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Tear Jerker / Star Wars: The Clone Wars

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As a result of having a Foregone Conclusion (which also involves characters and elements featured in this installment that are Doomed by Canon), Star Wars: The Clone Wars has a significant amount of moments that are very sorrowful.

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    In General 
  • There's a dark shadow that overcasts this kid's show. Everything that happens in this show will ultimately not matter because of what comes after. Friendships and victories are ultimately all for naught as in the end, Order 66 will happen, the Galactic Empire will rise, and everyone will die. Those fortunate to escape are scarred for life, condemned to either run and hide or fight a bleak war against the empire for the rest of their life.
  • Anakin and Ahsoka's friendship, which we knew from the beginning was doomed from the very moment they met since Ahsoka was never mentioned or seen in Revenge of the Sith. Every happy moment you see onscreen is overshadowed by what eventually will happen. It's hard to see them get so close, only for their friendship to break apart by Ahsoka's departure from the Jedi Order and Anakin's descent to the dark side. It hurts even more to realize that these two never had a proper goodbye.
    • Tragically and ironically, Ahsoka's Undying Loyalty to her master is the one thing that prevented her from being able to stop him from falling to the Dark Side. Ahsoka probably was the only person at this time who might've been able to stop Anakin's descent to Darth Vader, but her faith in him blinded her. As seen in later media, this seems to be Ahsoka's greatest regret.
  • Similarly seeing Anakin and Obi-Wan’s friendship in this show makes his turn to the dark side even more painful. Anakin was indeed a good friend, but the war and Palpatine’s manipulations slowly corrupted him to become Darth Vader.
    • Anakin Skywalker started the Clone Wars working side by side with Obi-Wan Kenobi. By the end, he’s the Final Boss that Kenobi has to destroy.
  • Seeing Anakin’s design changed throughout the series also counts as well. We see how much he had went through in the war and all the growth he had as a character from it. Knowing that Anakin will go from a handsome young Jedi to a burnt limbless husk is quite saddening.

    Season One 
The Pilot Movie
  • Rotta, a Huttlet of all things, invokes this. He's simply an innocent child (barely more than an infant) caught up in a war he's too young to understand. The conditions the little Huttlet was forced to endure before Anakin and Ahsoka rescue him are terrible: he's trapped in a large, dirty-looking room, with no windows or lights of any kind. The room is totally bare, and the Huttlet wasn't even given a bed or a chair to rest on. By the time he's rescued, he's sick and suffering from a fever.

"Rising Malevolence"

  • The exchange between Plo and Sinker. While Plo rapidly denies that his men are expendable, and does so for the second time in this episode, it shows the heartbreaking values that Sinker, Boost, and all of the other clone troopers grew up on.
  • A small moment, but still sad: After being rescued, we see Plo genuinely saddened after he finds out that he, Wolffe, Boost, and Sinker are the only ones who survived the attack.

"Shadow of Malevolence"

  • The deaths of several members of Shadow Squadron.
  • Anakin mourning the losses of his men among Shadow Squadron, despite the great victory their lives had earned.


  • Hevy's Heroic Sacrifice. It's most certainly this due to "Clone Cadets". During training, Hevy befriended a clone assigned to maintenance duty named 99. When his teammates end up back on Kamino in "ARC Troopers", they have to tell 99 that he died.
  • Cutup and Droidbait's deaths are shockingly abrupt and brutal. It's especially harsh if you're watching in the series in chronological order and have already seen "Clone Cadets".

"Downfall of a Droid"

  • The ending of this episode, where now no one cares and forgets about R2 (because he's assumed destroyed in action) except for Anakin. Obi-Wan is surprisingly cruel, stating R2 is "just a droid" when he's known the little astromech and worked along side him longer than Anakin.

"Lair of Grievous"

  • The death of Nahdar Vebb. Kit Fisto's reaction in which utters, "No...", is especially depressing.
  • Oddly enough, Grievous does sound to be upset at the death of Gor.
    • More than that. When he initially checks in to see how Gor is doing, he says the animal's name in a clear state of shock, as if he cannot believe what he is seeing. After Gor does not get up, Grievous screams and smashes the console he's using with his fists. While it's not incredibly evocative, these few seconds make it clear Grevious and Gor have more to them than what we've seen.

"The Gungan General"

  • This episode presents Anakin and Obi-Wan working together with Dooku when they are captured and shackled together. Among the snarking and banter, one might think that Dooku never turned to the Dark Side and is mentoring the younger Jedi on a mission. Of course, only for a moment.
  • Senator Kharrus dies as a result of his seat harness breaking, much to Jar Jar's sadness. Jar Jar makes a grave for him and delivers a brief eulogy.

"Defenders of Peace"


"The Hidden Enemy"

  • This episode presents that one of the clone troopers, Sergeant Slick, has betrayed the Republic. And in a way, he was justified. With the Jedi using the clone troopers as fodder in the war, he was desperate for a way out. Even then, his last line felt genuine.
    "I- I love my brothers. You're too blind to see it, but I was striking the blow for all clones."
  • The plot of this episode also brings its aesop back to mind rather painfully.
    Truth enlightens the mind, but won't always bring happiness to your heart.

"Storm Over Ryloth"

  • Ahsoka becoming depressed after losing 8/10 of Blue Squadron (though they say it was the whole squadron, but there were 2 survivors besides Ahsoka). This is made even worse that it was her fault because she disobeyed Anakin.

"Innocents of Ryloth"

  • There is a moment in this episode where a Twi'lek girl named Numa shows the clone troopers Waxer and Boil what used to be her home. And to top it all off, she starts crying when Waxer finds her doll and gives it to her...

    Season Two 
"Weapons Factory"

"Grievous Intrigue"

  • When Grievous transmits his torture of a Jedi Master some younglings watching can't stand it and turn away, with Ahsoka comforting them and Yoda sending them off because this is really not something they need to see.

