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Drinking Game / Friday Night Funkin': Corruption

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Suicide Round

  • Take a sip whenever you see the word "Corruption" or variations of it (Corrupt, corrupted, ect.) on FNF-related content such as this page. Say goodbye to your liver if you plan on doing this.

The series itself

  • Take a shot if the video you're watching uses a remix of a song in the vanilla game. Take two if it instead uses a completely original song.
  • When a corrupted character's corruption starts to revert (Such as with Boyfriend and Pico in Weeks 3 and 4), take a drink. MAJOR warning for Week 7 when Daddy Dearest reverses the corruption constantly.
  • When Monster appears in the windows during Week 2, drink.
  • When the background starts glitching in Week 6, drink. Not recommended for "Treacherous Thorns" or "Roots".
  • During "Deathmatch", take a shot every time Daddy Dearest's opponent is swapped.
  • Take a drink to pay your respects when the following text shows up: "(insert name of opponent here) was overpowered by Corruption."
  • Take a drink every time Soul Boyfriend appears on screen. Take two if he pulls out a guitar.
    • Down the whole glass in victory when The Stinger for the final video of Week 8 appears, when Soul Boyfriend and Boyfriend shatter the corruption realm through The Power of Rock.

Corrupted mod characters

Other fan content

  • Take a shot every time Corrupted Boyfriend is depicted as having access to Combat Tentacles or stretchy, extendable limbs.

Soul Boyfriend parody account

  • Take a shot for every time he tweets about guitars. Basically, take a shot for every time he tweets period.
