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Character page for Netflix's series The Imperfects.

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Main Characters

    Juan Ruiz
Click here to see his chupacabra form 
Played by: Inaki Godoy
"Last night, I... I blacked out and... turned into this"
A young Mexican graphic novelist who turns into a Chupacabra whenever someone he cares about is in danger.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Darcy refers to his chupacabra form as "Chupi". Abbi, Tilda and Paloma also pick up on it. Juan doesn't find it affectionate, however.
  • Afraid of Their Own Strength: One of the reason's Juan wants to be "fixed" is because he's worried he might hurt someone he cares about while in his chupacabra form.
  • Alliterative Name: "The Terror of Tacoma".
  • Alternate Identity Amnesia: Up until the end of "One of Us", he doesn't remember anything he does in his chupacabra form (however, even after then, he only remembers what he does if he willingly goes chupacabras).
  • Berserk Button:
  • Beware the Nice Ones: He's generally an all-round nice guy, but he will still turn into a chupacabra and devour you if you so much as think about hurting anyone he cares about (as Doug, Qamara and Sponson learn the hard way).
  • Big "NO!": Has one in "Destroy All Monsters" after Sarkov tells him that Tilda is dead.
  • Chupacabra: Transforms into one whenever anyone he cares about is in danger.
  • Bilingual Dialogue: Often uses Spanish words and phrases in his dialogue, despite most of the main cast (besides Alejandro and Paloma) only speaking English.
  • Ceiling Cling: He does this in his chupacabra form in "Lest Ye Become a Monster" in order to ambush a poor, unsuspecting Flux agent.
  • Cool Uncle: Paloma starts to see him as this, especially after he saves her from Sponson.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: His Chupacabra form is mostly dark grey, but is in no way villainous, and is simply acting on uncontrollable instincts.
  • Deadpan Snarker: He can be this at times, as shown when Abbi and Tilda tease him over his nickname in "Portland Warehouse Massacre".
    'I hate you guys'
  • Death Glare:
    • He's quite good at giving these (usually when he's transforming into a chupacabra), complete with Glowing Eyes of Doom.
    • This is also pretty much his default expression in chupacabra form (with emphasis on the "death" part).
  • The Dreaded: It's heavily implied that the vast majority of the general public are absolutely terrified of his chupacabra form, going by how he's referred to as the "Terror of Tacoma".
  • Eaten Alive: This is the usual way he kills people (and animals) when in his chupacabra form.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: "Chupi", the nickname Darcy gives to his chupacabra form (and which he does not appreciate, although he does accept it at the end of "Destroy all Monsters").
  • "Eureka!" Moment: Has one in 'One of Us! after he finds out what activates his powers. He has another one in the same episode when he realises that he remembers what he did in his chupacabra form (something he wasn't able to do prior to that).
  • Expressive Ears: In chupacabra form, his ears often fold back when he's about to attack someone. They stay sticking out to the sides when he's in a more "relaxed" (or at least as relaxed as one can get for a violent predator) state, or when he's feeding.
  • Friend to All Children: He clearly gets along well with Paloma, as well as the other children at her birthday party. Even in his chupacabra form, he doesn't try to attack Paloma.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: Gains these whenever he changes into a chupacabra.
  • Good Is Not Soft: He is a nice guy, all around, but he can also easily rip you apart (in chupacabra form) if you even think about hurting his friends.
  • Heroic BSoD: Has a brief one in "Destroy All Monsters" after Sarkov tricks him into think Tilda is dead, completely losing control over his powers as a result.
  • Hidden Depths: As shown in "One of Us", he does also have a bit of a playful and fun-loving side to him.
  • I Am a Monster: How he views himself (or at least his chupacabra form). He somewhat overcomes this when he starts learning how to control his powers.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: His reason for wanting to be "fixed".
