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WMG / Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

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The main characters in San Andreas are based on famous 90s Gangsta Rappers

Some of these are more obvious than others;

Ryder is Eazy-E by any other name, given the obvious physical resemblence, and the parallel between Ryder and E in 'betraying' the hood and chasing money;

Big Smoke is the Notorious B.I.G.

Sweet is Dr.Dre, with a physical resemblence and intense loyalty to his 'roots'

CJ is Tupac. There is a slight resemblence, it fits well with Tupac's mythos of being a warrior against the world, the fight against Big Smoke is similar to the rivalry with Biggie Smalls and later games give hints that CJ may or may not be dead, parodying the myths that Tupac is alive still.

Madd Dogg is Snoop Dogg.

The Green stuff from area 69 is Valkyr

Green viscous fluid? Military origin? Post-desert storm?

CJ's mom was a Black Panther or GTA equivalent

maybe even a high-ranking one who for one reason or another had to flee to South Central LS

with a mistrust of the law, and a strong sense of revolutionary activism, she founded or possibly co-founded the Families note  as a gang to self police the community.

Under her leadership they may have gotten involved with things such as racketeering or theft as a form of taxation to fund their protection of the community, but not drugs as that would have severely negatively affected the community.

Her kids (the ones we see) each have a different aspect of her outlook and philosophy

Sweet shares her sense of community wanting to protect and serve the hood

CJ holds her belief that one shouldn't be held back by their circumstances, as shown by his constant attempts to better his standing

and Kendl understands her dislike of having to resort to criminal behavior to get by

though the game begins with her death her influence remains throughout

Ryder wasn't originally planned to be traitor

  • Unlike Big Smoke, Ryder never shows any suspicious behavior prior to the reveal. Ryder is almost never mentioned; CJ usually just talks about Smoke. Most likely R* made him a traitor to kill him off because they had no further use for his character.
    • Supported in that post-betrayal, all his lines sound suspiciously like generic lines for him to use in missions. Also worth noting that in contrast to Big Smoke's missions, which primarily benefit Big Smoke himself and C.R.A.S.H., Ryder's missions have an active positive effect on the Grove Street Families, getting them equipped with better weapons and more high-quality gear. Not to mention, radio broadcasts following The Green Sabre mission mention that top Grove Street Families members got arrested or died, which considering that the only one such member present at the shootout, Sweet, got arrested, and CJ obviously could not die either, that can only imply that Ryder was initially supposed to die during that mission defending the Grove Street Families at that moment rather than betraying them along with Smoke.
    • Another thing: in "The Introduction", Ryder is seen firing back at the Green Sabre.

CJ is a Newtype.

  • Given that CJ, who is otherwise a regular gangbanger from a video game equivalent to Compton, is somehow able to perfectly operate a military VTOL aircraft with no experience at all amongst other feats, its easy to see some Newtype (or Coordinator) potential in him.

CJ never truly loved any of the girlfriends besides Denise.

He was just using them for their benefits, such as the heists pulled with Catalina and getting the card from Millie. He remained faithful to Denise the whole time.

The mission Supply Lines is created by snoopy.

The reason the plane you controlled is The Red Baron and this mission is so Heinously hard meaning Snoopy wants to Take revenge on Same baron and to prove us that the Baron was the worst Flying ace ever.

Tenpenny is Tat Lawson from Menace II Society.

  • Tat faked his death, changed his name to Frank Tenpenny, and became a police officer prior to the 90s. In "Catalyst", he mentions his wife loves PCP, and Tat's wife was a drug addict.

There's a reason Toreno chose to use CJ specifically.

One of the things Toreno wants to do is prevent hard drugs like crack and heroin from causing even more problems in Los Santos. To do so, he wants to ensure the Families (one of the few street gangs adamantly against hard drugs) are the dominant crime organization in LS. Remember: it's only after he takes CJ's wallet (and subsequently looks him up) that he indirectly contacts him, teaches him how to fly, how to fight in a guerilla warfare manner against daunting and numerous enemies and supplies him with weapons, cash, and a military jet.

Berkley doesn't exist - Zero made him up as a way to make his life seem more exciting.

  • Berkley only seems to appear after CJ and his friends get involved in Zero's life.
  • Berkley has no personality and no definition outside of what Zero provides.
  • Nobody other than Zero ever meets, speaks to, or sees Berkley, even during the mission he's supposedly present for.
  • All the things Berkley is credited as doing are things Zero could easily do or set up as well. The planes that attack Zero's roof are the same type that Zero himself uses. Those Berkley RC vans? Well, Zero happens to be friends with a bunch of guys who run a garage that can paint vehicles. The 'war' CJ has to help Zero with? It's not beyond an RC nut like Zero to control two RC vehicles at a time, or just hire someone else to play Berkley's role. Not to mention Berkley's unexpected intrusion at the Caligula heist happens to affect the exact thing Zero was responsible for.
  • Berkley's actions are designed to create tension and suspense rather than do any real harm or cause any inconvenience.
  • Berkley doesn't react logically to Zero's actions. His reaction to someone blowing up his delivery vans, employees, and inventory amounts to 'Let's have a convoluted, elaborate RC duel for supremacy' and he never calls the police despite that, even when he learns of Zero's involvement in a major casino robbery.
  • Zero sounded a lot less concerned about being stuck in a closet than he should be, suggesting he wasn't there very long. He might have known Carl was coming in and would investigate, despite 'trying' to get Carl to leave.
  • Even the name 'Berkley' is awfully reminiscent of Berkeley, California, which is quite close to San Francisco, the city San Fierro is modeled after.
  • Despite being plenty profitable, Zero RC doesn't become an asset until after the Berkley chain of missions is complete. Maybe it's 'not making money' because Zero is spending that money setting up those missions.
All this suggests that 'Berkley' is a fiction designed to create action, tension, and excitement in Zero's otherwise unsuccessful, boring, unfulfilling life. 'Berkley' is a way for Zero to feel that his passions have value and that his life is as important and perilous as his new friends' lives.
Big Smoke is such a Big Eater because he has a case of the munchies.
The reason that OG Loc disappeared from public after the events of the game, is that he went back to prison, but on much more serious charges this time
First off, during the opening cutscene of the mission House Party Loc either quits or (more likely) is fired from his job at the Burger Shot, which would violate his parole agreement. Second, and much more importantly, the mission Cut Throat Business ends with Jimmy Silverman, one of the executives of Blastin' Fools Records, offering to help Madd Dogg sue Loc for stealing his rhyme book and claiming ownership of his unreleased songs. Combine this with the fact this would most likely tie Loc to the many murders that CJ performed inside Madd Dogg's mansion in order to steal the book in the first place, and the fact that the reason Sweet was Loc's manager was so that he could use Loc to launder his drug money, and Loc probably went to prison for a long time.