"The Deserter"

  • Cut Lawquane's backstory and what led him to deserting the clone army.

"Voyage of Temptation"

  • When Anakin tries to enquire about Obi-Wan's relationship with Satine after she's been taken hostage, Obi-Wan snaps that it has nothing to do with the current situation only to look a bit somber immediately after. Whatever happened between them is clearly a sore point for the Jedi Master.
  • The Sadistic Choice Tal Merrik pulls off is pretty hopeless as no matter how he's stopped it comes at a price for whoever does it. Satine would have to compromise her pacifist ideals to save everyone while Obi-Wan could easily stop him and save everyone, being seen as a hero by the Republic... at the cost of making Satine hate him. There really didn't seem to be any good solutions so it's a good thing Anakin showed up.
  • The way Satine throws away her blaster with a look of disgust on her makes it clear just how fervent she adheres to her pacifist ideals... and just how loathsome Merrik was for forcing her into a situation where she had no choice but to resort to violence.
  • The tragic undercurrent surrounding Obi-Wan and Satine's romance. It's clear that they did love each other deeply and still do in the present day, to the point that Obi-Wan would have left the Jedi Order to be with her if she asked. Obi-Wan, who has dedicated his entire life to the tenets of the Jedi Code, was willing to leave it all behind for the woman he loved. And in the end they could never bring themselves to leave the roles they chose to help the Republic, no matter how much it hurt them.

"Senate Murders"

  • Onaconda Farr's death in this episode, especially the funeral.

"The Zillo Beast Strikes Back"

"Death Trap"

  • Boba's interactions with the clone troopers in this episode. The worst part is that he didn't want to harm any of them.
    Clone Trooper: (as Boba points his own weapon at him) We're brothers. Don't shoot!
    Boba: You're not my brother.

"Lethal Trackdown"

  • Anakin's reaction to Commander Ponds' execution by Aurra Sing.
    Anakin: That was Ponds....
  • Boba Fett gets a couple of these.
    • The first one is when Aurra Sing shoots Castas for talking about selling them out. The look on Boba's face shows how disturbed he is by it and that he might be in over his head. For as much as Jango taught him about bounty hunting, this might be the first time Boba realized how cold the people in that profession really are.
    • The second comes towards the end of the episode. After Boba and Aurra's standoff with Plo Koon and Ashoka, the two attempt to flee, only for Boba to be grabbed with the Force. He begs Aurra to help him, but she runs. When Plo questions him to the location of the hostages, Boba only says quietly, "She left me".

    Season Three 

"Clone Cadets"

  • Echo and Fives asked to transfer to another squad, saying how they're watching out for each other. They also have dreams of becoming ARC Troopers. They would get their wish when they return next episode...because they're all that would be left of Domino Squad.

"ARC Troopers"

  • When Kamino is attacked, 99 does everything he can to help the clone troopers survive, eventually getting killed while trying to get more grenades in the middle of a firefight.
  • 99 has the body of a frail old man, but like all clones at the time, he's no older than 13.
  • When Echo and Fives return to Kamino, 99 is glad to see they've made ARC Troopers and asks where Hevy is. Echo and Fives sadly inform 99 of Hevy's sacrifice. You can tell 99 knew it would eventually happen, but it didn't do anything to take the sting out of it.

"Heroes on Both Sides"

  • Mina Bonteri (A member of the Separatist civilian government and Padmé's friend) gets killed off for advocating peace. Just another of the senseless sacrifices of war.

"Supply Lines"

  • The last stand of the Republic. Especially crushing is Ima Gun-Di's last stand with Captain Keeli and his last words "The Twi'leks will live to fight another day" as he's finally overwhelmed.
  • Notice the grave look on Gun-Di's face when he gives his men the order to get ready for what is basically a suicide mission. The clone troopers are naturally all eager to do whatever is required of them, but Gun-Di obviously feels terrible asking them to make this sacrifice.


  • Count Dooku being forced to have Asajj Ventress killed. The reveal of Ventress's full backstory is just as sad.


  • The newly brainwashed and transformed Savage Opress killing his brother Feral as a test of loyalty to Ventress and Mother Talzin. Also doubles as Nightmare Fuel.

"Witches of the Mist"

  • The death of King Katuunko in this episode is sorrowful.


  • Anakin seeing his mother again when it turns out to be The Son of Mortis impersonating her.

"Altar of Mortis"

"Ghosts of Mortis"

  • In this episode, Anakin (while controlled by the Son of Mortis) discovers that he will become Darth Vader and murder Obi-Wan (as well as many innocents) in the near future. When the pair face off Anakin destroys Obi-Wan's transport in order to keep him stranded on the planet, telling him that he's only doing it to keep him safe, "for his own good". Well, we all know how that turns out...
  • Obi-Wan's face when he sees Anakin corrupted by the Dark Side.
  • Before the Father erases the memory, claiming that nothing is set in stone; Anakin, on the verge of tears, tells him "But I will cause so much pain!".
  • The Son of Mortis, while retrieving the Dagger of Mortis from the Daughter's tomb, tells his deceased sister that he truly did care for her. This also counts as a Heartwarming Moment.
    Son: It's ironic, my sister. You were the only one I truly loved...
  • The Father committing suicide to take the Son's power away from him and the Son dying in his father's arms after Anakin mortally wounds him.
    Son: And so, you have betrayed me, Father...
  • The fact that the Son's story is basically foreshadowing the events of Anakin's turn. He, too, will lose the struggle against darkness and ultimately destroy everything he holds dear.

