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The Power of Hate
aka: Power Of Hate

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A new kind of hate crime.

"Hate is as good as any to keep a man going. Better than most."
Sandor Clegane, Game of Thrones

Hate makes you Strong. Hatred provides the armour and fuel to harden you and make you move in times of despair. The desire to exact vengeance upon the enemy that had done you wrong, forces you to push through all kinds of hardship, suffering and adversity. What you do with hate depends on who you are. Sometimes hate makes us change things because we are angry and see they don't work like this. Sometimes it makes you murder someone and makes you the villain. Sometimes, when the villain gloats at your poor dead dog, he makes a mortal enemy. Then there are the times when you are just furious at how horrible the world is and thus, with the Power of Hate, a hero is born (or a villain).

Not to be confused with Unstoppable Rage and/or Roaring Rampage of Revenge. Those two tropes are more about rage, not hatred. Rage always burns hot, and comes in pulses, whereas hatred can be cold, and last forever. Rage is a state of heightened emotional activation, much like lust, whereas hatred is a persistent emotional state, like love. In both cases, the former lends itself more to berserking, and the latter to thought and planning.

That being said, rage and hate can be intertwined. A calculating person can perfectly use their hate to contain the anger that they then fuel themselves with when faced with extreme adversity. After all, an easy source of hot anger can be the cold hatred for that person.

Often, this trope is what causes two people to become Arch Enemies. Differing goals can cause a hero and a villain to fight (after all, when one person wants to Save the World and the other wants to Take Over the World, there's bound to be conflict), but the development of an unrelenting, personal hatred allows a great enmity, just like a great romance, to persist for years, turning fights into intensely personal clashes, inducing obsession over one another even when they aren't actively fighting, and causing the villain (if blessed with Joker Immunity) to try to destroy their enemy again and again and again, no matter how many times their plans end in failure.

Surprisingly, though used in more mundane situations, it's Truth in Television. Some guy named CirclMastr loathed another named DickTree to a point where he literally took over and got to level 99 in the first reactor core because of pure hatred.

Contrast with The Power of Love, The Power of Friendship, and The Power of Lust. Compare and contrast with Tranquil Fury, which is similar in practice. See also With Great Power Comes Great Insanity, which this trope more often than not leads to. While it could be argued that even pure heroes are driven by a hatred of evil and injustice, but this trope is about when hatred is explicitly a driving force in some manner.


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  • Honda's Grrr advert, featuring a cheery song about how hating something makes you change it to something better.

    Anime & Manga 
  • Played for Laughs in Aho Girl, where A-kun's main motivator seems to be this. Specifically, his hatred for Yoshiko, the titular "idiot girl", leads him to train his body from an early age in order to be able to defend himself whenever she "shows her love" for him, and his success at school is implied to stem in large part from a desire to be able to permanently get away from her as soon as possible.
  • Eren Yeager from Attack on Titan is fueled purely by his hatred for the Titans. His first transformation into a Titan, as well as many transformations after, come forth after he claims he'll slaughter the Titans, either as a whole or certain individuals who have earned his scorn. When practicing his transformations in a controlled environment, he finds they aren't as successful. He can't just make it happen on command; he needs a purpose in mind (and that purpose is usually incredibly bloody). As far as targets for passive, everlasting hatred go, special mention has to go to Reiner Braun, after the reveal that he's the Armored Titan.
  • Guts from Berserk is loaded with this. Yes, yes. He's known as the poster child of Unstoppable Rage in some circles, and he justly has that too, but it would be best to describe his feelings toward the Godhand and Apostles in general as rage, since he'll slice and dice Apostles without much thought to it when he is in his berserker rage, and his feelings toward Griffith - the man who betrayed Guts and took everything of value from him - as hatred, since his feelings about Griffith are on a more personal level. His hatred for Griffith and what he did to him the number one reason being that Griffith brutally raped his lover, Casca, and forced Guts to watch after he thwarted every attempt Guts made to save her in time - and all out of pure spite is what drove Guts to go on his Roaring Rampage of Revenge, and his Enemy Within, a Hellhound beast, constantly fueled Guts' hatred. However, this was later deconstructed by Godo when Casca turned up missing and Guts started to blame everyone but himself, and was told that hate was where a man went when he was really sad and afraid. After some self-reflection, Guts finally put his hatred aside, as it was displaced by the love he had for Casca. Guts' love for Casca and his hopes of seeing her cured of her insanity is the driving force of the story now, and is the only thing that is preventing Guts from succumbing to his darker nature.
  • Black Butler: Ciel Phantomhive is driven by hatred and anger, not to mention the need for revenge. It is this quality that allows him to command his invincible Battle Butler, Sebastian - and, most impressively, shrug off a Lotus-Eater Machine later in the anime version of the series. An angel attempted to "revise" his past, showing him his now-dead parents welcoming him back with open arms, telling him to let go of his hatred and just join them in love and happiness. He refuses, turning his back on them to continue pursuing vengeance for both their fates and his own, thus allowing him to escape with his memories and sanity intact.
  • Black Clover:
  • In Claymore, Dae believes the Claymores' power is dependent on the hate they feel towards the yoma flesh implanted in their bodies. That's why the Organization preferred to use children who had suffered extreme yoma-related trauma, to the point that they would create such situations if necessary, for their Claymore experiments. Dae also believes that this is why Priscilla is practically a Physical God. When she killed her yoma-mutated dad, she somehow knew it really was her father and not a shapeshifting monster. She repressed the memories, but the lingering self-loathing was so strong that it made her the most powerful Awakened Being ever.
  • Digimon:
    • Digimon Adventure:
      • It's explained that the only reason Gatomon was able to survive the years of abuse she suffered under Myotismon was by clinging to her hatred of him. What's more, the only logical explanation why Myotismon has been able to return from the dead three times must be his hatred toward the Digidestined.
      • His hatred for the Digidestined was what allowed Etemon to not only endure his banishment in Hell for (in digital world time) centuries after his fight with Metalgreymon, but also to escape it and Came Back Strong as MetalEtemon.
    • In Digimon Tamers, Takato Matsuki is so filled with hate and loathing towards Beelzemon after he killed Jeri's partner (Leomon) that he angrily orders WarGrowlmon to digivolve into his Mega-form. Fueled by Takato's hatred, WarGrowlmon succeeds and digivolves into Megidramon, an evil Digimon so powerful that its very existence threatens to send the Digital World into Armageddon.
  • Dragon Ball:
    • Early in the original Dragon Ball, it was Goku's need for revenge along with his hatred towards Piccolo that kept him going throughout the King Piccolo Saga.
    • In Dragon Ball Z, along with a lot of anger, it was Goku's hatred of Frieza that allowed him to become a Super Saiyan. However, his heart surprisingly remained pure even after that, as seen later in the anime where he and his son are shown to be able to use the flying nimbus with no problem, as only someone with a pure heart is allowed to use the flying nimbus.
    • In Z, Vegeta attributes his hatred to him becoming a Super Saiyan, since it's said that a pure heart is needed to transform. Vegeta claimed that his heart is pure evil. As Vegeta later becomes a better person, the implication is that you don't actually need a pure heart of anything to become a Super Saiyan, just ridiculously strong emotions and a drive to become stronger.
    • In Dragon Ball GT, Baby practicality runs on his hatred of the Saiyan race. His Revenge Death Ball technique gathers the hatred of every person on the planet to power it, kind of like an evil Spirit Bomb.
    • In Dragon Ball Super, Future Trunks's hatred of Goku Black and Zamasu, and their Nazi-esque plans, is what pushed Trunks to gaining a new Super Saiyan form. Merged Zamasu, on the other hand, uses his hatred of mortals and gods to unleash first a Body Horror transformation, then outright becomes an Eldritch Abomination that infects Future Trunks' timeline.
    • In Super, Watagash is a Puppeteer Parasite that increases its host's power proportional to the amount of hatred they possess. An ordinary bank robber was able to very briefly keep up with Gohan. Barry Khan, also an ordinary human, hated Gohan so much that he eventually transforms into a Kaiju who can slap Gohan around, at least until Gohan goes Super Saiyan.
  • The titular Goblin Slayer finds purpose in his life by eradicating all goblins in the world due to the traumatic experience of surviving a goblin attack on his village. In fact, he was the sole survivor of that incident; the rest of the villagers were beaten, raped, and killed with his entire home in flames. Made worse is that he saw his own sister go through such a harrowing experience ending in her death, whilst he was hiding for his life. Slightly downplayed is isn't outwardly aggressive or vehement towards goblins, but his deep loathing of them is ever so present. When he was close to dying from a goblin champion, he found the strength to defeat it by remembering their heinous behaviors and crimes, fueling his adrenaline and hatred.
  • Hunter × Hunter:
    • Nen abilities keep working after the user's death, and Nen curses, who target an individual and usually have conditions to remove it, become even worse and harder to remove if whoever casted the curse dies holding a grudge against the cursed person. Since Nen is partially fueled by emotions, and it becomes stronger if you attach restrictions to it, a lot of characters managed to become very powerful against people they hate. Kurapika got an insanely powerful ability thanks to his hate of the Phantom Troupe, despite them being all Persons Of Mass Destruction, and the restriction of only using the ability against them.
    • The second movie of the series, The Last Mission, introduces "On", a forbidden part of Nen that draws on the hatred of it's user. On one hand, it allows the user full access of all categories of Nen and allow them to come up with any power they so choose. The downside, it's a contract type where which has rules that must be followed lest the user instantly face death should they ever be broken or not fulfilled. What's more it's transferable via blood of the infected, which locks out the nen of the infectee and forces them to follow the rules of On.
  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: One of the antagonists of the Stardust Crusaders arc is Devo the Cursed, a Native American assassin whose Stand works under this principle: the more hatred he feels for the person he is to kill, the more powerful his Stand, Ebony Devil, gets. In order to fuel his hatred, he provokes his opponent into beating him up as much as possible, then ducks out to let his Stand do the dirty work.
  • In Kurohime, hate is a literal power source. The resident Angel holds on to her power and sanity by clinging to her hate of Kurohime. The eponymous heroine is powered by hate; she crystallizes the anger of the ghosts of all of the people she's killed (in her quest to kill the gods) into a power source known as the Black God Tree. And, yes, it's pretty powerful.
  • My Hero Academia:
    • This is essentially what fuels Tomura Shgaraki aka Tenko Shimura. Hatred for his abusive father, hatred for his grandmother Nana for leaving him in that household and hatred for the hero society in general for not saving everyone in need, including him. It's this hate that makes him the perfect candidate for becoming All For One's successor, which leads Tomura to brand himself as the Symbol of Chaos.
    • As it turns out, All For One passing on his Quirk to Tomura is meant to serve as a means for him to take over Tomura's body via Merger of Souls. Not only that, All For One deliberately cultivates Tomura's hatred so that he can overcome One For All's ability to only being passed on if the current user wills it and steal it for himself. When that doesn't prove enough, All For One starts trying to break Izuku's spirit instead, so that the hatred of his copy in Tomura, combined with Tomura's own hatred, will grant him the necessary edge to finally steal One For All. This ends up backfiring when Tomura's hatred is redirected at All For One himself, allowing him to overcome his master's control. Having no personal interest in stealing One For All, Tomura decides to simply destroy it by killing Izuku, whom he sees as his antithesis.
    • All Might later exploits All For One's hatred by taunting him as he tries to head towards Tomura's location so that he can reassert his control over his former protégé by forcibly transferring his copied Quirk to him. All For One is unable to resist his overwhelming hatred for All Might and starts fighting him, wasting most of what precious little time he has left before the Rewind Bullet de-ages him into nothing.
  • In the Monster Rancher anime, Big Bad Moo draws power from others' hatred. After revealing this to the Searchers, he then takes advantage of it by torturing Pixie in front of them. This backfires when the sheer force of their hatred drives him insane.
  • Sasuke Uchiha of Naruto fame has said his hate makes him stronger, which it literally does. Naturally, it's taken a toll on his sanity. According to Tobirama, the Sharingan and Mangekyo Sharingan manifest as a form of this and The Power of Love. To be more precise, the Sharigan manifests when someone an Uchiha loves dies or apparently betrays them, causing them to grow increasingly enraged at the world. The more the Uchiha in question grows to hate, the more powerful the Sharigan becomes, but also more unstable the user's psyche. This is at least one reason why all the important Uchiha we've met are evil (Madara), broken (Itachi) or both (Tobi).
  • Pluto: According to Dr. Tenma, the only thing that separates humans from intelligent robots is the ability to feel powerful negative emotions such as rage and hatred. A robot that can feel hate is therefore no longer simply a robot. In other words, their hatred allows them to ignore the Three Laws of Robotics and choose to kill a human being. The protagonist is one such robot.
  • Being a deconstruction of the Fighting Series Played for Laughs, Ramen Fighter Miki invokes and deconstructs the Power of Hate: It is invoked by Megumi when she tries to curse The Rival Miki nailing a wara ningyo to a sacred tree. Every time she drops the hammer, she screams “hate!” and we see a Photo Montage of Miki bullying her. Also deconstructed: the Power of Hate's only use is to destroy Megumi’s life: She knows that cursing a person is an act so horrible, and has a Guilt Complex so big, that she mistakes a depressed teacher for the Stringy-Haired Ghost Girl of The Ring. Hilarity Ensues.
    Megumi: Hate! Hate! Hate! Hate! Hate! Hate! Hate!! I will not forgive you, Onimaru Miki! Hate!!!
  • Lucia has a bone to pick with the whole planet in Rave Master. Even though his main goal is to get to the original world, he's willing to take the chance he gets to destroy the world everyone lives in first. For bonus points, the final form of his sword is powered by his hatred.
  • In Reborn! (2004), the Vindice are former Arcobaleno that have had their Pacifiers taken away, and with them their Flames. While most die from this, some draw enough willpower from hate to keep living, replacing their lost flames with the eight Flame, the Flame of Night.
  • Yukishiro Enishi of Rurouni Kenshin has this in spades. Ever since Kenshin unwittingly killed his sister Tomoe right in front of his eyes, he has hated Kenshin so much to the point where his brain maintained a constant active state even during sleep. His brain fed and functioned on that hatred alone, to the point where the constant brain activity triggered his nerves to grow thicker. This has given him the 'Nerves of Insanity', an ability that buffs all of his senses to a ridiculous degree. Whilst very powerful, it is essentially a double-edged sword...
  • The powers of Alices in Sekai Oni, in Wonderland are connected to how much they're unsatisfied with their lives. Azuma, as a prime example, is called "An Anomaly" and later "The World's Destroyer", as the situation with her abusive family turns her into a One-Man Army when fighting World Devils. And in reverse, as Azuma becomes more happy with Seki, the King of Maze notes she became weaker than before. This is later subverted, as people who have found something Worth Living For despite all the regrets they have in life, are the strongest even among the anomalies.
  • Inverted in The Seven Deadly Sins: the Commandment of Love inflicts a curse upon anyone standing close to the bearer, making it so that they lose their strength and become unable to harm another as long as they hold hatred in their hearts. Escanor is naturally immune to this curse, however: in his own words, he has no reason to hate "those weaker than him" (read "everyone else"); the only thing he feels for them is pity. This makes him the only person in the world capable of fighting Estarossa, the Commandment's bearer.
  • Giriko from Soul Eater is an endless wellspring of hatred and bloodlust, and Arachne's death at Soul and Maka's hands gives him even more of a reason to hate the duo to the point that their next meeting is an absolute curb-stomping in his favor. He's ultimately defeated by being driven to hate the duo so much that his soul can't contain it and literally explodes.
  • In Unico in the Island of Magic, the main antagonist - Lord Kuruku - is made of this trope and manages to play it straight to an almost scary level. He used to be a puppet who was abused and eventually thrown away by the children who owned him. After awhile, he became animate and became an evil sorcerer who would turn humans into puppets. Eventually, once Unico offers to be his friend, he reverts to a lifeless child's toy as his hatred was the only thing keeping him alive.
  • In Vinland Saga, Thorfinn is driven by the need to revenge his father's death at the hands of Askeladd, with his hate motivating him to spend a decade stalking Askeladd while performing numerous Determinator feats like manually popping his dislocated arm into joint while marching after his hated enemy. When Askeladd is killed by someone else, Thorfinn discovers he had nothing in him except his hatred and turns into an Extreme Doormat, having developed no other emotions or aspirations to motivate him since his father died.
  • Discussed in ×××HOLiC regarding Kohane's mother. It's revealed that because she wanted to get revenge on her husband who cheated on her and abandoned her and her daughter, through time, her wish for revenge eventually not only hurt her target but also affected her daughter and herself, making their lives miserable.
  • Yu-Gi-Oh!:
    • In the Japanese version of Yugi and Seto Kaiba's duel in Battle City, Kaiba says he is running on his hatred of his father and Yugi to give him the strength to win and forge his own future. Yami Yugi gives a "The Reason You Suck" Speech pointing out that hatred is transient and living by it is no way to live before defeating him.
    • Thief King Bakura's Diabound was fueled by his immeasurable hatred for the Pharaoh and those who supported him.
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dark Side of Dimensions: Aigami runs on his hatred of Bakura for Dark Bakura killing Shadi and his hatred of the Pharoah because if he ever returns, Aigami and his friends will lose their powers. Because of this, Yugi points out that his goal of creating a world without hatred and sorrow is impossible as long as he holds on to his hate.
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL has Tron / Vetrix, a being who is fueled by his hatred and desire for Revenge against Dr. Faker due to having been betrayed and cast into a parallel dimension where his body was slowly eaten away into its current form; He even spelled out flat that it was his intense hatred for the Dr. that gave the him the strength of will needed to never give up and to go on his way into the parallel world until he finds a way to get home and make Faker pay. Not only that, but he used his Chessmaster / Manipulative Bastard skills to play everyone around him, including his own sons, to gather enormous quantities of rage, which is required to control his ultimate Number card 69, Heraldry Crest, which was considered god-like in the anime.
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS has Yusaku Fujiki, the protagonist himself. He hates the Knights of Hanoi so much, he created a virtual alias known as Playmaker for the sole purpose of destroying them. Yusaku even captured Ai, the mysterious life form both SOL Technologies and the Knights of Hanoi were searching known as Ignis, just to use him as a hostage to get the Knights' attention. He gets better, and he and said lifeform, Ai, eventually do develop something akin to a friendship even if you will never hear Yusaku say it aloud.
  • Zatch Bell!: The counterpart of Tia's spell Saifojio, which is a healing sword fueled by friendship, is Chajiru Saifodon, a sword that grows stronger and scarier by feeding off Tia's anger and hate. What caused her to discover this spell for the first time? A mamodo who kept flipping her skirt to see her panties.

