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Quotes / Drakengard

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The unsuppressed soul lets flow oceans of blood
The Watchers drink and raise high the basin of fire
Mighty generals hesitate beneath a crimson sky
As the tears of a goddess flow, four lost temples forebode the coming of the queen
The dragon plummets from the tower of red thunder, and where it falls no one has seen
Drakengard Opening

Red Dragon: [when Caim raises his sword to finish off the already-wounded dragon] Kill me if you desire. But you can never dirty my soul, wretched human.
Caim: …Tell me—do you still want to live, dragon?
Red Dragon: [caught off-guard] What?
Caim: A pact! There's no other way!
Red Dragon: Hmph! What makes you worthy of a pact with me?
Caim: Worthy or not, I wish to live. Despise me if you will, but I shall not die! Your answer! A pact, or…death?!

"Strap in, kids. It’s going to get fucking weird..."
The Dark Id, summarizing the game for his audience.

"Okay, here's what Drakengard is.

Drakengard is the idea of having a game set into your average, generic fantasy world.

However, that generic fantasy world is ending.

As in, it's about to get fucking destroyed. It's about to be raped with the biggest dose of fuck you've ever seen in your life. There is not a single thing about it that isn't going to get raped until it's a mushy mix of brown and red.

Now, in order to convey this premise, EVERYTHING in Drakengard is designed to set the right mindset for the player. The gameplay is clunky, repetitive, frustrating, to destroy your willpower. The soundtrack is experimental, droning, often dissonant, to obliterate your mind. The characters are either insane, murdering cunts, tragic victims of circumstance, or straight-up cowards, because everything you love and value must die and you must always be disappointed.

And lastly, the protagonist is literally Hitler. He's not the "Anti-Hero," he's not the "Tragic Hero," and he's not even an edgy tryhard. The protagonist of this game is literally a villain that you just happen to control. He will squash children in the mud until they're a fine paste because that's just what he does on a regular basis. There is nothing he understands besides "save sister" and "murder fucking everyone." This is because any positive feeling of being a hero and doing the right thing must be exterminated from your very being when you play this game. You must not experience any form of pleasure whatsoever.

Drakengard is the video game equivalent of being strapped to a chair and having every bone in your body broken by a big burly man with a baseball bat, starting with your feet. The reason this game has a fanbase is complicated. Some people realize they love getting smashed to pieces and being completely obliterated, and so they become fans. There's a certain level of masochistic pleasure involved."
—> Anonymous, 8chan