"The Citadel"

  • We find out at the beginning of the episode, that Anakin has banned Ahsoka from coming on the mission. From Ahsoka's dialogue later, it is implied that Anakin has been picking and choosing which missions she could join because he didn't want her taking risks. This might seem a little strange as Ahsoka by this point has already been on her fair share of missions, some just as dangerous as this, but if you consider what happened last arc, it all makes sense. Ahsoka literally died on the Mission to Mortis and was fortunately able to revived thanks to the Daughter's sacrifice. This event must have really spooked Anakin, being so close to losing someone he loved, that he just didn't want to put her in any danger anymore.


  • Echo's (supposed) death in the episode. It's even more tragic when you realize that Fives is now the only surviving member of Domino squad. He's lost everyone he's grown up with.
    Fives: ECHO!

"Citadel Rescue"

  • Master Evan Piell's death in the episode.
  • The reprogrammed Battle Droids under R2D2's command are ordered to hold off a large force to cover the escape of the Jedi and the prisoners. Knowing that there's no way they'll survive, one of the battle droids says to R2 "It was an honor to serve with you."

"Padawan Lost"

  • Anakin's reaction to Ahsoka going MIA. He tries his best to locate her, sending his men to search the area over and over again and tries to reach out to her through the Force, but she's just gone. Eventually, he's forced to leave Felucia because there's really nothing more he can do.
    • At the end of the episode, Anakin is seen tirelessly searching for his missing Padawan, clearly unable to forgive himself for her sudden disappearance.
  • Kalifa's death at the end of the episode. It hurts more when you find out that she had been trapped there longer that anyone else. The only thing she wants in the end is for Ahsoka to take care of the other younglings.

    Season Four 
"Gungan Attack"

"Shadow Warrior"

  • The death of General Tarpals. It turns from a Heroic Sacrifice into a Senseless Sacrifice because instead of keeping General Grievous as a prisoner, they end up having to give him back to the Separatists in exchange for Anakin Skywalker, who was captured by Dooku shortly after Grievous's capture.

"Nomad Droids"

  • R2-D2 and C-3PO running out of power and shutting down. Threepio softly begs Artoo not to leave him, then slowly shuts down himself while telling his friend that he'll be joining him soon. Sure, they predictably get better, but we still had to see what Threepio's reaction to losing R2 would be.

"Plan of Dissent"

"Carnage of Krell"

"Slaves of the Republic"

  • Ahsoka's final scene in the episode has her being tortured by Atai Molec after trying to fling him off a ledge while caged above the queen's palace and he continues torturing her as the scene wipes to the slaver ship carrying Obi-Wan arriving at Kadavo, while we hear her screams of torture echo out. It is made even more tragic that it was the last shot of her in the first half of the fourth season, and that we would not find out if she will be saved until January 2012. This is truly one of the most heartbreaking moments of the installment.
  • The entire episode's third act after the Zygerrians thwart the Jedi's attempt to escape is especially tragic. By the end of this episode, our heroes have no hope of escape, and apparently will end up living in slavery forever. That makes the month long wait for "Escape from Kadavo" especially depressing.

"Escape from Kadavo"

  • In a kind of Alas, Poor Villain sort of way, Queen Miraj Scintel's death at Dooku's hand.


  • Obi-Wan's "funeral", especially Satine's reaction. While any adept viewer (or anyone who's seen Revenge of the Sith) would realize that Obi-Wan isn't actually dead, Satine genuinely believes that the man she loves is dead and seeing her break down crying, particularly after she has spent every other episode she appeared in keeping up a strong, unflappable appearance, is heartbreaking.
  • Anakin too. He and Obi-Wan were like family..
  • Also a bit earlier in the episode, seeing Ahsoka barely holding her tears and at the same time, hearing Anakin's desperately calling out Obi-Wan's name while trying to wake him.

"Friends and Enemies"

  • Anakin vs. Rako Hardeen, who is actually Obi-Wan in disguise.


  • The end of the episode, where all of the Nightsisters (excluding Ventress and Mother Talzin) are killed, with Ventress' reaction selling it.
  • Poor young Karis dying words to Ventress, still holding onto hope that the Nightsisters could defeat the Separatist droid army.
    Karis: Go, and lead us to victory...
  • Ventress outright begs Mother Talzin not to leave her alone on Dathomir after General Grievous and his Separatist droid army finish massacring majority of the Nightsisters.


  • The poor colonists on Raydonia (including women and children) that are brutally murdered by Darth Maul in "Revenge". It also doubles as Nightmare Fuel.

    Season Five 
  • The death of Adi Gallia is very sudden yet sorrowful.

"Tipping Points"

  • The death of Steela Gerrera at the end of the episode. What makes it even worse is that it's a result of a freak accident after the battle had all but been won. Even worse, Saw feels responsible for it since he shot down the Droid Gunship that not only caused the cliff Steela was standing on to collapse when it crashed, it still had enough power left to disrupt Ahsoka's attempt to save her.

Young Jedi arc

  • This story arc isn't a Tear Jerker on first glance... until you consider that these younglings probably will not survive the Jedi Purge following the execution of Order 66.

"Missing in Action"

  • Gregor's apparent death in the episode. Colonel Gascon's reaction to it is equally depressing.

"Point of No Return"

  • BZ sacrifices himself to defeat the buzz droids by letting them out of an airlock, along with himself. Doubles as a Moment of Awesome.
  • Also, R2's near-death is this, especially for viewers who haven't seen Revenge of the Sith and onwards. It really does look like that the previous episode's events have inspired D-Squad. Anakin's tone of voice when he orders for a search party to look for R2 is also heartbreaking.