    Comic Books 
  • A less lethal example than most, the origin story of Flintheart Glomgold in The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck. After betraying and robbing Scrooge when they first meet in Africa, Scrooge tracks him down and humiliates him before the whole town, before having him thrown in jail for theft. Scrooge never learns his name, but Glomgold is furious and swears to dedicate his life to revenge. He spends the following 40-odd years amassing a fortune of his own, for the sole purpose of eventually destroying Scrooge. He never reveals this to Scrooge when they meet again, who believes his rival is just a greedy jerk.
  • Black Manta of Aquaman fame's defining trait is the sheer hatred he has for Aquaman, with many of his plans devolving to ways to make him suffer as much as possible, especially if it involves hurting his loved ones.
    • In Aquaman (1986), Orm uses Aquaman's ample supply of anger to fuel his crystals' magic.
  • The G7 iteration of The Authority ran up against a bunch of reality-altering supervillains who tried to turn them into the real Authority. Their enemy's plot fell apart because the thoroughly-homophobic Last Call refused to become the openly-gay Midnighter.
    Colonel: Congratulations, mate. Your homophobia saved the world.
  • Batman:
    • Batman himself. In some of his incarnations, the hate for the villain that killed his parents drives him to be the Batman. (Other incarnations are more about justice, or protecting people.)
    • Upon his return after being assumed dead due to a bomb, Black Spider claimed that it was the hate against his duplicitous weapons supplier what gave him the strength to survive and reach a hospital.
    • The Joker himself, after being catatonic for years in The Dark Knight Returns, snaps out of it when he hears of Batman's return. Although given Joker's... complicated characterization towards Batman, this isn't played entirely straight.
    • Hush's sole purpose for living is to Troll Bruce Wayne out of resentment for him having the life he wanted.
  • Doctor Doom. His never-ending, all-consuming, obsessive hatred of Reed Richards is what gave him the drive to become Marvel Universe's most iconic supervillain of all time.
  • Marvel has had several versions of a character called Hate-Monger. The first was a clone of Adolph Hitler.
  • As Dracula recounts his imprisonment in Sultan Murad's dungeons in Dracula Lives!, he notes that while his more "feeble-minded" brother Radu couldn't survive in those conditions, his own hate kept him alive through the ordeal.
  • Green Lantern: The Red Lantern Corps is fueled by hatred and rage, specifically hatred and rage driven by personal loss of someone emotionally close to them.
    • Atrocitus hates the Guardians of the Universe, since their Manhunters destroyed his family. He became so blinded by rage that he murdered four of his friends and became the first Red Lantern.
      Atrocitus: Do you hate? The most powerful hate is not born out of ignorance or prejudice or a perceived threat. Those three are fear in disguise. The fury that fuels my corps ignites from personal pain. Those whose lives were ravaged by greed, lust and control wield the crimson light. The rings replaced our damaged hearts. They beat for them. And they keep us alive only to hate. But at least we live.
    • Bleeze was raped by a group of men for being condescending, and had her wings cut off. Her hatred for them made her a Red Lantern.
    • Dex-Starr led a happy life with his owner, before she was murdered, the police uncaringly kicked him out of his home and a pair of thugs tried to kill him.
    • Rankorr suppressed his rage all his life, but let it out when his brother was beaten to death by the police.
    • By Blackest Night, Mera had endured years of Atlantean political treachery, marital and mental problems, and now the deaths of Aquaman and almost everyone else from there she cared about. And barely an issue in are raised as Black Lanterns, leading her to fight for her life and hold the fort while the Green Lantern Corps are absent. She finally snaps after getting beaten within an inch of her life by a Black Lantern possessed Wonder Woman.
    • Supergirl finally had enough of being pushed around by everyone, from H'El to her roommate, and just stopped caring and let it all out.
  • Iron Man foes are a varied bunch, but they are all driven by their burning hatred of Tony Stark. The Mandarin Rings in particular are programmed to do nothing but make Tony Stark suffer and choose people who either already hate Tony or could be goaded into hating Tony.
  • JLA: A League of One: Drakul's flames are instilled with the power of pure hatred, which takes the fear and hatred within a person's soul and uses it to burn them from within. This is how Diana is ultimately able to defeat her. Wonder Woman has no hatred to speak of.
  • Despero, a foe of the Justice League and of the Martian Manhunter, is driven by unadulterated rage - tempered by a certain amount of cold cunning and pure hatred. Martian Manhunter once defeated him by using his mental powers to make Despero hallucinate killing all the heroes, at which point he declared he was satisfied and let go of all his hate and anger, regressing to a baby. Unfortunately, when he found out he had been tricked, his hate and anger came back and he returned to normal.
  • Legion of Super-Heroes:
    • In The Great Darkness Saga, the restored clone of Orion says to Darkseid "I live father... and live to hate!" Subverted in that Darkseid proceeds to destroy him.
    • Villain Omega was the embodiment of hate. An insane Brainiac 5 wanted to use the Miracle Machine to destroy the universe, but he could not envision destruction that big (something required for using the device) so he used the Machine to create a being that could, resulting in Omega. A being of pure energy, Omega shrugged off a punch from Mon-El (who is as strong as Superman) as if it were nothing and then knocked the hero out with one casual slap. They might not have stopped them at all, had Brainiac 5 not given himself and the source of the problem away by demanding to rule the universe in exchange for its safety. They agreed (they had no intention of keeping this promise) and knowing where he and the Machine was, sent Matter Eater Lad to dispose of it; even so, they had to destroy their own headquarters simply to slow Omega down, and Matter Eater Lad was driven insane by eating the device (which could not otherwise be destroyed) but omega ceased to exist when he did.
  • It is made clear that Magneto focuses his power through hatred of those who'd persecute his people (Jews and Mutants).
  • The monster Mangog from The Mighty Thor has the hatred for Asgard and gods as his literal power source. But it is also his weakness, as removing the connection with the power source causes him to either shrink or disappear.
  • In a What If? story of Paperinik New Adventures the Evronians weaponized it, creating a new breed of Super Soldiers from Angus Fangus that has the strength to tear through tank armour bare-handed and is fueled by the negative emotions of the enemy-including hatred. This is also part of the safety the Evronians put in them: they have an incredibly accelerated metabolism that weaken them extremely fast if they aren't feeding, meaning that the emotionally crippled Evronians have nothing to fear from them... And Paperinik and a force of US Army soldiers defeat them by stopping the fight and thinking about happy things when their leader gloats about their hate making them stronger.
  • Preacher:
    • The Saint of Killers used his hatred to survive the torture of Hell and freeze it over, eventually letting Satan release him so he could continue acting on his hatred in the name of God.
    • Herr Starr also claims at one point to draw strength from his hate, and all his finest moments do seem to be ones when he's filled with cold, focused malice. His problem is that he has a tendency to lose his grip on the "cold, focused" part and descend into incoherent rage instead, which never ends well for him.
  • The Red Skull became one of the Marvel Universe's most horrible and dreaded supervillains thanks to his burning hatred of everything. Nazism just gave him a focus for the anger and resentment he felt towards life. It even carries him beyond death as seen in Marvel Zombies. When all other zombified heroes and villains are driven only by their mad hunger, Red Skull is still driven by his hate, to the point where killing Captain America by tearing out his brains moments before being vaporized prompts him to remark "It was worth it. All of it. Just for this."
  • In Secret Wars II, Circuit Breaker (in The Transformers (Marvel) a bystander paralyzed for life during a battle between giant robots) saves the Marvel Universe through the intensity of her sheer, pathological hatred of robots.
  • Spider-Man: Shortly after Brand New Day J. Jonah Jameson's stress started severely threatening his health. After being hospitalized once for this, he tried several relaxation techniques to help him, until he discovered one that worked: Whenever the stress would start to get to him he repeated to himself "I will not die before Spider-Man."
  • Nekra, a regular enemy of Spider-Woman, uses hate to enhance her strength and resistance to injury to the point of being Made of Diamond.
  • Superman:
    • At his worst, Lex Luthor is driven purely by his Irrational Hatred of Superman. The idea of dying before Superman does sickens Lex to the point that he will force himself to cheat death.
    • Invoked in Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?. His original body destroyed, Brainiac has been possessing Lex Luthor's body, even after Lana mercy kills him, but eventually, Luthor's body enters rigor mortis and becomes useless. Against all odds, Brainiac's cybernetic brain detaches and manages to drag itself a few feet through sheer hate, before finally decaying beyond use and shutting off forever.
    • The Immortal Superman: When Superman disappears in the twentieth century, Lex Luthor knows his despised enemy is alive somewhere or somewhen, so he builds a space drone, controlled by an A.I. modeled after his brain patterns and powered by the energy of Lex Luthor and other criminals' hatred and negative emotions. The hatred-powered Luthor's drone spends one million of years looking for Superman across the galaxy, long after its creator's death.
    • Supergirl becomes a Red Lantern in Red Daughter of Krypton when she is utterly overwhelmed by her rage against those who abandoned her or manipulated.
  • The Incredible Hulk villain Emil Blonsky became The Abomination after gamma ray exposure brought his repressed self-loathing to the surface.
  • Teen Abomination, introduced in Superior Iron Man, is stuck in his monstrous form. When Tony finds out that Jamie accidentally killed his own mother when he first transformed, he theorizes that this is why Teen Abomination can't change back to human form; his transformation was fueled by anger and hatred, and he'll never be able to stop hating himself for killing his mom. After he learns that his mom is not dead, but in a coma, he finally lets go and powers down.
  • In Gold Digger, Serpentus becomes more powerful the more people hate him.
  • X-Men: After surviving being stripped to the bone by magical fires, Juggernaut stomps up to his attacker, saying that nothing could allow him to survive it normally. Nothing but hate.
  • In Zombies Christmas Carol, Ebenezer Scrooge is so nasty his bitterness and hatred nearly ends the world by causing a zombie apocalypse.
  • Aquila: The Spartan is a fellow servant of the Devourer, but his empowerment came because he didn't want to die when there were so many of the enemy left to kill.
  • In Tom King's Mister Miracle (2017) run, Orion insinuates that this is what drives Mister Miracle; deep down he hates himself, his life, and many of the people around him, seeking to escape it all, hence his borderline obsessive fixation on being an Escape Artist.
  • DC's 10th issue of Weird War Tales had a young man named Cyrano manage to animate and summon a horde of stone gargoyles out of pure hatred for the Nazis.
  • Hound (2014): Morrigan states that Setanta sees with all her hate whenever his Superpowered Evil Side kicks in and distorts his sight into nightmarish red imagery.

    Comic Strips 
  • FoxTrot: Peter Fox becomes assistant coach of the football team, and is such a nuisance overlapping with The Neidermeyer that the coach puts him near the opposing team's goal. Allowing the players to vent on the field has won them three games.

