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Tropers / Aqua Eclipse

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I won't say I do, till you promise me
That though we're grey, we can stay young and wild and free
Young and wild and free
The Crane Wives, "Steady, Steady"

Hello, I'm Aqua, and I'm a Troper from Hong Kong and a MCYT super-fandom archivist who plans to chronicle more local literature and works. I use they/she pronouns. I am very tired; someone should really put me on a child leash on this site.

In real life, I joined TV Tropes as a secondary school student and am currently majoring in Biology, but my interests are all over the place, ranging from natural and social sciences (except economics) to arts and humanities; expect to find me anywhere and everywhere.

    open/close all folders 


    Current Projects 


  • Addition of trope descriptions to indices for easier navigation
  • Alphabetization of examples on main and sub-pages
  • Cross-wicking of various MCYT works and derivative works
  • Fixing example indentation across various main and sub-pages
  • Gender-neutrality project of switching to they/them pronoun sets as the generic pronoun unless it's an Always Male/Female trope
  • TV Tropes translations into Chinese (forum)



    Created Pages 
Note: Sub-pages are too many to count.


Fan Works




Web Series


    Planned Projects 



Fan Works





  • Various Fanboy/Fangirl-derived split tropes
  • The Free Rider — possibly, depending on Trope Idea Sounding Board feedback
  • Time Zone Troubles/Tribulations — possibly, depending on Trope Idea Sounding Board feedback; The Night Owl is a related trope

Web Series


    Long-term Projects 
  • The Minecraft Multiverse — like a super-trope, but it's for a super-medium covering a super-fandom (long-term)note 
  • Various Hong Kong-based works

Works I Edit For and/or Enjoy (incomplete)note 

    Animated Series and/or Manga 


    Fan Works Without Corresponding Media 

    Film — Animated 

    Film — Live-Action 


    Minecraft SMPs 

    Music and Theatre 

    Useful Notes 

    Video Games 

    Web Original 


The Trope Index

    Tropes Associated with Me and My Persona 
  • Asians Love Tea: I literally drink tea more often than I drink water on a daily basis. Cheers to that.
  • Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!: I blame undiagnosed ADHD. Executive dysfunction is a bitch.
  • I Minored in Tropology: I've surprisingly been on the receiving end of this many times. Top English student majoring in Biology and minoring in English? It's more likely than you think. Also, you never know the sheer amount of knowledge one can pick up just from being in (international) fandoms and by being a writer who does their research.
  • Must Have Caffeine: In the form of tea. And also Coke. But mostly tea.
  • The Night Owl: Time Zones Do Not Exist, my ass. At this point, me complaining about time zones on the Internet is a meme in the communities I'm in. Living literally halfway across the world from most of the English-speaking fandom community is murder on my sleep schedule, i.e. I am frequently and more often than not "time-zoned" — it's like being in the friendzone, but geographical.
  • The Perfectionist: Arguably my Fatal Flaw; it's caused issues on all fronts.
  • Ridiculous Procrastinator: You do not want to know about the sheer number of projects I have on the back-burner.
  • Sleep Deprivation: Combining undiagnosed ADHD (especially tendencies as The Night Owl and potential DSPS?) with being half the world away from prime-time entertainment online only ever means trouble.
  • Troper Types:
    • The Advertiser, the Casual Example Adder, the Breaking News Editor, or the Entry Pimp for my associated works.
    • Generally the Trope Browser in my spare time and on off-days, or try to be a Trope Editor.
    • Occasionally the Trope Dropper for certain works, because it's easier to draft works to collect enough tropes before launching a page.
    • Occasionally work as the Drive-By Voter but worked towards the TLP Midwife.
    • Occasionally the Aspiring Writer but without forum participation.
    • I admit to dipping my toes in other types occasionally, but for the more zealous ones, please give me a few months to cool down and I'll be right as rain.
  • TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Life: I edit on the daily, day or night, rain or shine, I keep track of edits and archive what I see.

    Tropes My Works are/were Associated With 

    Tropes and Indices I Enjoy 

    Tropes I Enjoy Playing With 

So I, I will tell your story
All of the grief and all the glory

I come from another lifetime
To carry these worlds in my mind
This burden's mine to bear
But don't give in to despair
Derivakat, "Tell Your Story (Extended)"