"Shades of Reason"

  • Pre-Vizsla's death is pretty sorrowful. Bo-Katan's reaction to Pre Vizsla's death is also heartbreaking as well, especially the extended cut of the scene in the DVD version of the episode. In that version, it is all Bo-Katan can do to keep herself from breaking into tears.
  • Bo-Katan sounds pretty angry, perhaps heartbroken, when half of the witnesses there bow to Maul right after Vizsla's death and the two sides end up trying to kill each other momentarily as she and the others that are still loyal to Vizsla flee the palace. While Death Watch is definitely a terrorist group and doesn't quite have the best for society in mind, you can see in other scenes that that they had camaraderie and relationships with each other, so this scene partly showed what some of them ultimately felt about their cause.
  • And even before that, when Vizsla is just about defeated, he looks around at his men, whose faces just read complete disappointment. The very man that told them to believe in the old ways and join Death Watch in the first place, that the strongest deserve to live while the weak perish, is a Hypocrite to them; a failure. Especially when his loss is to a non-Mandalorian.

"The Lawless"

  • Satine's death at the hands of Darth Maul to break Obi-Wan and her last words to Obi-Wan are also tragic: "Remember, my dear Obi-Wan. I loved you always. I always will".
    • It gets worse when you consider that Maul used the Darksaber, a symbol of Mandalorian culture, to kill Satine. The Duchess of Mandalore, an outspoken pacifist, was impaled with an ancient weapon representing the warrior culture Mandalore was known for, and everything Satine hated.
  • Obi-Wan stares into the chaos of the Mandalorian Civil War and you can feel him break, knowing Satine's dream is dead... and he could do nothing for either.
  • And later when Obi-Wan has to flee Mandalore, he says to Bo-Katan:
    Obi-Wan: You're Satine's sister, aren't you? ... I'm so sorry...
    • For vehicle enthusiasts and fans that have been around ever since the beginning of the installment, the Twilight's destruction.
  • The sheer horror in Maul when Sidious arrives. Oh, he's a bastard, to be sure, who's just cemented himself as irredeemably evil, having come off one of the worst atrocities in his life, but he was forged into a monster rather than born one. Maul is a formidable warrior who bows to nobody most of the time, but he immediately prostrates himself before Sidious and attempts to spin a lie like a child fearing punishment... which, when it comes down to it, is essentially what he is. This isn't just a clash of two powerful and evil force users, it's also a broken Psychopathic Manchild facing his childhood abuser.
  • Savage's death and his last words to Maul. If you look at the scene more closely, you'll notice that it almost mirrors Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon's battle against Maul back in The Phantom Menace. In this installment, Maul finds himself watching helplessly as his brother fights Sidious alone which ends in his death, putting Maul in the very same position as Obi-Wan over a decade before when Qui-Gon was killed. Seeing the devastated look upon Maul's face, it's almost as if he finally understands the pain he put Obi-Wan through when he killed Qui-Gon.
    • It becomes even more of a tearjerker when you look at how Sidious kills Savage. He hits him in the face before stabbing him through the torso. Exactly how Maul killed Qui-Gon.
  • It's not like he didn't have it coming, but it's still really hard to watch Sidious torture Maul. It's obvious that his brother's death has broken him and Maul's absolute terror of his former master really makes you wonder how many times similar scenes played out in the past, especially when you remember that Sidious raised Maul from infancy.

"The Jedi Who Knew Too Much"

  • One has to feel for Ahsoka at the end of the episode. In probably less than a day, her entire life was ruined by someone (a Force user) setting her up for reasons she can't comprehend, and even her master hasn't (from her point of view) done much of anything to help her.
  • Then, there's Anakin. Ahsoka is practically his daughter/little sister, and he's unable to help her in any way other than convince her to come back with him. Just seeing him trying desperately to find her is enough to make anyone tear up, especially when you consider how badly Anakin reacts to losing his loved ones.
    • In light of what happens in Star Wars: Rebels, the fact that Anakin promises to Ahsoka that he would never let anyone hurt her only to be the very one who tries to kill her later on. And he would have succeeded if Ezra didn't literally change her fate via time travel.
  • And then, there's Rex. When he's issuing Anakin's orders, his tone of voice makes it obvious just how shocked he is by the turn of events.

"The Wrong Jedi"

