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Tear Jerker / The Property of Hate

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.


  • RGB and Assok's reactions to Hero's Disney Death.
  • This doubles as a Heartwarming Moment; although we don't see it directly, RGB took Hero's apparent demise far harder than you might think...observe Assok's lines in panel 1, and recall that Assok can only repeat things said by someone else present....
  • Also, any time Hero is depressed, as she is just so adorable.
  • Before that there's when Hero learns that she can't go home again, and realizes she no longer even remembers her name.
  • RGB's rather resigned explanation of how the world they are in is only a temporary between for characters whose stories are not complete. When the characters' stories are dropped through lost inspiration, or are successfully completed, they leave. Which would be sad enough, but his explanation goes on while a Fone Bone expy is in the midst of disappearing into light whilst their friend is in tears over their sudden departure. Even worse, whether or not they live on elsewhere, their memories of the Between World do not go with them.
  • Just how resigned RGB looks about his imminent demise on this page. He knows that he can't escape it and he knows that the one pulling the trigger deserve to do so. Thankfully, Hero has other ideas.
  • Page 306 reveals that RGB doesn't want to save the world. He feels like he has to and it's obvious that he's tired of it.
  • Page 343 to 354. Hero and RGB end up chased by what can best be explained as a sandstorm of nothingness so overwhelming it even erases nearby sound....including RGB's cane trick which he had intended to use to escape. At the last moment, he throws Hero across the picket fence to safety, knowing full well he won't make it in time. Rather than remain in safety, however, Hero jumps back across the fence into the sands to rescue RGB. She finds him, but he's out cold, and she's too small to drag him to the fence. She refuses to leave him, however, even as the sandstorm begins eroding her away, instead simply holding onto him and trying not to cry as she awaits the end. Thankfully, one of her tears sparks something (quite literally) inside RGB, which saves them...for the moment, at least.
  • In "Casting", RGB admitting that Hero cannot go back to England anymore, since her "story" there ended the minute she became the hero and entered the World of Make Believe. And it's very clear Hero misses home, since her version of Madras' house has now shifted into her original bedroom.
    • RGB's glass heart breaking when, after he's tucked Hero into her bunk bed, the very tired girl accidentally calls him "Dad" in her sleep. A flood of emotions overcomes him, and he silently goes into the bottom bunk to cry.

