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Tear Jerker / Falling Down

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  • Foster's realization that he is in fact the bad guy.
    Foster: ...I'm the bad guy?
  • "I would'a got you..." Last words spoken by Foster before his death.
  • Prendergast talking about his daughter and her death. He took a desk job because his wife was worried of him dying next, and instead of understanding this, his coworkers and boss speak to him like he's a coward and stigmatize him for it. Since then, Prendergast got nothing but shit from his coworkers for terrible reasons. On his last day there? They filled his desk with cat litter, turds and all. The fact that they're absolutely corrupt and he's the one good cop left shows how screwed that department is.
  • In the scene before the confrontation at the pier, Foster was watching family videos, each of which shows just how miserable his daughter and wife were with him and how his attempts to keep trying to force them to do what he wanted just made the rift grow worse. His daughter clearly didn't want to be near him, nor with the cake and the toy horse he bought for her birthday. His marriage was also unhappy, as he kept insisting that his wife loved the pier when her expressions showed otherwise.
  • The fact that Foster's own mother was scared of the possibility of him killing her at the dinner table, simply for being unable to eat due to the sheer terror she feels from him.
  • As terrible as Foster's actions are, his situation is still unenviable: he is divorced from his wife, separated from his daughter, stuck living with his mom, and downsized from a job and unable to find another one.
  • The home video shots before the credits rolls. The puppy he bought for his daughter was the one time they were all happy together as a family. It heightens the fear factor because, at the end of the day, he really was just an average guy at the end of his rope.
  • "Don't forget me..."
  • As bad as Foster's was to her, his ex-wife is still upset to have to throw a party for her daughter on the day he was shot dead. While Prendergast advises Beth to throw the party and tell Adele what happened later, Adele is gonna have to grow up knowing her father committed so many crimes and was shot dead on her own birthday.