  • The horror on Anakin's face just screams My God, What Have I Done? as he realises that Ventress is right about comparing how the Jedi Council abandoned Ahsoka to how Dooku did the same to her. Also the compassion and blame in the once psychotic Nightsister's voice as she explains this.
  • What makes this episode almost unbearable is that Barriss is right. The Jedi are fighting a pointless war in the name of a Sith Lord, (albeit unknowingly) and the Republic that they have fought so hard to protect will soon cease to exist. You can tell by Palpatine's expression that her speech strikes a nerve.
    Barriss: This republic is failing! It's only a matter of time.
  • Barriss's look of remorse toward Ahsoka as she is led off to prison. While she feels justified at having done everything else, it seems involving Ahsoka to the point of inadvertently risking her life is Barriss's sole regret.
  • Think back to the trauma that Barriss, a young Jedi, has had to deal with in this war, particularly the Brain worms. And then remember that after all that, she came to realize that the side of the war she fought for and went through all that for is wrong and corrupted. While it can't excuse her becoming a terrorist in response, is it any wonder the poor girl snapped?
  • The ending of "The Wrong Jedi", where Ahsoka leaves the Jedi Order, even after her name is cleared, because her faith in the Order is so shaken that she can't bear to stay.
  • Though the focus in the scene is on Anakin, a couple shots of Obi-Wan show him looking devastated.
  • Yoda hangs his head in shame, looking as though he is thinking "What have I done?" Or more specifically, "what have I not done", as Yoda was one of the few who did believe Ahsoka, and yet he did very little to help her because he felt overruled by the majority of the Council. And as a result, the Order is losing one of its most promising Padawans... or in Tano's case, the potential Jedi Knight who had just went through the toughest challenge yet.
    • In addition, in the movie it is revealed that Yoda had assigned Ahsoka to Anakin to overcome his inability to let go, as he believed that by becoming a teacher Anakin would develop emotionally. He hoped that when the time came for Ahsoka to go off on her own, Anakin would understand that he need not be attached and feel so protective of those he loved.
  • And even with the mask, Plo looks completely broken-hearted.
  • The last shots of Ahsoka's face as she leaves the Order take it to an entirely different level. The always cheerful, optimistic, and enthusiastic girl cries without hiding.
  • The fact that Dave Filoni kicked everyone out of the recording studio except for Matt Lanter (Anakin Skywalker) and Ashley Eckstein (Ahsoka Tano) to record this scene further shows how powerful it is.
    • On that note, the entire final conversation between Anakin and Ahsoka provides more heartbreak.
      Anakin: Why are you doing this?
      Ahsoka: The Council didn't trust me - so how I could trust myself?
      Anakin: What about me? I believed in you, I stood by you!
      Ahsoka: I know you believe in me, Anakin, and I'm grateful for that. But this isn't about you. I can't stay here any longer... not now.
      Anakin: The Jedi Order is your life. You can't just throw it away like this! Ahsoka, you are making a mistake!
      Ahsoka: Maybe - but I have to sort this out on my own, without the Council... and without you.
      Anakin: I understand... more than you realize, I understand wanting to walk away from the Order.
      Ahsoka: I know.
  • Ahsoka's look of shock upon learning that Barriss was the one who orchestrated the whole plot. One can only imagine what Luminara's reaction would be, seeing as her once-model apprentice has fallen to the Dark Side.
  • And even before that, she's totally despondent while sitting in a Republic jail cell in "The Jedi Who Knew Too Much", pretty much convinced that she's doomed because Anakin is the only one actually trying to help her (not that she faults Padmé for defending her, mind you, she's just quite convinced it's pointless).
  • Tarkin's horror when he realizes Ahsoka was innocent and he nearly got her sentenced to death: this is the moment where we see that, once upon a time, Wilhuff Tarkin was a genuine Well-Intentioned Extremist who didn't want to harm innocents and only used genuine villains to show potential criminals what they were in for... And not someone who'd literally blow up a planet to scare people into serving a dictator.
  • The ending credits also qualify. Instead of the usual circle wipe and ending theme, the scene just fades away and a rather somber version of Ahsoka's theme plays through the credits. Cartoon Network didn't even do their usual picture-in-picture credits advertisements when the episode first aired on television.

    Season Six 
Order 66 arc
  • Tup's fate. He had absolutely no control over his actions (killing a Jedi master) and for that he got drugged, restrained and was prepared to be killed and dissected by the Kaminoans (who are revealed to be part of the Sith conspiracy). Then, Fives and his Robot Buddy, in the course of trying to save him, discover the reason behind all of this... only for Tup to die anyway since he was weak to begin with.
  • Fives is taken back to Coruscant to reveal what he knows... to Chancellor Palpatine. You can guess where this is headed. Having been injected with some sort of drugs by Nala Se beforehand, Fives can't properly convey what he knows and grows ever-more paranoid while being hunted for trying to assassinate the Chancellor, who revealed the entire plot to him. Finally, he's gunned down by one of his fellow clone troopers while reaching for a weapon, and the chance of stopping Order 66 dies along with him.
  • Fives' understandable anger when he lashes out at a cab driver after he'd just learned that the Chancellor was behind the whole conspiracy.
    Fives: (the driver states that he likes mysteries) Yeah, you ever hear the one about the people who were engineered to kill? Kill their best friends, their leaders! And they don't even know it!?
  • Then, there's Fives' last words to Rex. "The mission... The nightmares... They're finally... over..." After everything he's gone through, he just sounds relieved to finally be free.
  • Rex, trapped under a rayshield, can only watch and scream Fives' name as his brother is gunned down. When he's released, he immediately rushes to Fives' side, holding him and telling him to stay awake. After Fives stops breathing, Rex completely breaks down, shaking him and begging him to wake up, until the reality finally sets in.
  • Even Commander Fox's men of the Coruscant Guard (who were the ones who gunned Fives down) are saddened and take off their helmets in respect. Their expressions and bafflement suggest that somehow they sense a deep dread about what's to come even if they don't fully comprehend Fives's final words about the "nightmare."
  • Order 66 in general can be seen in a much harsher light after this story arc. All of the clone troopers are affected by it due to the inhibitor chips that have been installed in their brains by the Kaminoans, and they don't even know about it. Once the Order is officially issued, the clone troopers are just as much of victims of it as the Jedi are.
  • The clone troopers are rarely seen interacting with the Republic's citizenry outside of a purely military capacity. They have no friends, no family and no roots outside of their brothers in arms. Of all the people who would have most recognized and respected the clone troopers for their service, it would have been their Jedi commanders who led them in the field. Order 66 meant that the clone troopers had to gun down some of the few people who would have advocated for their recognition by the Republic and respected them as individuals.
  • At the beginning of the scene in Palpatine's office following Fives' execution, you can see Anakin mourning over Fives' death.

