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Recap / Mr. Robot

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Mr. Robot is a psychological/techno thriller series created by Sam Esmail. The series revolves around a computer programmer turned vigilante hacker named Elliot Alderson who works with an illusive anarchist known as Mr. Robot to save the world from the "top one percent of the top one percent" and put an end to corporate greed. Along the way, Elliot is forced to confront street criminals, dirty cops, corrupt businessmen, radical terrorists, and even himself. The series ran on USA Network from 2015 to 2019.

Unmarked spoilers are present throughout the subpages. Read at your own risk.

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"Money hasn't been real since we got off the gold standard. It's become virtual, software; the operating system of our world, and Elliot, we are on the verge of taking down this virtual reality. Think about it. What if you could take down one conglomerate? A conglomerate so deeply entrenched in the world's economy that 'too big to fail' doesn't even come close to describing it?"
Mr. Robot

Elliot Alderson is an unremarkable computer programmer working for Allsafe, a cybersecurity firm contracted by the world's largest conglomerate: E Corp. By night, he uses his technological prowess to carry out digital vigilantism, seeking to liberate those oppressed by the invisible hand that he reluctantly answers to. When a malicious hacker group known as fsociety attacks Allsafe, Elliot finds himself allured by their activism and a desire to seek revenge against E Corp for covering up the death of his father. Elliot's interference in the hack leads to his recruitment by the group's mysterious leader, Mr. Robot, who tasks him with starting a economic revolution that will bring financial power back to the people. However, Elliot soon realizes that there may be more to his mission than he thought, and that a more insidious motive could belie Mr. Robot's anarchist vision.

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  10. "eps1.9_zer0-day.avi"

"How do I take off a mask when it stops being a mask? When it's as much a part of me as I am?"
Elliot Alderson

It has been several weeks since what the media has dubbed the "Five/Nine hack" tore the world's economy asunder. As fsociety become public enemy number one with Darlene leading the charge, Elliot has gone into isolation in an attempt to combat Mr. Robot, who desires control over him and the continued pursuit of their "revolution". In the fracas, the FBI begin their investigation of the Five/Nine hack, and set out to find their primary suspect Tyrell Wellick, who remains missing. However, one agent in particular by the name of Dominique DiPierro believes that there are larger forces at play. Meanwhile, at E Corp, Angela has absorbed herself into the corporate lifestyle while also carrying out a personal mission of her own to avenge her mother. With many players on a crumbling board, everyone has an agenda, and everyone will be forced to confront their illusion of control. Welcome to the new world.

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  12. "eps2.9_pyth0n-pt2.p7z"

"This is what they wanted all along: for us to buy into our worst selves, and I just made it easier for them. I didn´t start a revolution. I just made us docile enough for their slaughtering."
Elliot Alderson

Stage two is on the horizon, and Elliot, recovering from being shot by Tyrell, reunites with Darlene to infiltrate E Corp, stop the Dark Army from carrying out their plan of mass destruction, and stay ahead of the FBI. Meanwhile, Elliot is forced to confront the separation anxiety between him and Mr. Robot as they begin to operate independently of each other. In this race against time, loyalties are tested, secrets are revealed, and lines are drawn. The true revolution has begun.

  1. "eps3.0_power-saver-mode.h"
  2. "eps3.1_undo.gz"
  3. ""
  4. "eps3.3_metadata.par2"
  5. "eps3.4_runtime-error.r00"
  6. ""
  7. "eps3.6_fredrick&tanya.chk"
  8. "eps3.7_dont-delete-me.ko"
  9. "eps3.8_stage3.torrent"
  10. "eps3.9_shutdown-r"

"We stick to the plan. And right now, Elliot needs you more than he lets on, because when that cold, brutal reality closes in on us, we're gonna need a friend, and that's still what you are... right?"
Mr. Robot

Two months after reversing the Five/Nine hack, Elliot finds himself in a world healed by a surging economy in the holiday season. However, his work is not yet done; with Whiterose and the Dark Army still operating in the shadows, Elliot must join forces with Mr. Robot to finally put an end to their hidden tyranny and Whiterose's sinister project. Everyone's lives now hang in the balance, and every keystroke will have consequences.

  1. "401 Unauthorized"
  2. "402 Payment Required"
  3. "403 Forbidden"
  4. "404 Not Found"
  5. "405 Method Not Allowed"
  6. "406 Not Acceptable"
  7. "407 Proxy Authentication Required"
  8. "408 Request Timeout"
  9. "409 Conflict"
  10. "410 Gone"
  11. "eXit"
  12. "whoami"
  13. "Hello, Elliot"
