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Tear Jerker / The Three Stooges

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While the Stooges have been known for being madcap comedians, they're not one to skip on emotional moments.

  • In "Cash and Carry", the Stooges find a boy, named Jimmy, in their home, they force him to leave. As the boy gets up and heads to the door, they find he has a prosthetic leg. Guilty, they have him disregard their order. Before that, Curly asks this:
    Curly: Hey, where's your father?
    Jimmy: We ain't got no father. Just sis and I.
  • "Nutty But Nice" shows a girl, Betty Williams, that's grieving from missing her kidnapped father. For a Stooge short, that is dark.
  • The mention of Dare not loving his wife anymore in "Boobs in Arms" is bound to raise some questions and concern.