Clovis arc

  • Rush Clovis's ultimate fate as it were. All he wanted to do was purge the Intergalactic Banking Clan of corruption and keep it a neutral party as it used to be. Then after getting aided by Count Dooku in finding the stolen accounts and coming to power, Dooku blackmails him into "favoring" the Separatists and then sends an invasion fleet to Scipio to make it look like he's abusing his power. In the end, he inadvertently brought war to Scipio, deliberately fell to his death to let his beloved live, he is blamed for the corruption in the Banking Clan (especially when he was worried about his own legacy) and control of the Clan ends up falling to the Republic alone (giving Palpatine's future empire a large source of income for weapons such as the Death Star).
  • Also in this story arc is Anakin's reaction after beating Clovis in "The Rise of Clovis". He's horrified at what he did despite hating Clovis. Considering that he is also at an emotional low (Ahsoka's gone, he's losing faith in the Jedi, etc.), we get an idea of just how much inner turmoil he's experiencing. And then there's his talk with Padmé afterwards that perfectly demonstrates how the Dark Side works. It eats away at you, slowly driving you deeper into it's grasp, and then it breaks you. Imperial March playing doesn't make the scene any more cheerful.
  • Padmé's talk with Anakin in "The Rise of Clovis" after he beat up Clovis harshly illustrates that while they genuinely love each other and even if Anakin wasn't busy fighting a war for the most of three years, their respective careers make it all but impossible to maintain a healthy marriage. Because Anakin's a Jedi, he and Padmé can't do all the things that more functional couples have the freedom to do. Between this realization and Anakin's possessive behavior, it's little wonder Padmé suggests they stop seeing each other for a while.

"The Lost One"

  • Former Chancellor Finis Valorum's brief appearance in the episode. Here, we see he was a good man and a good Chancellor, unwilling to be stifled by the bureaucracy and the Senate's corruption and refusal to admit certain problems existed... Who just happened to be in the way for Palpatine's rise to power, and thus was reduced to a Puppet King that had to send Jedi on secret missions to try and get things done, and was in the end dismissed as incompetent.


  • The trial of temptation in the episode. First, Yoda is given an apocalyptic scene of a hallway in the Jedi Temple with the bodies of fallen Jedi, including Mace Windu, Petro and Ahsoka Tano. To make the last even more heart-breaking, Ahsoka asks if she'll still be able to become one with the Force despite being cast out of the Order by the Council before dying. Then, Katooni brings Yoda to a more idyllic scenario: there is no war, and everyone Yoda knows is still part of the Jedi Order, including characters who previously died (such as Qui-Gon Jinn, Tiplar, Knox and Adi Gallia) or left/betrayed the Order due to circumstances connected to the war (Dooku, Barriss Offee, and Ahsoka Tano). Yoda really longs for those happier times, but he knows this isn't real.


    Season Seven 
"The Bad Batch"
  • In a brand new scene that wasn't in the unfinished story reels, we have Rex sadly sitting in the barracks looking at a photo of himself, Cody, Fives and Echo, the latter of the two of have long since died (or so it seems in Echo's case), lamenting that many of the brothers he has known have died over the course of the war and having a bit of Survivor Guilt.
    Rex: Fives, Echo, and before that, Hevy. There's so many troopers gone.
    Cody: Yeah, regular folk don't understand. Sometimes in war, it's hard to be the one that survives.

"A Distant Echo"

  • Just as the squad is about to infiltrate the Techno Union HQ on Skako Minor, they notice that the supposedly still-alive Echo is no longer emitting the algorithm to let them trace him, leading Hunter suspect that Echo might actually be dead. When Rex suggests against the idea, Crosshair coldly suggests that Rex is letting his feelings get the better of him because of his guilt over leaving Echo behind, and to pour more salt in the wound, suggests he would have left him for dead too when he says he had no choice. This leads to Rex, who is already suffering from Survivor Guilt, physically lashing out at him.
    Crosshair: I think you're letting your personal feelings get in the way because you left him for dead at the Citadel.
    Rex: I had no choice. You hear me?
    Crosshair: Oh, I don't blame you. I would've left him for dead too. Besides, he's just another reg.
    • The original cut wasn't much better either. In that version, Crosshair suggested that Echo might have deliberately turned on them out of resentment for being left behind, even stating that he wouldn't stay loyal if he was left for dead too.

"On the Wings of Keeradaks"

  • Rex tells Echo that with him back, he hopes it can be like old times. However, in a newly-added line to the ending, Echo replies "Yeah... Just like old times." with a hint of sadness and ominousness. Given that the Techno Union was experimenting on him since the Citadel (and may have discovered some things about himself he wasn't meant to know about), he went through some horrific experiences, and Fives died before they found him, it's highly unlikely he can go back to those old times.

"Old Friends Not Forgotten"

  • Every single shot of the clones becomes this in these final episodes. We know Order 66 is coming. So after 7 seasons of getting to know the clones, getting to love them and see them as the loyal and brave soldiers they are, the knowledge that soon they will be reduced to mindless slaves for the empire makes every interaction with them, every good thing they do, feel horrifically bittersweet. These were good men, individuals with their own personalities who loved and cared for each other and the Jedi, and soon all that will be gone.
  • Numerous Jedi Masters have been sent to worlds they will never leave, Anakin and Obi-Wan have been called to rescue the Chancellor from General Grievous. We know what happens next.
  • Anakin, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka's reunion, rather than being heartwarming or tender, is bitter and fraught with tension. Ahsoka is angry at the Jedi which comes out in her interactions with Anakin and Obi-Wan, Anakin is elated to have her back but shocked by her coldness and still conflicted over her leaving, and Obi-Wan is just overwhelmingly tired and sad from everything that's happened in the war. Things are too urgent for them to truly interact as friends, putting it all off until "after all this is over", which the viewer already knows will never come. It's the last time the Power Trio will ever be together and they left on poor terms that'll haunt them for the rest of their lives.
    • Adding to it is Anakin's final interactions with Ahsoka. It's heartwarming, yes, seeing her wish him luck and him give her an encouraging smile in return, but it swings back around into tearjerker territory knowing that this little moment is the last time they'll see each other as friends. It gets worse knowing that the next time they meet, Anakin - in his persona of Vader - has been warped beyond recognition and he will stop at nothing to see Ahsoka dead.
  • When Captain Vaughn dies, his last words were of his regret thinking that he failed his respected commander. Given that the Siege of Mandalore takes place before and during the execution of Order 66, Ahsoka could only blame herself for failing to save him and the other clones ... right before the inevitable happens. Especially when they painted their helmets after her as a sign of their dedication, and their respect.
    • The painted helmets scene really kicks you in the heart. At first it's almost tears of joy at seeing this show of loyalty and respect towards Ahsoka, reminding her they still see her as one of them despite her no longer being part of the order. That feeling sours horrifically though when you remember that Order 66 is coming, and those same men will soon be forced to hunt and kill her.