    Fan Works 
  • In Chapter 11 of Advice and Trust, Asuka uses her hatred of SEELE to keep herself from suffering an emotional breakdown after Shinji is nearly killed defending her from assassins.
    If I don't stay angry, you're going to get 'screaming black depression Asuka' instead, because the man I love more than air is lying in a hospital bed with a goddamn bullet hole in him, and I do not want to start thinking about how close he came to dying again, so... Angry. I want their heads, Misato. No, fuck that. I want to know where they live, so I can take Unit-02 and go dance the Schuhplattler on their damn houses!
  • All For Luz: All For One encourages Luz to channel this to Pay Evil unto Evil on her teammate's murderers. The end results with Luz killing 20 of them, after stealing their Quirks, and leaving only a Sole Survivor from her Roaring Rampage of Revenge.
    Shigaraki: (Evil Laugh) Yes! Noceda, feed your anger! Feed your rage! Allow it to overcome you! Allow your emotions to take center stage! Find those who killed your friends, and do unto them that which they did to you!
  • In Amazing Fantasy, Izuku's Venom Strike power is activated by his long-repressed feelings of anger and resentment towards others for a decade of bullying.
  • Kingdom Hearts fanfic The Antipode: During Act 3: All That's Left, Luxord invokes this trope in an effort to push Prince John to succumb to darkness.
    Luxord: You're letting your fear overwhelm your fury. If you wish to conquer the darkness, let rage be your weapon! Allow your thirst for vengeance to cloud any lingering doubts. With hatred as your creed, nothing shall stand in your way!
    Prince John: Yes… hatred. How I loathe that rogue and all that he stands for! Always getting in my way! Stealing and looting and ruining all my schemes!
  • Naruto in Black Flames Dance in the Wind: Rise of Naruto refuses to let go of his hatred and tells Sarutobi how it's given him the strength to carry on.
    Naruto: Because what am I, if not a product of hatred? I was born into it, and suffered because of it. And then I was shaped and fueled by it. I doubt you can imagine the number of times where the only thing that kept me going was hatred. The number of times I clung to life just to spite those who wanted me dead. The number of times I refused to give up, solely because I hated them all too much to let them win.
  • The Butcher Bird has Vinci's occasional incident where inanimate objects he hates spontaneously burst into golden flames explained as a result of this coupled with his minor Reality Warper abilities.
  • Child of the Storm has this as the root of the Dark Phoenix — specifically, Phoenix fire is by itself morally neutral, magnifying all emotions, and being magnified by them in turn (this is one of the reasons why the Phoenix doesn't usually take hosts for very long, and tends to pick hosts that embrace their emotions, but aren't ruled by them). So, it can be powered by The Power of Love, and very effectively, but it can just as easily be powered by the Power Of Hate. The latter rapidly corrupts the host, whose growing darkness and hatred just fuels the fires within even more, making them even stronger: the last Dark Phoenix destroyed an entire galaxy.
  • Coby's Choice: In Chapter 129, furious at Coby's arrest and the vanishing of his crewmates by Kuma, Luffy strikes Garp with a 'Fist of Hate', breaking both his grandfather's nose and his spirit.
  • A Darker Path: Learning that Goddess is basically Earth Shin's equivalent of a Nazi, thus heavily reminding him of his father and the Empire 88, fills Theo with so much hatred for her that he becomes completely immune to her Master ability, which forces others to want to act in her best interests.
  • Darth Vader: Hero of Naboo: Vader's hatred of Sidious is so great that it enables him to power through Sidious' Force Storm and forcibly close the tear in reality fueling it.
  • A Diplomatic Visit: Hatred is one of the many Powers That Be, and in chapter 11 of the sequel Diplomat at Large is revealed to belong to Adagio Dazzle of the sirens. However, Dark Is Not Evil, and for all that it's focused on the spread of negative emotions, it's also intended to help others let out those negative emotions in a healthy manner, without letting it control them. Adagio just used it to spread hate so she could feed on it, which is a misuse of its power, and results in her losing it to Aria when Discord gets involved.
  • In Earth and Sky, Diamond Tiara is abducted by Changelings and left to die in the badlands after they kick her out of their hive because she is too unpleasant even for them. At first, she is overwhelmed with despair and sinks to the ground ready to die. Only the thought that dying would mean Apple Bloom, whom she has hated her entire life starting from their first meeting in a playpen, "wins" by default keeps her from giving up. She perseveres through the badlands and reaches civilization, running on nothing but pure hatred. She doesn't take it well when she realizes that because her hatred for Apple Bloom kept her alive, she owes her life to Apple Bloom.
  • Vathara, author of Embers (Vathara), noted once that both Hate and Love can drive people to acts of equal greatness or depravity, and allow them to survive seemingly insurmountable odds.
  • Evangelion 303: Deconstructed. After waking up from a coma Asuka found out that the war plane that she was piloting had crashed and her best friend died in the crash. She blamed herself for both accidents and in order to deal with her inner self-loathing, despair and pain she resorted to hate everyone and herself because it made her feeling powerful again. Then her inner self told her that it was pathetic, her hatred was solving NOTHING and she was weak and coward for relying on it.
  • How does Twilight Sparkle defeat the Changeling Queen in Faith and Doubt? She channels "hate poison" into her, while everyone watches in horror. The fact that Queen Chrysalis is continuously shapeshifting into Twilight's friends and family doesn't help her in this situation.
  • Fortune Favors the Brave: The only reason why Gabriel is willing to let Adrien attend public school is because his son's resentment at being locked up in a Gilded Cage draws his akumatizing butterflies in like a beacon. Even when he's not targeting him, Adrien's anger is so overpowering that they divert course, hampering his ability to terrorize Paris as Hawk Moth.
  • Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality details that, as in canon, the Killing Curse is fueled by hate. However, it takes a lot of hate — you have to hate your target so much that you'd be willing to kill them with your bare hands. If you want to cast it multiple times in a single battle, you have to hate your target enough to strangle them to death, stab the corpse, burn the pieces... Most people can't do that. But a few can cast the Killing Curse repeatedly like it's nothing. The secret is that the Killing Curse can also be fueled by apathy, which Quirrell says is "stronger than hate, and flows without limit". Then, you don't have to hate your target so much you want them dead, but care about them so little you no longer want them alive.
  • In Harry Potter and the Power of the Dark Side, Veneficus gets Anguis to channel his hatred during his Sith training.
  • Here There Be Monsters: Even when she is being utterly wrecked by Mary Marvel, Georgia Sivana refuses to surrender or even fall unconscious because of how much she hates Mary. Her hatred is literally the only reason she is still standing up.
    Georgia struggled to free herself from the pain, struggled to bring her hands or foot or knee up against the Little Red Cheese, the girl whom she hated more than anyone else in the universe.
    But she was not successful.
    The Shazam girl clouted her again on the other side of the jaw, then followed it up with two more blows. Georgia was on the ropes now, or would have been if there had been a ring in space for them to fight in. Another blow, and then another. Only hate was keeping the bad girl awake now. She wouldn't give in, not even while her enemy was pummeling her like a heavyweight champ. She wouldn't...
  • Valla the Demon Hunter in Heroes of the Desk, as noted for Diablo III below, uses this to fuel her attacks but tempers it with discipline. The trope really comes into play, however, when she uses it to break Brainwashing that was imposed on her, causing a shift into full Blood Knight. Other characters comment on this change, fearing she might be going off the deep end.
  • A Hero's Wrath: Those attuned to Wrath Mantra (Asura, Izuku and Momo) are made more powerful when feeling anger or rage. This often involves a fiery aura, an increase in strength, speed and stamina and various Super Modes. Izuku flatly tells Momo that it is also directly tied to one's capacity to learn and overcome problems, pointing out that they improve exponentially when frustrated.
  • Holding on Tight to You: In this Frozen (2013) fanfic, an ancient, evil being powered by darkness seeking revenge against the Spirits of the Enchanted Forest is fueled by negative emotions, and seeks a person whose soul is clouded by hatred and anger to regain its buried powers. It finds the perfect candidate in Prince Hans, whose heart has been metaphorically frozen by years of resentment and bitterness against his father and 12 brothers, and is in servitude for his crimes against Elsa and Anna. Soon enough, this transforms Hans into a rage-filled monster who kills his own family, and attacks Arendelle with his newfound powers in revenge.
  • Ulquiorra invokes this trope in A Hollow in Equestria during a moment where Rainbow Dash has been overcome by despair, reduced to a sobbing, bawling mess on the floor. In his usual Jerkass approach, he riles her up, and then promptly leaves before she can offer a rebuttal to his words. This serves to fill her with so much anger at him, she's too busy to feel sorry for herself.
  • According to In The Brilliant Light Of Day, Amanojaku as a whole are stated to survive off hatred, gaining sustenance from people's fear of them. Shinmyoumaru's newfound hatred of Seija leads to all of Seija's injuries fully healing at the end of the story.
  • This is what caused Hetalia: Axis Powers fanfic Kanashī, Wütend, Desolato to take place in an Alternate Timeline from Gankona, Unnachgiebig, Unità. Instead of accepting Germany's, Italy's, and Japan's relationship, most of the countries scorned them for it instead. China disowned Japan, Romano kicked Italy from his own house, and Germany lost all respect. This culminated in Italy trying to take his own life.
  • In Kara of Rokyn, hatred is the only thing that kept Lex Luthor going on through decades of defeats and humiliations. He hates Superman, loathes his cousin and will not let him "win". He even welcomes his death because he doesn't have to hate anyone anymore.
  • Lost to Dust: Atalanta Alter/Atalante explains that back when she was Nikushimi, her hatred was so strong that getting decapitated and then her corpse eaten by Grimm back in Fates Collide didn't kill her permanently. Instead, she was able to possess a Boarbatusk and then reform her body. When she is shot in the head, her hatred allows her to survive by possessing Blake Belladonna, causing Nikushimi to be reborn.
  • Mass Effect: Human Revolution:
    • Captain Anderson resists Benezia's mental influence by focusing on his hatred of Saren and her.
    • Jules Leng gets up to keep fighting despite losing an arm and having multiple knives sticking out of himself through this.
  • In Mega Man: Defender of the Human Race, Dr. Wily's rage and anger fuels his creativity at times.
  • In Mega Man Reawakened, Robert's anger makes him more powerful, but also more open to attack. Wood Man helps cure him of this.
  • Pretty much what gave birth to My Brave Pony: Starfleet Magic. The author Dakari-King Mykan firmly believes in the concept, stating hatred to be stronger than The Power of Friendship and The Power of Love in every category.
    In my world... "SPITE makes RIGHT"
  • LittleKuriboh's "NGE Oneshot". The Angel is wiping the floor with Shinji, so what does Gendo, inexplicably yet perfectly voiced by Charles Montgomery Burns, tell him? "You have to pretend it's me." Cue Curb-Stomp Battle set to "Ode to Joy".
  • During their Counterpoint Duet in the audio version of Princess Trixie Sparkle, Princess Luna tries to tell Astel that her hatred and lust for revenge against their sister Celestia will not bring her heart any peace, only for Astel to counter by claiming that it is her hatred and vengeance that gives her strength and it feels great.
  • Queen of Shadows: It's eventually revealed that the Gani tribe/Crab Khan were created from the manifested rage of a past Queen after she was betrayed and mutilated by a supposed ally.
  • RainbowDoubleDash's Lunaverse: In the story The 'Ling from Another World, this is how the four foals Dinky, Snails, Pipsqueak, and Twist defeat a changeling drone that's been terrorizing them all Nightmare Night, since negative emotions like anger and hate appear to poison it. Further, it's implied that although negative emotions are harmful to changelings, the foals were only able to win because the drone they were fighting was starving and couldn't help but eat the hate; a less-desperate changeling would have more control.
  • A recurring theme with the Slayer and the demons in Remnant Inferis: DOOM is that their near unending hatred is a major source of strength for them, as well as why they're as messed up as they are. The Slayer derives strength from his rage towards the demons and has nearly thrown away his humanity as a result. The demons are actually revealed to be the scattered soul fragments of humans when they were wiped out by the God of Darkness in the pre-Remnant genocide, with their undying hatred warping their surroundings in the void to become Hell and twisting their forms to the point where they are no longer what they once were.
  • Sackcloth and Ashes: Plagg from Miraculous Ladybug can't use his powers without a weilder or he'll cause mass destruction like when he wiped out the dinosaurs. However, when Gabriel was about to Akumatize his partner Adrien, he focused on his rage at the man and the pent-up malice from each of his deceased past partners to Cataclysm Gabriel and only Gabriel in order to protect his "kitten".
  • Shadows Awakening: As shown in his Start of Darkness chapter, it was Kyosuke's rage at being abandoned to his death by Tarakudo that allowed his spirit to linger on as The Phantom, and it seems to be the only thing still driving him.
  • Naruto No Sells Hancock's Mero Mero Beam in Shinobi of the High Seas because he's so enraged by her attack on his crew that he doesn't feel any lust for her.
  • In the Naruto fanfic Swapping the Cage, Kuushou teaches this to Hinata after her version of Naruto is displaced by him. In an odd twist, what he's teaching her to hate are her own limits.
    Kuushou: What (Alternate Hinata) lacked was hatred. I do not refer to some vague, undirected impulse that causes someone to lash out indiscriminately. I speak of the kind of hatred that fuels you, the kind that sharpens your focus and burns through your own hesitation like an inferno, the kind of hatred that drives you. That girl worked hard, but she never struggled. She had difficulties, but she never truly failed. And while she occasionally did not win, she never lost. Why does that matter? Why does it make the difference? No one ever really knows their limits until they've slammed into them headfirst. Until that happens, until you know, you can't possibly find a way to overcome them. When you do, however, when you stand at the base of that towering wall and look up to see no end in sight, when you see how that wall is stopping you from achieving everything you ever wanted, and when you hate it with every fiber of your being. That's when you start climbing.
  • Trolling the Toad: The power of spite motivates Harry to study hard and pass his OW Ls with flying colours, to "rub it in the Ministry's faces that [he's] not a delusional, lazy, unintelligent waste of flesh and magic".

    Films — Animation 
  • In Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus when Wenlock chases down Annika and Brietta and knocks out the latter, the former gets furious and asks the Wand of Light to destroy him, but it doesn't work, because the wand is powered by love.
  • Played for Laughs in Frozen II, where Elsa uses her ice powers to shatter a water memory of Prince Hans out of spite.
  • The Great Mouse Detective: The thing which gave Ratigan strength enough to free himself from the cogs of Big Ben.
  • Princess Mononoke is full of this. Hatred is so powerful that it infuses itself onto the Prince Ashitaka's arm and gradually consumes him to death. It is also what turns the merciful boar god Okkoto into a demon both by the hatred manifested by humans in a man-made bullet and ultimately Okkoto's own refusal to come to peace with the conflict.
  • In The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part, after Emmett was left stranded under the Dryar System for years on end, he goes crazy, gains full limb articulation in the real world (normally they can only move in context when being played with by the kids and their imaginations), redesigns himself into cheesy action movie hero Rex Dangervest, and builds a time machine spaceship to go back in time to ensure his existence by making the events happen by his own hand, creating a causal loop.
  • In Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, a step in making the potion that transforms the Evil Queen into an old peddler woman is calling forth "A blast of wind to fan my hate".

    Films — Live-Action 
  • In 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Nemo is driven entirely by hatred for the nation that imprisoned him and murdered his family.
    Nemo: Do you know the meaning of love, Professor?
    Aronnax: I believe I do.
    Nemo: What you fail to understand is the power of hate. It can fill the heart as surely as love can.
  • Played with in Ben-Hur (1959). Judah's hatred allows him to survive, but finally letting go of his hate allows him to live.
    Quintus Arrius: Your eyes are full of hate, Forty-one. That's good. Hate keeps a man alive. It gives him strength.
  • Invoked in the Nazi-themed drama The Damned (1969). After the sensitive student Gunther learns that his favorite aunt has died in a concentration camp through the machinations of his in-laws, SS leader Aschenbach pegs him as an ideal recruit: "You've made a most wonderful discovery. You possess hate! It's a new hate - pure, absolute."
  • The pink slime and its creator, Vigo, in Ghostbusters II, are fueled by the anger and hatred the denizens of New York City are constantly experiencing. And The Big Rotten Apple has plenty of those emotions.
    Peter: We've done our own headcount! There seem to be three million completely miserable assholes... living in the tri-state area!
  • In The Great Houdinis, Harry's anger at phony psychics and his determination to discredit them is the only thing that gets him out of his funk after his mother dies.
  • The title curse of The Grudge is the result of someone dying in a state of extreme fear or anger. The same fate befalls some of the protagonists of the movies because of the fear of being killed.
  • In The Killer That Stalked New York, a 1950 film Very Loosely Based on the 1947 New York City smallpox outbreak, the authorities express surprise that Patient Zero Sheila Bennet is still up and about (and evading capture) at a point where she should reasonably be either dead or bedridden. They muse that she has a drive that keeps her moving by sheer force of will. As it turns out, it's her quest for revenge against her husband Matt for betraying her—both by cheating on her with her sister and by cheating her out of her share of the diamond smuggling affair. As the narrator puts it, she has "the strength that comes when a woman has to settle a score with a man like Matt Krane".
  • In the Film of the Book of Sarah Waters' The Little Stranger, Dr. Faraday's resentment, envy and anger have been manifesting themselves as a Poltergeist inside Hundreds Hall; whenever Faraday experiences negative emotions, the poltergeist lashes out.
  • Major Payne attempts to foster this amongst the kids he's teaching as a Drill Sergeant Nasty, telling Miss Walburne that hate keeps you strong. This gets him a What the Hell, Hero?.
  • Inigo Montoya from The Princess Bride spent twenty years in search of his father's killer. The look on Inigo's face (courtesy of Mandy Patinkin) and the tone in his voice when he finally catches up with the man is something to behold. He even gives the man wounds that mirror those inflicted upon him, in order from newest to oldest. (Scene available at end of video here.)
    Inigo: Offer me money. *face-slice*
    Rugen: Yes.
    Inigo: Power, too, promise me that. *face-slice*
    Rugen: All that I have and more! Please...
    Inigo: Offer me everything I ask for.
    Rugen: Anything you want. *Tries for a last-minute parry-and-chop, but--*
    Inigo: I want my father back, you son of a bitch.
  • In Red Dawn (1984), Colonel Tanner tells Robert that "all that hatred's gonna burn you up." Robert pauses in carving notches on his rifle stock long enough to answer "Keeps me warm."
  • Rob Roy Montrose, commenting on Cunningham's swift recovery (regaining speech) after Rob gave him a throat wound:
    You speak, Archibald? One must never underestimate the healing power of hatred.
  • Scarface (1983): It was hate (and the power of cocaine) that made Tony Montana so hard to kill in the endgame.
  • Sleepers: While Sympathetic Murderers Tommy and John encountered their former molester only by sheer dumb luck and shot him to death in a fit of rage, Michael has been planning his revenge for possibly more than a decade. From going to Law School to slowly gathering incriminating information about their abusers to pit them against the Public Justice system or a drug lord. Shakes is a downplayed case since he didn't obsess about revenge (noted by the fact he hasn't read The Count of Monte Cristo in years) but only needed a little convincing to join Michael's schemes in a patient and devoted fashion.
  • Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan: Khan's rage and hatred give him the strength to launch one final Taking You with Me attack on Kirk and the Enterprise. As well as providing inspiration for some great last words (quoted from Moby-Dick).
  • Star Wars:
    • Emperor Palpatine, although most people remember the other half of the quote. His signature Force Lightning runs on this, being one of the Dark Side's most devastating moves. It's not lightning he's toasting his victim with: it's pure hatred made manifest as destructive energy. Killing someone with Force Lightning is literally hating that person to death.
    • Darth Vader demonstrates a different take on this in a comic story that pits him against a Darth Maul clone. The idea is that his remaining love for Padmé means he lacked the hatred necessary to call himself a Sith Lord. He wins by letting Maul get behind him and stabbing himself through the stomach.
      Maul: [incredulous] What could you hate enough to destroy me?
      Vader: Myself.
    • In general, it is shown several times that Sith Lords are capable of surviving pretty much anything if they have the requisite amount of hatred. In Revenge of the Sith, Vader is able to survive several hours of exposure to an active magma flow burning off his skin. In The Clone Wars, the real Maul is revealed to have survived for approximately twelve years after being cut in half by Obi-Wan at the climax of The Phantom Menace due to his hatred for Obi-Wan alone, although admittedly his mental state was even worse off than his body by the time his brother Savage found him and before both were restored. Finally, in the Legends canon, Darth Sion is essentially a walking corpse who has been repeatedly torn apart and pulled back together with the power of the Dark Side, while the Sith Apprentice Starkiller survives being impaled with a Lightsaber, telekinetically thrown around and thrown into space, albeit also with six months of recovery and advanced Imperial medical technology. Legends canon also showed that Vader was able to make his ruined lungs functional again and breathe without his life support suit if his hatred was sufficiently focused... but the slightest bit of positive emotion seeping in (like his joy at the idea of bringing Luke over to the Dark Side and ruling the galaxy together, or even something as simple as the joy of having restored his lung function in the first place) would ruin the effect. This trend is lampshaded by the Grand Inquisitor (a character who isn't supposed to die until a chronologically later story) in Obi-Wan Kenobi, whom after being impaled and seemingly killed by Reva, shows up alive and well a few episodes later to mock her after she's been impaled by Vader (and Reva has survived being impaled as a child the same way).
      Grand Inquisitor: Revenge does wonders for the will to live, don't you think?
  • Transformers: Bonecrusher. Most Decepticons get by just fine on greed or ambition, but not him. Bonecrusher is powered by sheer, unrelenting hatred of everything and everyone in existence.
  • What initially awakens Erik's superpowers in X-Men: First Class, and turns him into what he is, is his hatred of those who mistreated him at the concentration camp and killed his mother.
  • Marvel Cinematic Universe:
    • Wanda Maximoff's powers become much stronger than usual when she is sufficiently angry at somebody, as evident by her defeating Ultron's ultimate form and holding Thanos at bay.
    • Black Panther (2018): Erik Killmonger's driving motivation is hatred that he and other black people outside Wakanda suffered while Wakanda itself thrived, and he's made it his mission to destroy Wakanda's royal family and usurp the throne out of spite.
    • Iron Fist (2017): Iron Fists are at their most powerful when they have purged their souls of conflict, leaving only two sole occupants: duty and rage.
  • In V for Vendetta, V states how hate allowed him to survive the horrific experiments performed on him, and to continue on living with his ruined body. Or at least, that's what he thought at first. "That's it! See, at first, I thought it was hate too. Hate was all I knew. It built my world, imprisoned me, taught me how to eat, how to drink, how to breathe! I thought I'd die with all the hate in my veins. But then something happened. It happened to me, just as it happened to you."

