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Recap / Star Wars: The Clone Wars S1E12 "The Gungan General"

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Fail with honour rather than succeed by fraud.

Anakin and Obi-Wan wake up in a cell to discover that, despite their drink-switching the night before, the pirates somehow drugged them and they're now prisoners. They're also sharing a cell, as well as being chained together at the waist, with an irritated Count Dooku. As a result the Jedi and Sith are, greatly begrudgingly, forced to work together.

Meanwhile, a negotiation team from the Senate, unaware of the Jedi's capture, is about to arrive on Florrum, consisting of Senator Kharrus and... Representative Jar Jar Binks. But the pirate Turk Falso, hoping to steal the ransom for Dooku from under Hondo Ohnaka's nose, arranges for the ship to be shot down, killing Kharrus and leaving Jar Jar and the clone troopers stranded and having to make their way to the pirate stronghold.


  • Alliterative Title: "The Gungan General".
  • All There in the Manual: The show originally had webcomics posted on the official Star Wars website which tied in to the various episodes. This was the story that required you to read the comic to understand how Anakin and Obi-Wan were captured by the pirates despite having avoided their original drugged drinks at the end of "Dooku Captured": Hondo's pet monkey-lizard gassed the entire room.
  • Appeal to Familial Wisdom: While discussing their current scheme, Hondo tells Turk Falso "Now, as my sweet mother always said, 'Son, if one hostage is good, two are better. And three? Well, that's just good business!'"
  • Can't Kill You, Still Need You: A subversion. Dooku, at one point, laments that he can't kill Obi-Wan and Anakin while they're all chained together because he'd then have to drag their bodies.
  • Chained Heat: Anakin, Obi-Wan and Dooku are all chained together at the waist, which forces them to begrudgingly work together during two failed escape attempts.
  • Chase-Scene Obstacle Course: During their second escape attempt Dooku is seen knocking over stacks of boxes behind the trio as they flee the pirates in order to impede their pursuers.
  • Cutlery Escape Aid: For their first escape attempt, Dooku uses the Force to nab a knife from an abandoned pirate meal and uses it to open their cell door.
  • Cut the Safety Rope: During the second escape attempt Anakin is clinging to a ledge while Obi-Wan and Dooku dangle from his waist, and while they were going to swing to the side to get up to the ledge, when the electro-rope connecting Dooku and Obi-Wan is shot Obi-Wan spins to catch him, making Anakin start to lose his grip. Anakin tells Obi-Wan to drop Dooku or else they're going to fall, but this isn't as cold as most examples since Dooku is an enemy during a war and as a trained Force-user can cushion his fall.
  • Due to the Dead: After the shuttle is shot down, Jar Jar and the clone troopers bury the deceased Kharrus under a cairn and use his staff as a grave marker.
  • Electric Torture: Hondo subjects Anakin and Obi-Wan to this after he thinks they tricked him into expecting payment when instead an attack was on the way.
  • Embarrassing Rescue: Defied. Obi-Wan and Anakin let Hondo go and pretend they weren't in any trouble because they can't bear to admit that they needed Jar Jar to rescue them.
  • Enemy Mine: Anakin, Obi-Wan and Dooku are forced to work together on their first attempts at escape because they've been chained together at the waist.
  • Foreshadowing: At the end, Obi-Wan warns Hondo that although Jedi don't take revenge, Sith do... and Count Dooku knows where he lives.
  • Friend to All Living Things: As happened with his rescue of Padme on Rodia, Jar-Jar uses his affinity for living beings to help the party. He understands that the acid geysers are safe so long as the big herbivores are close, and later he and the clone troopers use them as mounts to ride to Hondo's base.
  • Handy Cuffs: When Jar Jar's actions ram one of the pirate tanks into the power lines, Dooku takes the opportunity to escape from his cell using the Force now that the power to the door is cut, and chokes/burns the guard outside the door using the electricity binding his cuffs together.
  • Hidden Depths: The episode is devoted to proving that below his Lethal Klutz personality, Jar Jar does has some shrewd instincts and genuine value on the battlefield:
