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Quotes / Deep Rock Galactic

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"Ugh, what a terrible nightmare! I dreamt I worked for a soulless mining corporation. Wait... aw, crap."
Dwarf upon waking up

"If only my real job was as easy as playing a video game..."
Dwarf playing Jetty Boot on the Space Rig

"[sniff] This... [sniff] I have... no words... [normal voice] juuust kidding, let's just get it done."
Dwarf being promoted

"Can I have a Leaf Lover's Special?"
Dwarf whispering his order to Lloyd

"Noooo, bad karma! Shoulda kicked fewer barrels!"
Dwarf after being turned into a barrel in a round of Prop Hunt

"I smell bacon..."

"Hot, hot, hot!!"

"Wee-oo-wee-oo-wee-oo-wee-oo, the cute police just got alerted!"
Dwarf petting various flora and fauna

"Thorns... why did it have to be thorns?"
Dwarf reacting to the multitude of Creeper Vines in the Hollow Bough

"There is goo in the sack!"

"Well... that's that taken care of!"
Dwarf after the Caretaker is defeated

"I guess he didn't care enough!"
Dwarf after the Caretaker is defeated

Dwarf: Whoa... I know everything about everything! Ask me something, quick! Wait! Oh—it passed.
Dwarf: Guys! I just figured out how to make the Power Drills drill through minerals! Take notes before I forget! ...Damn! I lost it!
Dwarf: I... I... I know where Karl is! It's so bloody obvious! Wait... um... [nonchalantly] Anyone up for playing the hoop game?
—Some of the results of drinking a Smart Stout

Dwarf: I'm on your side, ya mangy pecker!
Dwarf: I'm not a monster, ya dickhead!
Dwarf: It's me, you drunk bastard!
Dwarf: Could you lazy bastards get me the fuck up?!
Dwarf: Help me, you fockers!
Dwarf: Fuckin'... I'm jammed!
Dwarf: Fockin' piece o' sh— [annoyed grunt]
Dwarf: Work, you piece o' shit!
Dwarf: Fffawck!
—Some of the more colorful unused friendly fire, revive request, and other (removed) voice lines

Mission Control: "Mushroom, mushroom," shut, it! Get back to work!
Mission Control: Enough about the mushrooms! We all know it's a mushroom! We get it!
Mission Control: Tick tock, team! We're not getting any younger down here!

"I'm proud of you. You've done well for yourself since you joined the company. I recall you joining up as a scrawny greenbeard, and figured you'd join the dead down in the deeps in short order. However, consider my position changed... You've grown into your role and have more than proven yourself. It's my personal pleasure to announce that Management has granted your promotion. Rock and Stone, miner! Well done."
Mission Control upon the very first promotion of one the Dwarves.
