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Fanfic / The Omniverse Event

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"The worst-case scenario has indeed come to pass. Rifts are spreading across the universes faster than we imagined. Tell Home Base to dispatch all available agents at once.
The Omniverse Event is under way."

The Omniverse Event is a large-scale writer crossover event that anyone can participate in. It was created by Golden Keyblade and is being written for currently by quite a few other authors; as of July 21, 2016, TheBigCat has been announced as the official co-leader of the Event. Under this Event, a large number of stories by a large number of authors involving a meeting between two universes take place within the same shared narrative. The narrative prompt for the story is as follows:

Something has gone wrong with the Omniverse. A network of rifts is spreading across it, triggered by some unknown cataclysmic event. In any universe where the rifts appear, things start to change. The rules of one world start to bleed over into another, causing reality to distort. Objects, creatures, and even people from one universe find the rifts and pass through to another, one which is utterly alien to them. And when worlds come into contact, chaos inevitably follows...

The series started when Golden Keyblade wrote a story called Calvin’s Quest, very much based on the idea that ideas from other universe were crossing into Calvin’s universe. At the end of that fic, the author announced that anyone could contribute to his universe. So far, quite a lot of released and planned stories have been crossovers with Calvin and Hobbes, which is probably because the first one originated in that continuum.

The various stories are as follows:

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This series contains examples of:

