, that attitude has returned ever since everyone's recalled their own deaths.
    • Despite being a baby, Cub acts like a four-year-old child. He's also expressed interest in fireman helmets, lollipops, and dead body parts, mostly Lumpy's (not really comprehending when he's dead). He might actually be older than baby age, but keeps wearing a diaper still because Pop couldn't potty-train him. Cub is also actually lactose intolerant; as for the milk he's been seen drinking sometimes, either it's lactose-free, soy milk, or Pop is being neglectful as always.
    • Cub likes hanging out with Baby Bink and Stewie Griffin, who are among the few ascended babies in the Pantheon, and both of them are quite good at keeping him safe. There are those who find it surprising that Stewie is like this around Cub, to which he replies that he's aware of the violence around him, and that even he would rather not see Cub end in a bloody pulp. Tom and Jerry have also been hired on occasion to babysit Cub, and even if he would get in trouble lot of times, and cause a lot of close calls that end with the duo messed up and exhausted, they would still be better babysitters than Pop ever could be.
    • Pop once built Cubtron Z after his son died yet again, and this time he drew a lot of attention when Cubtron Z ended up in range of a kaiju battle in the Bestiary, thus getting roped in. And since he's obviously a newbie to the whole concept of battle, he was shortly killed yet again again, leaving Pop distraught once more until Cub's next revival. Since then, Pop has occasionally approached Sniffles to help with building a better Cubtron Z if the thought ever occurs to him again.

  • Exclusive to Flaky:
    • In the aftermath of remembering all the deaths, Flaky has become extremely reclusive as a result, and the discovery of the wonders of the Internet has given her even less excuses to go outside. At least not without plenty of protection gear. That said, should she ever get killed inside, then she goes out, until she ends up dead again, after which she becomes a Hikikomori again, and so on and so forth. She's also become a bit more mentally unstable, and may be driven to kill in perceived self-defense if the target in question is known to be a ruthless killer (or even just harbor one inside).
      • During her Hikikomori periods, Flaky made a few online friends in Futaba Sakura and Jessica Cruz, who have suffered similar phases in their life, the former from cognitive psience interference on her and her mother, and the latter from a camping disaster where her group stumbled across criminals at the worst possible moments and her friends were killed to cover their tracks. Despite relaying these stories, Flaky is too hesitant to relate given that despite all the psychological horrors they've experienced, she thinks actually experiencing death several times even before becoming a Pantheon denizen trumps them. Both human girls can see that the porcupine's phobias need a lot more treatment than can be provided by online chats alone. At the very least, Flaky does go out anyway sometimes, though the conditions to make that happen are themselves concerning.
    • During her going outside periods, Piglet and the Cowardly Lion—themselves having timid and nervous natures who try to be brave despite that—have also tried doing what they can to help her be brave (besides in Deadeye Derby). But so far progress has been slow given that she still has a lot of trauma to overcome. As explained above, unlike the toy animal and the feline, she's actually experienced death several times even before becoming a Pantheon denizen. Everyone has their work cut out for them. Piglet has even started suffering certain nightmares every time he sees Flaky die.
    • There are those who find her fear of baby chicks ridiculous. On the other hand, she accidentally killed a chick, and a bird snatched her up and used her corpse for a new nest, so there's some justification there. Others think it's actually Xanthophobia, fear of yellow, given chicks are yellow, and Cuddles—who keeps pressuring her into doing dangerous things—is also yellow. And speaking of him, given he was partially responsible for some of her deaths, this has put a wedge between them. Other fears—at inconsistent levels since she's sometimes been seen being around these no problem—include dead bodies (which are often in abundance), driving (though she does have a scooter, so it might just be cars, which she also has anyway), flying/heights, rats roller coasters, skiing (or momentum), water, sharks, toys, and massive objects. Just assume she's pantophobic, which is the fear of everything.
    • Given her terrible luck with animals, she's had varying interactions with those empathetic to them, rendering most of them (such as Eliza Thornberry and Disney!Snow White) traumatized and sometimes doubting their own abilities if they end up unable to keep Flaky safe. Out of all of them, Flaky is most comfortable (as much as she can be anyway) with the pegasus pony Fluttershy since the one time the animals under her care tried to murder her behind the animal empath's back, she was not amused and cowed the lot of them with the Stare before giving them all a scathing rant. Ever since, the porcupine tries to cling to her at all times as soon as she finds her. On the other hand, after a few of her deaths on his watch, and all the derisive comments toward him as a result, Rubeus Hagrid is starting to learn the hard way just now important it is to actually have to pay attention to how dangerous the animals he likes are for those who aren't half-giant like him.
    • Despite her interests and voice, there is somehow debate as to whether Flaky is really female, actually male, or a nascent trans person due to being hesitant on which bathroom to go to (ultimately going to the Boys' room and thus not seeing the blood of Petunia and Giggles when Russell's piranha ate them up), upon showing up at a poker game with the other females (though that can be attributed to going against one's expected reclusivenes), and because Disco Bear is on better terms with Flaky than the other girls (then again, he's never interacted with Lammy in canon).
    • Is one of the unfortunate few that the Cuccos attack unprovoked, and she's often left to die because nobody else wants to provoke them trying to get between Flaky and the devilish birds. This has also forced Linkle to come to her defense against her beloved birds whenever they cross paths, because killing someone who did them no wrong first is not a nice thing to do.
    • Is allergic to peanuts, and will swell over upon eating even one. And when poked during this state, she will burst like a balloon, spreading guts and quills all over the area, and potentially getting someone else killed. In spite of her overwhelming cautiousness, she still has to be reminded not to go near anything inflatable lest she puncture them, like she had with a lifeboat, and an emergency airplane slide. Not that she's ever going to fly on a plane ever again, but if it came down to it, she's capable of landing one. She's also deathly afraid of Godzilla, who once ate her after she finished landing that plane. He for his part has no reason to go after her specifically.
    • Doesn't understand why folks "ship" her with Flippy. After all, she was no safer around his Fliqpy persona than anyone else (when she isn't suffering from allergies), he's actually killed her once as Flippy (though she admitted deserved that after getting Lifty and Shifty killed in their only generous act), and she's even preemptively killed him once out of paranoia.

  • Exclusive to Nutty:
    • Given his addiction, he's yet another denizen added to the banlist of Sugar Rush. His attempts to chow down on the citizens forced Vanellope to temporarily return to her realm with Ralph and put a stop to him. Nutty has also gone after Princess Bubblegum, who managed to handle herself just fine, and his second attempt was thwarted by Marceline, who accidentally killed him due to how easy it is to do. He has not learned his lesson and continues pursuing his candy. Nutty's addiction is so bad that he'll even take candy from a baby. Just ask Pop when he saw the squirrel steal right from Cub, even tearing his face off in the process. He also found himself banned from the House of Food several times due to his addiction and damage his mania for sweets have caused.
    • He's also harassed Pinkie Pie whenever he tries to take a bite out of her, given her hair looks like cotton candy. She usually doesn't mind if he gets her tail or even her mane, but if he bites into fur and skin, even she's not tolerant of that, though had to suffer mental trauma whenever she ends up accidentally killing him, which is too easy to do. And the Equestria Girls iteration handles it no better, since if he ends up chomping on something sugary she was about to blow up with her powers, she can always expect to see chunks fly. None of the other deities with a Sweet Tooth find him fun either, and his addiction to sugar is so bad it even makes AA-12 look behaved.
    • When it comes to beehives, Nutty actually shows craftiness and doesn't recklessly crack it open (and thus get stung to death by the bees). Instead, he uses a straw, plugs that in, and drinks through there. Pooh Bear once saw him doing that and was inspired to mimic the squirrel's technique. Apples are the only food he won't eat, but even then, he's seen wearing a candy apple on his head (among other sweets), though probably only wearing them.
    • Out of all the Tree Friends, the only ones who like him are Toothy, Lumpy (and even those gets contested at times), and Sniffles, whom he actually curbs his candy addiction around that he'sonly allowedin the House of Food if Sniffles is with him. Speaking of his addiction, even he knows to stay quiet in the library despite that, and will do so as long as no candy enters his sights. In fact, he's a decent guy when there's no candy to go for and when he's had his fill for the hour.
    • Nutty seeing brightly colored objects as candy is actually a physical problem rather than just a mental problem, as shown when part of his eyes ends up being "worn" by Russell. And even if for whatever reason he's forcibly cured of his candy addiction, he'll just find another mania, like video games, and it's not certain which is worse.