  • A joke told about various armies is that the soldiers manning Anti-Air defenses are recruited exclusively from air force rejects.

  • In A Certain Magical Index, Fiamma of the Right is powered up by the malice of his enemies. This is why he triggered World War III. He declared the world his enemy, and the malice the conflict would cause would power him up enough to wipe it out. He still loses in the end, as the human race is ultimately not as evil as he thought.
  • Subverted in The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant. Covenant tries to fight Lord Foul with hate, but it doesn't work, because Foul is the Anthropomorphic Personification of hatred; hating him just makes him stronger. What finishes him in the end? Laughter.
  • In Dolphin Song, Melody's hatred for Priscilla helps her outswim everyone else at the school swimming carnival, breaking the school record.
  • The Dresden Files:
    • Magic is powered by emotions and thanks to some really horrible villains Harry uses hate to fuel his spells on a few occasions.
    • The Eye of Balor is a Fantastic Nuke that not only channels its bearer's hatred into skyscraper-melting Eye Beams but is made of its creator's own divine hate. In Battle Ground, this makes it less effective against Queen Mab, a being of pure ruthless reason who's able to tank a direct hit.
  • Fate Series:
    • Fate/strange Fake:
      • Heracles started out as a kind and noble Archer, but he gets corrupted to be part Avenger. He changes his name back to his original Alcides and is driven by his hatred of the gods for causing or allowing his various tragedies like the deaths of his children and his wife Deianira betraying him.
      • One of the forms that Watcher's Shadows take is Captain Ahab. He comments that if he was the real Ahab, he would probably be Avenger due to Ahab's obsession with revenge against Moby-Dick.
    • Fate/Requiem: Louis XVII, the son of Marie Antoinette, is an Avenger, a psychopath driven by hatred for the French Revolution's Reign of Terror separating him from his parents and imprisoning him in a tower until he died.
  • Harry Potter:
    • The power of hate is explicitly said to be why Dumbledore is considered weaker (technically) than Voldemort. Voldemort, being fueled by hate, is willing to use evil magic like horcruxes or curses. Dumbledore doesn't because he's still sane enough to realize the cost of such power.
    • The first time Harry attempts an Unforgivable Curse against Bellatrix Lestrange in Order of the Phoenix, she brushes it off fairly quickly and tells him that righteous anger won't fuel an Unforgivable as well as genuine malice. When he attempts it again in Deathly Hallows against Amycus Carrow for having insulted McGonagall, it has a much better effect.
    • This is also what drove Sirius Black out of Azkaban in Prisoner of Azkaban. Dementors could take out happiness, but hate gave him direction while knowing that he was innocent kept him sane.
  • In How to Build a Dungeon: Book of the Demon King the resident Villain Protagonist Aur employed a Netorare Genre gamble step by step, as if he had a guide book, against Alan the Warrior, he corrupted through sexual assault and mind manipulation Alan’s three female companions, making sure to show it to him later, then Aur had one of the girls behead Alan, using Alan’s torrent of surging hatred for being betrayed to then resurrect him as a powerful ally, a Dullahan.
  • I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream: This is the whole motivation and driving force of AM turning the lives of the main characters into a living hell.
    "Hate. Let me come to tell you how much I've come to hate you since I began to live. There are 387.44 million miles of printed circuits in wafer thin layers that fill my complex. If the word 'HATE' was engraved on each nano-angstrom of those hundreds of millions of miles it would not equal one one-BILLIONTH of the hate I feel for humans at this micro-instant. For you. Hate. Hate."
  • Joel Suzuki: After Auravine is killed in Legend of the Loudstone, Joel's rage towards Marshall allows him to pull off casts he could never have managed normally. He almost kills him by draining his Aura before Felicity talks him down.
  • In King Rat Lieutenant Grey, the MP of the POW Camp, is dying out of malaria. He's so sick, he can barely keep his eyes open... but when he's carried on a stretcher to infirmary to die in peace, he sees King, a black market trader; well-fed, groomed, the only one wearing actual clothes rather than rags. Grey is so enraged by the prospect of his sworn enemy getting away scot-free in case of his death, he musters himself to get back to health. In fact, it's his burning hatred towards King that kept him alive throughout the entire war, but it takes a lot from the man to admit it in the end.
  • This is the main theme of the Malus Darkblade series. At several points in the series, the only thing motivating Malus to keep going is the thought of destroying his enemies.
  • Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn: A key component of the spell to summon the undead Storm King back into Osten Ard is the channeled fear and hate of all the mortals in the world, fomented by the very war that the Storm King started. Rejecting this hate is the key to defeating him.
  • Mermaid's Song: When the Seadragon has completely lost the will to live, Elan's hatred towards Kagor is so strong that it causes the Seadragon to use the last of his strength to bite Kagor in half.
  • In Neuromancer, Wintermute claims that Case is going to have to hate something to have the strength to carry out Wintermute's plans - preferably the Tessier-Ashpool family that it's conspiring against, but hating Wintermute itself will also do in a pinch.
  • Pilgrennon's Children: During Dana's Battle in the Center of the Mind with supercomputer Cerberus in Pilgrennon's Beacon, Dana draws on every horrible experience she's ever had, which gives her the strength to force two of Cerberus's heads to kill each other and contaminate the third with her humanity.
  • Niccolò Machiavelli states in The Prince that while it's better to be feared than loved, one must nevertheless take pains to avoid being hated. He cites this trope as the reason why, pointing out that hatred can overcome fear, and that people who truly hate someone will be willing to suffer or, in extreme cases, even give up their lives if it means be able to hurt the target of their hatred in return.
  • Rebuild World: Tiol, who gets transformed into a Tragic Monster, suffers from memory loss and the only thing keeping him going is Amnesiac Resonance for being a Green-Eyed Monster of Akira over his relationship to Sheryl who Tiol was in love with. The hatred lets Tiol power through the Horror Hunger of eating metal and human flesh to construct monsters and transform himself. The hatred also breaks the Restraining Bolt programming that'd normally limit what monsters he could make (like not being allowed to make fliers), which impresses his puppet master A.I. Tsubaki. The hatred also serves as a weakness since Akira can Draw Aggro for a heavier hitting ally to damage Tiol in their fight.
  • Lyrah in Shadow of the Conqueror draws strength and motivation from her overwhelming hate for Dayless the Conqueror, using it to overcome her fear in one case, but having to exercise a lot of self-control to keep herself from going into an Unstoppable Rage at just the mention of him. She's a contrast to Ahrek, who was instead eaten away at by his hatred and considers it the worst flaw in his character. At the end of the book, after Dayless has gone a long ways on his Redemption Quest, Ahrek forgives him—but Lyrah maintains that no amount of remorse or heroism will ever make her stop loathing him.
  • Shadows of the Empire: Vader tries to use this and heal himself with the Dark Side through concentrating on how much he loathes Obi-Wan for injuring him. It works temporarily, though when he feels himself healing Vader is joyful and this cancels it out. The book indicates he's tried the same thing many times over the year with the same results.
  • Used as a plot device in the Shivers (M. D. Spenser) novella, The Curse of the New Kid. The protagonist Lucas Lytle is a Bully Magnet who spends his entire life getting picked upon, until his powers as a living Bad Luck Charm manifests causing all sorts of mishaps and accidents to bullies in his school. Turns out his hate and rage within himself is the key to his powers; he even lampshades it near the last chapter that "hate is eternal, hate is more powerful than compassion".
  • In Slayers, all Mazoku feed on negative emotions. The more they hate you, and the more you hate them, the stronger they get.
  • A Song of Ice and Fire has several characters who live more for spite and revenge than for anything better.
    • After everything goes wrong for him in a rather big way, Tyrion Lannister seriously contemplates suicide and has nothing to live for, except to get revenge on ... well, everyone in Westeros, though his family tops the list.
    • Lord Varys states that when his balls were cut off as a child by a sorcerer, he asked the man what he should do. "The man said he supposed I should die. To spite him I resolved to live." However, Varys is an unusual example because his hatred is not directed against any particular person (though he does claim to detest sorcery, for obvious reasons,) and he is one of the coldest and calmest characters in the books.
    • Doran Martell has put an extremely slow-growing plan for vengeance into action for well over a decade. Given that he is ridden with gout and in constant pain, one could easily argue that he might have let himself die before now if he didn't have his revenge to plan.
    • Wyman Manderly has a similar bone to pick with House Frey and House Bolton for the Red Wedding.
    • Sandor Clegane, the Hound, makes no secret of the fact that he wants to kill his brother Gregor, and many suspect that if the opportunity to do that was taken from him he'd have nothing left to live for. His aimless wanderings after Oberyn kills Gregor suggests they're right.
    • Catelyn Stark's hatred is all she has left as Lady Stoneheart.
    • A speech to the effect of "live and get revenge" is what motivates Jaime Lannister to not lie down and die after his sword hand is cut off.
    • Arya Stark, age nine, endures all kinds of horrible, traumatic experiences that would break most adults, plus an incredibly harsh training that involves, among other things, going blind, throwing away her identity and murdering people, just so they can kill the people who murdered their family (whose names they mutter every night like a prayer before sleeping).
  • In The Spy Who Haunted Me by Simon R. Green there's a minor character who is a goth with the power to hate things out of existence. She just stares at them, focuses on how much she hates, and they vanish forever.
  • In Space Marine Battles, Alessi Cortez believes that his hatred of traitors and xenos is what has kept him alive and fighting for his three hundred years of service.
  • In Perelandra, from CS Lewis's Space Trilogy, there's a moment when the hero Ransom is physically battling the evil Dr. Weston who just happens to be possessed by the Devil discovers not just a moment of Perfect Hate, but also just what to do with that hate, which allows him to actually overcome a far stronger enemy. Or to put it another way: knowingly, Yes He Did Just Punch Out Cthulhu. This is given a theological justification as to why Ransom can do this and morally remain a good guy: Weston is possessed by The Devil, and thus is pure evil, and pure evil is the only thing that righteously deserves to be hated.
  • The Demons in Elfstones of Shannara run on pure hatred.
    • Beyond even the Demons is the Witch Wraith, Grianne Ohmsford, in the Dark Legacy Of Shannara trilogy. After an extremely tumultuous childhood, stint as a Big Bad Wannabe, a Heel–Face Turn that proved deeply unpopular with the people of the Four Lands, and having Escaped from Hell, Grianne spent about a century in out of body bliss... only to be dragged back into action by her great great nephew to fight her would-be rapist, Demon Lord Tael Riverine. Though her body is little more than a decaying husk, her hatred of Riverine, resentment over being pulled out of the closest thing to a paradise, and the magic said hate fuels makes her perhaps the single most powerful mortal in the history of the Four Lands.
  • In Waylander, by David Gemmell, Waylander originally runs on this before reverting to stoicism.
  • In A Wrinkle in Time, When Meg is back on Camazotz trying to rescue Charles Wallace from IT, her body trembles with The Power of Hate and The Power of IT before she discovers her only weapon, The Power of Love.
  • In the short story "The Public Hating" by Steve Allen, people are literally executed by hatred. More specifically, the executioners are somehow able to harness the people's anger and frustration and channel it into an Agony Beam. The worse the crime, the bigger the crowd.
  • Demandred the Forsaken in The Wheel of Time was stuck being Always Second Best to the Chosen One, so he joined the Shadow and became one of the greatest threats to the world, because he hated the Chosen One more than anyone had hated anything, ever. Ultimately subverted: he joins the Last Battle with an unbeatable group of assets, then squanders them all by trying to force his nemesis into a one-on-one fight, completely missing that the guy's thousands of miles away. Instead, his hatred gets him killed like a chump by a total stranger before the Chosen One ever learns that he's alive.
  • Val, one of the major characters in The Women's Room by Marilyn French cites this when she and Mira see each other for the last time. Mira does not take it well.
    Val: "What you see as my deformity, I see as my purification. Hate is a great definer. You lose something, but develop something else to fullness. Like blind people learning to hear with exquisite acuteness, or deaf people learning to read lips, eyebrows, faces. Hate has made me able to act as I should have been acting all along. My fucking love of mankind kept me from being a friend to womankind."
  • The Unwomanly Face of War: Many women invoked this trope to deal with the trauma that they were knowingly killing other human beings. Of course, there were also people naturally who joined the war effort to get revenge for their loved ones that died at the hands of the Germans.