  • I'm a Humanitarian: As a chupacabra, he often feeds on the people he kills. Not so much as a human, though (who is actually horrified at this aspect of himself).
  • Immune to Mind Control: Unlike other characters, he isn't affected by Abbi's pheromones (most likely due to his chupacabra form).
  • In a Single Bound: Is able to jump long distances in his chupacabra form.
  • Involuntary Shapeshifting: His Chupacabra transformations can't be controlled, and only occur whenever he sees someone he cares about is in danger. He does learn to control it later on in the series, however.
  • It Is Dehumanising: He refers to his chupacabra form in this way.
  • Lightning Bruiser: In his chupacabra form, he's able to run at fast speeds and is also strong enough to knock down a metal door.
  • Little "No": He gives a few in "One of Us" when Sponson threatens to shoot Paloma.
  • A Lizard Named "Liz": His chupacabra from is affectionately referred to by some characters as "Chupi", a shortened form of "chupacabra".
  • Made of Iron: In his chupacabra form, he is able to withstand thingsnote  that would leave most people dead (or at least badly injured).
  • The Mind Is a Plaything of the Body: When in his chupacabra form, he doesn't have any control over his actions, and instead relies purely on natural predatory instincts.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: His chupacabra form appears to resemble a humanoid mix between a dog note  and a hyena.
  • My God, What Have I Done?:
    • Often has moments of this after killing/almost killing people/animals in his chupacabra form. He starts to overcome this, however.
    • He has a brief moment of this in "Destroy all monsters" after Sarkov told him that Tilda is dead because of him. He quickly snaps out of it after he finds that Sarkov was lying, however.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: A various news reports refer to his chupacabra form as "The Terror of Tacoma". Juan sometimes refers to himself as this, as well.
  • Nice Guy: He's generally and all-round friendly guy. However, if you so much as even 'mention' harming someone he cares about, he becomes less "nice" as he turns into a chupacabra.
  • "No. Just… No" Reaction: How he responds to Darcy naming his chupacabra form "Chupi".
    Darcy: I think you're being a little hard on Chupi.
    Juan: Don't name it. Don't name it!
  • Non-Malicious Monster: "Chupi" may kill people, but he's simply following his natural instincts as well as trying to protect the people he cares about.
  • Not Evil, Just Misunderstood: Darcy views his chupacabra form in this way, and she's actually right in this regard as "Chupi" is simply following his natural instincts.
  • Oh, Crap!: Has one at the end of the series when he looks down at his hands and sees that he's slowly changing back into a chupacabra.
  • Our Werebeasts Are Different: He turns into a chupacabra whenever someone he cares about is in danger.
  • Papa Wolf: Well, technically, "Papa Chupacabra", but he certainly acts as this towards his friends and family.
  • Red Baron: The Terror of Tacoma.
  • Relative Button: If you even think about harming people he cares about in front of him, he will (involuntarily) turn into a chupacabra and kill (or at least seriously injure) you. Sarkov exploits this in "Destroy All Monsters" as he's attempting to cure him, by telling him that Tilda is dead because of him.
  • Running on All Fours: He often takes this stance in his chupacabra form, usually when he needs a speed boost.
  • The Smurfette Principle: gender inverted: he's the only male character (not counting Sarkov) of the main cast.
  • Spikes of Villainy: His chupacabra form has these running down its back. The "villainy" part is downplayed due to Juan being a good guy, of course.
  • To Serve Man: His chupacabra form preys on human flesh (as well as the flesh of other animals).
  • Tranquil Fury: He's generally quite calm, even when he is upset or angry. However, if you even think about harming anyone he cares about, the "tranquil" part goes right out the window. However, his chupacabra form does also have moments of this.
  • Trrrilling Rrrs: Often does this when he's talking (especially when saying the word "Chupacabras" or "Terror").
  • Wolf Man: His chupacabra form has some very canid-esque traits. Probably explains why Abbi originally mistook him for a werewolf.

