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The Final Fantasy VII Fanfic:

  • Jenova
    • Jenova is presented as an organism that functions something like a Queen insect.
    • Male humans are much more compatible with Jenova; Jenova is therefore able to easily manipulate them.
    • Female humans are generally not compatible with Jenova cells with very few exceptions. By and large, Jenova sees female humans as competition.
      • Most women who are injected with Jenova's cells die of Geostigma.
      • A mother who is carrying a fetus bearing Jenova's cells will usually carry to term, but it is questionable if she will survive the birth due to the potential of the mother and child's blood cross-contaminating one another.
      • Sterile females are usually able to accept Jenova cells without adverse reaction.

  • Geostigma
    • Geostigma is the human body's inability to accept Jenova. Symptoms include high fever, nausea, vomiting, and a distinctive rash consisting of muddy black-brown lesions.
    • Geostigma is more common in women than in men.
    • Until Aeris' Healing Rain, there was no known cure.
    • Geostigma is what wiped out the Cetra as a people thousands of years ago.

  • Mako
Mako is the life energy of Gaia. There are two types: Light and Dark mako. It circulates throughout the planet like blood through the body. Light and Dark mako can also be likened to oxygenated and deoxgenated blood. There are two major points on Gaia where Light and Dark mako change natures - the Ancient City and Midgar. Light Mako turns to Dark at the Ancient City, and Dark mako turns to Light at Midgar.
  • Light Mako
    • Green in color
    • Consists of spirit energy ready to be reborn into new life
    • Crystallizes into Magic (green) and Command (yellow) materia
    • Nexus point: Midgar
  • Dark Mako
    • Purple in color
    • Consists of spirit energy that has recently returned to the Planet
    • Crystallizes into Support (blue) and Independent (purple) materia
    • Nexus point: Ancient City

  • Summons
Summons are Guardian spirits and Forces of Nature. They protect Gaia and its inhabitants. Although they are not deities, the people of Gaia once treated them as such.
  • The Cetra used to select individuals to act as prophets or spokespersons for the Summons. A human would carry a Summon materia within their body and act as host for the Summon.
  • Apocalypse Siblings
The subject of Dr. Valentine and Dr. Crescent's thesis concerning dark mako and the old gods of Gaia. These five Guardians herald the end of all things and are instrumental in the planet's eventual destruction.
  • Chaos
  • Cosmos
  • Alpha
  • Omega
  • Zirconiade
