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Drinking Game / Grand Theft Auto V

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Please drink responsibly.

All Versions

  • Take a shot whenever an NPC does something stupid, like jump in front of your speeding car.
  • Take a shot everytime Trevor says Yeahyeahyeah.
  • Take a shot whenever you commit a crime. You'll be wasted in no time for obvious reasons.
    • Take two shots whenever you see a civilian NPC commit a crime.
  • Every time a black character says "nigga," take an eye dropper and drip one drop into your mouth. You'll succumb to alcohol poisoning in no time.
    • Or every time someone says the F-word. AKA: committing sucide.
    • Or whenever someone says Kifflom.
    • Down a bottle when someone says the C-word. Say goodbye to brain cells when Trevor stomps Johnny K.'s head in.
    • Bonus: Only scripted dialogue counts.Tip 
  • Take a shot every time you switch characters.
    • Take a sip if you forget who you're playing as.
    • Take another if it gets you killed (I.E, driving through traffic thinking you're Franklin, only for you to realize you're Michael/Trevor, and proceed to plow through the windscreen).
    • Take a shot if the game automatically switches you to someone else.
    • Down the bottle if the game places the wrong character in the wrong situation. (I.E. Forcing Michael/Trevor to drive while Franklin shoots.)
  • Take a shot if an enemy vehicle rams you.
  • Take a shot and scream if you get killed by gunfire while you were in a car.
  • Drink the whole bottle in shame if you get killed from getting launched from the car windshield or falling from a bike.
    • Down the bottle if you manage to survive.
    • Take an easy way out if you survived, only for the NPC to kill you by gunfire.
  • When you switch to Trevor, take a shot if he's in an extremely silly situation.
    • Take an additional sip if he's either A. in his underwear or B. wearing a dress.
    • Take another sip if said event is him waking up drunk in a random place.
  • Take a shot every time you shoot down a chopper via any means.
  • Take a shot if you see at least four of the same kind of car.
    • Take another if it's one you can easily recognize (I.E, the Weeny Issi).
  • Chug the bottle in shame if you actually manage to get busted.
  • Take a drink to calm your nerves if you see a Rhino Tank coming for you.
  • Take a hearty, victorious swig if you manage to get out of a five star wanted level alive.
  • Take a shot if a police chopper spawns right when you think you're in the clear.
  • Down the bottle and eat the cap when you get a wanted level even though there is nobody in the area.
  • Whenever you crash into another car, take a shot if one or more of its occupants die. You'll be on the floor in no time.
  • Take a shot if the police dispatch says "In, uhhhh..."
  • Take a shot if an enemy you're certain you've killed is still alive and fighting.
  • Take a sip when an NPC suddenly becomes hostile for no reason.
    • Two more if they call the cops on you.
  • Take a shot every time Trevor rants about, refers to or imply Michael's betrayal.
  • Take a shot if you end up with too little money to do anything.
    • Take two if you don't have any properties as that character and no way to make more money.
      • Finish off the bottle if you burn through all your take from the final heist.
  • Take a shot if you stumble upon a huge part of the map or location in the game you didn't even know existed.
    • Take two if it was in a part of the map you already explored.
      • Finish the bottle if this happens after you fill in the entire map.
  • Take a shot whenever an NPC says something nasty.
    • Take another shot if they say something stupid.
  • Take a shot whenever you find a puma.
  • Take a shot if you are stranded in the ocean.
    • Finish your drink if the shark kills you.

Next Gen Only

  • Take a shot if you find a peyote plant.
  • Finish your drink if you manage to find the Bigfoot peyote plant.

PC Only

  • Take a sip for every mod you install.
    • Are you that fucked up?!
  • Take a shot if you complete a mission using trainer mods.
  • Drink the whole bottle if the game crashes due to the mods.
  • When recording in Director Mode, take a shot if a take goes bad. (I.E. you die.)
  • If you are recording a stunt montage in GTA Online, take three shots if the orbital cannon kills you as soon as you are about to pull off a stunt.