    • He's the first to guess the Weequays approaching them are likely the same people who shot down their shuttle, while the supposedly battle-hardened Clones assumed they were the people they were supposed to meet.
    • He manages to discern when a geyser will be safe to use for emergency cover in a firefight by observing the behaviour of local wildlife, figuring that while the beasts are unafraid of the geyser, it will be safe to hide in. It's a surprisingly level-headed tactical move from him.
  • Hollywood Acid: Averted. The acidic expulsions from the geysers are clear, and while drops of it cause corrosion to the paint on the troopers' armor it doesn't just eat right through it. The characters are still careful to avoid getting hit by it. And being inside the geyser when it went off would be terrible even for real acid.
  • Instantly Proven Wrong: Obi-Wan and Anakin both ask Dooku if his escape route is safe, and directly after he assures them it is and they open the door, they find themselves face to face with a wall of heavily-armed pirates and end up shoved back in their cell.
  • Jedi Mind Trick: During the second escape attempt, Obi-Wan gets rid of the guard posted to the cell by using one to get him to unlock the door and then go drinking.
  • Lethal Klutz: Jar Jar manages to take out two pirate tanks and the power to Hondo's base by tripping.
  • Nothing Personal: When Hondo is trying to ensure his hostages will think twice before pulling another escape attempt, he gives them the following ineffective speech:
    "I don't want to kill you, per se, in fact you seem like decent fellows, even you, Count. This is just business, and once I get my money, we can go back to being friends."
  • Oh, Crap!:
    • At least two of the clones are not at all comforted by the fact that Representative Binks is the highest ranking person on the mission following Senator Kharrus' death.
    • Dooku is pretty panicked when he nearly falls to his death due to the shackle connecting him to Obi-Wan being shot in two during the second escape attempt while they're hanging from a high wall.
  • Orbital Shot: When Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Dooku are returned to their cell after their first escape attempt and Hondo is pacing a circle around them, the camera tracks Hondo's movements.
  • Psychic Strangle: Dooku kills Turk Falso this way after telekinetically manipulating him into shooting his co-conspirator.
  • Reveal Shot: Used at the beginning to reveal who Anakin and Obi-Wan's cellmate is: Dooku.
  • Sexy Silhouette: One of Turk Falso's pirates has the "mudflap girl" silhouette etched on both sides of his speeder's tank.
  • Shout-Out: Senator Kharrus owns the Staff of Ra.
  • Smarter Than You Look: The clones' opinion of Jar Jar by the end.
  • Snark-to-Snark Combat: Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Dooku engage in quite a bit during the episode.
    Dooku: And while I hold my tongue, the two of you will devise a brilliant strategy for getting off this godforsaken planet?
    Anakin and Obi-Wan: [In unison] Yes!
    Dooku: Excellent.
    [Later on...]
    Anakin: You should be more patient, Master. After all, the count is an elderly gentleman, and doesn't move like he used to.
    Obi-Wan: I suppose you're right.
    Dooku: I would kill you both right now if I did not have to drag your bodies.
  • So Much for Stealth: During the second escape attempt the trio is seen carefully sneaking through the halls avoiding being seen or making too much noise, then, after a cutaway to Jar Jar's group, they're next seen sprinting down the hall knocking everything they can over behind them and kicking doors open, so something evidently blew their stealthy approach.
  • Too Good for This Sinful Earth: While Senator Kharrus was probably too much of a sarcastic cynic to count, Jar Jar's little eulogy for him alludes to the concept:
    "You-sa find rest, senator. Thosen with good in their heart always passen too soon."
  • Water-Geyser Volley: Downplayed. When Jar Jar and the troopers are chasing the pirates who stole the ransom payment, one of the pirates goes over a geyser as it erupts and his speeder get knocked by the stream causing him to crash.
  • You Are in Command Now: With Senator Kharrus dead, Jar Jar is the ranking official.


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The Jedi may not be ones to go out of their way for vengeance, but they know that Dooku definitely would do it...

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