  • Aborted Arc: Golden Keyblade confirmed that Calvin's Quest was originally going to be 16 books in length, but that he abandoned almost the entire planned story in favor of the Omniverse Event.
  • Accidental Hero: Calvin tends to become this quite often.
  • Adults Are Useless: Subverted in Calvin's Quest: the one adult who appears (Uncle Max) is, in fact, an agent who helps destroy the Megalodon, allowing Calvin to access the sixth and penultimate pillar.
  • Apocalypse How:
    • Dr. Hall mentions that given enough time, the rifts (or at least the ones in the SCP universe) will become so numerous that they'll tear the planet apart.
    • As of Voidtrapped ch. 3, the planet-destroying meteors showed up.
  • Arc Symbol: Golden Keyblade seems particularly fond of these:
    • Calvin's Quest has the Pillars themselves; the search for them forms most of the story, and one appears on Nivlac's shirt in the later chapters. It's ultimately revealed that the latter is actually a Roman numeral "II", referencing Nivlac being a duplicate of Calvin.
    • Yu-Gi-Oh! ΔX is shaping up to have the "Δ" symbol; aside from the title, Episode 07 reveals that Calvin's new ace monster is called Delta Dragon.
  • Atomic F-Bomb / Curse Cut Short: Calvin's reaction to the reveal in Problem Sleuth that DMK has to be killed three times.
  • Batman Gambit:
    • Used by Calvin in Chapter 23 of Calvin's Quest: Calvin knew that Nivlac couldn't resist fighting him, so he used the fight as a distraction for Hobbes to destroy Foxy and get a clean shot at Nivlac with the ion cannon.
    • Used again by Calvin in Episode 02 of Yu-Gi-Oh! ΔX: he convinces the Manager to destroy his Wave-Motion Cannon card instead of Call of the Haunted, knowing from their conversation earlier that the Manager would rather risk losing everything than accept a smaller loss. Because of this, he still has two monsters on the field, which he uses to summon Red-Eyes Black Dragon, then immediately upgrades it to Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon and launches a devastating attack. Oh, and did I mention that this only wins the duel because of the Manager's own Field Spell doubling all damage?
    • From what we've seen so far, Sora is very good at this. She accurately deduced that Kuwagamon in chapter 1 was a Puzzle Boss, determined its weak spot, and came up with a plan very quickly. Bonus points that if just one part of her plan had failed, she would have died, or at least gotten seriously injured.
      • Had her scarf not hooked on a boulder, she would have fallen to her death, or at least had every bone in her body broken and a serious concussion.
      • Had the boulder been loose, she would have fallen to her death, or at least had every bone in her body broken and a serious concussion.
      • Had she underestimated the momentum required to get into kicking range, she would have fallen to her death, or at least had every bone in her body broken and a serious concussion.
      • Had she slightly overestimated the momentum required to get into kicking range, she would have been impaled on Kuwagamon's pincers and died.
      • Had she overestimated the momentum required to get into kicking range, and missed the pincers, she would have fallen to her death, or at least had every bone in her body broken and a serious concussion.
      • Had the Black Gear not been the weak spot, one of two things would happen:
      • Kuwagamon wouldn't notice, and she would have fallen to her death, or at least had every bone in her body broken and a serious concussion.
      • Kuwagamon would notice, and impale her with its pincers.
    • As of chapter 2 of Digimon Abridged, Tai is learning to do this, too. He actually used the exact same strategy that Taichi Yagami used in the same situation - wait for Strong Carapace, jump, V-Breath Arrow.
  • Big "WHAT?!": Plenty, but perhaps the biggest is Calvin's reaction to Ace Dick restoring the game from a save state in Calvin Reads Problem Sleuth.
  • Brick Joke: The joke about starships' weapons from Chapter 1 ends up coming back when Calvin and Hobbes find the wreck of a starship in Chapter 22. As it turns out, Hobbes was right.
  • Call-Back / Mythology Gag: In Calvin Reads Problem Sleuth, when Calvin finds that he has failed to understand a reference as a result of not watching a movie, he declares "it's the Snow Goons all over again."
  • Casual Danger Dialogue:
    • The Q Effect: "Crossover":
      Hobbes: Say, Calvin, do you think we should avoid that portal?
      Calvin: Nah, we're going into it.
    • Yu-Gi-Oh! ΔX: "In His Blue Eyes Part 2":
      Susie: Wait up! What's with the alarms?
      Calvin: Oh, nothing. It's probably just Kaiba realizing that we stole his technology.
  • Cerebus Retcon: "Calvin's Quest" pulls one of these on an event from the original comic: when Calvin created the "good" duplicate, it also created the negative energy necessary to create an evil duplicate. This energy was stored in the cardboard box for years until a Calvinball accident released it into the time stream, at which point it drifted into the Paradox Dimension and coalesced as Nivlac.
  • Cerebus Syndrome: "Calvin's Quest" started out as a light-hearted adventure involving Calvin and Hobbes searching for some apparently magical artifacts. However, in Chapters 19 and 20 it's revealed that the entire Quest was actually a trap by Nivlac, Calvin's evil duplicate, as part of a plan to assemble an alien superweapon and take Calvin's place in reality. From there on, the story is significantly more serious.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: Christoph from Episode 07 of ΔX. He initially appears as just another of the gangsters in Caesar's trailer, but he turns out to be working with the police and is ultimately responsible for Caesar getting arrested. And of course, the ending implies he has knowledge of Calvin and his friends, and is working for an entirely separate third party to search for them.
  • Chekhov's Gun:
