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WMG / Pokémon Uranium

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Lisa is a drugdealer!
  • Lisa's rustic shop almost seemed bugged, when this troper first saw her. She isn't in a house, she's just kinda wandering around on the street, and there's no way to know she's a shopkeeper until you talk to her. And what does she sell? Energy powder, energy root, heal powder. White powder, so basically, she's selling heroin. Everybody else that you talk to in the city keeps saying that "it's such a peaceful city". The girl wandering around near Lisa adds "she's got nothing to do". Well, boredom is the root to all evil, right? The policeman, who's wandering around in the nearby park, is clearly so incompetent (he's just standing around staring at flowers) that Lisa's got free reign to sell whatever she wants.

Gengar will be given out through Mystery Gift.

Possible uses for the Tandnum Ball.
The description says that it protects the caught Pokémon from radiation. Two possibilities for what this means: Either Pokémon caught in them would resist(or at least would no longer be weak to) Nuclear type moves, or a Pokémon would have to be caught in that kind of Pokéball to be resistant to the mind-twisting effects of radiation. If either one is accurate, then it was likely cut due to the fact that, for them to have any real use, you'd need a way to transfer a Pokémon already on your team from one Pokéball to another, which isn't possible with the mechanics they had to work with.

Alternatively, it might not have been a Pokéball in the true sense of being used on it's own to catch a Pokémon, but instead was meant to cover other Pokéballs to protect their inhabitants(with the same possible effects as above). This would be more useful since the Pokémon wouldn't need to be moved, but would still be difficult to pull off programming-wise.

  • The item's exact description is "A BALL thrown to catch a wild POKéMON. It make the caught POKÉMON immune to radiation." I wonder if there was ever a point in development when radiation poisoning would have been a status condition or something.
  • It may have been used to Turn nuclear pokemon into their normal forms

The game takes place before Pokémon Colosseum and the events lead to it.
Professor Larkspur copied the research made to curing Pokémon of the Nuclear Corruption. He couldn't reverse-engineer the nuclear part (which required costly radioactive materials anyways) but he was able to recreate the corruption and the overriding ability to command Pokémon through it, this became the Shadow Element of Team Snagem and Cipher.

CURIE and Urayne wanted to destroy Tandor from the start.
The dialogue about keeping you and Theo hostage in exchange for a steady supply of nuclear fuel was just a cover story; their initial plan was to get enough fuel to nuke Tandor through this method so it'd take everyone by surprise and there would be minimal initial resistance until it was too late. Once they were driven away and went into hiding, they discovered the massive reserves of uranium in Mt. Actanite, prompting them to overpower Actan and take that as their Plan B. This is why the Game Over text if you lose to CURIE in Nuclear Plant Zeta seemingly contradicts what CURIE's stated motives were at that point in the game.

Miror B. was planned to be in the game and/or will appear in a future update.
Miror B.'s signature Ludicolo line is already in the game, and Praseopunk and Neopunk, being music-related Pokemon that work well in Double Battles and in the rain, would be perfect for his team. Plus, as an above WMG notes, the game already has implied connections to Colosseum.
