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Funny / Rampage (2018)

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  • Brett Wyden's introduction, showing his rage at the space station's destruction by whacking a model of it. His sister Claire comes in and states their losses are at "10 billion, plus 20 thousand for that model you just broke."
  • "Oh, you didn't know about the thirty-foot wolf?"
  • Agent Russell is full of these.
    Russell: Hell of a day, huh? Science experiments falling from the sky?
  • Okoye and Caldwell get in a helicopter and head off to stop the monsters... only for Okoye to slam the chopper right back on the landing pad and eliciting a Death Glare from Caldwell.
    Okoye: It's coming back to me. (winks) It's coming back.
    • Funnier if you remember that in San Andreas Johnson played what was basically the greatest helicopter pilot ever.
  • "We're not going to fly. We're going to crash!"
  • "Of course the wolf flies."
  • Okoye knocks out a small group of soldiers, finishing off the last one with a chokehold.
    Okoye: That's a big arm, don't fight it.
  • Caldwell comments on how Okoye isn't great dealing with people.
    Caldwell: You know there are other ways of dealing with people, right?
    Okoye: I do know that, yeah, but that's no fun.
  • Both times where George is Flipping the Bird.
    Davis: I should have never taught you that.
  • Claire's last words being "OHHHH SHHHHIIIIIIIT!"
    • Double points for any fans of the video game who might have picked up on what was going to happen to women in red dresses in Rampage.
  • George first gestures about how Caldwell is part of Davis's troop... but then, he gives a slightly obscene one about what he thinks Davis wants to do with her.
  • Davis and George psyching themselves up to fight Ralph and Lizzie, with George even doing a Roar Before Beating and a Primal Chest-Pound ....and then simultaneously going Oh, Crap! once Lizzie roars back.
  • Okoye's reaction to seeing Lizzie:

The Trailers

  • "I was just thinking the only thing that's missing right now is a giant crocodile."