    Live-Action TV 
  • In Angel after being trapped in the hell dimension Quar-toth Holtz attributes his ability to survive to this trope, before he started surviving through the Power of Love instead. His final actions make it pretty clear that he never gave up on the hatred.
  • In Babylon 5, the Narn are hugely motivated by their hatred of the Centauri. Londo even claims that if you got together all the Narn and got them to hate simultaneously, they would destroy Centauri Prime. The hatred is quite mutual.
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Spike suggests this is the real reason Buffy hasn't staked him — despite his evolving role over the series as villain, untrustworthy ally, Fetishized Abuser, and now Manchurian Agent.
    "We both know it's not love. You like men who hurt you. You need the pain we cause you. You need the hate. You need it to do your job, to be the Slayer."
  • In Charmed Darklighters' powers are fueled by hate and have the power to kill through touch, as they're the Evil Counterpart of Whitelighters.
  • In Cobra Kai, the titular form of Karate taught by Kreese is driven purely by hate and aggression, as compared to Johnny's variant which sticks to the letter of "strike first, strike hard, no mercy." While Johnny managed to actually improve the lives of his students by teaching them confidence and to be bad-ass (albeit not without some hiccups along the way), Kreese's is corrupting them and turning them into bad people. Robby gets to see an example of this when he joins Cobra Kai with the approval of Tory Nichols.
    Tory Nichols: I hated you [Robby] for what happened to Miguel, you know. I hated Sam LaRusso. I hated everyone. I hated myself the most. Sensei Kreese taught me that if you take all that hate... and you channel it... it makes you stronger. And it feels good.
  • Doctor Who:
    • The Daleks were engineered to feel nothing but pure hatred for everything else in the universe:
      • "Victory of the Daleks":
        "What does hate look like, Amy?"
        "It looks like a Dalek."
      • In "Asylum of the Daleks", the Daleks are revealed to imprison, not destroy, those among their number who are deemed too insane, simply because they cannot bring themselves to remove such pure hatred from the universe. The Dalek Prime Minister suggests that is perhaps the real reason why they've never been able to finish off the Doctor.
      • In "The Witch's Familiar", it is revealed the Daleks actually use hate to power their guns, hence why they need to shout "Exterminate!" every time they fire.
    • The Pratt/Beevers version of the Master (the one that looks like a corpse) was once quoted as saying that hate was the only thing keeping him alive.
      The Master: You do not understand hatred as I understand it. Only hate keeps me alive. Why else should I endure this pain?
    • "The Next Doctor": Miss Hartigan is angry about a lot of things, and her hatred is strong enough to overpower the Cybermen's programming when they try to convert her, allowing her to take them over and control them.
  • It's eventually revealed in The Flash that Eobard Thawne is using his own version of the Speed Force; this "Negative" Speed Force requires a speedster to feel incredible hatred to access and is usually powered by Thawne's hatred for Barry. He teaches Nora to access it. She's unable to muster enough hate at first, but seeing her mother and not her father come to get her pushes her over the edge. After traveling through the Negative Speed Force, she comes out with Red Eyes, Take Warning and red-and-purple lightning instead of yellow-and-purple. Even Thawne is distressed by how much hatred she's been bottling up and regrets showing her how to use this method.
  • Game of Thrones: Septon Ray remarks that Sandor's wounds should have killed him several times over, and asks what kept Sandor alive. Sandor replies "hate."
  • Haven:
    • In "Fear and Loathing", Tristram Carver made a puzzle board depicting Haven and filled it with his hate of the town. If a piece is fitted into the board, the corresponding area of Haven is vaporized. The puzzle continues to function centuries after his death.
    • In "Roots", trees start attacking people by extending their roots like tentacles. Audrey and Chris eventually realize that the trees are feeding off the hatred between the feuding Keegan and Novelli families (every time the families argue or fight, the roots grow faster and go berserk). When they manage to convince the families to make peace, the trees revert to normal.
  • Kamen Rider:
    • In Kamen Rider Double, Shroud's original plan to defeat her evil husband involved creating Double CycloneAccelXtreme, a Rider form powered by hatred. However, Ryu Terui (the user of the Accel Memory) got over his hatred thanks to the help of Shotaro and Philip (the users of Double), who ended up forming a different version of Xtreme and fighting with the power of their bond rather than hatred, which proved that Shroud was wrong to hold onto her bitterness.
    • Kaito Kumon of Kamen Rider Gaim combines this with his Social Darwinist filibusters. And besides, his Dark and Troubled Past motivated him to perpetuate the cycle of hatred as a means to seek power.
    • Kamen Rider Ex-Aid:
      • Taiga Hanaya hates everyone the same with the exception of his Arch Enemies, Graphite and Hiiro Kagami. It kept him alive through the years when the world would hate him just as much. If anything, he is only returning the favor. His hate fueled determination nearly killed him at several points because it kept him only barely alive, so trying to throw his life away was never a bother anyway.
      • As befitting his insanity, Kuroto Dan hates absolutely everyone just for existing and then he hates some people even more for slighting him. He devoted half of his life into setting up the most spectacular way to murder someone after his first attempt failed. That someone was a 8 years kid who sent him a fan mail because he liked his video games.
    • Kamen Rider Zi-O: Hiryu Kakogawa is a young man who utterly despises protagonist Sougo Tokiwa, blaming Sougo for the deaths of his parentsnote  due to it apparently involving him, which lead to the Time Jackers recruiting him to become Another Zi-O. When he's defeated Sougo tries to convince him to let go of his hatred and move on with his life, but Hiryu rejected this and ended up coming back later on as the more powerful Another Zi-O II, now intent on destroying Sougo's life instead of just killing him. The final stage show makes it even worse, with Hiryu coming back a second time and becoming Another Ohma Zi-O, where he attempts to wipe out the Heisei and Reiwa eras altogether after deciding from his previous defeats that he was Born in the Wrong Century.
    • Kamen Rider Zero-One: Isamu Fuwa's primary motivation is his seething, unrelenting hatred for HumaGears, which stems from him being a survivor of the Daybreak Incident where they went berserk and destroyed an entire town. His anger was even what lead to him becoming Kamen Rider Vulcan, overriding the security lock on a Transformation Trinket by physically ripping it open, which he does every time he transforms. At one point he even delivers a whole speech about how hatred is literally all he has anymore, and he doesn't care if he dies as long as he can destroy the HumaGear terrorists
    Fuwa: "Listen up, ZAIA! I'm a changed man! Those old memories can go to hell for all I care! I don't want anger anymore! I have a dream now. And that... is to be a Kamen Rider of your creation!"
  • Morgana in season three of Merlin is driven entirely by hate, some of it understandable (toward Uther and Merlin) and some of it inexplicable (the writers never give us a reason why she suddenly loathes Arthur and Guinevere).
  • In the series finale of Monk, Monk is poisoned by an employee of his wife's murderer. After learning the mastermind's identity, his condition improves.
    Cpt. Stottlemeyer: How is our boy?
    Monk's Doctor: He's stable. Actually, he's better than stable. His vital signs have improved. We're not sure why.
    Cpt. Stottlemeyer: That'll be the hatred. Pure malice is the best medicine in the world.
  • On Once Upon a Time, the Snow Queen had cast the "Spell of Broken Sight" on the town of Storybrooke, while binding Emma and Elsa's powers with ribbons that used to bind her and her sisters together. Emma tries every magical pointy thing she can find to cut them off, and after failing, decides that since it's made of love, hate might break the spell. She accomplishes this by taunting Regina (now in full Evil Queen mode) until she tries to burn the two of them with pure hate. It works... for Emma and Elsa, not the Queen.
  • In part 1 of the Raven's Home "Sleevemore" story arc, Booker and Nia's constant arguing with each other results in Booker's visions freezing and rendering him catatonic.
  • Star Trek: The Original Series
    • In "The Enemy Within", when Kirk gets split into Good Kirk and Evil Kirk, Good Kirk is barely able to function because, as Dr. McCoy points out, he needs the power of hate as well as love.
    • In the original pilot "The Cage", Captain Pike can keep the Talosians from reading his mind by focusing on his hate.
    • In "Day of the Dove", an Emotion Eater alien arranges to trap Federation and Klingon crews together and stir up their animosity so that it can feed on their hatred. After they recognize it as their common enemy, they drive it away by calling a truce and assuming a friendly attitude.
  • Armus from the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Skin of Evil" is literally the hatred and negativity of an entire species, separated from them physically and abandoned alone.
  • Similarly, in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Bajorans and Cardassians are motivated by a mutual hatred.
  • In Stranger Things, this seems to be what psychic powers run on:
  • Super Sentai:
  • The Twilight Zone (1959): Deconstructed in the episode "I am The Night - Color Me Black": a man who killed a bigoted, but popular member of a town in self-defense is sentenced to death. On the day of his execution, the sun doesn't rise. The local reverend sees that it's because of all the hate: he hates the townsfolk, the townsfolk hate him, the man he killed was a bigot, and there's so much sickening, corrupting hate that it's seeping up into the air and blinding them. Not only do things only get darker after the execution, but a news report over the radio show it's not an isolated incident. Other places in the world that have gone dark include a street in Dallas, parts of Chicago and Birmingham, a section of the Berlin wall, a political prison in Budapest, all of North Vietnam, and other places of hate around the world.
  • Yapool from the Ultra Series has Resurrective Immortality because he hates the Ultras so much that he pretty much wills himself back to life whenever he's killed. His most powerful kaiju, U-Killersaurus, was, according to him, literally made from his hatred of them.
  • The Monster of the Week of one episode of Xena: Warrior Princess was a sorcerer who could drain all the goodness out of a person to feed himself, turning the victim to stone in the process. One character is immune to this, and he explains to Xena that he concentrated on negative emotions like hate, so the sorcerer couldn't feed on him. Xena does the same thing in order to fight the sorcerer.

    Myths & Religion 
  • According to Orthodox Christianity, the true purpose of hate is to banish evil or messy thoughts and memories (which come to us from demons). But it's also necessary to pray to God to get help.
  • Some Japanese Yōkai, and especially the onryo ("vengeful ghosts"), are connected to the human world through their hatred. The Gashadokuro is a giant skeleton powered by collective hate and misery of all who died from famine and war and were never put to rest. The Kuchisake-onna (Split-mouth Woman) is the ghost of a murdered woman who mutilates people in the same way that killed her or butchers them in their own homes if they get away. Teke Teke is a more modern one; the ghost of a school girl or young women who was split in half at the waist by a train and now take out her grudge on the living by making them look just like her.
  • Numerous cultures in the Middle East and the Caucuses believe in the concept of the "Evil Eye", a type of Death Glare or Curse powered by jealousy and hatred. It is believed that those in the cross-hairs of the evil eye will experience bad luck, injury or illness. The Evil Eye Charms, commonly associated with Turkey, are intended as protection against this.

    Pro Wrestling 

    Tabletop Games 
  • Exalted:
    • Most beings are only capable of so much hatred- literally, as the game puts a hard limit on the number of Intimacies you have, or, at least, can gain a mechanical benefit from. Kimbery, however, has no limit to the number of negative Intimacies she can possess, and can never forget a negative Intimacy... and the more negative Intimacies she has, the more powerful she becomes.
    • Malfeas is endlessly angry about the atrocities visited upon him by the Exalted, which manifests as an ability to ignore all pain, as well as an ability to burn his enemies with irradiated green fire. If you're lucky, he'll only kill you.
    • The Neverborn are dead Primordials who exist in constant physical and spiritual torment, unable to either fully cease existing or be reborn in new forms. Although unable to leave their world-sarcophagi, their resentment of the living world was great enough to create the Deathlords, and their Whispers constantly resound throughout the Underworld, driving ghosts mad and warping them into nephwracks.
  • Fabula Ultima thematically implies this trope with the Darkblade class. One of their skills lets them establish a Bond of Hatred toward an enemy when they fall below half health, while another lets them recover small amounts of health and MP upon dealing damage to an enemy with which they have a Bond. One of their potential heroic skills, Heartbreaker, lets them sacrifice half their current HP after hitting an enemy that they have a Bond with to deal extra damage proportional to the Bond's strength. The latter two skills don't require a Bond of Hatred, but the synergy between all three certainly encourages it.
  • Genius: The Transgression gives us Clockstoppers. Whereas Geniuses are enraptured by the possibility of the world, Clockstoppers possess an anti-intellectualism so potent and vitriolic that it stops progress. Their powers involve raising angry mobs, breaking a Genius's Wonders through spite alone, and draining Mania just through endless anger.
  • In Magic: The Gathering, Hatred is a card. Also, "hate" refers to any card that destroys another strategy, such as Torpor Orb (which stops comes-into-play abilities) and allies (which are only activated by allies coming into play).
  • The One Ring: Creatures of darkness have a Hate score instead of the heroes' Hope score; many have special powers that are fueled by Hate points, ranging from unique attacks to outright Black Magic. Some, like Wraiths, can ignore being reduced to zero Endurance as long as they still have Hate.
  • Princess: The Hopeful has the Invocation of Tempesta that allows magical girls to tap into the power of hate as easily as The Power of Love. As you might expect Tempesta leads to extreemly powerful combat magic but its use encourages indiscriminate destruction, including destruction of the user. Most Princesses consider Tempesta to be one of the The Dark Arts and avoid it.
    • All Tempesta invocations stem from the Queen of Storms, who epitomizes this trope. As the golden age burned around her and the Darkness ruled, the Queen was filled with such rage and hatred that she ascended into an incarnation of her own hatred, an eternal storm that rages against the Dark, not caring what gets in her way. She is also the only being in existence that can permanently destroy the Darkness.
  • In Warhammer Fantasy The "hatred" special rule gives units bonuses when fighting their hated enemy: They can re-roll attacks against their hated foe in the first round of combat with any given unit — after that, the hate's expended until you pick a new target.
    • The dwarfs have the "Ancestral Grudge" rule that means every dwarf in your army automatically hates all orcs, goblins and skaven. Because the dwarfs also have a long, long list of grievances against every other Warhammer race, the dwarf player also rolls on a table before the match to see how severe a grudge the dwarfs are holding this match, with the highest roll making your entire army hate the opponent. The dwarf high king Thorgrim comes to battle equipped with the "Book of Grudges," a huge tome filled with all the transgressions other races have committed against the dwarves. He picks the entries relevant to the current enemy and reads them like a litany, adding a massive bonus to the aforementioned roll.
    • Some Dark Elves have the "Eternal Hatred" rule — such raw, unbridled loathing that they can re-roll attacks against their enemies every combat round.
    • The orc special character Grimgor Ironhide has the special rule Hatred (Everybody!), which is Exactly What It Says on the Tin. Similarly to dwarfs led by Thorgrim, Grimgor and his bodyguard start out inherently hating every model in the opposing army — as well as in his own for that matter.
  • Warhammer 40,000, where Hatred is considered a heroic virtue. Naturally, the Space Marines can hate harder than most regular humans, and the Black Templars are considered fanatical zealots by other Space Marines. Taken to its logical conclusion with the Black Templar Chaplains who are even more hateful than other Black Templar. To quote one such Chaplain:
    "Why am I a Chaplain? Because my hate is purer than my brothers. It is blacker and runs deeper than theirs."
    • This is reflected on tabletop by them getting Favored Enemy: Everyone.
    • Eldar are a psychic race that willingly develop split personality filled only with hatred and rage. Some of them also channel hate directly as lightning and witchfire. Warlock hero from Dawn of War 2 says it all:
      "Hate is my weapon of choice!"
    • He's hardly the only one. The Blood Ravens have a creed that goes:
      My Sword is Hatred
      My Shield is Disgust
      My Armor is Contempt
      In the Emperor's name,
      Let none survive.
    • While the forces of Chaos (which includes the War God and embodiment of rage Khorne) get:
      Hatred shall be our weapon
      Impurity our armor
      Immortality our reward.
  • Werewolf: The Apocalypse gives most of its shifters the trait of Rage, emphasizing their spiritual connection to Gaia and their righteous hatred at her defilement by the armies of the Wyrm. It can be spent for a number of things based on breed, such as extra attacks for the Garou (the titular werewolves).
  • In Vampire: The Requiem, the Mérges discipline of the Iltani bloodline can be summed up as "condense your hatred into solid form to produce increasingly virulent toxins". To put this in perspective, one of the tricks the Iltani can do with their liquid hate includes making it so a victim's flesh melts from their bones at the touch of moonlight.
  • When a player’s murder attempt is foiled in Kill Dr. Lucky, they gain a spite token to represent their growing frustration. Each token a player gathers makes their future attempts more effective, or can be spent to foil other players through sheer will to personally kill the doctor.