  • Exclusive to Handy:
    • Given his lack of hands, various deities have assigned him with prosthetics, but the circumstances always have him keep losing them. Still, even without them, he's actually very capable of construction of all kinds; he just needs to be unobserved to do so. One has to wonder just how recently he's lost his hands per resurrection to keep forgetting he no longer has them. Some folks have also considered giving Handy a new helmet, given his hard hat sometimes does absolutely nothing to protect his head.
    • Out of the normal Tree Friends, Handy tends to be callous and apathetic at seeing death occur near him (as long as it's not at him). He may even laugh at such demises, though it usually leads to him being next on the chopping block. The only exceptions are the Mole (the closest thing he has to a friend), Petunia (who is his Love Interest), and Giggles (among the few that Handy appears to regularly respect or even be fond of, though they're only friends and nothing more).
    • As stated before, given his condition, Handy is a frequent visitor of the Hall of Disabilities, and is friends with Rin Tezuka of the Katawa Girls, given she also handless—no, armless—and hopes to teach Handy how to use his feet (small they may be) to do stuff if he decides not to go with arm prosthetics. He's also been seen in the House of Craft, but the deities there are worried that he might injure himself and tried to help him if they can, with mixed results.

  • Exclusive to Mime:
    • Given his job profession, Mime spends his time performing all over the streets in the Pantheon, though he now knows to avoid certain areas where he ends up dead frequently, now that he remembers them all. He's also capable of one-hand juggling, snake-charming a loose bandage and rope, other circus skills, and making balloon objects. Mime's residence is a tent that's Bigger on the Inside, which somehow looks like a regular house with invisible/imaginary furniture. While some of his mimed items are really just imaginary, a few of them are actually real albeit invisible, like when Lifty and Shifty once stole his safe (even when they expressed confusion over its existence). He's even done some obviously impossible things, such as making an audible honking sound while riding a unicycle, and making noises while interacting with his "imaginary" furniture. He also likes eating peanuts, to the point of risking his hand in a blender to eat them. He can even mime them, and they actually make crunchy noises.
    • Given his dedication not to speak (yes, he's not actually mute), even when in excruciating pain or while dying, he's not allowed to use any phone without video features on them. He's also required to stay away from the Mole for their muteness and blindness respectively mean the latter can get the former killed several times. While he's friendly with most of the Tree Friends, the exceptions are all the bear characters (even regular Flippy), though he holds no grudge yet disrespects them occasionally. Due to his fear of mimes, and not helped by the deaths he suffers, Mr. Krabs stays the hell away from Mime.
    • Upon seeing Mime, Wilson is reminded of Wes, the mime he rescued and who possibly accompanied him during his adventures. Bartz also likes Mime since out of his Jobs his favorite is shared by the purple deer. Johnny Cage is also interested in working with him if he gets around making Ninja Mime, though is both unfazed and shocked by all the violence the Tree Friends go through. As fellow reindeer, the red-nosed one by the name Rudolph and the humanoid one called Tony Tony Chopper also get along with Mime. And given their capabilities (sans Rudolph), they all do their best to protect Mime when they can.

  • Exclusive to Lifty and Shifty:
    • One would think that their impoverished lifestyle is what leads to them stealing, but turns out even without that excuse, they've always been kleptomaniacs. Ever since the memories of the betrayals, Shifty has been forced to do his heists without Lifty after the hat-less brother decided to strike out on his own, unable to keep on caring for his brother for so long. Both still end up together when conspiring with similar thieving comrades, and things end up tense between them whenever that happens. Of course, as thieves, they've made connections in the Hall of Thieves, though Shifty has less success with making friends than Lifty due to his track record of betraying his own brother, and there are those who don't wish to associate with them at all, such as Aladdin and Mr. Fox. Naturally, this has gotten them in trouble with the police, usually by Officers Hopps and Wilde, though they're usually severely injured or even dead (the thus leaving a mess to clean up) by the time the raccoons are cornered, assuming they're even together.
    • They continue stealing from the other Tree Friends, and their usual victims are Cuddles, Toothy, and Lumpy, though the last one has proven capable of getting back at them. They're obviously on bad terms with most of the Tree Friends due to this, but Disco Bear is neutral with them after they sold him hair growth tonics (which may or may not have been stolen elsewhere) that actually worked as intended. The only reason he died is because he misused the tonics. While about as fragile as the rest of the Tree Friends, Lifty and Shifty have shown surprising feats of strength, together/solo, such as completely overpowering a Tree Friend of their size each, carrying a cow effortlessly, and lifting an elephant (albeit with the help of a pulley system). Between the two, Lifty is actually the stronger one, being able to overpower his brother. They're also have a knack for car building.

  • Exclusive to Russell:
    • Sometimes, when put in a scary or violent situation, Russell will go insane and start laughing in a crazy manner as his pupil will turn small, will look quite "shocked" or stressed, and start slashing at stuff with his hook. However, since he's been alone both times he's ended up like this on-screen, it's not known if he would chase targets to kill like Fliqpy does. Besides only having one eye, his other has been getting blurry, requiring contact lenses. After the stressful session when Lumpy performed his first application, he's started looking for other optometrists.
    • Just because he looks like a pirate, even if he's never committed any piracy (and was stopped from doing the digital kind after a lesson at Youtube Copyright School), he's faced constant attacks from and deaths by Peter Pan. Speaking of Copyright School, he also opposes digital piracy as a result. He's also made company with other pirates such as the Turners, the Straw Hat Pirates and those they've crossed paths with, Peter Pan's archnemesis Captain Hook, and Risky Boots.

  • Exclusive to Disco Bear:
    • True to his name, Disco Bear can occasionally be seen in the Dance Hall reliving his glory days. He's even made friends with Elvis Presley because he likes his style despite them being in different music genres (also, Elvis likes food and is a bit on the chubby side). Besides disco dancing, which was how he made most of his wealth back in the day, he is also talented at roller skating, downhill skiing, and throwing frisbees long distances, and partaking in these activities at the House of Sports. He's also regularly seen trying to pick up various females in the Pantheon, particularly at the House of Love and Affection, to no success and sometimes even ending in his own death, though he has made a friend there by the name of Johnny Bravo. That said, Disco Bear is able to act professional, but only if there are zero (perceived) females in range.
    • Was asked once if he knew if Flaky was actually male given he never flirts with the porcupine as much as he does with Giggles and Petunia. Then again, he has yet to interact with Lammy in canon, though given Mr. Pickels kills any extra friends she tries to make, romance would be out the window from the get-go. As for his response, Disco Bear excuses that he has some high standards that Flaky doesn't meet but Giggles and Petunia do.
    • Eating deep fried food can be bad enough, but nobody's giving him a stick of butter or letting him near a deep fryer ever again after the last time he stuck one in to deep fry. The House of Food has taken note of this and made sure he does not get anything like that.

  • Exclusive to Cro-Marmot:
    • Allegedly, he's an accomplished writer, painter, and pianist. Also, he has his own brand of foot powder, held a tour on Broadway, is known for his loud antics and energetic performances, and had been titled "Sexiest Happy Tree Friend" in 1992. The last part definitely has some merit, as Giggles and Petunia have dated him at least once. And like Handy, when not focused on, Cro-Marmot is capable of doing stuff, and his main job is as an ice cream truck driver.
    • His ice cube is able to freeze the water around him. He can probably even freeze fire in a room he's in (in addition to the room itself). And when that melts, it becomes burning fire again. It's been theorized that Cro-Marmot might be a cryokinetic, and that his ice cube is his protection against the outside world. That said, there are threats in the Pantheon capable of melting his ice block. It's not known what would actually happen to him, but in the Pantheon, if whatever melts/goes through his ice doesn't also definitively kill him as well, Cro-Marmot will emerge no worse for wear and be like he was during the Dino-Sore Days. And not only will he exhibit his caveman skills, he'll still be packing his cryokinesis, though usually just to encase himself in ice again.
    • Being a caveman, he's been approached by Fred Flintstone and Loana on separate occasions, the former when he decided to order some ice cream, and the latter during some unknown shenanigans that led to his ice cube at her tribe's location. The Shell and Rock Tribes Loana is with tried to break him out of his ice, and it ended with Cro-Marmot coming out of it no worse for wear and immediately fleeing, causing a short chase before the tribes decided he wasn't wortht the effort. As for the Flintstone, Fred reminisced on the time he was encased in ice before the idiot kid Billy broke him out, then went ahead and purchased the cold dish in an edible cone.