    Tilda Weber 
A punk singer with both super hearing and supersonic screaming.
  • The Alcoholic: She is often seeing drinking an alcoholic drink of some kind, as alcohol is the only thing that makes the Sensory Overload caused by her Super-Hearing even remotely more bearable. May Dr. Burke's wine cellar rest in peace.
  • Deadpan Snarker: She can't go one episode without making some kind of witty remark.
  • Famed In-Story: She becomes the lead character in Juan Ruiz's latest popular graphic Novel "Banshee Girl: Agent of Karma".
  • Heroic BSoD: Goes into one after PJ's death in "Cure All".
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: While she may seem somewhat self-centered and rude to others, she does genuinely care for her friends.
  • Make Me Wanna Shout: Naturally, being a banshee. She is also able to send people flying and even kill people with just her voice
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Has one in episode 6 after she almost got Hannah killed.
  • The Nicknamer: She has a habit of giving nicknames to people.
  • Sir Swears-a-Lot: A lot of her dialogue includes expletives.
  • Super-Hearing: Her hearing is so intense that she has to go around in protective headphones after it develops. She also becomes a walking sound-based surveillance system, to the point that hidden rooms are no longer hidden to her the second something inside them is making noise.
  • Troll: She's not above teasing people at times.

    Abbi Singh 
Played by: Rhianna Jagpal

A geneticist in training who is also an asexual Succubus.

  • Berserk Button: Don't even think about harming any of her friends (especially Hannah).
  • Embarrassing Nickname: She is sometimes referred to as "Jill Nye (the Science Guy)" by other characters, which is a name she does not like.
  • "Eureka!" Moment: Has one when she realises that Sarkov's stem cells can cure herself and the others of their side effects.
  • Following in Their Rescuer's Footsteps: Alex Sarkov, who was treating her rare condition until the beginning of the series, is the one who inspired her to get into genetics.
  • Hypocrite: Abbi is called out as one for constantly denouncing her powers before turning back to them whenever it is convenient for her.
  • Living Aphrodisiac: She is a Succubus whose pheromones make people attracted to her.
  • No One Gets Left Behind: She doesn't like leaving anyone she cares about in danger, even if it means saving them will put herself in danger. She even makes a motto based on it.
    "No monster left behind".
  • Science Hero: As a geneticist herself, she has a better understanding of her condition's nature than Juan and Tilda. This helps her ask relevant questions to people who might potentially help.
  • The Smart Guy: She is the most knowledgeable of the three when it comes to genetics.
  • What Would X Do?: As she's trying to work on a cure for the side effects in "All Monsters Attack", she does an impression of Sarkov, trying to figure out what he would do to cure their side effects.

    Dr. Sydney Burke 
Played by: Italia Ricci
A scientist who is trying to help the main characters cure their side effects.

  • Badass Normal: Outside of her "Isabel Finch" Persona, she has no special powers to speak of, and mainly uses her scientific knowledge to get things done.
  • Big Damn Heroes: In "Sarkov's Children", she injects Juan (who was in his chupacabra form at the time) with a sedative before he can attack Abbi and Tilda.
  • Deadpan Snarker: She has as much wit as she does scientific genius. Which is to say; a lot.
  • Jekyll & Hyde: She has another personality named Isabel Finch.

    Alex Sarkov 
Played by: Rhys Nicholson

The scientist responsible for giving the main characters their powers.

  • Adam Westing: He's basically just Rhys Nicholson as a mad scientist.
  • Affably Evil: He may be a mad scientist conducting immoral experiments on people, but he's still quite easy going.
  • Anti-Villain: He acts as an antagonist in the series, but he doesn't act inherently villainous towards the protagonists, and actually tries to help them. At least until he shoots Tilda in the back.
  • Berserk Button: He doesn't like it when people criticize his experiments.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: He may have a very foppish personality and speak with a pronounced lisp, but is a brilliant scientist and absolutely ruthless when he needs to be.
  • Deadpan Snarker: He has his moments.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: He does seem to genuinely care about Sydney Burke.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: As shown in "Zoe Must Be Destroyed", even he sees just how dangerous his experiments can be, and does his best to prevent them from harming others around them.
  • Evil Redhead: He's a mad scientist with bright red hair.
  • Gone Horribly Right: He succeeded in creating a race of "super-humans". However, said humans have also developed side effects (some of which are implied to be worse than the side effects of his previous subjects).
  • Mad Scientist: He definitely fits this trope, as he experiments on people without having done any prior testing before hand. His experiments also (albeit unintentionally) cause people to become more dangerous due to their newly given powers. In 'All Monsters Attack', he even tries to kill Tilda after she doesn't do what he wants.
  • Morally Ambiguous Doctorate: He is a skilled geneticist, but the experiments he performs have questionable ethics (especially as some of his experiments could easily kill someone).
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: Towards the end of the series, he shoots Tilda after she refuses to work with him, and kidnaps both Juan and Burke/Finch (the former of whom is only in his early 20s). He the later tricks Juan into thinking Tilda is dead, solely as a means to try and keep him in his chupacabra form.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: He wants to prevent the extinction of humanity, but his experiments actually cause more harm than good. Later subverted at the end of the series when he shoots Tilda, and it's heavily implied he intended for the main characters to develop their side effects.