    • Calvin's Quest: The innocuous rocket at the start of Chapter 21 has an ion blaster that is used in the following chapter to knock out Nivlac, allowing them to access the Pillar Mechanism and fly into the Big Bang.
    • Digimon Abridged: Sora's Fourth Doctor scarf allows her to safely hang from a cliff-face and build enough momentum to jump and kick the Kuwagamon.
  • Crazy-Prepared:
    • In Calvin's Quest chapter 6: The Pillar Heist, Calvin presses the Start button without setting temporal coordinates. This triggers a failsafe which shuts down all displays except one, on which it forces the login screen.
    • Also in Calvin's Quest ch. 6: The Pillar Heist, there is a failsafe to the failsafe. Pressing a purple button at the back of the time machine initiates an emergency override and forces time-space reentry.
    • In The Rift Effect, so much so that Bernice Summerfield has a way to basically come back from the brink of death.
  • Crossover
  • Cross-Referenced Titles:
    • The two bonus chapters of Calvin's Quest are called respectively "What Was" and "What Will Be".
    • The Rift Effect and The Q Effect.
    • A Theory Of Timelines, A Theory Of Perserverance, and A Theory of Darkness.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Zig-zagged with Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon. In the series it was featured in, the dragon was decidedly evil; however, the one being used by Calvin has shown no particular sign of this.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: The first chapter of Calvin's Quest describes the time machine's control panel as consisting of a single button. This was retconned in Chapter 4 to feature a more intricate control panel.
  • Evil Doppelgänger: Calvin gets one in Calvin's Quest. Actually, it's his duplicate.
  • Explain, Explain... Oh, Crap!: In Yu-Gi-Oh! ΔX episode 1, "Welcome to Domino City! Part 1":
    Calvin: That's weird. Industrial Illusions is the company that makes Duel Monsters cards in the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime, at least in the original series and GX. But it doesn't exist in the real world. Unless...
    Susie: What?!
    Calvin: Oh, I just got a HORRIBLE suspicion...
  • Fight Scene:
    • Calvin vs. Nivlac from Calvin's Quest ch. 23: How Far We've Come.
    • Calvin and Susie get one each in Delta X, and it looks like they're about to get a bunch more...
    • In Digimon Abridged, the scene where Sora kicks a Champion-level, killing it instantly, all the while shrieking the come on Ace, we've got work to do line from classic Doctor Who.
  • Flat "What": Calvin has one of these in "Calvin Reads Problem Sleuth" when he sees the window come off the wall.
  • Genre Savvy: So much. So much.
    • In The Rift Effect, Calvin and Hobbes take great delight in telling everyone that ‘everything interesting happens at the middle of the city!’ as a reference to adventure novels and movies.
    • In Calvin's Quest it happens almost every chapter.
    • From The Q Effect:
    Calvin: So how do you know me, anyway?
    Calvin: So, time travel, then?
    B'Elanna: Pretty much.
    • This is a major plot point in ΔX: Calvin is able to duel on an adult level because he is familiar with the real-life metagame, whereas the people of the Yu-Gi-Oh! universe duel by the anime's logic.
  • Heroic BSoD: During Calvin's Quest chapter 21: "Before the Dawn," Calvin has one of these when he realizes Nivlac has been orchestrating the whole Quest to wipe Calvin from existence.
    Calvin: Don't you get it, Hobbes? Nivlac won. No, worse than that: we were never even playing.
    • He has a more minor one in Episode 03 of ΔX after a fight with Susie.
  • Hypocritical Humor: Immediately after calling out the genocide player for corrupting an innocent child, Mimi chastises Calvin for aborting a genocide run at Papyrus.
  • Intercontinuity Cross Over
  • Ironic Echo: On two occasions, Calvin claims to be Moe's "only chance of ever seeing [his family] again". The first time he says it, he's using it as a warning to convince Moe to listen to him (and to not attack him). The second time, it's Calvin's explanation of why he's willing to duel Caesar for Moe's sake.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Calvin, many times.
  • Lampshading: When Hobbes looks up at the singularity in Chapter 22 of Calvin's Quest, the narrator remarks that "The symbolism was almost painfully obvious."
  • Magical Girl / Show Within a Show: Enchantment Girl Relena from ΔX.
  • The Man Behind the Man: unleashedGenesis, a mysterious individual who shows up in text form in the second bonus chapter of Calvin's Quest and in the first chapter of Digimon Abridged. Little is known about him (although his nametag and text quirk make it reasonably likely he's a troll), but he seems to be manipulating events from behind the scenes. His role so far is to provide software to several characters and to contact Alternate!Calvin in regards to the Steam Summer Sale.
  • Mind Screw: One of the hints for Sunset 16 was "10 plus 7 is 16".
  • Motive Rant: In chapter 23 of Calvin's Quest:
    Nivlac: THE POINT IS TO SEE YOU LOSE! Every second you continue to exist is proof that I'll never be anything more than a failed copy, a corrupted backup, an incomplete clone of someone I could crush in a heartbeat. Do you have any idea what it's like to look into a mirror and see your own worst enemy looking back?
  • The Multiverse
  • My Friends... and Zoidberg: Calvin's deck consists almost entirely of dragon monsters and support...and also Space Mambo, a Fish-type monster with absolutely no connection to dragons. Calvin himself doesn't seem quite sure why he has it or what it's supposed to mean.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Calvin vs Nivlac in the final normal chapter of Calvin's Quest.
  • No-Sell: Calvin goes into the duel with Caesar expecting to be able to use similar tactics as he used on the Manager. As it turns out, Caesar not only resists Calvin's reverse psychology AND shrug off the pain that comes with taking damage, but he manages to stop Calvin from summoning his former ace, Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon.