"The Phantom Apprentice"


  • After twelve long years in the making, the time has come.
    Palpatine/Sidious: Execute Order 66.
    Rex: Yes, Lord Sidious.
  • Ahsoka sensing the confrontation in Palpatine's office and that something terrible has happened to Anakin, but she's not sure what.
  • Rex briefly managing to overcome Order 66 so he can buy time for Ahsoka and to tell her to "find Fives", all while shedding tears from the combination of not wanting to kill one of his dearest friends, that he may have to hurt and kill his brothers to save her, and realizing that Fives was right. Then he pulls the trigger and the heartwrenching climax to Anakin's Dark Deeds begins playing.
    • Rex's fear of having to kill his own troopers comes horribly true at the end of the episode; upon having his biochip removed, he is immediately forced to gun down several troopers to stop them from killing Ahsoka and the droids. He then spends the next few seconds just staring at the wall in dumbstruck horror as the weight of what's all happening hits him.
      • It doesn't help that he sheds a single tear like Waxer did when he fired on his brothers.
    • Think about from Rex's perspective. Really think about it. Rex knows about Fives. Fives talked about the chip. Rex saw a trooper go insane and kill his Jedi. He knows Ahsoka isn't even a Jedi anymore. Yet when he hears the order, something in him tells him to kill his best friend. He knows by all logic that, not only does he not want to do it, he doesn't have to do it to Ahsoka. Yet, everything is screaming at him inside his mind to kill her. He realizes that the chip is real, that's it's controlling him. Fives was right. He fights it will everything he has and manages to scream out Fives's name before his fingers pull the triggers against his will. Then he's just gone. Rex is dead. It's as if he never existed. He's just another CT # again.
  • As if Order 66 wasn’t bad enough, what makes it worse is that the 332nd clones are still wearing the helmets painted in Ahsoka's honor as they’re trying to kill her. Just minutes ago these men would have gladly laid down their lives for her, and now they’re trying to gun her down without mercy.
  • Given his demonstration of Undying Loyalty last episode, seeing Jesse leading the charge into the bridge to execute Ahsoka is downright painful to watch.
  • Does the medic symbol on the medical bay doors remind you of anyone?

"Victory And Death"