    Dominique Crain 
Played by: Rekha Sharma

An operational leader of Flux.

  • Bad Boss: It's heavily implied that she sees her men as expendable, especially as she doesn't get angry when any of her men are killed. At one point, Sponson even asks how many of her men she'd willing to lose, to which she provides no answer.
  • Big Bad: As a leader of an organization hunting people like Tilda, Juan and Abbi and the apparent employer of the biohackers. Subverted in that she wasn't responsible for the biohackers, but just one villainous influence in the story.
  • Faux Affably Evil: She acts friendly to the heroes, but she is also the leader of a group of "Science assassins" who are tasked with hunting down the three main characters. she also happens to be working with rogue scientists behind everyone's backs.

     Jim Sponson 
Played by: Ron Selmour

An agent working for Flux.

  • Arc Villain: of "One of Us".
  • Bald of Evil: He has shaved head and is all too willing to kill Juan and Paloma to get what he wants.
  • Berserk Button:
    • He doesn't appreciate not being given the information he wants.
    • Sarkov's experiments also serve as this to him, and he's all too willing to kill them. (justified, as one of them did bite off his nose).
  • Deadpan Snarker: He has his moments (especially prevalent in "One of Us" as he's interrogating Juan).
    'My problem is: I'm sick of your bullshit'.
  • Dragon-in-Chief: Despite Crain being the head of Flux, he's the one who carries out most of her dirty work.
  • Everyone Has Standards:
    • He may be willing to kill people to achieve his goals. Working with rogue scientists? Not so much.
    • Also, unlike Crain, he knows that Sarkov's experiments can be dangerous and cause harm to themselves or others.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: Has a deep voice befitting a man like him.
  • Facial Horror: Gets his nose bitten of by Juan (in his Chupacabra form) in "One of Us".
  • A Father to His Men: It's shown that he cares about the other agents under his command.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Has one at the end of the season after finding that Crain was working with rogue scientists.
  • Impersonating an Officer: Masquerades as an FBI agent when going after Juan, Abbi and Tilda. Juan sees right through it, however.
  • It's Personal: With Juan after the latter bit off his nose in the fourth episode.
  • Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique: When Juan doesn't give him the answers he wants, he throws him to the ground in order to get him to talk. Too bad for him Juan is also a chupacabra.
  • Leave No Witnesses: His other motive for trying to kill Paloma.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Because of his vendetta, he escalates a raid twice by firing without authorization. The second time forces the protagonists to invoke Let's Get Dangerous!. If not for him, Flux could have gotten what they wanted, and the kids would have become non-threats.
  • Smug Snake: He clearly seems to be enjoying himself when he interrogates Juan (and later threatens to shoot Paloma).
  • Skewed Priorities: He seems to be more upset that his nose got bitten off by a chupacabra than the fact he almost lost his life to said chupacabra.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: He's only trying to stop Sarkov's experiments from causing harm to others.
  • Would Hurt a Child: He's all too willing to kill Paloma in order to get information from Juan (and also to ensure there are no witnesses). Juan does not take this well.


    Isabel Finch (spoilers) 
Played by: Kyra Zagorsky
A mysterious woman who is targeting scientists, as well as the alter-ego of Sydney Burke.

