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Fictional Culture and Nation Tropes

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Tropes that describe entire fictional cultures, nations or ethnic groups.

See also National Stereotypes for tropes that relate to the fictional portrayals of specific Real Life nations.

Fantastic cultures:

Cultures to base your fictional culture upon:

Cultures defined by their government:

Cultural details that make a culture more fantastic:

Fictional settings for these cultures:

  • Americasia: A setting where the dominant culture is a blend of American and Asian culture.
  • Arcadia: A gentle, utopic countryside where people are In Harmony with Nature.
  • Atlantis: An ancient island civilization which sank into the ocean for one reason or another.
  • Banana Republic: A fictional developing tropical nation, usually of Central or South America, populated by militias and tinpot dictators.
  • Bulungi: A fictional developing country wedged into sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Enchanted Forest: Vast old forest, home to strange things and secrets.
  • Fictional Country: A fictional nation-state in an otherwise real-world setting.
  • Fictional Province: A fictional province/state/county/etc. set within an otherwise real country.
  • Ghibli Hills: Pristine and usually not-too-dangerous wilderness near civilization.
  • Grim Up North: The frigid north is a place of darkness and danger, and possibly evil.
  • Land of One City: The setting (country, kingdom, planet...) has only one city, making it a City-State.
  • Magical Land: The "other world" which people from ours visit.
  • North Is Cold, South Is Hot: When the north of the world map has all the cold regions, and the south has all the warm regions.
  • Post-Soviet Reunion: Russia reunites with post-Soviet states into an alliance, supranational union or superstate.
  • Qurac: A generic North African, Middle Eastern, Central or South Asian country populated by sand, camels, optional oil, and either sultans or terrorists.
  • Ruritania: A small backwards country in Southern, Central or Eastern Europe.
  • The Savage South: The south is barbaric, inhospitable, and hot.
  • Tropical Island Adventure: A tropical island, usually located in or based on the Caribbean, Oceania or Southeast Asia.
  • Überwald: A dark and gothic Eastern European setting.
  • United Europe: Europe has become a unified entity.
  • Wutai: A generic Far East-flavored setting in Medieval Fantasy.
