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Fanfic / Love at first sight (Harry Potter)

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"Just another Hermione Snape love story"
Author's description

Love at first sight is a Harry Potter fanfic chronicling the epic romance between Hermione Granger and Severus Snape. It's a little smutty.

You can read it here. For the Once Upon a Time fanfic of the same name, see here.

Tropes in this fanfic:

  • Beige Prose: Exaggerated and played for laughs. The fic, in its entirety, consists of four words: "They banged. The End"
  • The End: The fic ends by simply stating "The End". This statement consists of half the words in the story.
  • Flash Fiction: The fic is four words long, including "the end" as two words. Puts Hemingway to shame.
  • Minimalism: The shortest fic on FFN at the time of its uploading.
  • Porn Without Plot: There's no plot outside of the sex scene. In fact, said sex scene also lacks plot aside from stating that the pairing performed the act.
  • Precocious Crush: If that "first sight" bit in the title is to be taken literally, then Hermione has apparently been crushing on Snape since she was eleven. One hopes that it wasn't reciprocated for at least a few years.
  • Romantic Comedy: It's classified as romance/humor. The humor comes from the fic being shorter than its own description.
  • Teacher/Student Romance: Assuming this is meant to fit anywhere in the timeline of the books (ideally, after Hermione turned 17 but before Harry learned Snape was conspiring with Malfoy).