  • Anti-Hero: Becomes one towards the end of the series, taking down Crain while the main characters try and get cured.
  • Ax-Crazy: She clearly seems to be enjoying herself when she kills the scientists, and she is definitely a violent woman.
  • Berserk Button:
    • Scientists (especially Sarkov) easily set her off.
    • She doesn't like when people turn against her, either.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: She makes her first appearance as a minor character in "Sarkov's Children", where she argues with Alex Sarkov over the morality of his experiments, before becoming a major character throughout the rest of the series.
  • Dark Is Evil: Generally dresses in black and acts as an antagonist in the series.
  • Deadpan Snarker: She can engage in quite a bit of snark when it suits her, and often engages in some Snark-to-Snark Combat.
  • Even Evil Has Standards:
    • If there's one thing she and Burke agree on, it's that Crain has got to go.
    • In 'Destroy All Monsters', she mentions that even she finds Sarkov lying to Juan about Tilda's supposed death "cold".
  • Faux Affably Evil: She acts friendly towards others, but she's still a murderous psychopath.
  • Jekyll & Hyde: She is the alter-ego of Sydney Burke.
  • Manipulative Bastard: She's able to easily manipulate Hannah into helping her take down rogue scientists.
  • Not Quite Dead: She's seemingly destroyed in "Destroy All Monsters" when Sarkov's cure restores Burke to normal. Unfortunately, it turns out that while the shapeshifting may be gone, the Finch persona isn't, and she subsequently resurfaces and takes over Burke's body.
  • Split-Personality Takeover: The end of the series reveals that she has taken over Sydney Burke's body.
  • Tranquil Fury: Pretty much her default emotional state: she's generally quite calm (even when interacting with "rogue scientists"), but it's clear she is still angry.
  • Walking Spoiler: It would be difficult to talk about her without revealing that she's a physical embodiment of Sydney Burke's id
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: She may be killing scientists, but she's just trying to stop them from experimenting on people.

    Hannah Moore 
Played by: Celina Martin

Another patient in the wellness program.

  • Deadpan Snarker: She is often quite sarcastic, at times.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: She is initially very aloof and hostile to attempts to befriend her, but she eventually warms up to Abbi.
  • The Mole: Acts as this to Isabel Finch between "Doug of the Dead" and "Zoe Must be Destroyed".
  • My God, What Have I Done?: She is horrified when she learns that she has helped Isabel Finch murder innocent (albeit morally ambiguous) scientists.
  • Queer Establishing Moment: She is shown to be attracted to Abbi when she thinks she's affected by her pheromones, as Tilda points out that Abbi just sprayed herself, so her feelings are genuine.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Becomes one to Isabel Finch between "Doug of the Dead" and "Zoe Must Be Destroyed".

    Darcy Cobourg 
Played by: Junnicia Lagoutin
"It's not an "It", it's a majestic, noble beast and it has every right to exist"

Juan's girlfriend at the start of the series.

  • Admiring the Abomination: She definitely has some admiration for Juan's chupacabra form, as she refers to it as a "majestic, noble beast", and believes it has just as much right to exist as any other creature. She even draws a picture of her and "chupi" embracing each-other.
  • Amicable Exes: Despite breaking up with Juan part way through the series, she still texts him (as shown at the end of "Destroy All Monsters"), implying that she still views him as a friend.
  • Deadpan Snarker: She has her moments of this, usually in regards to Juan, and their relationship with each other.
  • The Ditz: She obsesses over "Chupi" without seeing how dangerous he is (even when Juan tells her multiple times). However, she is right when she says that "Chupi" is trying to protect his friends.
  • Hidden Depths: "Portland Warehouse Massacre" and "The Devil You Know" show her to be a talented artist, managing to make two accurate pictures of Chupi despite having only seen him briefly.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: In "One of Us", she tells the Flux agents where Juan is staying. Because of this, Sponson manages to locate Juan at Alejando's house to interrogate Juan and nearly kills Paloma (until Juan, in his chupacabra form, intervenes). Making matters worse: she also reveals to Benning that Juan can turn into a monster (something which Juan often tries to keep secret).
  • Nightmare Fetishist: She has a strange liking for monsters (which, according to Juan, started when her father took her to see Cocteau's version of "Beauty and the Beast"). This shows in "Portland Warehouse Massacre", where she refers to Juan's chupacabra form as "Chupi" (which Juan does not take to well), and even draws in-universe fan art of her and Chupi snuggling up with each other.
  • Put on a Bus: She leaves Juan part way through "Cure All", and does not appear after that. However, she does text him at the end of "Destroy All Monsters".
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: She decides to leave Juan after the latter almost (accidently) attacked her in "Cure All".
  • Skewed Priorities: In "Portland Warehouse Massacre", she seems to prioritise making an accurate drawing of "Chupi" over her own safety and well being.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: In "Portland Warehouse Massacre", she calls out Juan for seeing his chupacabra form as nothing more than a dangerous monster. Juan throws one right back at her for seeing it as a "noble beast", rather than prioritising her own safety.
  • You Are Better Than You Think You Are: Her argument with Juan in "Portland Warehouse Massacre" has shades of this (especially in regards to how she sees Juan and "Chupi" as one individual rather than as two separate entities as Juan does).