    Video Games 
  • Asura's Wrath:
    • Asura's endless, boundless, pure, absolute hatred of the people that betrayed him and who are destroying and exploiting the world around him are what gives him his seemingly impossible ability to keep on fighting and draw upon enough power to destroy entire fleets. In the climax of the DLC episodes, he fights Chakravartin, who is essentially God, and wins, while fighting on pure hatred.
    • The power of Asura's hatred is shown relatively early on while fighting Wyzen. He's just recovered from climbing back out of Naraka, and doesn't remember what happened to him or why he was there. He starts fighting Wyzen, and is able to hold his own, until Wyzen finally loses his patience and turns himself into his massive, planet-sized version, and then proceeds to crush Asura with his finger. Then, while being smashed by said finger, Asura remembers what they did to him... and why he hates them. Then the Unstoppable Rage begins, culminating in him punching Wyzen so hard that the blast wave travels up his entire arm and causes him to explode.
  • Batman: The Telltale Series: Vicki Vale explains to Batman that the sole reason she didn't die during the years of abusive torment and torture by her parents is because she spent every single day thinking of her hatred towards them, and the revenge she would inflict on everyone who made her life a living hell.
  • BlazBlue: Yuuki Terumi literally lives on this, as it's the only way he can keep his spirit in the living world. Specifically, he lives on the hatred of other people towards him, which he is very, very good at engendering by doing horrible things to others for the lulz and making them miserable. He's also got plenty of hatred of his own to unleash upon anyone who dares to mess up his plans (which is a major Berserk Button of his). Said plan is To Create a Playground for Evil dedicated to breeding an endless amount of hatred, fear and despair for him to feed off. And his driving motivation for carrying out said plan? His hatred of his sister, the Master Unit: Amaterasu, and everything she has ever created.
  • Though characters in the Boktai series are able to channel its usage for good, Dark (Hel) based magic is fueled by hatred and can easily corrupt its user (which can happen as Non Standard Game Overs and Bad Endings if you're not careful). Sabata says it word for word after being defeated and purified on the Piledriver:
    Sabata: Dark matter is the power of hatred... it brings out negative emotions... and amplifies them...
  • The Dark Genie from Dark Cloud is almost a cosmic force of hatred. As long as hatred exists in the hearts of humans, he too will exist.
  • In Destiny 2's lore, a Hunter named Shin Malphur used Golden Gun-the trademark Super of the Gunslingers-to kill Dredgen Yor, the wielder of the first Thorn. However, he admits in the lore books that it was his anger and hatred for Yor that allowed him to use the Golden Gun.
  • Diablo:
    • Mephisto, who is called the Lord of Hatred for a reason. He is so absolutely evil that even the dead rise in rage to kill the living.
    • The heroic version of this comes in the form of the Demon Hunters of Diablo III. They are primarily fueled by hatred for the demons, to which they have lost friends and family; but unlike the scions of Mephisto, this hatred is tempered with discipline instilled in them through the training that every Demon Hunter receives.
  • Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten: The game's true Big Bad is eventually revealed to be Judge Nemo, a human whose hatred of humanity and demonkind has caused him to cling to existence as a ghost for well over 400 years, even after his body is long gone. This then hits a sharp Deconstruction as he experiences a Villain Override, becoming the new host for Fear the Great due to his nigh-bottomless hatred.
  • The Doom Slayer of DOOM is a ravenous, bloodthirsty slayer of demons who does not hesitate to mutilate any demonic foe he comes across. His endless crusade against the forces of Hell is punctuated by his deep-seated hatred for all things demonic, which is translated to in-game by the way using Glory Kills against enemies will drop more health than opting to gun them down (the health representing his increased willpower upon shredding a demon with his bare hands; he feels some satisfaction to shoot a demon until it dies but not as much as he gets by getting to put his own two hands on them and ripping their head in half). His hatred is so great that it baffles the demons he fights: normally, they'd exploit negative emotions to corrupt a man and destroy his soul, but the Doom Slayer's hatred of demons and Hell is so absolute that he can't be corrupted, no matter how long he spends in Hell.
  • Jashin the Hate Giant in Doshin the Giant absorbs the hatred of the islanders to become bigger. (He also absorbs love, but that's less efficient)
  • In Dragon Age: Origins, Keeper Zathrien cast a powerful Blood Magic fueled curse out of hate centuries ago, and hate is the reason he refuses to release it even though the original targets of his hate are long dead. If the player tries to convince him to let go, he will confess that he doesn't know if he can anymore. In his own words, the hatred has become a bitter gnarled root in his heart. If he does release the curse, he dies with a look of total peace and calm on his face.
  • This is ultimately what drives Caim of Drakengard throughout the games. His Foil Nowe in the first sequel however is driven by The Power of Love.
  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: The main reason the Greybeards don't want the Dragonborn to learn the Dragonrend Shout: according to Arngeir, it draws power from the anger and hatred of those who created it, making it an inherently evil Shout. Considering they're more than happy to teach you shouts that throw people bodily off of cliffs or into walls, shouts that freeze people solid, immolate people, call down lightning to smite them and slowly sap their life force until a stiff breeze could kill them, that's really saying something. It becomes apparent later what he means; Dragonrend forces dragons to comprehend mortality, which is a concept incomprehensible to eternal beings like them. In short, Mind Rape. Mind you, they have no problem with you consuming dragon souls to learn them, so this comes across as a touch hypocritical.
  • Eastern Exorcist: Most of the Vengeful Ghost bosses are powered by their sheer hatred for humanity. Considering their tragic backstories, it's hard to blame them:
    • The Shura boss was an orphaned boy abandoned by the villagers before he starved to death near a haunted temple, and was subsequently assimilated by other spirits, his power and desire to devour everything in sight fueled by the boy despising the village folk as they did nothing while he died of starvation.
    • Chu the water-demon, a widow and rape victim, being from a village of Apathetic Citizens, was sentenced to death despite having done nothing wrong, because the village wants to prevent news from the rape from tarnishing it's reputation. Like the Shura, Chu becomes more powerful after assimilating with other restless souls and returns to massacre the whole village which wronged her.
    • The Demon Canine, a ghostly Doberman whose master was taken away from it, the resulting despair causing the Doberman to break it's own skull on the pole it's tied to. It gets assimilated by spirits as well into a canine-based demon who devours humans owing to hating what they did to it as a dog.
  • Elohim Eternal: The Babel Code: Tovit attempts to defy this for Joshwa. He warns the boy that his father, Dorran, regreted being consumed by hatred for the Cainites and wanted Joshwa to avoid this fate. He advises Joshwa to instead focus on his good memories with his father rather than blindly seek revenge against the Cainites.
  • EXA_PICO series "villains" all share this motive. The boss battle themes, in their initial phases, are full of words like "hate" and "kill."
  • Fallen London has Mr Eaten. In spite of his Rasputinian Death, he was simply too angry at his betrayal to properly die from it, and still haunts the Neath.
  • Final Fantasy:
    • In Final Fantasy IV, even after Zemus dies, his hate is so powerful that it is able to materialize, curb stomp the two who had just killed him, and become the Final Boss of the game.
      • Prior to this, Edge (one of the heroes) unlocks his full power for the fight against Rubicante out of his sheer hatred of the Fiend of Fire, and specifically says he'll show the villain the power of hatred.
    • Subverted in Final Fantasy V when Galuf stands, alone, against Exdeath, takes absolutely everything the Tin Tyrant can throw at him including four high-power spells in a row, and keeps fighting long after his health has dropped to zero. Exdeath mocks him by saying he can't be brought down by The Power of Hate, and Galuf simply says it's not "hate" that's keeping him going.
    • After being defeated in Final Fantasy VII, Sephiroth was only able to maintain his sense of self in the Lifestream by focusing on his hatred of Cloud at the expense of everything else. As a result he is completely obsessed with taking revenge on Cloud in Advent Children.
    • It’s implied in Final Fantasy X-2 that hatred is the emotion binding Shuyin to Spira, who is an Unsent by the time you meet him. It’s also implied to be the reason he can possess people, as opposed to “normal” Unsent who can’t do anything of the sort.
    • In Final Fantasy XII, Tragic Villain Gabranth is fueled not just by his loyalty to Arcadia, but also his hatred towards his twin brother Basch, whom he believes fled their original homeland Landis, and their own mother, in an act of cowardice (it's a bit more complicated than that). By the end of the game, after being given a brutal "The Reason You Suck" Speech by Cid about how he's only useful as Vayne's lapdog and isn't even worth that, Gabranth loses his loyalty to the Arcadians, leaving only his hatred for Basch to motivate him towards anything. Although in the end, the two brothers make amends when Gabranth dies.
      Gabranth: SILENCE! ALL was stripped from me! Only the hatred for the brother that fled our homeland remains mine!
    • Final Fantasy XIV:
      • The dragon Nidhogg during the Heavensward scenario is filled with hatred for man and his only purpose after a thousand years of fighting the nation of Ishgard is to keep hating and killing them. Nidhogg's sister was killed by man in a betrayal of peace between the two species, one thousand years before the start of the game, so as to gain the the immense aetheric power dragons possess within their eyes. When he tried to avenge her, both his eyes were ripped out and used against him since they contain his power. He still managed to fly back to his brother Hraesvelgr and guilt-trip him for trusting humanity in the first place, convincing Hraesvelgr to surrender one of his eyes to restore Nidhogg's strength. Nidhogg vowed to make man suffer by prolonging the war to eternity so that Ishgard's people can suffer under his wrath. Nidhogg's hatred for man was so intense that even after he's killed once by Estinien the Azure Dragoon of Ishgard, and the Warrior of Light (Player Character), he manages to come back to life at the end of the Heavensward Main story. He does so by taking advantage of the fact that Estinien's armor is covered with the dragon's blood, holding both of Nidhogg's original eyes, and Estinien letting his mental guard down, allowing for Nidhogg's spirit to take over his body. Nidhogg was then able to freely transform at will between Estinien's body, and his dragon form at will, declaring his intent to burn Ishgard to the ground.
      • A Dark Knight's power is drawn from hatred towards injustice and abuse of power, this hatred also tempers them, allowing them to avoid being consumed by the darkness. However, to be at their absolute strongest, it requires The Power of Love as well, directed towards the Knight's charge, who they would give their life for.
    • In Dissidia Final Fantasy, the characters have no full memories when summoned to fight, only retaining the barest hint of memory and the emotions linked to them. Gabranth doesn't remember much about his life except for feelings of intense hatred, but he can't remember what it was directed towards. Thus, in his own words, "Hatred is what drives me!"
  • Fire Emblem Fates:
    • Leo attempts to invoke this trope in the Birthright route. Leo tries mustering up hatred for the Avatar for leaving Nohr in his fight against them in Birthright. This ultimately subverted, because unlike Takumi in Conquest, Leo couldn't bring himself to kill the Avatar, due to still having some love for them. Despite initially attempting to quiet the Avatar, Leo eventually admits the truth of the Avatar's words before apologizing to them for lying about his hatred for them.
    • Takumi in the Conquest route wants to point all of his hatred at the Avatar. Ultimately, this is deconstructed, as his hatred for the Avatar allows Anankos to completely possess him at the end and leads to his downfall, forcing the party to Mercy Kill him.
    • Oboro, the Hoshidan spear fighter, has a hatred of Nohr due to her parents being killed by a Nohrian assassin so intense that her personal skill gives her +3 damage against Nohrian enemies. That being said, her supports with Nohrians shows that she can be reasonable enough for her to try to work with them, to the point that when the adoptive daughter of the assassin who killed her parents (Beruka) offers her the chance to kill her, she refuses as she is no way connected to the incident and she shouldn't take responsibility for what her father did.
  • This is stated to be the reason Stringy-Haired Ghost Girl Alma is still around (along with her Psychic Powers) and boiling people into bloody skeletons in FEAR. Being left to drown by your own father in a sealed lab after being impregnated at a young age and having the children taken away will upset people like that.
  • This is what drives Kratos in God of War, until it's revealed near the end of the third game that Hope and the desire for forgiveness drive Kratos too — possibly even more than hate.
  • In Heroes of Might and Magic creatures deal 50% more damages to the creatures they intrinsically hate.
    • Might and Magic: Heroes VI has the pit fiends, servants of the demonic overlord of Hate. Their powers include a retaliation attack that strikes any creature that has harmed them during the battle, hatred-inducing strikes that make their victims unable to distinguish friend from foe, and a powerful spell that incinerates all enemies.
  • Just watch this intro of I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream.
  • In Jak II: Renegade, the titular character's main motivation for joining the Underground is his utter hatred towards Baron Praxis for torturing him with Dark Eco for two years. In this case, Jak knew that his days are numbered, and decided to use what little time he had left to overthrow Praxis, with his hatred and sheer willpower keeping him alive.
  • Kingdom Hearts:
    • Focusing on his hatred for the traitorous apprentices who banished him there was the only thing that enabled Ansem the Wise to maintain his sanity while wandering the endless abyss of the Realm of Darkness and eventually escape. Sadly, he gradually let go of this hatred during his time observing Sora and Riku and when he was thrown back into the Realm of Darkness he was trapped and lost most of his memories.
    • Xemnas is theoretically incapable of emotion, but anger and hate are the only feelings he seems to value or even remember. When he merges with an incomplete Kingdom Hearts, he names anger, hatred and envy as the heart's true power. He's at least partially Terra, whose last moments were of utter hate towards Xehanort.
      Xemnas: Anger and hate... are supreme.
    • After Scar was killed by his own nephew Simba, it turned that his hatred was so strong that it not only bought him back immediately from the dead but it turned him to a Heartless as well, and yet he kept his original form. Xehanort is the other creature to do that when he turned into a Heartless, and usually only individuals with a enormous set of darkness in their hearts and an extremely strong will can do that.
    • The Unversed feed on negative emotions and are eventually revealed to be extensions of Vanitas's hatred. One noticeable and infamous example is the Cursed Coach, summoned from the Tremaine family's pure hatred of Cinderella, and sent to kill her after she was freed from their tyranny.
    • The Lingering Will is a mysterious suit of Animated Armor powered entirely by hatred of Xehanort. Specifically, Terra's hatred of Master Xehanort for murdering his teacher and committing Grand Theft Me on his body.
    • Invoked and defied in III. Master Xehanort's decision to shatter Kairi to pieces is purely to arouse Sora's anger against him (as he states, Sora requires "motivation") and thus complete the χ-Blade. Of course, he forgets that Sora is Sora, who is seemingly incapable of keeping a dedicated hatred against someone. Unlike the case with Terra, Sora keeps his cool throughout the final battle and ultimately brings down Xehanort the usual way - by The Power of Friendship.
  • Kirby:
    • Kirby's Return to Dream Land: This is how the Master Crown corrupts its victims. It not only grants them great power, but it also rips apart their soul and slowly turns them into an Omnicidal Maniac through consuming their souls with darkness.
    • Kirby: Triple Deluxe: As it turns out, Dark Meta Knight was still trapped in the Dimension Mirror following his defeat in Kirby & the Amazing Mirror, consumed with rage. Because of that, when Taranza gave the Dimension Mirror to Queen Sectonia, his pent-up fury seeps out of the mirror and preys on Queen Sectonia's insecurities, turning her into the power-hungry, corrupt despot she is today.
  • Sion in Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords is a corpse held together by the power of his own hate. If you convince him to let go of his hate, his consciousness falls apart.
  • In League of Legends, this is what fuels the dread revenant known as Mordekaiser. When he died (The first time) and found the afterlife was a bleak, featureless wasteland instead of the Warrior Heaven he was promised, he got completely pissed. Just flat out refusing to fade into The Nothing After Death from sheer spite, and eventually finding a way back to the mortal world to conquer it a second time before he was slain again. Even now he plots in the afterlife for his next brutal return. Miss Fortune also survived being shot in the head by Gangplank, fueled by her rage and hatred for him.
  • The Legend of Zelda:
    • In the endgame of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Ganondorf states that he regained his power by feeding on the hatred of the Twili, implying that he bonded with Zant to feed on his hatred for the world.
    • In The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword the Demon King, Demise, stated to be fueled by his hatred of the gods and what they have created, going as far as to state that even with his death, his monster army will still carry out his hatred as their own curse. In the English translation, Demise curses the descendants of the first Link and Zelda to forever fight his incarnation of hatred, implied to be Ganon.
    • In a similar vein, the Shadow Link of The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures is explained in the Hyrule Historia to have been born from Ganondorf's hatred of Link.
    • Ganon's hatred has become so powerful by the time of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild that he's little more than a pig-shaped cloud of darkness surrounding Hyrule Castle; in this form, he's called the Calamity Ganon due to becoming a force of nature. It gets even stronger after Link destroys his Guardian hybrid form, to the point that he gives up on reincarnation and any mind that he may have had left and becomes a mindless, rampaging destructor form.
  • Live A Live: After becoming Odio, the Lord of Dark, Oersted gains immense power fueled by hatred for all of the suffering he had gone through which extends to all mankind, allowing him to incarnate in various periods of time. His power is so great that it can even trigger a complete apocalypse spanning across all time. His final words upon being defeated even warn of what may become of those who give in to their hatred...
    Oersted: In every heart the seed of dark abides. The makings of a lord when watered well... With hate. Sweet hate. She springs eternal. Sings... All-tempting draught. We'll drink of her again.
  • Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime: The Anti-Love forces use this to destroy the Universe. This can be combatted by The Power of Love.
  • In Mass Effect 2, Zaeed Massani claims this is what allowed him to survive being shot point blank in the head:
    Zaeed: Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.
  • Metal Gear:
  • In Miitopia, the sole thing anchoring the Dark Curse to the world is its potent hatred and envy of others.
  • If hatred was a metal and Mortal Kombat regular Scorpion was a blacksmith, then he most certainly forged a BFS out of it. A BFS that he promptly drove through Sub-Zero's heart. And when he finally learns who really murdered his family and clan, it does not end well for Quan Chi.
  • In the original Mother, Giegue was forced to choose between loyalty to his species and his love for Maria, the human who raised him. He chose the former, but was ultimately beaten by Maria's great-grandson, Ninten, who forced him to remember Maria's old lullaby.
  • In the Phantasy Star series, Megid is a technique that draws upon anger and hatred. It is the ultimate offensive technique. However, in Phantasy Star IV, it's made clear that unlike most uses of this trope, Megid is not evil. Re-Faze explains that anger and hatred are natural human emotions, and that Chaz won't be corrupted by it so long as he remains true to himself.
  • In Pillars of Eternity, this is the theme of Skaen, the god of hate and resentment. Indeed, he actively encourages his followers to seethe in silent, scheming resentment, nursing grudges and waiting for an opportunity to strike rather than burning away all their fury in aggressive assaults.
  • The Pokémon attack Frustration deals more damage the more the user dislikes its owner.
    • In Pokémon Black 2 and White 2, Ghetsis's Hydreigon can use Frustration at full power, implying that it's actively abused.
    • Pokémon Scarlet and Violet features an evolution of Primeape where, if one uses Rage Fistnote  enough times, it'll evolve into Annihilape, which its hatred becomes so intense that its physical form is destroyed, leaving behind an infuriated spirit whose power is no longer contained by its body.note 
  • In [PROTOTYPE 2], at the end of the second act, a pissed off Mercer attacks Heller for messing up his operations, and attempts to consume him to end the problem. When Mercer's consumption attempt causes the image of Heller returning to his home to find his wife dead and daughter missing, Heller gets so furious he actually burns off Alex's hands.
  • One of the basic powers in Psychonauts fires "Mean Little Balls of Hate" as projectiles, which represent Raz's will to do harm. When demonstrating, Sasha tells Raz to picture something so repulsive that it simply must die, such as a Tiffany lamp.
  • This is an explicit facet of the supernatural world in the Shadow Hearts series, known as Malice. It plays its largest role in the first Shadow Hearts; as Yuri and his allies defeat enemies, their dying enmity accumulates as Malice, which Yuri must periodically purge or risk being Stalked by the Bell. It's also the reason using the Emigre Manuscript to bring someone back from the dead always ends with them coming back wrong - the book leaves out that the new body you create for said resurrection candidate is made of Malice, meaning it's all but guaranteed to turn on you.
  • Sly Cooper:
    • Clockwerk in the first game actually made himself immortal through, in his own words, "a steady diet of jealousy and hate". That, and making himself into a giant mechanical Ominous Owl powered by hate.
    • A major plot point of the second game revolves around Clockwerk's recovered "Hate Chip", which roughly speaking empowers Clockwerk's body through energy derived from hate. The Big Bad's ultimate goal is to hijack Clockwerk's reconstituted body and throw a major metropolis into a drug-fueled Hate Plague in order to grant themselves ultimate power and immortality. It's worth realizing that, while they needed to go to these lengths themselves, Clockwerk was able to power his body entirely through his own hatred. Later, once the chip is destroyed, the other parts of Clockwerk's still pristine body immediately disintegrate, implying that they were kept together entirely through Clockwerk's residual hate.
  • Songs of Conquest: Rasc first awakens to his powers as a Wielder when he saw caged Rana slaves held by Baryan merchants after being freed by Silkspool. After Rasc's first display of vengeance against the Baryan, more Rana Wielders appear and join his cause.
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic: The Sith Warrior regains health with an ability called "Channel Hatred", and the Sith Inquisitor does so with one called "Seethe." In an example of "pure" hatred, the reason a Light-side Sith Inquisitor is so strong is anger at what they perceive as hypocrisy from the Jedi.
  • Used unusually in Sonic and the Secret Rings: during the true final boss fight, Erazor Djinn absorbs the powers of the seven World Rings in order to transform into Alf-Layla-Wa-Layla. However, Sonic's emotions caused by Shahra's death cause the world rings of rage, sadness and hatred to be ripped out of Al-Layla-Wa-Layla's body and be absorbed by Sonic, turning him into Darkspine Sonic, meaning that it's the hero being powered by negative emotions, while the villain is the one harnessing the positive emotions.
  • Street Fighter:
    • M. Bison draws upon a power called "Psycho Power", which is both this and Made of Evil. It condenses negative thoughts (hate, among them, but also things like fear, anguish, pain, and despair) and channels them into power. His soul embodies this while the good part of him splintered off and became Rose, along with its positive equivalent "Soul Power".
    • There's also the Satsui no Hadonote . Practitioners of the Ansatsukennote  fighting style can tap into this power if they become so fixated on winning a fight they are willing to kill the opponent. It increases power immensely but turns the user into a battle crazed monster. The only exception is Dan, as his desire for vengeance against Sagat is powerful enough to fuel the Satsui no Hado but prevents him from growing as a person. And even powered up he still sucks.
    • Sagat thinks this is the way forward, using his hatred of Ryu leaving the scar on his chest to try and become better, even going so far as to allying with M. Bison in the hopes of being given a rematch. However encountering Dan and seeing how held back he is by his hatred gives Sagat a Heel Realization that you're only hampering your potential and growth by relying purely on hatred for motivation and strength.
  • Super Mario Bros.: In Bowser's Fury, Bowser is transformed into the raging Fury Bowser. Due to his anger over being painted black by his son, Fury Bowser spreads his dark ink around Lake Lapcat, darkening the lighthouses and corrupting the cats with a Hate Plague. Near the end, his fury has gotten so bad that not even the lighthouses can hold him back anymore. Despite being cleared of said ink, Bowser still being big and rampaging shows that he really didn't like being pranked by his son. And REALLY HATED the fact that Mario, his nemesis, had to save him as well.
  • The Suul'ka from Sword of the Stars were nearly annihilated by the Liir and their ultimate weapon The Black another Liir Elder using the same battle armor as the Suul'ka who exists solely to destroy them. The survivors fled into the depths of space and slept, seething in hatred all the while.
    We slept. And healed. And hated.
  • In the roguelike Tales of Maj'Eyal, the Afflicted classes use hate to fuel an alternative form of psionics. This allows for abilities such as teleporting next to a victim because your murderous rage thinks running up to them would take too much time, animating shadows to fight with you because beating someone to death with only your two hands is an insufficient expression of your desire to kill, or blasting someone's mind with so much hate they forget how to defend themselves. Hate decays over time, but is built up by encountering a new enemy, taking damage, and killing enemies, among other things.
  • Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume gives us Wylfred, who hates the Valkyrie for claiming his father as one of the Einherjar, causing his sister to die from hunger and his mother to go insane. This hatred is so raw it intrigues Hel of Nifelheim. The game's ending depends on how far Wylfred is willing to go for hate.
    • Lieselotte, a character Wylfred can meet, runs heavily on the power of hate. In her backstory, she was adopted by a court magus, Cennair, who taught her to read and write, and Lieselotte became a court magician. However, Cennair was killed due to an errant spell, and Lieselotte and another court magician, Rosea, were suspected of murdering him. As Lieselotte knew that she was innocent, she reasoned Rosea had to be guilty, but Rosea claimed Lieselotte was the killer. Both girls were exiled. The trope becomes deconstructed when Lieselotte and Rosea meet again, and Lieselotte acknowledges that all hatred did was leave her lonely and alone, with nothing but herself to hate.
  • The adorable Jack Frost from Shin Megami Tensei becomes the more malevolent and powerful Black Frost after it embraces its true demonic nature. Averted with the Black Frost from Devil Survivor, a Jack Frost inspired by Midori to become a fellow ally of justice via The Power of Love.
  • Deliberately invoked by Kain in Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver to motivate Raziel into pursuing him and killing his brethren
    Raziel: Did it trouble you when you ordered me into the Abyss?
    Kain: Of course not. I had faith in you. In your ability to hate.
  • In Ultima V, Astaroth is the Shadowlord of Hatred, an incarnation of that anti-principle. His mere presence causes peaceful townsfolk to become violent. In his reprised appearance late in Ultima: Worlds of Adventure 2: Martian Dreams, he tries to inspire you to use the power of hatred as well.
  • The LOVEnote  in Undertale is powered by hatred and violence, which you can gain by repeatedly killing monsters, and it literally boosts your damage into One-Hit Kill.
  • Pariah demons in Nexus War games can concentrate their hatred enough to blow themselves up, spraying anyone in the vicinity with unholy shrapnel.
  • Used heroically in Persona 5 - the Phantom Thieves motivate themselves with their hatred and contempt for the corrupt adults they target - at one point, Yusuke explicitly tells Haru to keep her anger in mind and use it as encouragement. The speeches given by the eponymous Guardian Entities when the characters receive them are full of contempt, encouraging the wielder to let loose with their new power and to use it to take down villains truly deserving of such hatred. Even the Super Move Portrait Attacks tie into this - whereas in previous games characters simply gave off determined stares, in 5 the cast looks truly pissed, with Death Glares, Wide Eyes and Shrunken Irises, and general seething.