GTA Online

  • Take a shot if you run into a Griefer. Take a sip every time he kills you.
    • Take a shot if you try to retaliate by blowing up his car.
      • Take a shot and Easy-Way-Out if you get put in the bad sport lobby as a result.
      • Down the bottle if the griefer is a PVPer using every dirty trick in the book to build up their positive K:D.
    • Take another shot if the griefer blew up cargo you were selling. If you then rant about it somewhere online despite the myriad Good Bad Bugs available to prevent this from happening, you're probably already drunk to begin with.
  • Take a shot when you steal the high priority vehicle.
    • Chug the bottle if someone manages to kill you as you're leaving the mod shop.
    • Drink until the bartender makes you stop if it gets destroyed JUST before you deliver it
    • Take a congratulatory shot if you managed to deliver the vehicle without running into trouble.
  • Take a shot every time you hear a kid's voice coming out of your speakers/headphones.
    • Take shots each time he cusses.
    • Chug in case he kills you once you drive past him.
    • Down the whole bottle if he cries and insults you with racist and homophobic slangs for killing him back.
      • Might as well say goodbye to my liver.
    • Take a drink every time he doesn't do anything mean, and/or is actually quite good at the game. (Incredibly common.)
      • And another if you or someone else antagonizes him, and/or calls him a "squealer" for fun anyways.
  • Take two shots when a menu user drops money on you.
    • Take three if they spawn objects on you, kick you from a vehicle, or kill you.
    • Down the bottle if they remove you from the session.
    • Take a shot every time you find a "Looking for Group" post, anywhere on the internet, asking for a money drop for Xbox One or PlayStation 4. Take another shot if said post is found somewhere in the console's operating system. (Protip: There are no mods, hacks, or trainers of any kind on either console to facilitate this.)
  • Take a shot each time someone blasts music from his mic.
    • Take a shot if it is hip hop.
    • Take a shot for any song not in English.
      • Take two shots if its anime music.
      • Take another two shots if you hear people thinking that they called someone a weeaboo.
      • Finish your drink if you hear people telling to turn off the anime music, as anime has nothing to do with the game.
      • Finish two bottles if they call you a weeaboo. Hope you don't get Wasted.
    • Take a shot if the sound is the in-game radio.
      • Take a bonus shot if you hear the in-game DJ's.
  • Take three shots if everyone else in your session spontaneously disappears.
    • Two more if it happens during a job.
      • Drink to forget if the job's objective was an aircraft and a teammate already collected it and got it into the air.
    • Take another if you join another session, only for it to be completely empty.
  • Take a shot and slam your head into the nearest wall if you get killed by an orbital cannon.
  • Drink the whole bottle & slam the bottle into the floor if you get in a special/target vehicle, only to notice a proximity mine, which results in you & your car being blown to bits.
  • Take a shot for every Oppressor MKII you find on your map.
  • Take two shots if you get mugged.
    • Take another shot if you get mugged while AFK
    • Down the whole bottle if you managed to kill the mugger.
  • Take two shots if a player beside you gets out of Passive Mode & kills you.
    • Down the whole bottle if you manage to kill him before he starts killing you.
  • Finish two bottles if a player in a tank uses the teleport glitch to teleport close to you & blow you up.
  • Heist-related:
    • Take a shot everytime you're kicked from a lobby for being low/high-leveled.
    • Take a shot everytime someone picks the armoured kuruma.
    • Take a shot every time you fail a setup mission.
      • Take a sip every time you fail after the 5th.
    • Drink to forget if someone disconnects right when you're about to finish the heist.
    • Take a shot if someone complains about somebody else causing the mission to fail, but then they themselves fail it.
    • Take a shot if, after completing a heist mission, one of the players you were in the mission with tries to shoot you or the others.
    • Take a shot every time you find a "Looking for Group" post specifically asking to do the Act 2 glitch (disconnect before finishing the Doomsday Heist Act 2 finale so that you can do it again).
      • Take another shot if "no scam" is somewhere in the description or title. (Act 2 clears are usually traded between players. The "scam" part comes into play when one party doesn't, in fact, have the Act 2 finale actually set up, wasting the other party's time.)
      • Down a bottle if someone is looking to play a different heist. Down another if they actually want to play Act 2 legitimately.
    • Take a shot if two other players instantly join you in the pregame lobby.
      • Take another shot if it's been over a minute and a last player still hasn't joined.
      • Finish your drink if the other players already there leave.
  • Take a shot along with your character when making them take a shot for twice the Alcohol-Induced Idiocy.
    • Take a shot of the strongest stuff you have if you're making your character drink the Macbeth Whisky Shot. Bonus points if you pass out with them.
  • From Auto Shop Contracts:
    • Take a shot every time KDJ says "motherfucker".
    • Take a shot every time KDJ and Sessanta have phone sex.
    • Down the whole bottle if someone in your crew takes them out near the end.

