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Nightmare Fuel / Drakengard

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The Goddess reborn.

  • The Reveal of the Watchers: Giant, stony babies that eat people, with mouths full of fully-formed teeth, invade the world. Scarier than it sounds.
  • Six words: "The Watchers laughed! The Watchers laugh!" Never before has a simple switch in word tense sounded so...unnerving.
  • Manah. A child controlling an entire empire, possessed by malignant gods, and constantly shifting between her natural voice and a very deep, almost bored sounding male voice. Hearing an older man saying “Lalalalala” in a monotone voice should be funny, but here it comes off as just... wrong.
  • Special mention must also go to the soundtrack. Never has remixed classical music been so terrifying. Descriptions of it tend to relate to things like violins being punched and orchestras being thrown down flights of stairs which, while comical, is also scarily accurate.
    • The main theme of the game, “Tsukiru/Exhausted/Growing Wings”, deserves a mention of its own. It’s an incredibly horrifying fusion of staccato violins and slightly out of tune, yet gentle female singing, making it as discordant as they come.
  • Furiae in Ending B when she's "reborn". The page image.
    • Ending B in general is a massive horror show. Not only does Caim have to fight an insane Furiae reborn as a weird angel-demon hybrid, but what comes afterward is even worse. After an incredibly tough battle, Caim holds a now-deceased Furiae, and can only grimly watch as countless clones of the angel Furiae rise from the ground, screaming in agony. Keep in mind that Caim and Angelus were only barely able to defeat the original Furiae, and the thought of fighting a horde of them makes it clear that Caim and humanity as a whole are doomed.
  • I. Hear. A. Sound.
    • Related to the above; what do those infected by WCS in NieR hear? Bells. Bells that figure heavily into Drakengard's soundtrack. The implications are nightmarish.
  • Caim is both a Memetic Badass and an absolute terror, as he slaughters anything and everything Imperial that gets in his path with either extraordinary rage or a massive Slasher Smile. Best displayed when young, forcefully conscripted men are dropped into his path. Because they happen to be on the Imperial side, Caim doesn't even hesitate for a second to slaughter them all. It's a wonder he didn't strike Manah down when he had the chance.
  • The cutscene before the Final Boss fight in the Ending E route. Imagine if you will: you're just a regular person in Tokyo going about your business, then all of the sudden, the clouds lights up and a giant naked lady thing tumbles out of the sky, crushing the buildings beneath it like cardboard. Oh, and there's a dragon. And even if the giant naked lady thing is destroyed, its remains eventually lead to The Plague and everything that transpires in NieR. Needless to say, Tokyo citizens are having a very bad day at that point.
  • The credits of Ending E. It's just...silence. No ending music. Just the white noise of traffic in Tokyo and eerie static as the credits roll. And at the end, the camera pans show Angelus' body impaled upon Tokyo Tower. Sweet dreams!
  • A Seed of Resurrection has now crossed interdimensional boundaries, jumping from the world of Drakengard and is now in Final Fantasy XIV! You may now panic for the multiverse.
    • At the end of the Tower at Paradigm's Breach raid, 2B reveals that the Seeds of Resurrection/Destruction are actually gates between worlds, and the Seed in the First was sent by the Watchers/Grotesqueries to destroy that world, with the Machine Terminals' help.