    Visual Novels 
  • Fate Series:
    • Fate/stay night: The natural mental state of Avenger/Angra Mainyu is hate. He unleases endless cursed mud powered by his hatred. Considering the things that humanity has done to him, it's understandable. He gets better in Fate/hollow ataraxia after experiencing love and friendship.
    • Fate/Grand Order
      • That game introduces the Avenger class, which are Servants whose existence and powers are driven by murderous hatred. As well as the above, the group includes such entities as Edmond Dantes (specifically a version that couldn't let go of his hatred), an Evil Knockoff of Jeanne D'Arc borne of Gilles de Rais' hatred for humanity and is really pissed off because she has Jeanne's memories of being burned at the stake (the real Jeanne doesn't have any grudge for that), a version of Medusa who has nearly become a Gorgon, Hessian Lobo who hates humanity for killing his mate Blanca, Antonio Salieri (as a result of his legacy being irreversibly tarnished by rumors of him poisoning Mozart), a version of Ishtar called "Space Ishtar" who is a goddess that hates the denizens of her world for forgetting and abandoning her, Castor who is ultra pissed off that the collective belief of humanity turned him and his sister Pollux from full gods to a mortal and demigod respectively, a version of Minamoto no Yoshitsune possessed by both her buried hatred for her traitorous brother and the embodiment of the hatred of the Taira (the Minamoto's greatest enemies), a version of Kama who is bitter over the fact that she was incinerated by a universe destroying force after being goaded by the other gods into forcing Shiva's attention on Pārvatī despite the risks (ironically, the real reason why she became an Avenger was because she was sick and tired of everyone not taking her Assassin self seriously and treating her like a joke villain), and an Evil Knockoff of Marie-Antoinette that represents all of the slander she received from the French people over the country's failings.
      • There is an enemy exclusive version of Amakusa Shiro Tokisada who is driven by hatred after traveling to several parallel worlds and seeing that his Shimabara Rebellion always fails and Japan always labels his followers terrorists; in addition to an enemy exclusive version of Marie-Antoinette who is driven by her hatred of how the French Revolution's Reign of Terror claimed not only her life but the life of her son Louis, though this turns out to be an Evil Knockoff as the real Marie forgave her killers.
      • Oda Nobunaga, Mysterious Ranmaru X, and Erice Utsumi are interesting examples in that they are Token Good Teammates of the Avenger class as they are the only ones to lack the Evil alignment, and don't desire a huge amount of revenge towards individuals. At best, they are more-so inversions of this trope as Nobunaga within her Avenger form embodies the hated demon king she's villainized as, Mysterious Ranmaru X is mostly defined by their Undying Loyalty to a master whose Laser-Guided Karma befell everyone who followed them to the end, and Erice Utsumi qualifies for the Avenger class due to her job as a trained Servant Killer causing her to become The Dreaded within her debut light novel.
      • While they are Berserkers and not Avengers, Penthesilea's Noble Phantasm, Outrage Amazon, is fueled by her hatred and desire for vengeance against Achilles while Morgan le Fae's Noble Phantasm, Lordless Camelot, is fueled by her hatred of humanity, the fairies, and her sibling Altria.
      • Despite not being an Avenger but a Pretender, Oberon Vortigern outright exclaims as he reveals himself that he is defined in his immense hatred towards mankind, so much that he spells out that he is capable of being classified as a "Threat To Humanity", a thing only a handful of enemies (usually Foreigners and those related to them) have been classified as, almost in spite of the fact he cannot be a Beast-class enemy due to the fact that Vortigern is so immensely hateful that love is normally lost on him completely. However, he's not necessarily happy about this, as it's noted by at least one other character that he's filled with self-loathing as well.
      • It is revealed that Koyanskaya was born from the hatred of the animals who were killed by The Tunguska Event. As many animals were driven to Tunguska because of hunting from humans, they blamed the humans for the event, so her goal is to carry out their vengeance by wiping out humanity.
      • Vercingetorix, a Gaelic warlord who was defeated by Julius Ceasar, hates the Romans so much that he is able to summon himself by focusing on Boudica's own anger towards them.

  • Dragon Ball Multiverse: This seems to be Raichi's specialty. He claims to be able to channel the hatred left behind when someone dies a violent death, using it to adopt the deceased's essence and create a ghost, with the deceased's might and powers, as well as some degree of personality.
  • Every member of Kyran's race in Emergency Exit is fueled by some emotion or another. His is hate. Although not his own; he's sustained by others hating him.
  • Part of Zola's invincibility in Girl Genius comes from this, keeping her standing long after she should have gone down. The other part of her invincibility comes from drugs. Drugs which should have caused her system to go into overdrive and self-destruct, except that, you guessed it, the power of hatred let her use that energy instead.
  • In Gunnerkrigg Court, Jeanne has been shaped by her lover's murder, her own slow death, and her subsequent imprisonment by the Annan Waters into a spirit of rage and hatred powerful enough that Word of God states that she could give Coyote problems.
  • Homestuck:
    • One possibility for troll romance is a "caliginous" relationship: two partners, or "Kismeses"note , linked by a powerful, deep-seated and abiding hatred for one another. Such relationships are actually a necessary part of the troll reproductive cycle, which has interesting connotations as some of the trolls find their Kismeses among the four protagonists...
    • And then there's Eridan, who tries to strike up caliginous relationships with everyone, human and troll alike, but is too much of a wiener to inspire the kind of hatred a true kismesis requires.
  • Sam & Fuzzy: Fuzzy's self-loathing turns him into a natural at controlling The Tar, as long as Hart protects him from it. When Brain attempts to give Fuzzy The Final Temptation, Brain ends up pushing Fuzzy's Berserk Button, and Fuzzy ends up focusing all of his loathing on Brain and commanding all the Tar in the world to self-destruct out of hatred of him.
    Fuzzy: ...Suddenly, it all became clear. Everything I wanted... Everything I'd been searching for... I didn't need it. I never did. The only thing that really mattered... Was wiping that smug piece of !@#¤ off the face of the Earth.
    Devahi: So, basically, you were able to overcome your internal conflict and focus your mind with... Spite?
    Fuzzy: What can I say, Dev? I am who I am.
  • Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal provides a more mundane example, with a NASA scientist who used her hatred of a teacher who insulted her capabilities back in school to fuel her career.
  • In Sluggy Freelance, an Eldritch Abomination is stealthily turning people into plant zombies, who only fully transform when experiencing a strong hateful emotion.
  • Whomp!: Ronnie is capable of powering his desktop with the force of his rage.
  • Kill Six Billion Demons: A downplayed form of this trope (downplayed with regards to the level of hate) is combined with its own antithesis The Power of Love in "The King of Swords". Allison's depleted powers are recharged in the middle of a deadly free-for-all tournament when Cio arrives, but the two proceed to have an argument about their relationship while taking out their anger on attacking third parties to great effect.

