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Tear Jerker / Haunted House

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The fanfic Haunted House has a lot of Tear Jerker moments.

  • The flashbacks and archived recordings of Hojo being a loving father to Sephiroth during the latter's childhood, knowing what he becomes by the time his son is an adult.
    • It's also just as heartbreaking to watch Hojo slowly go insane as the Jenova cells he injected himself with feed on his doubts and insecurities about Sephiroth and Lucrecia.
  • When Vincent manages to dig up files pertaining to the experiment he was created for, Sephiroth pours over the video footage for hours in the desperate hope of hearing his mother's voice. He can't.
  • Hojo was devastated by Lucrecia's death. It takes him a while to come to terms with the loss and to lay her to rest.
  • Despite all his attempts to spare her, Weiss and the other Tsviets are forced to say goodbye to Jane.
  • When the Restrictors discover the Tsviets' rule breaking, they kill Nero, removing his respirator and leaving him to die of suffocation slowly and most assuredly painfully.
  • When Sephiroth attempts to commit suicide in order to destroy Jenova, the Jenova cells in their bodies allow him to have an astral conversation with his mother for the first time. It's equal parts sad and heartwarming at the same time.
  • Vincent's recurring line of: "I won't let you fall."
