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Trivia / Transformers: Generation 2

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  • Creator Backlash: The longtime writer Simon Furman wasn't overly impressed with how G2 panned out, so he eventually wrote The Transformers: Regeneration One to replace it as a sequel to the original Marvel series.
  • Out of Order: How the original cartoon was treated for this series. Beyond the three-part pilot, none of the episodes (which consisted of the majority of Seasons 1 and 2, with "The Ultimate Weapon", "Starscream's Ghost" and "Fight or Flee" from Season 3 thrown in for good measure) were released in their intended order. Ending its run with "City of Steel" as the finale.
  • Screwed by the Network: Disputed; some fans believe the series was selling quite well, but Marvel canned it anyway because it didn't meet some very unreasonable sales expectations. The toyline was a lot less ambiguous; its sales were poor from day one, and over the next two years, it became very clear Hasbro was running out of ideas, stooping as low as to make what equated to transforming Hot Wheels cars and putting cringeworthy rapping into the commercials. The entire brand's number, it seemed, was up, until Beast Wars was introduced.
