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Nightmare Fuel / Haunted House

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There are a lot of eerie moments in the fanfiction Haunted House.

  • The legions of the mako undead show up a couple times

  • Just about anything having to do with Deepground
    • The Tsviets are not directly punished for their mistakes. If one of them messes up, the Restrictors punish the other two.
      • Because she failed her mission, Rosso is forced to watch while Nero is made to suffocate for several minutes.
      • When a Restrictor catches Weiss and Rosso confessing their feelings for each other, Rosso is tortured and Weiss is forced watch.

  • When Sephiroth, Genesis, and the Tsviets are exposed to healing rain, the high quantity of Jenova cells in their bodies causes them to literally start melting away layer by layer.
