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Analysis / Here We Go Again!

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List of common ways Here We Go Again! can apply.

  • Illness: Alice is sick and when she gets better, they're about to celebrate, but then Bob gets sick.
  • Injury: Alice gets a splinter, the whole episode is about trying to get it out. Once it's out, she either gets another one or Bob gets one.
  • Hiccups: The episode has Hiccup Hijinks when Alice gets the hiccups. When they finally go away, Bob gets the hiccups.
  • Destroyed, broken or dirty object:
    • Alice rips her shirt. When she finally fixes it, it rips again.
    • Alice is Carrying a Cake for Bob, but the cake gets destroyed. She finally gets Bob a new cake, but then that one gets destroyed.
    • Alice spills something all over the rug. When she finally gets it cleaned, Bob spills something all over the rug.
  • Don't do something-did it anyway-chaos ensues-fix it-someone's about to do it: Alice presses the Big Red Button, putting everyone in danger. When the world is saved, Bob asks "What Does This Button Do?".
  • Villains: Alice and Bob defeat Emperor Evulz, but in the end, he's shown with a different Evil Plan.
  • Noise: Alice accidentally turns on a noisy machine she doesn't know how to turn off, which wakes up a baby who cries, which wakes up a dog. When she's finally got everything quiet, Bob accidentally turns on the machine.
  • Demanding character: Alice and Bob are babysitting a Bratty Half-Pint named Charlie. They go to great lengths to get him this snack but then he says he wants more.
