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Tear Jerker / Archipelago

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  • On a reread, you realize in Credenza's first interaction with Blitz, It's actually Raven speaking, trapped in Blitz's broken mind and feeling emotion for the first time in his life. He's terrified, and he begs Credenza not to leave him alone.
    I think I'm scared... I can't... I can't feel my wings.
  • In fact, the entirety of Book 8.
  • Spindle gently explaining to Clair Holly is dead. Like mama.
  • After a somewhat embarrassing initial meeting, Tuff is trying to figure out how to approach Cassie again by talking to the Listing of Names. This immediately reminds poor Listy of Lucinda and how that went so badly wrong and actually leads to a pretty funny moment. But still. All the feels for Listy.
  • Lucinda's death.
  • The entire sequence where Snow Mind Rapes Credenza, trying to make her believe she's still a slave on his sub and the entire story never happened.
    Credenza: You're real! I know it! I found you on the beach! I saved you from Captain Syn! You have to be real! If...if you're not...
  • The Great Raven's eventual fate.