  • Exclusive to Flippy and Fliqpy:
    • The reason for Flippy's condition comes from his days at W.A.R. (Weaponized Animal Regiment). He screwed up one mission that ended with his comrades killed (by disasters of his own doing), and him hiding inside one of their worm-filled bodies. This is where Fliqpy was born, and who accomplished the mission in an extremely bloody fashion. Now fully aware of his condition of being two personalities in a single body, Flippy takes great care to stay away from everybody else (especially Lumpy, whom Fliqpy seems more obsessed with killing out of everyone else, though the moose visits anyway and has proven able to handle himself better than everyone else other than Splendid), given there are very few in the civilian sector readily able to take on Fliqpy before he takes over and starts killing everyone in sight. Somewhat paradoxically, he's decided to sign up for battle again, and to get dropped in places where he can do a lot of mayhem as Fliqpy. Given his condition, some people have compared his dynamic with Bruce Banner and the Hulk, and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
    • Unfortunately, trying to avoid his Berserk Buttons is like trying to navigate a minefield, and where even the slightest gust can set off a chain reaction. So far, his triggers have been: gunfire "sounds" (a woodpecker, backfiring vehicles, bursting balloons, bursting stress relief toy, popping a champagne bottle, a starting pistol), fire (campfires or fire-breathing), ketchup (though blood itself isn't a trigger, as he didn't flip out when Flaky got wounded once, and he was driven to try and treat her), flashing lights akin to muzzle flashes, being tied up (reminiscent of enemy capture), airplanes (if reminiscent of Air Force planes), explosion images (even Rorschach ink blots thereof), dreaming of Fliqpy killing him, fire alarms (akin to bomb warning sirens), and smoke (reminder of a lost comrade dead from war chemicals melting his face). With many of these things being common, he's all but guaranteed to flip out at some point.
      • And upon ascension to the Pantheon, one can include tigers in the list, given the Tiger Army and the Tiger General he fought during the WAR. And naturally, any form of evil scum is more likely to trigger Flippy's "berserk minefield" and make him Flip Out on them… and everyone else in the area once he's through with them, unless Fliqpy himself is dead by then. In contrast, the only known method to revert Fliqpy to Flippy is to surprise him, such as something bursting/exploding, a scream of distress (though that may sometimes not work), splashing water on him, or seeing a butterfly close up.
    • Apart from a Bowie knife and grenades, Fliqpy often uses improvised weapons out of anything nearby (he can even slash throats with his Christmas cookies), and is highly proficient at making Viet Cong-style traps. While he hasn't used any firearms in the show, he will not hesitate to use them in the Pantheon now that they're available. He also once stopped the blades of a (carnival ride) biplane with his bare hands during a flip-out.
    • Despite his regular killing sprees, for some reason, Fliqpy explicitly ignores the disabled and those suffering allergic reactions. It's been assumed that he maintains some form of soldier moral code, though some with Shipping Goggles have also chalked it up to an attraction towards Flaky (who once suffered a peanut allergy and was at his mercy, but Fliqpy ignored her [and the Mole] for other targets). He also avoids killing very young children, at the very least, having once merely pushed Cub out of a tricycle he intended to use himself. Speaking of that tricycle, if Fliqpy ever dies by lightning while holding something, his soul will transfer to that object and he can move it around. And he (probably) Would Hurt a Child in this state. Given most of the Tree Friends are civilians, very few can put up a good fight against Fliqpy. One of them is Lumpy (the only one with more kills than him), and the other is Splendid (hence why they never clashed in show canon).
    • Has an allergy to peanuts, or perhaps it's an allergy to venison, since he got swollen lips only after drinking blended Mime (who is a deer), who had peanuts before dying to Fliqpy. He also loves chocolate chip cookies. Besides collecting weapons in his bunker-house, he likes flowers, tea parties, pink penguins, and unicorns/alicorns. According to the "Collect Them All" section (From the "First Blood" DVD), Flippy also knits sweaters.
    • Apparently, Fliqpy is acting under the delusion that he is still in the war and does not realize that he is killing innocent people. In light of this, after Ren Amamiya barely managed to survive a Fliqpy Flip-Out, the Phantom Thieves of Hearts are contemplating giving Flippy a Calling Card... as soon as they can determine if Fliqpy's psyche is accessible from Flippy's potential Palace. Raz has also contemplated entering Flippy's mind after his own run-in with Fliqpy, though will ask for Flippy's consent first of course. Flippy himself has also decided to take more therapy sessions to get his Flipqy side under control, since his previous one was Lumpy. This naturally leads him to Frasier Crane, even though Flippy is afraid of Flipping Out in front of him, killing the psychologist, and rendering Crane unwilling to work with him. Bruce Banner has considered helping in his stead, since at least he can handle Fliqpy as the Hulk.
    • Has a complicated relationship with Rambo, as the old soldier both pities and has tried to help Flippy, yet at the same has had to fight him when he Flips Out into Fliqpy. Rambo is perhaps the one deity Flippy can relate to the most, and always finds his company comforting, though the old soldier just prefers to remain quiet as he himself wants some peace. Flippy's relationship with Steven Universe is a bit better, as he's also been through massive trauma even without being in a traditional war, but still get a bit violent sometimes. There are no worries however thanks to being easily subdued with a bubble around himself (Steven or Fliqpy? Yes, either by the half-Gem keeping himself safe or by keeping the bear trapped). While he never been to a war himself, Steven has been into so much traumatic experiences that he developed PTSD and that he once corrupted into kaiju. He gets better this tho and wants to help Flippy with his PTSD, progress is slow tho. It helps that he has fighting experience so he could likely handle himself or call on the Crystal Gems for backup should Flippy flip out.

  • Exclusive to Splendid:
    • Splendid's superpowers include levitation, flight, heat vision, super strength, super speed, supersonic hearing, super durability, a large lung capacity, shock wave-inducing voice, an ice breath, telescopic vision, unlimited stamina, and extremely large farts. Splendid's freezing breath and heat vision also have a unique property: rather than melt the ice, victims frozen by his breath, then struck by his lasers, are shattered into cube-shaped pieces. While not doing superhero work, he works as a newspaper reporter, disguising himself with a pair of eyeglasses, a necktie, and a fedora, even though he still wears his red mask behind his glasses. But even without it, he's recognized just for being a blue flying squirrel. There are those who think he should just stick to this job. Still, he was signed up at the Superhero Division anyway, where he can be guided more properly in regards to being a superhero, especially by Superman, whom Splendid is based on, including specific mineral weaknesses. Splendid for his part finds them tiring, and hopes to just leave it all to them; the only reason he felt he had to do hero work was because there was no one else who can, even if it doesn't excuse his half-assed efforts in doing that.
    • With stronger villains than Lifty, Shifty, and Fliqpy in the Pantheon, as well as Word of God stating that the Krypto-Nut isn't his only weakness, Splendid has started suffering more deaths, especially from those who don't need to kill his body from the outside (such as psychic powers, inducing sickness, mind control, magic curses, etc.). Naturally, as a colossal failure of a hero, Stain holds him with extreme contempt for even trying. As far as he's concerned, Splendid should always give his 100% into the job. If only he could find something more than just the Krypto-Nut to make Splendid bleed and dance to his tune… Despite his being a disgrace as a hero, despite all the damage and gore he causes, he is still a hero, and that means being in opposition to villains such as the Plutonian, Homelander, and Regime Superman.
    • Even despite his faults, Toothy idolizes Splendid more than anyone else, and Sniffles is a close second, enough to be paired with him even. For some inexplicable reason, he outright hates the Mole. Not only is he impatient with him for several reasons, he's also the only innocent that the super squirrel deliberately murdered. And ever since he killed a Santa Claus (even if it was just Lumpy), not to mention just how many deaths he's caused by not doing so, Splendid has been required to always watch where he's going, and Santas come with directional speakers to alert him if he's being inattentive.

  • Applies to Lammy and/or Mr. Pickels:
    • Due to the existence of Mr. Pickels, Lammy has been forced into isolation, though she doesn't mind as long as Mr. Pickels is by her side. The absolute safest anyone can interact with her is online, where Mr. Pickels has to go really out of his way to frame Lammy, and he prefers to still be interpreted as Lammy's imaginary friend. That said, given he was chomped off by a vampire (portrayed by Lumpy), and once killed Flaky without Lammy being present in the area, Mr. Pickels might be more than just a figment of Lammy's delusions. This however means that Lammy is deliberately keeping him around even knowing what he does, for reasons unknown, even if she justifiably throws him under the bus whenever she catches him committing murder.
    • Being fellow imaginary friends (if Mr. Pickels even is), Bloo and his pals disapprove of the pickle's actions and wants Lammy to just dump him. This usually ends with Mr. Pickels trying to kill them, though with less success as they are nowhere near as fragile as the Tree Friends. As for other sheep in the Pantheon, Shaun the Sheep tried to be friends but had to stop after getting murdered a few times by Mr. Pickels, Dawn Bellwether tried to curry favor with Lammy as well over on online chat, but the former assistant mayor ended up dead the next day for "mysterious reasons", and Lammy trying to deny it wasn't her even with the other sheep's blood on her.

