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Funny / The Property of Hate

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  • Many, such as the Hurricane of Puns on this page and RGB's I Have Nothing to Say to That moment.
  • Page 2 has Hero ask RGB to get her down from her bunkbed, even though (as RGB points out) there's a ladder right there.
  • RGB's very predictable one liner right before causing the aforementioned explosion.
  • After nearly getting torn to shreds by broken mirror shrapnel, RGB dryly remarks that he could make a dozen disco balls from all the glass down the back of his neck. When Hero asks what a disco ball is, RGB replies that he forgets how young Hero is; which brings to mind the amusing implication that RBG must've lived at a time where disco was the norm.
  • After several pages of the juxtaposition of Hero and RGB's failed attempts to escape the House of Lead and Anxiety trying to get their enemies to take them seriously, things become dire enough that Hero decides that Negative needs to be summoned. RGB hesitates because he has no desire to make Hero cry. The Doubts that had been crawling up RGB's legs cause his trousers to drop, causing RGB to suffer Comedic Underwear Exposure, revealing that his boxer shorts have pink hearts on them, causing Hero to laugh hard enough to start crying and allowing her to summon Negative by putting her tears into RGB's vents. Negative looks down at his underwear before looking back up and giving an unamused look with his eye.