  • Noodle Incident:
    I’m pretty sure this is what it looks like when you challenge Cthulhu to a tickle fight.
    Not that I know what that’s like, or anything.
    #calvin reads problem sleuth #*whistles innocently*
    This is still better luck than that time I rented a fog machine.
    Well, I say "rented"...
    • From the Miraculous Ladybug liveblog:
    That moment when you’re trying to make a dramatic speech to someone you think is your archenemy and then the real person bursts in through the other door. I think Hobbes can sympathize with that. Long story; let’s just say Hobbes has never looked at a hamster the same way again.
  • Oh, Crap!: In Calvin's Quest, Hobbes realizes the Quest is a trap the exact moment before Calvin places the sixth Pillar.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: Acari in The Rift Effect.
    Calvin: Wait a second, what's that thing meant to be?
    Ruth: A doomsday device? Are you insane?
    Acira: If I were insane, then I would have let my father and all of his silly little disciples kill me at the first opportunity! Would you believe that they thought the gods existed? How ridiculous is that?
  • Plot Device All Along: In Calvin's Quest, the Imagination Pillar, the seventh and final pillar, is a vital part of the Pillar Mechanism, and the reason Nivlac set up the Quest in the first place. Where is it? It's in Calvin's pocket - it's the marker he used to make all his inventions.
  • Puzzle Boss: Kuwagamon in chapter 1 of Digimon Abridged. The weak spot is the Black Gear. So much so, actually, that Sora can kill it by KICKING the Gear.
  • The Quest: Basically the whole point of Calvin's Quest.
  • This Is Reality: In Episodes 08 and 09 of ΔX, Calvin challenges Seto Kaiba to a duel in order to obtain the technology he needs for the time machine. It's worth noting that Calvin had only participated in two duels so far. Kaiba completely destroys Calvin on the dueling field by using several real-world strategies he didn't use in the anime (which incidentally was exactly Calvin's intended strategy).
  • Running Gag: Several throughout the Event:
  • Self-Parody: The "Enchantment Girl" anime referenced in ΔX is one to the Yu-Gi-Oh anime, creating analogues to Turbo Duels and Dark Synchros, as well as describing the fourth series, which would be analogous to Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal (the author's favourite) as the best, "no matter what everyone says." It also features a Take That! at 4Kids' dub of the series, with Calvin mentioning how the dubbing company did a horrible job of translating it.
  • Sequel Hook: Bonus Chapter 2 of Calvin's Quest is the first sign readers got that there would be a LOT more content to follow that story. Nivlac's warning to Calvin and Hobbes as they escape the Paradox Dimension may also count, as well as the references to future conflicts with Nivlac in the epilogue.
  • She Is Not My Girlfriend: Calvin says this of Susie in Voidtrapped ch. 2
  • Sherlock Scan: Shawn uses one of these on McGonagall in Chapter 3 of It Takes One to Divine One.
  • Shout-Out: So much, it needs its own page.
  • Take That!: Calvin mentions that a fenestrated plane with a built-in sprinkler system seems like an idea destined to fail from the start, like bacon ice cream or Cars 3.
  • Techno Babble: So much. SO MUCH.
  • The Stinger: The author of A Theory of Timelines states at the beginning of the story that it will be a oneshot only... and there's a second chapter, which is fairy short, and includes an encrypted message 'that never existed'. If you run this message through a Caesar Shift decoder with a value of N=13, you come up with...a rather ominous message that implies that Irving Braxiatel has screwed up, messed up everyone's lives, and made the Omniverse Event even worse. It's also implied that Irving never received this message- and he doesn't know that this is actually happening.
    • An even worse one appears in the sequel, A Theory of Perseverance. This one has three messages: a conversation between Irving and the mysterious UG, another between him and Calvin 2 (who claims to be working on a project and to have gotten the "wrong number"), and a disturbing warning which seems to have come from Doctor W.D. Gaster himself.
  • Surprisingly Creepy Moment: In the midst of Calvin's otherwise funny liveblog, a couple of posts appear giving short, creepy messages like "hehehe" and "i see you". The posts are tagged with "calvin 2", no explanation is given for them, and the liveblog resumes with absolutely no reference to their existence. Oh, and Calvin's apparently not aware of the posts' existence. And they're apparently being written by someone other than Calvin.
  • Voodoo Shark: Subverted. Calvin claims to have used the power of the Plastic Pillar to make the trash can submarine bigger on the inside; but the Plastic Pillar was still in Calvin's room and couldn't be used. The bonus chapter, however, gives an explanation for how it was possible; YMMV on whether or not the explanation is ridiculous enough to count as this trope.
  • Walking Spoiler: Nivlac from Calvin's Quest. Merely knowing of his existence pretty much spoils the big twist of the story.
  • Wall of Text: Mimi puts one in - where else? - the Tumblr tags:
    #ramblings of a leeroy #homestuck
  • Wham Episode: Calvin's Quest chapter 20: "Exposition of Evil."
  • Wham Line: From Calvin's Quest, less so for what's being said and more for who's saying it.
    Nivlac: May I be the first to welcome you to the Paradox Dimension.
  • Word Salad Title: Yu-Gi-Oh! ΔX is an example of the Makes Sense In Context variety: in physics, the symbol "ΔX" refers to a change in position, and in the story Calvin and his friends are forcibly transferred to another universe.
  • Your Princess Is in Another Castle!: In Calvin's Quest, the plot looks resolved at chapter 19: "The End of the Beginning." Then, after the six Pillars are placed, the symbol on the bottom of the Time Machine explodes. Cue the Wham Episode - the Quest is a trap.

May destiny's will be swift and just.