  • When Ahsoka voices to Rex that their escape plan is complicated in that she doesn't want to hurt the clones, he gets upset and says that they have to because his brothers are willing to hurt them. Understanding how horrible this situation must be for him, Ahsoka takes off his helmet and we see Rex shedding a Single Tear as Ahsoka assures him that they're all good soldiers and that's why she refuses to kill them.
    • And yet, they did kill them all. Decisions they both made in the previous episode (Rex ordering the destruction of the ship's escape pods, and Ahsoka releasing Maul) result in the loss of the ship with all hands other than themselves. The fact that they couldn't have known this would be a result (Maul being a wild card) arguably makes it worse.
  • R7 takes a blaster bolt that would have hit Ahsoka. A truly loyal droid who served her to the end.
    • R7's remains are seen sitting below the Y-Wing as Ahsoka is discarding her lightsaber, showing that Ahsoka dug through the wreck to find him and put him back together as a memorial to his sacrifice.
  • Seeing the Venator-class Star Destroyer plummeting down into the desolate moon is one of the most tragic sights to behold. Once a proud, iconic battlecruiser of the Republic used by the Jedi and the clones, the ship is torn apart by the chaos caused by Order 66 and those aboard are brainwashed clones, too consumed by their directive to kill their former friends to care about their impeding death. None of them survive the crash and the ruined ship serves a monument to the old Republic that no longer exists.
  • Likewise, Cheep and G-G getting executed for helping Ahsoka and Rex.
    • The way in which they're executed is rather brutal. Jesse rather coldly orders them to be blasted at point-blank range. The fact that the pair let out a terrified scream just before they die doesn't help.
  • Ahsoka and Rex give the fallen clones a proper burial. Even though they were brainwashed in the end, they were once loyal soldiers and comrades, and were ultimately victims of a plot far beyond their imaginations.
    • Jesse and the 332nd died believing Ahsoka and Rex betrayed them, leading to their own betrayal.
    • The panning shot in particular of all the clone helmets mounted on their graves. They're still individualised in a way they never will be again under the empire, many of them even decorated with Ahsoka's own markings. It pans over dozens of them before finally and chillingly stopping on Jesse's helmet. Jesse, one of the most familiar of all the brothers, who spent the episodes preceding this desperately trying to stay loyal to Ahsoka under Maul's mental attacks, and this was his final fate.
  • The fact that Rex is going into hiding from his own brothers, who are no longer themselves due to being Brainwashed and Crazy by their chips. The only respite is that we know eventually he'll be joined up by Wolffe and Gregor, who too overcome their programming offscreen, to keep him company.
  • The pain in Rex's voice when he tells Ahsoka that all of the clones are affected. Even though he's done the impossible before, even he knows he won't be able to save all of his brothers. What's worse is that in Rebels it's shown that in the end he may have only saved Wolffe and Gregor (being unaware of other clones that might have resisted the chip or been frozen during the order) out of the millions of brothers he had.
    Rex: I hate to tell you this, but they don't care! This ship is going down! And those soldiers, my brothers, are willing to die and take you and me along with them!
    • Even worse, when Ahsoka asks him how widespread this is. You can see him reaching the logical conclusion and the horror that all his brothers have been essentially mind wiped of their personalities hits him. Their personalities were so important to them because it made them better than droids. Now he knows they were no better than the droids. He's so taken aback that he calls Ahsoka by her actual name instead of just "kid". As far as we can tell, it's the first time he's ever called her that or at least with such gravitas.
  • In the end, Ahsoka never actually knows what happened to Anakin, only that it was something horrible and that she couldn't save him. She would have to live with that guilt for the next 16 years, until she finds out that Anakin's fate was far worse than she could have imagined.
  • Like in the Ahsoka novel, Ahsoka has to leave behind her lightsaber so anyone who comes looking will think she's dead, and it clearly pains her to do it. It was Anakin's last gift to her.
  • In the final scene, Darth Vader has tracked down the crash site and finds not just the custom Ahsoka helmets made by his 501st, but Ahsoka's old lightsaber by the crashed Star Destroyer, both of which were gifts from the last time they met as friends. He brushes off some of the ice, ignites it for a few moments, then walks away with the lightsaber still in hand. It serves as a sad reminder of the tragedy that befell Anakin, the great friendship that he and Ahsoka once had, and how things will never be the same between them when they meet again.
    • To quote Tumblr user rise-of-ahsoka, "Vader didn't have to fly to a small, remote moon to look for the remains of one, insignificant Jedi in the old wreck of a Republic Cruiser, but Anakin — oh, but Anakin needed to."
  • Consider everyone Ahsoka had ever met and known throughout the series:
    • The last time Ahsoka interacted with Padmé was when the latter defended her at her trial. Her losses in this episode are bad enough, but it's only gonna get worse when she hears the news of Padmé's death. For the longest time, she never knew that Anakin killed Padmé. She also likely didn't know Padmé was pregnant (unless Anakin or Rex told her offscreen) so when she met Bail again she probably had to learn the woman who defended her from the death penalty died with her unborn child. She also knew about Anakin and Padmé's relationship, so she probably would assume she died trying to protect him.
    • Ahsoka's last interaction with Plo Koon was when she refused his and the Council's offer to her to rejoin the Order. And he couldn't join the meeting in the previous episode because he was busy flying with his squadron... Unlike with Yoda, Obi-Wan, or Anakin, he never got to make some sort of amend with Ahsoka before everything came crashing down.
  • Finally, while we all know better, the fact is that the series ends with no glimmer of hope. Every movie and series before it ended with a celebration or a reassurance of hope, from the Naboo Victory Celebration of The Phantom Menace to Rey rechristening herself as a Skywalker ready to rebuild the Jedi in The Rise of Skywalker. Even in Revenge of the Sith, even after genocide, even at the lowest point of the Jedi Order, we still see the glimpses of a new hope, coming to save the galaxy. We don't get that here — The Clone Wars ends with a clone graveyard in the shadow of a crashed Republic ship, as a fallen hero visits it as the galaxy's tyrant.
    • Even the music adds to the tragedy; it isn't dramatic or sweeping, but a low, mournful tone that reinforces what the episode's final moments tell us: everything the heroes did was for naught.
  • The final shot is loaded with symbolism: after years of bloodshed, the legacy of the Clone Wars was one of complete and utter failure to protect the Republic, with a tyrannical empire — literally represented by Darth Vader — marching away to enforce a new system of oppression. Vader walks away from a helmet representing his former student, with that part of himself dead; all that remains of the once-proud 332nd Company is a mass grave on a dead moon, with the heroic deeds of some of the Republic's greatest soldiers forgotten in the wake of their betrayal.

    Subsequent Stories 
Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir
  • In Issue 3, Dooku kills Master Tiplee. For those who haven't read the comic Temple of Phantoms, Tiplee was one of the Jedi who was friends with Anakin.
  • In Issue 4, Mother Talzin sacrifices herself to Darth Sidious so Maul can escape from Dathomir. When Rook Kast arrives with Maul's personal Gauntlet fighter to help him retreat, Talzin tosses Maul aboard and orders him to flee while she tries to hold off Sidious's Force lightning. Maul begs Talzin to come with him, but she tells him she can't escape this time, and if she tries, they'll both die. Kast and one of her men are forced to restrain Maul as he struggles to help his mother and watches General Grievous impale her. Now Maul has lost both his brother and his mother, and the only allies he seems to have left are the Mandalorian Super-Commandos (the Nightbrothers' fate is ambiguous, but the ending implies they were killed).

Dark Disciple

  • The genocide of the Mahran ordered by Dooku, presented from the point-of-view of a confused fugitive.
  • Ventress and Quinlan both establish a friendly relationship with Marg Krim's family, whom they're hired to rescue from the Black Sun. As they leave, after successfully reuniting the family, and getting paid double by the grateful Pyke, they still see the Black Sun arrive with a huge fleet...
  • Ventress's Taking the Bullet and subsequent death to save Quinlan from Dooku's Force-lightning.

"Crystal Crisis on Utapau"

  • In "In Search of the Crystal", after Anakin and Obi-Wan have lost track of their target, Anakin gets the idea to call Ahsoka in for backup, only to remember that she's gone. As he goes through his conflicting emotions about the whole thing, he asks Obi-Wan what it would feel like if he betrayed Obi-Wan's trust. Obi-Wan gratefully says that hasn't happened, and never will.
    • Considering that Anakin has always feared losing the people who are close to him (he will turn to the Dark Side because he was so scared of losing Padmé), it's clear that Ahsoka's decision to leave the Jedi Order deeply hurt him. Obi-Wan attempts to comfort Anakin by saying it was Ahsoka's own decision and wasn't caused by any fault of Anakin's, but Anakin still profoundly feels the loss of someone who was like a little sister to him.
