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Tear Jerker / True Capitalist

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Ghost: Oh man, I'm telling ya, you guys are really gonna- y-y-you're gonna drive me to drink, man. You're gonna drive me to dri-GIMMETHEMIC - *CANS.WAV* - ...Look, I got the free will, and I've got the will to do this right now, and-and not drink. But I'm know. I don't know how much longer I can do this, man. I'm gonna be honest with you. I don't know how much longer I can stay sober. This is very, very tough...I-I-I don't want any sympathy, I'm not trying to get people to feel sorry for me, I never thought I had this much of a problem. I-I never realised that, until I tried to stop, and I'm ashamed of myself. I'm gonna be honest with you, I'm ashamed of myself.
  • On April 25th, 2017, his wife got involved in a car accident and Ghost had to cancel the 496th episode. In response of the news, many serious callers and trolls sent well wishes to the host himself.
  • The end of the show on BTR, and especially the show tags Ghost used on the show page such as #Goodbye. After 10 years being on this site, it's sad to see Ghost go, but at the same time the show will go on somewhere out there.
  • This article on, outlining the reason on why Ghost had been gone. His dog Templeton died of cancer.