    Illidan Stormrage 
Illidan Stormrage, God of Eye Injuries (The Betrayer, Demon Hunter)
  • Intermediate God, borderline Greater God when metamorphosed into a demon.
  • Symbol: His Blindfold of Power, crossed with his two warglaives, the Twin Blades of Azzinoth.
  • Theme Song: Illidan
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Portfolio: Anti-Hero, Arrogant Demon Hunting, Night Elf, Eyes Burned And Turned Squicky, Blind -Not Deaf- Hunter, Desire To Be A Hero, Byronic Hero, Bad Little Brother, Still Capable Of Loving And Protecting, Telling His Foes That THEY!! ARE NOT!! PREPAAARED!!! Before Commencing Ass-Kicking, Turning Into A More Powerful Demon With Wings And Horns
  • Domain: Eyes, Power, Combat, Demons
  • Followers: A large amount of potential Demon Hunters in his realm.
  • Allies: Wait, what was that? HA HA HA—No! Illidan has no need of weaker 'allies'. Though, he'll make an exception to a certain 'Tyrande Whisperwind'… Or Kael'thas Sunstrider, or Lady Vashj. He may also accept a certain Dante Sparda.
  • Rivals: Anti-Mage, Mirana, Miyabi
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork with: Rias Gremory, Sylvanas Windrunner, Asia Argento, Killia, Valvatorez, Fenrich (for being rude to Lord Valvatorez), Xenovia Quarta, Natsu Dragneel
  • Commonality Connection with: Kiritsugu Emiya
  • Worthy Opponent: Batman
  • Complicated Relationships with: Malfurion Stormrage (his brother), Tyrande Whisperwind (his old crush), Jaina Proudmoore, Uther the Lightbringer, Thrall, Lor'themar Theron, Garrosh Hellscream, Grommash Hellscream, Alexstrasza, Nozdormu, Ysera, basically everyone he meets.
  • Opposed by: Boros
  • Opposes: Maiev Shadowsong, Eliphas, Yuno Gasai
  • Enemies:
  • Feared by: Every good demon in existence. In terms of specifics: Etna, Adell, Rozalin, Usalia, Corset, Axel, Mr. Champloo, Mao, Yubel, Kuroumaru Tokisaka, Sharuru, Raspberyl
  • It is said that Illidan's eyes, as a result of the burning by the Titan Sargeras, ended up very very squicky-looking, like "surrounded by charred flesh and exposed bone". Even the demons of Azeroth was creeped out. But so, he continued to kick ass while being blind, and the combination of those factors enabled him to rise.
  • Much like how his brother guessed, he knew very well that his brother would someday, arrive in the Pantheon. Not longer after, Illidan was seen talking to his brother calmly. Then after, he left. Ironically, Malfurion has commented that he has changed, but not for long. He even said that Illidan still remembers the pain and suffering of 10,000 Years being imprisoned.
  • While he may be blind, it actually increased his senses ten-fold. Coupled with his skills as a mage and his warglaives, he has become the Pantheon's best answer to the demons around. Problem is, he's too arrogant.
    • And like the rest of the Demon Hunters around the Pantheon, he has set his senses to the Demons House. Unlike the rest of the other ones though, who went very passive on their attacks, Illidan just went forward, mowing down the deities day after day. This has peaked him an ally of the (in)famous Dante Sparda.
      • However, after seeing the constant damage against the House itself, the Court of the Gods, in addition with South Park's Satan's huge number of complaints, decided that Illidan should be banned to cause heavy damage towards the Demons House. He's not happy at all hearing this announcement. Though it did give him big points for his brother Malfurion.
    • After the incident though, he had begun scooping for other demons he could find. His animosity with the Occult Research Club is very tense to say the least, for no other reason that they are mostly composed of demons. He does well to avoid Mara Wilson though. Even someone as arrogant as him knows not to fuck with her.
    • His relationship with Natsu Dragneel is even worse. Not only do they literally smash their heads with each other, they are equal in terms of power levels. God help us all if their powers are verged into a massive vortex. However, they will be glad enough to settle their differences and aim for Mard Geer Tartaros if they want.
    • If that wasn't enough, he now seems to have a hefty relationship with Arcana Maidens Clarice Di Lanza and Elsa La Conti. Why? Because the former is a demon and the latter hates him for reminding her of her Demon Hunter past. It doesn't help that Illidan's attitude is almost like her past.
    • With the recent amount of demons, he'll start picking them off one by one at any moment. The only reason why he hasn't started doing that is because Valvatorez is cooling him down. Though he noticed that Illidan's large amount of enemies may be aiming for even the good ones. Another thing that bothers Valvatorez is that Illidan might be aiming for the Nipponverse demons, which are his allies.
  • There was an incident that Illidan thought that his love interest, Tyrande, was in the Pantheon and headed to the house... of Mirana. Because the Princess did not take trespassers well, she attempted to shoo out Illidan, which hurt his pride and after a bit of a brawl, he just left bitterly, marking her as yet another rival on his list.
    • That said, he's kind of fair towards another Hero who is called Anti-Mage, where Illidan saw him using his style though more focused on destroying magic, reminding him that he used to burn manas back in the days too.
    • While he also has wings that give him power, Miyabi also has the same power. This has caused him a rivalry on the shinobi, but she has been warned that she is fighting against a very powerful menance.
    • As time passed by, Tyrande managed to ascend and has commented about her past issues with Illidan, with him only acting bitter after hearing her comments. He later remarked that it is the past and that he has no time to look out for a new love, especially with his recent sacrifice at the Netherworld.
  • Really, really hates Knight Templars and Yanderes due to their behaviour being a horrid reminder of Maiev Shadowswong, the same person who imprisoned him in the mountain for 10,000 years. Eliphas and Yuno Gasai are currently on his shitlist for being the representatives of those personalities. Eliphas has other plans for the Betrayer, except he's not willing to share anything.
    • And if that wasn't enough, Maiev managed to join within the ranks of the Pantheon, screwing with his temple over and over until he became sick of it and decided to just change house. He's willing to kill her, but as he stated before, he has other agendas to focus upon, not to mention, during the Third Invasion, she managed to free him and the Illidari she captured.
  • Has a horrible case of Poor Communication Kills due to his tendencies of going out in the open without alerting his allies or being stopped while doing something that would actually help. In fact, if one sees a scene of spell abuse or earthquakes and at the same time, he's missing from his temple, its definitely Illidan's fault.
  • Majority of the ascended deities from his world, aside from Malfurion were not pleased when they heard that the person responsible for the second coming of the Burning Legion has ascended. The Dragonflights in particular are neither happy nor pleased and are preparing to end him if he dares go on another catastrophic event like that again. The Hellscream brothers aren't glad either, especially Grommash.
    • But, he isn't targeting them, he's targeting two primary targets, Arthas (along with Anub'arak and Kel'thuzad) and Lord Jaraxxus. The latter was the same threat he was forced to deal with and lost to in a duel while the other is one of the higher lieutenants of Kil'jaeden. He's now going to deal with two enemies at the same time.
    • And much like Rias' situation, he has currently placed a temporary alliance with Sylvanas Windrunner just to kill the Lich King. Time will tell when the two will depart and go against each other.
    • There was however some bad news. It seems that the House of Prophecy has seen an Alternate Universe where Malfurion and Illidan switched roles, making the Druid the Betrayer and the Demon Hunter the Shan'do. None have ever dared speak about this universe, though Illidan is interested in said fate.
  • Boros really hates Illidan from flesh to bone. From his persistence to his arrogance, he can't stand just a single part of his personality. He has been warned that he'll get a taste of his warglaives.
  • While many aren't really happy with his ascension, it seems that Kiritsugu somehow feels the same with Illidan, using the most harsh and brutal ways just to save the world for better of worse. In fact, many are pressuming that they could be counterparts to each other's own universe. Ever since his first meeting, Kiritsugu might actually find someone who feels the same with him, in a wider scale.
  • Is ashamed on how back in the days, he ended up just falling into Chronic Villainy and then sticking to his palace at Outlands for too long. That's one main reason he now participates in the Nexus battles. He shares this further feeling with his old 'follower' Kael'thas. Though he is very wary of what happened the last time they teamed up in Outland, when Kael'thas betrayed him all for the sake of joining the Burning Legion.
    Illidan: Does anyone else miss Chaos Damage?
  • Would like to remind people that he's blind, not deaf.
    Illidan: I'm blind, not deaf. Please keep that mind.
  • "YOU!! ARE NOT!! PREPAAARED!!!" If you hear that, you better start running because Illidan is coming to pounce at you and kick your ass. Or maybe not, he always get to his target...
    • Unless you're Batman. Because the last time Illidan did that, Batman already prepared... a 'Bat-Anti-Demon-Hunting-Night-Elf-Portable-Wall' that pops up behind him, causing Illidan to crash into the wall and stopped. He's then forced to admit that Batman is prepared. What do you think his title is?
  • He's planning on making his return in his main universe to train a new generation of Demon Hunters. The fact that he'll train Horde and Alliance Demon Hunters has led many to ask his motives this time. He didn't answer them.
  • Because most of his powers come from the cursed Skull of Gul'dan, Illidan is currently under control of The Orc Warlock. Nobody knows what Gul'dan is planning to do with the Betrayer but one thing for sure is that it won't be pretty. True to his nature, it didn't take long for Illidan to turn back and crush Gul'dan... but ends up getting disappointed that it's just an alternate. He just contents himself that he'll do this over and over again to the actual Gul'dan... in the Nexus.
    • Then, in what would seem to be another mark for revenge, Sargeras reacted to Illidan with extreme fury and destroyed the entire hall... once. The Betrayer has no words other than taunting to show that he managed to take down Sargeras and imprison him in the same way Maiev did the same to him. Now the question remains: how long would it last?
  • Imprisoned for ten thousand years... Banished from my own homeland... And now you DARE enter MY house...!? You are not prepared... YOU ARE NOT PREPARED!

