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Trope Co / Our Slashers Are Different

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Sick of trying to breed and train your own Serial Killers? Well don't worry, we've got you covered.

Hi, I'm Mark. Mark Defnitleenotavillan, Maker of Monsters and founder of Trope Co.Our Monsters Are Different. As you try to make your way to the ordinary world, you look to the shadows in your closet or trees standing in the window for Things That Go "Bump" in the Night, only to come to the horrible realization that Humans Are the Real Monsters.

Introducing Our Slashers Are Different™! With Our Slashers Are Different™, your Slasher Movie can become an instant classic and iconic franchise full of sequels, base-breaking remakes, comic books, video games and more!

Our Slashers Are Different™ comes in six unique flavors for added suspense:

May contain Slasher Smiles, Offscreen Teleportation, nuts and gratuitous use of the word "Bitch!" Overuse of Our Slashers Are Different™ may result in Sequelitis. Please keep different breeds of Our Slashers Are Different™ separate lest Crossovers ensue. Trope Co.® is not responsible for any murders, deaths, suicides or Genre Fatigue that may occur when using Our Slashers Are Different™. Final Girl™ not included.
