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Recap / Transformers G 1 Fight Or Flee

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Cyclonus and Scourge stumble upon the uncharted planet of Paradron, which is home to a lost colony of Autobots and vast supply of energon. The Decepticons take control of Paradron by exploiting the planet's pacifistic ways and enslave the local population. A Paradronian named Sandstorm escapes and seeks help from the Autobots, who will prevent Paradron from falling under Decepticon control by any means necessary.


  • Bittersweet Ending: The Autobots are forced to destroy Paradron to prevent the Decepticons from having control over the planet's resources, turning the entire Paradronian race into refugees. The planet is successfully evacuated and the other Autobots are happy to let them stay on Cybertron, but the loss of their homeworld is still a heavy blow.
  • Earth-Shattering Kaboom: The Autobots detonate Paradron's energon core to stop the Decepticons from using the planet's resources to conquer the galaxy. The explosion blows up the entire planet, forcing the Paradronians to evacuate their homeworld and seek refuge on Cybertron.
  • Easily Conquered World: The Paradronians don't offer much resistance to the Decepticons thanks to their pacifist beliefs. Galvatron is able to enslave the entire planet's population with little effort since they don't even think about fighting back.
  • The Farmer and the Viper: The Paradronians offer Cyclonus and Scourge their hospitality and help patch them up after they crash-landed on their planet. The two don't return the Paradronian's kindness, instead taking note of the planet's rich supply of energon and seeing their non-violent ways as an open invitation to conquer the entire planet.
  • Lost Colony: The Paradronians were a group of Autobots who left Cybertron during the fourth great war to seek a more peaceful planet to call home. They settled on Paradron and lived in peace for millions of years isolated from the rest of Cybertron until Cyclonus and Scourge crashed on their planet.
  • Mistaken for Afterlife: After seeing Paradron and its peaceful inhabitants, Scourge briefly wonders if he and Cyclonus have died and ended up in the afterlife:
    Scourge: You don't think this is what happens when you get deactivated, do you?
    Cyclonus: Who knows, Scourge. Who knows...
  • Mood Whiplash: Ultra Magnus goes from admiring the beauty of Paradron's core to planting the explosives that will blow it up in a few seconds:
    Ultra Magnus: I've never seen anything this beautiful in the entire galaxy. Alright, give me the bomb.
  • No Man Should Have This Power: Since splitting the Autobot forces to defend Paradron would spread them out even thinner, and leaving them to the Decepticons would doom the universe, Rodimus evacuates Paradron and destroys it.
  • No Sympathy: Rodimus is shockingly callous to the Paradronians mourning the loss of their homeworld after it's blown up:
    Sandstorm: It's as beautiful in death as it was in life.
    Rodimus: Well, no need to get all mushy. Cybertron's a better place anyway. Not so... perfect.
  • Pacifism Breaking Point: The Paradronians are enslaved by the Decepticons after failing to resist against their conquest of Paradron. Sandstorm and the other Autobots free them and offer them weapons, convincing them that the time has come for them to actually fight for their world.
    Paradronian: We don't believe in fighting. You know what the ancients taught us, Sandstorm. Fighting only begets more fighting.
    Sandstorm: The Decepticons are using our energon to destroy! Believe me, our forefathers would take up arms and fight!
  • Pacifism Is Cowardice: When Cyclonus and Scourge discover the Paradronians are not armed, the two reach the conclusion that the entire planet would be easy pickings since it's filled with pacifists.
    Scourge: Have I got the wrong idea, or are these guys a bunch of wimps?
    Cyclonus: Yes, they appear to be wimps.
  • Shoot the Dog: When the Autobots are unable to force the Decepticons to retreat from Paradron, Rodimus orders the planet's core to be blown up to prevent Paradron's supply of energon from falling into the Decepticon's hands. Sandstorm points out that will destroy his homeworld, but Rodimus sees no other option.
    Sandstorm: That'll destroy the entire planet!
    Rodimus: I know, Sandstorm. But if the Decepticons get this planet, every other planet in the universe is vulnerable.
  • Title Drop: While rallying the Paradronians to take up arms against the Decepticons, Rodimus shouts that they're running out of time and they can either "fight or flee".