    Kotal Kahn 
Kotal Kahn, God of Blood Lust (Ko'atal, Buluc, The War God, Emperor of Outworld)

Skarlet, Goddess of Power From Blood
  • Intermediate Goddess (can get stronger when in contact with blood)
  • Symbols: A Pair of Bloodstained Katanas (MK9) or a Blood Vial (MK11).
  • Alignment: Chaotic Evil
  • Portfolio: Extremely Unstable, The Dragon (to Reiko in the Tie-in Comics), Gets Stronger When Blood Touches Her Skin, Combat Stilettos, Created From The Blood of Fallen Warriors Combined With Sorcery Before Being Rewritten as an Orphaned Outworlder, Polish Accent For Some Reason, Pretty Attractive, But Still Evil.
  • Domains: Sorcery, Blood, Kombat.
  • Allies:
  • Rivals: Ermac, Sadira, Azula, Carmine Prime
  • Enemies:
  • Potential Targets For Their Blood: Onaga, Ryu, Ryu Hayabusa, James Howlett/Wolverine, Wade Wilson/Deadpool, Naruto Uzumaki, Akuma, Jun Kazama, Jin Kazama, Kazuya Mishima, Geese Howard, Ryuji Yamazaki, Jago
  • Additional Relationship: Erron Black (apparently, she has the hots for him)
  • Shao Kahn has had many enforcers during his time as Outworld's emperor and a notable one has always been Skarlet. Her origins tend to vary, from being personally created by Shao Kahn in the flesh pits to being a starving street urchin that the emperor saw value in and taught her Blood Magic, the only consistant aspect of Skarlet is her control over blood and her insatiable Blood Lust, mutilating her foes to keep getting stronger. Ascended on behalf of her master, Skarlet was given the position over Blood Manipulation, in a house that enables her bloodthirsty nature and she is delighted for such a reward.
  • She is loyal to Shao Kahn and willing to do his bidding but she knows that the magic he taught her is just a lesser power compared to Soul Magic. Nevertheless she still is a formidable opponent and her arrival to the House of Slaughter only delighted her. Things tend to get very bloody in Skarlet's temple according to some witnesses' account.
  • Before the timeline merge, Skarlet used to work alongside Havik and that fact is why she crossed paths with the Cage family and the rest of the Special Forces. Cassie Cage and Jacqui Briggs were less than pleased upon hearing of Skarlet's ascension, as they remember all too well of the role she played in corrupting them with the Blood Code.
  • What makes Skarlet so dangerous is the blood of her opponents. Should she comes into contact with the red stuff, she gets stronger. But it's also her weakness when D'Vorah is involved, as Kytinn blood is extremely toxic.
  • The Blood Code had gained the attention of Doctor Strange's rival, Dormammu. He is intrigued by its power and us working with Skarlet in purging out its weaknesses.
  • As she and Sadira are assassins there is a degree of mutual respect between the pair. So much so that Sadira extended to Skarlet an invitation to join the Red Eyes of Rylai. Skarlet politely refused, as her loyalties lie with Shao Kahn.
  • As Skarlet heavily tied with blood, she gets the attention of the House of Vampires (sans Rachel, Abel, and Arcueid). It also doesn't help matters that it had been both Cassie and Jacqui who told the Vampires of this fact as payback for her torturing the both of them and corrupting them with the Blood Code. How does Skarlet know that Cassie and Jacqui were responsible? When Gabriel Belmont (who is leading the charge) told her that "Cassandra Cage and Jacqueline Briggs send their regards." Skarlet now avoids the ascended vampires at all costs.
  • It's even worse with the parents of the Pantheon, particularly the good ones. This time, it had been Johnny, Sonya (as they themselves were corrupted by the Blood Code thanks to a corrupted Cassie and Jacqui respectively) and Jax who exposed Skarlet's role in the Blood Code incident and of how she corrupted both Cassie and Jacqui with the Blood Code. She has also earned the ire of several sorcerers, particularly Doctor Strange, Raven and Zatarra Zatana due to her use of blood magik (even they realize that using it is a bad idea). The Gaang have also had enough bad encounters with bloodbenders to know that a crazed user of others' blood is a terrible idea.
  • Skarlet has also Wolverine in her sights, due to his blood, or rather, his Healing Factor. She thinks that if she comes into contact with Logan's blood, then she would acquire her own type of healing; or at the very least that his healing means she can use him as an endless source of blood. Wolverine is one of several intended targets for Skarlet in regards to their blood.
  • Made the near-fatal mistake of triggering Iori and Leona's Blood Riot, thinking that it was the same as the Blood Code. She barely escaped with her life. It took Rose and Chizuru Kagura to calm them down.
  • Apparently, she and Erron Black used to date or at least they slept once. This gives many people the implication that Skarlet isn't a bloodthirsty psycho 24/7 but her devotion to Shao Kahn usually take priority. Not many people have tried to get in her pants for the sole reason of not wanting to be disemboweled.
  • Himiko finds her to be gorgeous and admires her powers, especially the gruesome ends some of Skarlet's victims suffer. Toga has requested some of Skarlet's blood to see how her quirk would be affected by her and Skarlet for the most part has lent some of her blood to Toga. The results have been varied, since Skarlet's blood isn't hers but an almagamation of blood from different fallen warriors, whenever Toga uses her blood she is known to shapeshift into either one of the people that is part of skarlet or something else entirely.

