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What An Idiot / RLYoshi

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Let's Plays

  • Borderlands 2
    • In a moment Max wouldn't let him forget, Jero arrives to see Max and Rhino incapacitated and a few enemies around them.
      • You'd Expect: Him to run up to one of them to revive them, or at least stand back and let them get their second winds by killing the enemies.
      • Instead: He kills the enemies so they can't get their second winds.
      • You'd Then Expect: Him to at least pick them up afterwards.
      • Instead: He walks away and they both die.
      Max: Jero, you are not a bro!
  • Pokémon Showdown Tournament
    • In the final battle, it comes down to Squillistipated against Zero. The battle is close, but Zero gets Squill down to one Pokémon, that being his Klefki.
      • You'd Expect: The Klefki to have some offensive moves, so Squill could have a chance at winning or at least go down fighting.
      • Instead: Squill reveals it has no attacking moves. The music lampshades this.
      • Possibly Justified: Competitive players sometimes have a Pokémon with no offensive moves meant purely for status effects or setups. It's a rare but risky occurrence for that to end up as their only remaining fighter.
  • Fortune Street
    • In Yoshi's Island, Max offers a trade to Rhino, offering a property Rhino has use for in exchange for a property Max has no use for but Jero would want.
      • You'd Expect: Rhino to realize Max is likely setting up to trade with Jero, who's really good at the game and who Max tends to somewhat team up with, and refuse.
      • Instead: Rhino accepts the deal. Max then gives the property to Jero in exchange for one Dan would have use for, which he holds on to for later. This all indirectly results in Rhino going bankrupt down the line after a terrible game, and Jero winning.
  • The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes
    • The Big Bomb Outfit makes people's bombs do double damage and have a wider range.
      • You'd Expect: Them to not use the outfit because they already have trouble with friendly fire.
      • Instead: When bombs appear, frequently one of them chooses the outfit.
      • To Be Fair: Usually it's Dan or Rhino, who are more careful...
      • But: Sometimes Max decides to do it, despite him being fully aware he's a bit of an accidental Mad Bomber.
  • GTA Online
    • One for both Max and Rhino. In the finale of the Pacific Standard heist, the group has to escape on motorcycles. Four are provided, one for each of them. Max and Jero are carrying the money they robbed. When all of them taking separate bikes fails, Max thinks they should team up, and have himself and Jero controlling the motorcycles so Dan and Rhino can be their backup. Rhino, conversely, thinks he and Dan should drive.
      • You'd Expect: Them to explain their reasoning for their thoughts, and maybe reach a compromise of "one idea first, the other if it fails" like they've done before. Or just one of them to give in and do the other's idea.
      • Instead: Rhino only gives the reason for him driving the motorcycle as, almost verbatim, "I'm better at it than you". Ignoring the obvious (possibly unintended) insult, this is in no way good enough to completely deflect Max's argument... but Max doesn't get his argument out very well, letting his anger with Rhino's reasoning overcome him. He finally explains that since Max and Jero are carrying the money, their deaths might end the mission immediately rather than just using a team life, so having someone behind them to soak up bullets is a good idea. The issue is that dying doesn't immediately end the mission (Max even dies during it), and Max refuses to acknowledge Rhino's driving skill which he would often praise before this, just saying Rhino is being prideful. As a result, they end up dying again by just going on separate bikes. Had Rhino given better reasons, or Max kept his temper in check, or anyone known about the dying, they would have completed it much faster.
      • Also Worth Noting: When they finally teamed up on the bikes, both were proven wrong - both Max and Rhino were the worst drivers, with Rhino ending up far behind the others and not on his bike anymore while Max crashed into everything and let Dan take over.

Minecraft Hardcore

  • Tim's death. The group discovers an Enderman outside their house during the daytime. While they do need Ender Pearls eventually, they are in no way equipped to take Endermen on yet.
    • You'd Expect: No one to attack the Enderman.
    • Instead: Tim walks up and punches it for no apparent reason despite a lack of tools. So he gets attacked.
    • You'd Then Expect: Tim to jump into the nearby water since Endermen can't go in water.
    • Instead: He stands under a tree that's too tall to shelter him, then backs away toward a wall before getting killed.
  • Max's death. He, Rhino, and Silver are mining when Rhino comes across a cave.
    • You'd Expect: Max to look around carefully, re-equip his shield, and keep an eye on his surroundings.
    • Instead: Max charges in with torches in his off hand and is promptly bombed by a Creeper from behind.
    • However: Because of the way the shield works, that wouldn't have really helped, since the Creeper got him from behind, and the way Rhino tried to warn him ("Look out! Creeper!") would've done nothing because there was also a Creeper in front of Max, so he likely wouldn't have turned around. (Though he still could've been more careful, considering this was the first actual cave he'd ventured into since Helm's Deep.)

Let's Race

  • Battletoads (4-way between Max, Dan, Rhino, and Jero)
    • It's stated at the start that, at the start of a section where there's a warp, you are to make a save state that you can revert to in case you accidentally take the warp, as they are banned for the race.
      • You'd Expect: This rule to be followed.
      • Instead: Three of the four of them follow it, or just don't end up screwed by it. Dan never makes a save state, accidentally takes the warp in Karnath's Lair, and has to start the whole game over again.
      • Despite That: He curbstomps the others in the race, to the point where this almost seems like a deliberate mess-up to give the others a fighting chance (or a laugh).
    • Later on, in Intruder Excluder (the elevator shaft), there are robotic enemies that shoot lightning bolts to the side with a specific timing. They can be ducked under. Rhino finds these enemies, but gets hit by the lightning.
      • You'd Expect: Rhino to attempt to duck under the bolts, or mention the enemies so someone else can point out that he can duck under them.
      • Instead: He just silently keeps running at them, tanking hits and dying frequently, eventually falling behind Max.
  • Super Mario 64 (Max vs Rhino)
    • Max tries to get the hundred coins in Lethal Lava Land, but dies very close to the end.
      • You'd Expect: Max to go try a different star to make up for lost time, and come back later.
      • Instead: He jumps back in and keeps trying and failing, wasting more time.