    Web Original 
  • DSBT InsaniT: Seth uses his anger towards Alex to give himself enough strength to beat the Unwinnable by Design bell-ringing mallet game in 'Carneelval'.
  • In Glitchtale, this manifests as the substance called HATE, a powerful Eldritch Abomination and Greater-Scope Villain who can induce a Superpowered Evil Side on the hosts it pulls a Demonic Possession of, amplifying their power by a whooping factor of 10.
  • In Holo-Chronicles, the sheer amount of hatred and contempt felt towards humanity by enslaved and abused demihumans caused the birth of pure/true monsters: Living Shadows with glowing red eyes that manifest in various shapes and sizes, even the weakest of which are on par with some of the most powerful talents, specifically the Divas. Other kinds of monsters also exist on Earth, whether spawned naturally or by different emotions, but the true monsters are the first in this realm and continue to be on top of the food chain.
  • Cracked pointed out that thinking angry or evil thoughts makes you more physically stronger and enduring than thinking happy or good thoughts.
  • Todd in the Shadows, while reviewing LMFAO's "Party Rock Anthem", tries to take on board the song's advice that "hatin' is bad". He then nearly stops existing, and is forced to use his hatred of the song to reassert his existence.
  • Paths of Hate is a Polish animated short about two pilots who obsessively chase each other even as their planes and bodies deteriorate around them. Eventually, when they run out of ammo and become so consumed by their hatred, symbolized by the color red throughout the short, they decay into demonic, zombie-like monsters and ram their planes head-on into each other, and even this doesn't stop them.
  • SCP Foundation has SCP-2419, a waste processing facility with incinerators filled with undead that regenerate indefinitely and display extreme violence towards Foundation members. It turns out that these undead are created from the SCP Foundation boiling away every happy memory from the corpses of D-Classes to make amnestics. Since D-Classes are so often condemned prisoners with extremely unpleasant and hateful lives, all that's left in them is bitterness, hate, and anger so strong that it brings them back to life to seek retribution on the Foundation.

    Western Animation 
  • In the American Dad! episode "Ninety North, Zero West", when Santa resurrects Humbaba in a failed attempt to gain his powers, the Smiths attempt to escape on a train powered by love of Christmas. Hatred of Christmas causes it to go in reverse, and since Steve has recently gone from loving the holiday to hating it, the train travels back until it eventually goes fast enough to knock Humbaba's head off his neck.
  • Amphibia: In the "Phone-Mo" segment of "The Shut-In!", a video of a Ridiculously Cute Critter traps everyone who watches it. When it turns into a monster, Anne discovers people hating it is its weakness when she berates it in her bedroom; so she uses her phone to dislike the video and send nasty comments, which destroys the creature and frees her friends.
  • Played for Laughs in Archer, where Carol comments that while she hates everyone at ISIS, she spends time with them because the hatred is the only thing getting her out of bed in the morning.
  • In Avatar: The Last Airbender, after Zuko completes his Heel–Face Turn, he loses most of his firepower, since he no longer has his burning anger to fuel his flames. In fact, firebending in general seems to lean toward this, at least the bastardized version that's been promoted since the start of the hundred-year-war. True firebending doesn't need hate, as Aang and Zuko learn from the Sun Warriors.
  • In Beast Wars, Tarantulas, who had already betrayed Megatron once, negotiates a truce so that he can employ a plan to destroy the aliens that had recently devastated the planet they were on to try and kill them. Megatron is naturally leery about this truce, until he finds out that Tarantulus is motivated by his hatred of the aliens, an emotion that Megatron claims he can trust above all else.
  • In The Boondocks, Colonel H. Stinkmeaner lived decades after his projected early death date due to raw hatred. When he finally did die from unnatural causes, his hate was so strong that the Devil granted him a trip out of hell, to spread it to others. We later learn he was part of the Hateocracy, and the other three members are just as old and wicked as he was. They spent the episode hunting down the Freeman family not out of revenge, but out of the same level of hate Stinkmeaner had.
  • Captain Planet and the Planeteers has a few examples:
    • In the first season finale, the villains steal the Planeteers' rings and manage to create Evil Counterparts of them, complete with an evil version of Captain Planet, called Captain Pollution. One of the original rings has the power of Heart, so naturally, its counterpart possesses the power of Hate. It went to Dr. Blight, who, though more into questionable scientific research, was the best candidate regardless.
    • In one time traveling episode Captain Planet comes face to face with a Captain Ersatz version of Adolf Hitler and nearly passes out from the sheer hatred emanating from the man. (Captain Planet can be defeated when faced with pollution, and since hate can be considered pollution of the soul...)
  • Invoked in The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, where after Billy retreats to his Happy Place to escape from clowns, his "inner frat boy" tells him that rather than fear those different from him, he should be angry at those different from him, which gives him the rage to beat up the clowns.
  • Played disturbingly straight at the end of Kim Possible: So the Drama. Kim had been played like a fiddle by arch-foe Drakken, who'd created a synthetic boyfriend to distract Kim from his scheme. From the point after recovering from her 10-Minute Retirement, she becomes far more brutal towards Drakken and Shego than she was throughout the show. She punched Drakken across the room after flashing him a disturbing Slasher Smile, despite having never laid a finger on him through the series aside from a Ret-Gone future where Drakken became a musclebound fighter. Later during the fight she tried to throw Shego off the building right before foiling Drakken's plan, and when Shego was trying to escape after the plan went down the drain, she found Kim waiting for her.
    Kim: You know what I really hate?
    Shego: That your date melted?
    Kim: Nah. You.
    • After that Kim kicked Shego into a transmitter, simultaneously electrocuting her and dropping the structure on her, then gave a very uncharacteristic smirk. This prompted a new scene to be added showing Shego alive in the back of a police van after test audiences believed that Kim had killed her, which was never the creator's intent.
  • King of the Hill has an example in "Cotton's Plot", where Peggy is left barely able to move due to atrophied muscles from wearing a full body cast and ultimately goes to Cotton Hill for her recovery, what with him being somewhat of an expert in learning how to walk again after a debilitating injury. He goes full Drill Sergeant Nasty and treats her so God-awfully that her hatred of him drives her to succeed. Which was exactly his intention. At the end of the episode, the Hills are checking out Cotton's future burial plot at the veteran's cemetery, which is at the top of a hill. Cotton says that if Peggy can make it up the hill by herself, he'll let her literally dance on his grave. And she does, even offering her hand and asking him to dance with her, which he accepts.
  • The Lion Guard: If the bearer of the Roar of the Elders uses their power in a moment of anger or rage, they will temporarily lose control of the Roar, intentionally harm someone, and accidentally summon evil spirits. For an even stronger instance, if the Roar is used for evil, they will lose it forever as this is what happened to Scar when he used it to destroy his own Lion Guard. For this reason, Kion makes sure he doesn't abuse the Roar for his fear of turning into another Scar.
    • In fact, being compared to his brother Mufasa is Scar's Berserk Button and is what drove him to lose the Roar for good. In an episode of The Lion Guard, Mufasa comments that selfishness and envy consumed Scar to the point of irrational hatred. Upon his return years later as a demonic spirit, Scar is even more vengeful and bitter than before. His wrath further rises whenever Kion foils his schemes, whom he holds a special grudge for alongside Simba and Mufasa.
  • My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic:
    • Discord is pretty much the antithesis of the Elements of Harmony, which run on the Power of Friendship. As such, he's able to get stronger from strife and fighting between ponies. The Cutie Mark Crusaders getting into a fight in front of him is what grants him enough strength to break free from his weakening stone prison. Though some have theorized that the Crusaders' fight was not a cause but a consequence of Discord's impending breakout, and that they were in truth his first victims. Whatever the case, Discord thrives off hate magic, using it to undermine The Power of Friendship. Strangely enough, he is also an Affably Evil hilarious trickster, and even makes a Heel–Face Turn eventually.
    • According to Word of God, Nightmare Moon came to be because Princess Luna envied her sister to the point of irrational hatred.
    • The Windigos feed off of hatred and use it to spread deadly blizzards everywhere they go.
    • According to Celestia, King Sombra's magic is based off of fear and hatred.
    • The second movie, My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Rainbow Rocks, involves three siren-like villainesses known as the Dazzlings, who are Emotion Eaters who feed off of hatred, strife, conflict and discord, and so manipulate others into hating and fighting one another.
    • This is how Starlight Glimmer was able to perform such amazing levels of magical feats and match Twilight, an alicorn, in magical might during several of their clashes. It turns out that a unicorn's emotional state can actually influence their power output, and Starlight's hatred of both Cutie Marks and Twilight for foiling her plans and her desire for revenge were enough to fuel her more impressive feats.
  • OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes: In "T.K.O." Shadowy Figure teaches K.O. to tap into his repressed anger and unleash his Superpowered Evil Side, Turbo K.O., which Shadowy Figure thinks will help K.O. reach his full potential.
  • The Owl House: Philip's determination was once fueled by the love for his brother. But after he killed his brother, enraged upon seeing him eloping with the witch Evelyn, Philip's determination is now fueled by hate. Specifically hate for the witches and demons who "stole" his brother from him. It is this hatred that drives Philip to consume palismen for longevity, as he wants to live long enough to see the Demon Realm's fate sealed by his machinations. His hatred is so strong that he manages to regenerate his monstrous body from a small goop stranded in the Human Realm, and then he immediately heads back to the Demon Realm to finish his revenge.
  • In the Phineas and Ferb episode "Meatloaf Surprise", it's Played for Laughs when it's revealed the secret ingredient in the Doofenshmirtz family meatloaf recipe... is hate.
    "Usually it's love, but Great-Grandma Gretel had some issues."
  • In The Simpsons it has been revealed that hate is what keeps Monty Burns alive.
  • A rare heroic example in ReBoot when Little Enzo feeds into Matrix's hate of viruses to goad him into resisting a mind-controlling infection. As the infection makes its victims act serene, peaceful, and loving, the best way to kick up the Heroic Resolve to shake it off was to royally piss Matrix off, especially by reminding him of Megabyte.
    Little Enzo: Matrix, go to the dark place! Use your hate! You hate Viruses, you hate Megabyte!
  • She-Ra and the Princesses of Power: In "Remember", Catra's insane hatred of Adora lets her claw her way back from being erased from existence just to attack Adora again.
  • The Smurfs: Chlorhydris, the personification of hate in the Smurfs' universe. Many of her schemes involve spells meant to destroy love and replace it with hate and evil, but the Smurfs always find a way to defeat her.
  • In Steven Universe, Fusion is usually a manifestation of the trust, friendship, and love between two or more Gems. However, one of the most powerful Fusions, Malachite, is the result of a fusion between Jasper and Lapis Lazuli, who have nothing but negative emotions for each other and loads of hatred, anger and resentment from past events in their lives.
  • In Steven Universe: Future, Eyeball and Aquamarine fuse together to get revenge on Steven. Unlike Malachite, whose components hated each other so much that she was unstable to the point she didn't have her own personality, Bluebird Azurite is incredibly stable when fused because her components share an intense mutual hatred for Steven.
  • In a Super Secret Secret Squirrel cartoon, Secret counteracts the effects of Queen Bee's Love Potion by focusing on his hatred of crime (or more likely just hate in general).
  • In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012), Tiger Claw claims that only his hatred and desire for revenge against the turtles, Splinter, and their human allies allowed him to survive his trek home after being swallowed alive by a giant alien worm and then stranded in another dimension.
  • The Monarch of The Venture Brothers is motivated more by his hate for Rusty Venture than by his love for his wife. He once says that hate is what drives him - he hates himself more than most villains hate their archenemies.
  • Lord Hater from Wander over Yonder gets more powerful the angrier he gets. Also, the eponymous troll from "The Troll" gets bigger whenever someone responds to his insults.
  • In W.I.T.C.H., Shagon, leader of the Knights of Destruction and The Dragon to Nerissa is called "The Angel of Malice" and draws his strength from other peoples' hatred (the other knights, being The Heartless, draw strength from different negative emotions). The Guardians ultimately learn to weaken him somewhat by letting go of their hate for him. And his host Matt eventually destroys him with the The Power of Love, with a little Power of Rock on the side.

    Real Life 
  • Otto von Bismarck, the Prussian Chancellor responsible for the unification of Germany, is a good historical example. The man relied on hating people as a source of motivation during times of difficulty. Take the following quote from Robert K Massie's Dreadnought:
    Lying in bed, he mulled over grievances. “I have spent the whole night hating”, he said once. When no immediate object of hatred was available, he ransacked his memory to dredge up wrongs done to him years before.
  • After the latter's constant absence for his meta task of getting to level 99 in the first reactor core in Final Fantasy VII, some guy named CirclMastr loathed another named DickTree to a point where he literally took over and got to level 99 out of pure hatred.
  • The Darth Wiki is empowered by hate.
  • If this Harvard study is to be believed, the Power of Hate might just have The Power of Love beaten out. Long story short, thinking evil thoughts gives you much more endurance than thinking good thoughts. There's probably a reason why the trope is named Unstoppable Rage as opposed to something more positive.
  • In Charles Fort's seminal work on paranormal phenomena, Wild Talents, he speculated that a rash of unexplained fires in English manor houses during the 1920s might have been caused by sheer focused hate from the working class during the General Strike.
  • Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany:
    • According to Mein Kampf, Hitler, in his life in Vienna, only had a life of total suffering, in extreme poverty, homeless, his beloved mother dead, his dream of becoming an artist crushed, no friends, suffering from severe depression, on the brink of Despair Event Horizon... but during those times, what kept him alive and going? His hatred of the Jews, whom he blamed for all of his and Europe's misfortunes, the absolute hatred that would come to forever define who Adolf Hitler is. Similarly, after Germany lost World War I, he was absorbed into another bout of depression that left him blinded and nearly catatonic, but again, was brought back by hatred, and now the overriding desire to punish the "November Criminals" (Weimar Republic) whom he believed to have betrayed the Fatherland.
    • The Nazis came to power through revanchism and exploiting the German people's desire to inflict vengeance upon the Treaty of Versailles, France, the November Criminals and Communists. This they used to further focus the nation's hatred on whom they believed to be the masterminds behind them all: Jews.
    • One only needs to look at the Useful Notes pages for World War II and The Holocaust to demonstrate the true Power of Hate at its fullest extent.
    • The power that made the Schutzstaffel such ferocious enemies to fight on the battlefield. During their training in the boot-camps, they were taught to hate anyone who were classified as an enemy to the Third Reich. However, the Waffen-SS's fanatical fighting style led to high casualties and hence a debatable efficiency. Furthermore, they were a very minor part of the armed forces in Poland and France.
      • All armed forces do this to a degree, making it easier for their soldiers to kill in combat by dehumanizing the enemy.
  • The Soviets also went full-tilt in their characteristic fashion, justified since the Eastern Front was a literal Guilt-Free Extermination War. On the first anniversary of the German invasion, Mikhail Sholokhov rolled out a story called "Lesson of Hatred" with graphic (and largely truthful) descriptions of German war crimes; in a month this was followed by Constantin Simonov's verse called "Kill him!" (later referred to as "If you value your home..."), and then came Ilya Ehrenburg's much-quoted rant entitled simply "Kill!" ("We have realized that Germans are not human..."). The authors themselves later claimed that the Soviet soldiers were still treating Germans as oppressed proletarians, not a bunch of bloodthirsty monsters. Not coincidentally, these were the days the Reds were making a desperate stand in the streets of Stalingrad...
  • Russians again, this time its civilians — From an LA Times article about anti-gay activism in St. Petersberg, formerly the most open and tolerant city in the country: "Taking a cue from President Vladimir Putin, who has whipped up anti-Western sentiments to advance a nationalist agenda and boost his domestic approval ratings during an economic crisis, [anti-gay activists] often frame their stance as defending the country against foreign values."
    Polina Mul, outed kindergarten teacher: "That's how our country is — we always have to hate somebody," she said. "If we hate and abuse somebody, we unite."
  • On a more heartwarming (and somewhat hilarious) note, there is the case of Martin Pistorius, who woke up trapped in his own body, perfectly aware but unable to move or act in any way, misdiagnosed by doctors who thought he was still a vegetable. One of the main factors the young man (then a young boy) identifies as key in recovering was the fact the daycare he spent his days in ran rerun after rerun of Barney & Friends, which he grew to hate with such fervor he slowly, methodically tried to reorient his thoughts in a way that'd let him regain some control over his situation, starting by learning how to tell the time by the shadows in the room just so he knew when Barney would end. This was the first step in a very long recovery, and now he is perfectly capable of expressing himself with a computer. Except for one thing: His hatred of the purple dinosaur, which even today he says he's unable to articulate. He essentially used this loathing as the very first stepping stone to bring himself out of both the Despair Event Horizon and his paralyzed condition. As one tumblr user put it:
    So it turns out that the primal hatred people have toward Barney is strong enough to pull a disembodied consciousness out of the abyss of existential despair and into the physical world out of pure spite.
  • According to this video, The Music Video Show and its fifth season is made from this, with a combination of Creator Breakdown. It explains how the season is five episodes longer than the other four.
  • King William IV of England apparently deplored his sister-in-law so much that he made an announcement at his final birthday banquet of his intention to live long enough to see her daughter (his niece, the future Queen Victoria) turn eighteen just so she wouldn't be regent after his death. And yes, he succeeded.


Video Example(s):

Alternative Title(s): Power Of Hate


For we are Odio...

United by hatred's power, Odio reach spans across time and space to torment seven heroes through seven incarnations.

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