    Sorin Markov 
Sorin Markov, God of Blood Magic (Lord of Innistrad, Solemn Visitor, Grim Nemesis)
  • Intermediate God (Overdeity Pre-Mending)
  • Symbol: His sword, Parasite Blade
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Portfolio: Blood Magic, Friendly Vampire, The Hedonist, Mind Control, Anti-Hero, Noble Demon, Dark Is Not Evil, Magic Knight, Defector from Decadence, uses both Black and White Magic, Big Good of Innistrad
  • Domains: Vampirism, Blood, Angels, Black and White Mana
  • Followers: Vladimir, Blood Mages of Thedas
  • Allies: Alucard (Castlevania), Arcueid Brunestud, Demitri Maximoff, Larten Crepsley, Rachel Alucard, Dracula, Dio Brando, Vlad von Carstein, Valvatorez, Karin Maaka, Remilia Scarlet, Flandre Scarlet, Alucard (Hellsing), Seras Victoria, (Hotel Transylvania) Dracula, The Doctor, Ajani Goldmane, Batman
  • Enemies: The Eldrazi, Nicol Bolas , Count Orlok, Yuuki Terumi, The Crimson Court, Millennium, Alexander Anderson, Hoss Delgado
  • Complicated Relationship: The Belmont Clan, Joestar and Zeppeli Family, Blade, Slayers, the House of Angels
  • Many years ago, in the plane of Innistrad, Edgar Markov had made a Deal with the Devil to gain immortality for both him and his grandson. The result was the creation of the vampiric race of Innistrad, with Edgar being the first. When Sorin was made a vampire, the transformation ignited Sorin’s spark turning him into a Planeswalker. Due to both his experience as a Pre-Mending Planeswalker, a nearly omnipotent being capable of traveling between worlds and his specialty in Blood Magic, Sorin was made the the God of Blood Magic. Even in his current Post-Mending state he is a powerful mage not to be taken lightly.
  • It didn’t take long for Sorin to become well acquainted with the residents of Pantheon, especially with the many vampires present. His relationship and opinion varies between each Vampire.
    • Sorin was delighted to meet Rachel Alucard, meeting a vampire that wasn't as simple minded or shortsighted as others of their kind, she herself understood what needed to be done for the greater good. Their conversations have lead the two to wonder what would happen if someone were to combine the properties of both a Planeswalkers and Observer. He can occasionally be found having tea with Rachel and her associates. To surmise his opinion of her:
    "Most of my kin can be short sighted savages. I'm delighted that such is not the case with her."
    • From his interaction with Rachel, Sorin soon met the Scarlet Sisters. He was initially put off with their childishness and immaturity, but was also slightly fond of them. Sees their respected abilities and powers to be both interesting and impressive.
    • Sorin has a sort of "kinship" with the son of Dracula, Alucard. Both having to go against their family and race to do what they believe is necessary.
    • It didn't take long for Sorin to meet another vampire by the name of Alucard. This one belonged to the Hellsing Organization. To the surprise of others, the two ancient vampires get along very well. Alucard agreeing with Sorin's reason for creating Archangel Avacyn. Admitting that if their kind were to win, they would only proceed starve themselves to death.
      • Sorin would soon later meet Alucard's fledgling, Seras Victoria. Initially Sorin had difficulty seeing what Alucard thought special about the police girl. But after interacting and later fighting alongside her, he began to understand Alucard saw in her.
    • Larten Crepsley is a vampire that Sorin finds interesting. Larten isn't magical, immortal, rich, or anything life the other vampires he's seen. But he both Strong and Skilled, intelligent, crafty and level headed. And they both have a mutual understanding of feeling the need to protect their homes even after years of separation. Laraten gives his condolences about Innistrad.
    • Has an Odd Friendship with Karin Maaka of the House of Emotion. Karin sees Sorin as she does her big brother Ren: well-meaning, if kind of grumpy. Sorin doesn't talk much about their interactions, but it is implied he feels much the same: Karin is endearing, if kind of annoying and whiny. He once offered to train her in Blood Magic, considering the un-vampire has so much to spare.
      • An early attempt didn't go well. Sorin started with the absolute basic of basics: controlling the blood itself telepathically. Karin, asked to puncture her thumb to give them some to work with, used one of her own fangs to do so. The result was...messy. After leaving for a moment to clean himself off, Sorin put her through her paces, to no avail: Karin's control extended to creating little bubbles on the surface of the blood, while she ended up with a pounding migraine. Sorin is disappointed, but confident she'll get better.
    • Arcueid Brunestud, Valvatorez and the hotel owning Dracula were the most interesting vampire Sorin had met. The three being incredibly friendly and admittedly strange. It's not because they're capable of living without blood (Rachel's like that too), but it's because they just act weird. He is admittedly rather impressed with them. Dracula was able to bring peace between human and monster kind, even though he initially had little to zero faith in humanity. Both Arcueid Valvatorez are probably the most powerful vampires he had ever bore witness to. He found it even more amazing that the two are willfully weak.
    • Because he is allied with a number of "good" vampires, and enemies with Dracula. Many are surprised with how Sorin would associate himself with the likes of Dracula, Dio, Demitri Maximoff, and Vlad von Carstein. He tells others that they aren't allies, but they're also not complete enemies. He doesn't completely agree with them, but he find the four vampires to be of pleasant company, and have done nothing to antagonize them. They've all expressed sympathy to what happened to his home Plane Innistrad. Dracula more so, having learned that Sorin was forced to unmake Avacyn. A number of god had to be reminded that Sorin is a Black aligned vampire, and is of neutral status. That Sorin is fully capable of being amoral and selfish at times.
    • As black and amoral Sorin can be, he does have his limits. Crimson Court and Count Orlok are the not only the exact type of vampires that he can't stand, their even worse. Sorin hates them to such an extent that he doesn't even bother to let any of them say anything and goes straight for the kill.
    • Much like with Orlok and the Crimson Court, Sorin has nothing but contempt with both The Major and his army of Nazis vampires. There have even been reports of Sorin fighting alongside Alucard and Seras Victoria against the Millennium.
  • Sorin was not, repeat NOT, happy to see the Eldrazi ascend into Pantheon. In an effort to stop them from causing any permanent damage, he enlisted the aid of fellow Planeswalker Ajani, Harry Dresden and the Doctor. With the combination of both magic, science, and the aid of the entire Magic Pantheon, they imprisoned the Eldrazi within the Moon. Using the same tactic used against Emrakul by the Gatewatch. But it was a hollow victory as Emrakul visited him in a dream: they simply decided it was not their time. They let themselves be sealed.
    • Knowing full well that this was caused by the actions of Nicol Bolas, his animosity had now became personal.
  • As there are many vampires in Pantheon, there also a number of vampire hunters here as well. His relationship with them is a bit mixed. A number of them as glad to hear how he created Avacyn to defend humanity, but are upset on that his reasons for doing so. The reason being so that his people wound't run out of food and starve themselves. Some hunters like Alexander Anderson and Hoss Delgado don't care what he did, or his reasons for doing so. He's a vampire and he deserves to die.
  • Like all vampire before and probably after him, Sorin hates and is hated by Yuuki Terumi. The two have fought each other on a number of occasions, growing more and more frustrated with every encounter. He began to understand why Rachel felt the need to force herself in interfering, despite her position of Onlooker.
  • In the House of Angels, Sorin has a very complicated relationship. They don't exactly hate him (except Imperius), but they're very disturbed by him. Not just because of his relationship with Avacyn, but because his grandfather trapped and used the blood of an angel named Marycz to create vampire kind. Meaning that Sorin's grandfather used literal Holy Blood to create an Unholy monster. The irony is not lost to anyone.
  • Sorin's meeting with the Batman was an interesting one. The Dark Knight approached him on the how they should deal with the Eldrazi, should they escape their imprisonment. Batman believes tells him that they'll need to know everything that they can in preparation. Believing, knowing, that the seal is only a temporary salution. Sorin tells him that the only person that genuinely understands them on any level would have to be Ugin, the Spirit Dragon. And unfortunately, he isn't in Pantheon. Batman replies that they'll just have to ascend him in Pantheon.
  • "Death not for survival but for vanity and pleasure? This is the decadence I sought to curb."

Lesser Gods

    The Black Knight 
The Black Knight, God of Amusing Injuries (Armless Bastard)
  • Lesser God
  • Symbol: An armless, legless torso
  • Alignment: Lawful Evil
  • Portfolio: Amusing Injuries, None Shall Pass, Crosses the Line Twice, Throwing Your Sword Always Works, Only a Flesh Wound
  • Domains: Courage, Death (or lack thereof), Evil, Strength
  • Followers: Holistic Detective of the Dwarf Fortress Headshoots, the casts of both Time Killers and BloodStorm.
  • Superiors: Monty Python (which includes his avatar, John Cleese)
  • Allies: Hong Meiling, Sir Didymus
  • Enemies: King Arthur, Artoria, Black Knight, trespassers in general
  • He has been reduced to only a head numerous times, yet with his newfound godhood, he manages to regenerate in time for another of the pantheon to strike him down again. It's just a flesh wound, after all.
  • Any one who goes anywhere near his temple are stopped by him, with him yelling out "NONE SHALL PASS!". Most of the times, he gets his limbs chopped up by the god in question, or suffering other major injuries. And the very times he success on his task is simply because of his utter refusal to move out of the way.
  • Tried to get back at King Arthur for trespassing him one time. Unfortunately for him, the said King Arthur he faced was Artoria and he ended up getting disposed in record time.
  • When the Black Knight once tried to go through him, he stubbornly refuse to let the Rider of Daein pass unless he defeat him in a duel. The Rider immediately dismembered him and pass through because he doesn't bother to think of him as a warrior.