    Nate Lang 
Played by: Kai Bradbury
One of the biohackers at the Portland Warehouse
  • Arc Villain: Of both "Portland Warehouse Massacre" and "Cure All"
  • Asshole Victim: Admit it, he deserved what he got after all he did to the main characters
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: He gets his brains melted by Tilda after she shrieks at him over the phone.
  • Dead Person Impersonation: He impersonates one of Sarkov's test subjects who died prior to the events of "Portland Warehouse Massacre"
  • Sole Survivor: The only one of the Portland scientists to survive in "Portland Warehouse Massacre".

Played by:

One of the scientists at the Portland Warehouse.

  • Asshole Victim: She pretty much deserved to be eaten by Juan (in his chupacabra form) after she tortured him and tried to kill his friends. This is even lampshaded by Tilda in "One of Us".
  • Cassandra Truth: She doesn't believe Juan is a Chupacabra when he tells her.
  • Co-Dragons: with Melanie to Nate Lang.
  • Cold-Blooded Torture: She uses an electric cattle-prod/taser style device in order to get information from Juan.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Easily the most sarcastic of the three Portland scientists, especially during her interrogation of Juan.
    "You're constipated, is that your problem?"
  • Failed a Spot Check: She's so focused on eliminating Abbi and Tilda that she doesn't notice Juan transforming behind her. This, of course, ends up costing her life.
  • Just Desserts: She dies by being Eaten Alive by Juan (in his chupacabra form) after she threatens to kill his friends if the didn't do as she asks.
  • Oh, Crap!: her reaction when she sees Juan's chupacabra form standing right behind her.
  • Only in It for the Money: implied: at one point she mentions that Sarkov's stem cells could be worth billions, and that she's not going to let that go.
  • Too Dumb to Live: She refuses to believe Juan is a chupacabra despite being in a series where people have unusual powers and later threatens to kill Juan's friends right in front of him without paying any attention as to what's happening around her.
  • Villainous Breakdown: She goes through one towards the end of "Portland Warehouse Massacre". Starting when she starts torturing Juan to get him to reveal his side effects, and ending when Juan (in his chupacabra form) kills her.

    Alejendro Ruiz 
Played by: Diego Stredel
Juan's older brother

    Paloma Ruiz 
Juan's young niece

  • Cheerful Child: She rarely shows any signs of anger or sadness, and the only time she shows any sign of fear is when she sees Sponson about to shoot her.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: She only appears in two episodes (three, if you count the ending of "Portland Warehouse Massacre"), but she helps Juan to realise just how selfish he was being towards his brother. And, if it weren't for Sponson trying to kill her, Juan likely wouldn't have found out what makes him change.

    Owen Schultz 
Played by: Wesley Mac Innes
Another one of Sarkov's "experiments", who is invulnerable to most things (except for chlorine gas).

    Dr. Hallenbeck (Spoilers) 
Played by: Rhys Nicholson

The scientist who created Alex Sarkov.

  • Evil Old Folks: He's and elderly man and is responsible for creating Alex Sarkov. He also doesn't seem to care too much about his "experiments" (unlike Sarkov, who appears to have some sympathy for them).
  • Greater-Scope Villain: He's the one who created Alex Sarkov and, as a result, is indirectly responsible for the events of the series.
  • Last-Name Basis: He is only referred to as "Dr. Hallenbeck", with his last name not being revealed.
  • Morally Ambiguous Doctorate: He's a geneticist who experiments on humans (and is also responsible for the creation of Alex Sarkov).
  • Walking Spoiler: The fact he even exists is a spoiler, let alone the fact he created Alex Sarkov.

Tilda's boyfriend and a member of her band.

  • Bus Crash: He dies in a vehicle accident part way through "Cure All".
  • Cassandra Truth: At first, she doesn't believe Tilda has "Hyperacusis" when she tells him. However, he starts to believe her after she shows that she can hear him even when whispering.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Most of his dialogue often contains a few witty remarks.
  • Only Known by Initials: His full name is never revealed in the episode, and he's only referred to as "P.J."
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: "Cure All" reveals that he has arachnophobia (fear of spiders).
