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Tear Jerker / Problem Sleuth

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> Examine surging EMOTIONS level.

Your time spent reading the following moments has maxed out your EMOTIONS gauge. What are you doing to yourself?

  • 'BATHEARST has drowned' can make anyone shed a single tear of liquid black sorrow.
    • As well as Ace Dick's later reunion with Bathearst after his son escapes the afterlife.
    "Ace Dick shields sweet Bathearst from the terrific blast. You won't lose him this time. Never again, you say. Never again."
  • Crossing over with Fridge Horror, Problem Sleuth's multiple attempts to use SEPULCHRITUDE when a less powerful or much more mundane attack would (and does) do the trick becomes much less funny after the realization that Sepulchritude is a Suicide Attack and a guaranteed Heroic Sacrifice and will kill Sleuth when he uses it. Combined with several other offhand remarks about suicide, it's possible to infer that Problem Sleuth is a Death Seeker.
  • Collide. The Heroic Sacrifice of PFPI and FFPI is moving.
  • Next. The line "Existing was fun while it lasted." and the implications of Sleuth's death.