    Hank Wimbleton 
Hank J. Wimbleton, God of Thrilling Violence (The Protagonist, "Our Hero", Mag!Hank, The One and Only)
After being Magnified
  • Lesser God (Intermediate after his revival)
  • Symbol: A pair of red sunglasses to a Glock 20
  • Theme Song: The theme song from ''Depredation''
  • Alignment: Chaotic Good...or maybe Chaotic Neutral. (Currently closer to Chaotic Evil).
  • Portfolio: Normally wears a Badass Longcoat, One-Man Army, uses dismembered body parts, tossed weapons, and other egregious weapons to kill, Floating Limbs, Super-Reflexes and Super-Strength, gets himself killed a lot, Probably a hero
  • Domains: Chaos, Slaughter, Weaponry, Costumes
  • Heralds: Sanford and Deimos
  • Allies: Kenny McCormick, The Peregrine Falcons Squad and The Sparrows Team, Augus, Akuma, really any god who fights for the heck of it.
  • Rivals: Jebus
  • Enemies: The Agency Against Hank Wimbleton, Tricky, The Joker, Pennywise the Dancing Clown, basically any Monster Clown, The Auditor, the GUAL, The Rebel Army, Alex Mercer, Gabriel Reyes
  • Intimidated by: The Chosen One
  • Intimidates: Noel Vermillion, (His efficiency at using guns is not something to scoff at)
  • Somewhere in the Pantheon, one of the bases owned by Morden's Rebel army fell silent. Marco and his comrades, not wanting to pass up the opportunity of investigating, decided to search the base themselves. By the time they arrived however, they were shocked to find every soldier killed in some manner. Only one occupant was still alive, and evidence suggested that he killed them all himself. He didn't seem to trust Marco's crew, but he eventually agreed to come with them and explain himself. During his trial, some members of the Court of Gods found his brutality so maddening that they couldn't help but feel amused over it. Soon, it was decided that he would be allowed to stay at the House of Slaughter under the title he is now known for.
    • The stranger introduced himself as Hank J. Wimbleton, a man wanted throughout "Nevada" by the Agency Against Hank Wimbleton, or the AAHW, an organization that oppressively controlled much of Nevada. Why such a group is dedicated to killing him is unknown, but he kept insisting that it all started when he picked a fight over a boombox.
  • While Morden still hates Hank's guts for the stunt he pulled prior to his ascension, the Metal Slug crew couldn't help but relate with Hank and his Mook slaughtering shenanigans. They offered to let him try out their Metal Slug but he refused, since he prefers killing people on foot.
  • Considering what the AAHW might get away with if their shadowy leader, the Auditor, catches wind of the Pantheon, the GUAG eventually agreed to work with Hank to counter the AAHW should they ever invade the Pantheon. However, many of the more idealistic members are wary of his methods, and aren't sure if he's all that good to begin with.
  • There has been an instance where his heralds, Sanford and Deimos, managed to resurrect him not with an Improbability Device, but rather a machine used to turn AAHW members into MAG Agents. This resulted in Hank becoming slightly larger, with his arm physically deformed to look like a crustacean tentacle. Apparently, the process was also supposed to hamper his intelligence to the point where he would be retarded, but somehow that didn't seem to be the case. In fact, Hank sometimes acted smarter than before he was revived. It isn't likely that he would be able to revive this form, unless a copy of the Magnification device is somehow brought to the Pantheon by the AAHW.
    • Not surprisingly, Alex Mercer seems intrigued by Hank's magnified form and the implications that come with it. As much as he would like to consume him, he may have to wait until Hank acquires that form.
  • Hank remembered gaining lightning powered abilities that made his body physically stronger, when he touched an Amplifier Artifact known as the Halo. Whether he will ever gain this power again is uncertain, since the Halo is still being worn by the Auditor outside the Pantheon.
  • He sees many of the Monster Clowns in the Pantheon as his enemies, since they remind him too much of one of his rivals, Tricky, whether it is because they kill for fun, or because they happen to be eldritch to some degree.
  • The GUAL quickly opposed everything about Hank, due to his chaotic behavior going against their desire for order and stability. It doesn't help that many of its members are Religious Bruisers who remind Hank of his other rival Jebus Christoff.
  • Recently, Hank has been feeling suspicious around Gabriel Reyes, also known as the Reaper. Apparently this is because of several similarities he shares with the Auditor, such as his ability to become intangible to bullets, being a shadowy leader of a group of armed men, and his bizarre tendency to pull weapons (specifically shotguns for Reaper) out of thin air. The only reason the rest of Talon hasn't been provoked by Hank is because of how uncommon it is for him and Reaper to encounter each other.
  • Many of the other Blood Knights in the Pantheon, such as Augus and Akuma, respect him for his fighting capabilities. Every now and then, he would accept a challenge from some of the gods who are at most the same deity rank as him. (Accepting a duel from a Greater God or Overdeity is bound to get him killed, so he refuses those offers.)
  • On the other hand, those who do not feel uncomfortable about him, such as Noel Vermillion, feel that way exactly because of how many people he can slaughter.
  • With the number of people he can kill within minutes, it would be of no surprise that Khorne would favor him. The possibility of being corrupted by Khorne becomes greater with this approval, which gives people even more reason not to trust Hank. Not that the approval seems to change him in any way...
  • Hank has got himself killed enough times to gain the attention of Kenny, who also got himself killed in a multitude of ways. They get along rather well, considering that they both dealt with eldritch enemies bringing them back to life against their will.
  • Hank had once heard about an incident when the Chosen One pulled many people out of Nevada to obliterate them in a place called Newgrounds. After realizing that he was also in the Pantheon, Hank has remained wary of the Chosen One's power, despite the Second Coming telling him that the Chosen One had turned over a new leaf long after the incident. (Even if the same thing happens to Hank, it wouldn't be the only time he was sent to Newgrounds.)
  • Further investigation seems to imply that it was an anonymous entity that revived him into Morden's base from Nevada with full knowledge of what he was capable of. (Hank also revived in his non-magnified form, for whatever reason.) The last thing Hank remembered doing was defeating Tricky in Nevada's afterlife, which gave the Auditor full control of his powers once more. Regardless, the investigation into who sent Hank to the Pantheon is still ongoing.
  • As You Know, Hank's hands are disembodied and floating. If you're wondering what would happen if you pull them and him away from each other, you're better off not trying.

Ichi, God of High-Pressure Blood (Zatoichi/Zato-no-Ichi)
  • Lesser God
  • Symbol: The shikomi-zue
  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Portfolio: The Blind Swordsman, Wields a shikomi-zue which could cut statues, Handicapped Badass, One-Man Army, Underestimated by bad guys because of his blindness, Swordsman and masseur, Wanders the earth helping others, Mysterious Past
  • Domains: Blood, Blindness, Swordsmen
  • Allies: Kenshi Takahashi, Toph Bei Fong, Daredevil, Iroh, Genji Shimada, Kazuma Kiryu, Samurai Jack, Uzu Sanageyama, Lilly Satou
  • Rivals: Illidan Stormrage, Tsunade, Samuel Rodrigues
  • Enemies: Those who harm the innocent and take advantage of them, Ryuji Yamazaki
  • Ichi is a roaming blind masseur who is also one of the most dangerous swordsman who slain many Yakuzas, corrupt government flunkies, and countless of Mooks.
  • It seems that whenever he strikes an enemy (or they strike him), they seem to have blood spray from their body. It's note worthing that he's one of the oldest practicer of this phenomenon. From a blood-stained warrior Guts to the Mortal Kombat tournament, he was one of the predecessor of these bloody affairs.
    • Doctors were checking how humans or other creatures could shoot out blood like that. Though Ichi himself doesn't understand why people would spill blood like a geyser, he could presume that he hit the spot where blood is mostly located.
  • He was considered the Handicapped Badass in the world. Though Baiken has since deemed the title her own, Ichi will always be remembered as the blind swordsman who have slain many villains that cross him.
  • He heard that there were other blind deities in the Pantheon, some of which uses their other senses to make up for it and manage to accomplish so much. He was happy to hear that even without sight, they could still fight and live.
    • He got along with another blind swordsman, Kenshi Takahashi. He would have been his high priest as he was a renowned blind swordsman, but has since moved onto another temple.
    • He also respected Sanageyama when he has his eye sewed because he relied too much on his eyes to fight, even when he got his sight back. He glad to see that there is another swordsman who understood his position and used his other senses to fight.
    • He might consider Lilly Satou like a surrogate daughter to him because of her blindness. He even heard that she tried to pick up his sword to fight like him.
  • He isn't just a swordsman, he's also a masseur and knowledgeable in acupuncture. Mantis was impressed with his acupuncture as he once killed a man with it, but he promised that when he gives one to Po, he wouldn't do it or hit his facial nerve.
  • He's popular with the ladies due to him being a masseur. This makes a lot of married ones very jealous. However, Ichi doesn't seem interested in any of them because he left behind so many women, including Otane, so he doesn't want it to happen again.
  • Though he heard that there are Yakuza-like members in the Pantheon as he is ready to draw his sword, he found out that none of them want to keep their connections like Genji Shimada and Kazuma Kiryu. In fact, the former took them down after a quest of self-discovery and the latter actually is violently protective of children so he sheathe his sword. The rest, on the other hand, he will draw to kill if they ever try to attack him.
  • Kisuke Urahara was impressed by a blind man who could fight with a shikomi-zue, much like his weapon, the Benihime. He wanted to see if he was as strong as the rumors, but he was smart enough not to try proving it if the body count were true.
  • He often has tea breaks with Iroh, in which the two elder got along pretty well and talk about their ventures. He even offer massages to Iroh, in which he accept as he wanted some relaxation after so much years of banishment.
  • When he was wandering from his temple, he also encountered another swordsman known as Samurai Jack. He is glad to meet a good samurai as he fought several samurais who fell from grace.
  • Sam found this legendary blind swordsman where he tried to challenge him in a duel. He warned of picking your fight carefully, before they duel to a draw.
  • He might consider having an American counterpart named Nick Parker.
  • Ichi's main hobby is gambling, and he's good at it. Just make sure you don't cheat on him or else, he'll find out. Tsunade dislike him because he cleaned her out of her cash one day... and Naruto nor Jiraiya wouldn't bail her out.
  • Though he is blind, he isn't deaf when he heard the noise from the Soldier and the Demoman. Apparently, they were in a sword duel with the Half-Zatoichi and they wouldn't stop until they behead one another. He killed the two when they were getting close to them and the Soldier's sword merely grazed him, which the two respawned later.
  • He heard that Wedsneday and Pugsley Addams did a play where they "lost" their limbs and spilt blood into the audience. Though he couldn't see the play, he attended it and certainly felt the "blood" splattered on him.
  • Ichi thought that Zato-1 was stealing his name (Ichi is one in Japanese). It was a misunderstanding and the two stopped fighting, though Ichi got his sword through Eddie during the fight.
  • Ichi once nearly got into a confrontation with the Strawhat Pirates due to mistaken identity before Luffy apologized, having mistaken Ichi for Admiral Fujitora, a Marine-conscripted blind swordsman resembling Ichi. Ichi holds nothing against the Strawhats for this, but was fascinated in having someone like him exist in another world, especially with unusual abilities.
  • "Even with my eyes wide open I can't see a thing."


