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Tear Jerker / Kevin & Kell

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Kevin & Kell by Bill Holbrook
Tropes: A to B | C to I | J to R | S to Z
Not every story has a happy ending.
As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • The original Danielle Kindle's Heroic Sacrifice and funeral
    George Fennec: And people asked why I paid for a marker made of a conductive metal...
  • Finding out why Ralph can't hunt.
    Ralph: I began teasing my prey... talking to her... Next thing we knew, we were secretly in love...and expecting!
    Corrie: She died giving birth to me?
  • The fight between Rudy and Bruno after Bruno comes out as trans-diet. The fight sequence has no dialogue, and each panel is half dedicated to the fight, with the other half showing their first meeting as babies and their decision to be friends forever. The final panel delivers a punchline, but it's heartbreaking nonetheless.
    • Put it in a real world context with the implications, and it becomes much worse.
  • Kell gets fired as CEO of Herd Thinners, and there's one specific individual she needs to see before anyone else.
    • The whole process leading up to Kell being fired was an awful and painful Surprisingly Realistic Outcome moment. Her idealistic ideas were to create a company that not only employed the entire food chain, but also worked to make lives better for everyone. And like with so many well meaning businesses, it was shattered because of greedy execs more loyal to old ideas than their fellows. (The pain is lessened slightly since she was able to found Dewclaw's fine meats alongside the two hundred plus employees of Herd Thinners who left with her out of loyalty, showing that her ideals, though they may seem out of place in a judgemental world of predator and prey, have had an impact.)
  • Corrie and Bruno giving up on having children naturally. Lindesfarne's Fourth-Wall Mail Slot explained they discovered she had the genetic defect that led to her mother's Death by Childbirth with her. It implied that the defect was also making it difficult for them to conceive in the first place.
  • Spork being reminded that his dung beetle co-workers don't have much longer to live after they escaped to Alaska and went to work at Marty's branch at Dewclaw's up there. They stay with him until their deaths, and entrust him with their children—at that point just eggs—who will continue their work.