    The Banana Splits 

Drooper, Bingo, Fleegle and Snorky, Gods of Escalating Violence (The Banana Splits)
From left to right: Drooper, Bingo, Snorky and Fleegle
  • Demigods
  • Symbol: The gang playing in a band.
  • Theme Song: Tra la la
  • Alignment: Neutral Evil, Neutral Good for Snorky
  • Portifolio: Far More Violent Than The Originals, Malfunctioning Animatronics, Oddly Humorous For Murderers, Robots Gone Murderous, Band Toons, Fond Of Inflicting Creative Deaths, Rather Similar To Five Nights At Freddys
  • Domains: Adaptations, Gore, Animatronics, Horror
  • Allies (Mostly Snorky): Everyone Under Opposed By, Flowey, Frisk, Monika
  • Enemies: Springtrap, Molten Freddy and Circus Baby, .GIFany, Naughty Bear
  • Opposed By: Every Other FNAF Deity, Every Hanna-Barbara Deity, Dipper and Mable Pines
  • Entertains: The Evil Entity
  • In a certain universe, the TV series The Banana Splits was hosted by animatronics instead of people in costumes, being programed to entertain both live audiences and the TV audience. While they were relatively popular, ultimately their Network Executive, Andy, wanted to can the show just so he can replace it with something "Cool and edgy", dooming the robots to rot and rust in a junkyard for the rest of their days. The gangs desperation to stay up on air, alongside their programing malfunctioning and their coworkers being dicks about the whole thing, drove them to murder every employee and adult attending their last live show and trap the children in the building so that they can entertain them forever, clearly not understanding that children tend to die if they're not fed after a while. Thankfully, after murdering quite a few people in creative and brutal ways, the survivors, alongside one of the Splits having a change of heart, were able to stop and destroy the animatronics and save the children. However, one survivor who was driven to madness was last seen driving off with the remains of the Splits, their fates otherwise unknown.
  • The way the Splits were discovered by The Pantheon was naturally a messy tale. Trying to prepare for a Childs birthday, The Court of the Gods decided to bring in a band for the special occasion, with the added bonus of potentially gaining a new god in the process. While they were indeed intending on bringing in The Banana Splits, they accidentally got the film versions mixed up with the series versions, only realizing their mistake a few hours after the Splits had arrived to the party. Quickly figuring out the story behind these particular Splits, the Court quickly rushed to the party, only to see that they've already killed a good few of the adults there, alongside traumatizing most of the attending children. After stopping the robots from doing anymore damage, it was later revealed that it was Melkor who'd set up the mix-up, having been impressed by how brutal the robotic Splits could get. And with that, The Banana Splits were ascended with the title of Escalating Violence, much to the dismay of many.
  • After their ascension, the band set up camp in their temple, a run-down version of their old studio, and established themselves in the Pantheon. Their behavior there can be summed up as this: They start searching for someone having a party, usually kids, and promptly find and crash it, proceeding to preform for the audience. While they're usually docile while performing, if any adult interrupts their performance, they'll start going on a rampage, killing any interfering adult while sparring the kids. Usually, this ends up indirectly harming kids via trauma. Considering the Pantheons World of Badass nature, it isn't too hard to keep them out, and occasionally they'll leave without a massacre if allowed to finish, many have still found them to be surprisingly tricky to stop once they start killing.
    • Luckily, there was a bright side to all of this, in the form of band member Snorky, who was the only one not killing anyone during the aforementioned party. As it turned out, he was the most benevolent of the group, as while he was still a brutal killer, he recognized that the bands actions were doing more harm than good to the children, an audience that the band still cares for. As such, he's perfectly willing to put a stop to his bandmates antics if they get too destructive. Helps that the rest of the Splits are ridiculously forgiving to Snorky for some reason.
  • Seeing how they're murderous animatronics, they're obviously opposed by the human workers at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. Hell, Mike Schmidt actually considers them in some ways worse than the killer robots he has to deal with, seeing as they're much more brutal with their killings than the Fazbear Gang usually is. The fact that they regularly endanger children through sheer misunderstandings have also made them unpopular with the Fazbear Animatronics, as at least they don't nearly get kids killed (Well, at least nowadays). The Splits themselves couldn't care less about the humans, but they actually have some respect to the animatronics, seeing them as "Fellow robotic entertainers". However, the deities do get along relatively well with Snorky, thanks to the Token Good Teammate role. Mike's still weary of the whole "Still brutally murders people who piss him off" thing, however.
    • It should be noted, however, that the Splits genuinely care about their children audience, having been programed to entertain them and all. They only threaten them due to severely misunderstanding how humans usually work, as well as carelessly traumatizing them with their actions. With that out of the way, the Splits, Snorky included, utterly despise Springtrap, who's a unrepentant child murderer in the form of an undead robotic Serial Killer. His ally Molten Freddy, who also gleefully murders children out of bloodlust, get similarly no love from them, even if he's a robot like them. Afton and Freddy, despite finding the robots and their nature rather humorous, are wise enough to stay out of their way, as the duo are well aware of how brutal the Splits could get.
    • They also have a bone to pick with Circus Baby, being another creation of Aftons who, to them, is just as willing to kill children as her creator is. However, what they don't know is that Baby is actually possessed by Afton's daughter Elizabeth, who seeks to become just like her father. The real Baby really doesn't like to murder innocents, only wanting some freedom, and is just unfortunate enough to be possessed by a malevolent spirit. That said, both personalities don't like the Splits very much, Elizabeth because they're opposing her and Afton, and Baby because the Splits are still murderous sentient animatronics who get overly brutal with their kills.
  • It's no secret that the Splits are based off the Hanna-Barbara characters of the same name, so its natural that the other HB gods would take notice. While a good few of them are willing to sympathize with them do to their malfunctioning nature, the gods otherwise oppose the group, obviously finding them terrifying mockeries of the originals. Of note is the Mystery Gang, who've faced their fair share of murderous malfunctioning robots, though obviously none of them were as violent as the Splits. While the gang are just as grossed out by them as the others, they're still perfectly willing to tackle any case involving them, even if it's not much of a mystery.
    • Speaking of Scooby Doo, there is one HB deity who's fond of them: The Evil Entity, a malevolent Eldritch Abomination who revels in corrupting innocent people into murderous psychopaths. With that in mind, he honestly finds the robots to by honestly hilarious, with it gleefully pointing out that it didn't even need to lift a finger to corrupt the group. As a result, a few of the parties the Splits crash are often masterminded by The Entity. The group, for the most part, aren't aware of its existence, though they'll sometimes remark that they feel a strange presence during their "shows".
  • Seeing as they're still fond of kids, the Splits are still fond of two of their opposers, those being Dipper and Mable Pines. As the twins have faced Hostile Animatronics before, it's obvious that they would be against the Splits, thanks to them being even more brutal than the ones they faced. Doesn't help that they don't have the excuse of .GIFany taking control of them. That said, they they actually get along well with Snorky, Mable in particular due to finding him adorable. On the Splits side, while they generally treat the twins well, being kids and all, they have heard of .GIFany and are justifiably wary of the AI, even considering her to be completely insane. Considering the kind of killers the Splits are, that's saying something.
  • Due to their malfunctioning nature, the Splits don't usually have many people they could call "Enemies", usually not comprehending why exactly people hate them. That all changed one day when they met fellow cuddly slasher Naughty Bear, who located the Splits "Playing" at a party and started beating the crap out of them. While the Splits were creative enough to put up a fight, Naughty's superior equipment meant that he emerged victorious, the Splits completely in pieces. After being repaired, they considered Naughty to be a massive bully who picks on people smaller than him, never mind the fact that the reason the bear went after them was because they unintentionally do that as well. If nothing else, Naughty and his Narrator is impressed by how creative they could get with their kills, just not that they use it against innocents.
  • Oddly enough, The Splits have been seen hanging around with Flowey of all people, who claims that the animatronics are "His kinda people". Strangely, while he talks about having participated in a few of their massacres himself, witnesses have confirmed that he never actually does anything during them, mostly just watching from the sidelines. If anything, these incidents tend to not only be ended shorter than usual, but also don't have nearly as many casualties as the others do. That's because, as usual, Flowey is secretly sabotaging the Splits in order to minimize casualties, having infiltrated the group to do so. He originally found out about it by reaching out to Snorky, who fulfills a similar role in the group, albeit less subtly, figuring that the elephant would relate to him, as well as probably needing help with the group. This has eventually lead the robot to discover a whole group of people who know of his secret, with the elephant occasionally joining them as a Guest-Star Party Member, as he's too busy with his own gang to fully commit.
    • Of this group, he's formed a friendship with Frisk, what with being a child who's known for befriending normally hostile monsters. As of now, he's thinking of introducing the Splits to the child in the hopes of redeeming his band mates, as ultimately they still are his fellow coworkers. In the meantime, he can be seen usually entertaining the child with his antics. On a related note, he also sympathizes with Monika, being a sentient being trapped in a dating sim, even if he's a bit weary of her Yandere tendencies. She's offered to help him and his gang with .GIFany if she ever tries to corrupt them, also earning the appreciation of the rest of the Splits as well.
