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Funny / Falling Down

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  • The Korean store owner trying to explain what happened to the police.
    Owner: The guy crazy. I told him "Take my money". He said no. He call me a thief.
  • Foster walking into Whammy Burger (an ersatz McDonalds) and demanding breakfast. When the smarmy manager refuses (they stopped serving breakfasts just 3 minutes ago and clearly had plenty of ready breakfasts sitting on the warmer), he pulls out a TEC-9 and holds the place up then begins calmly demanding a breakfast while chatting with the patrons. At one point he accidentally discharges it into the ceiling and has to calm everyone down by telling he didn't intend to do that.
    Foster: It's alright! It's an accident! It's a sensitive trigger!
    • Foster calmly walking around the diner clutching a TEC-9 and asking people how they're enjoying their lunch while everyone is frozen and convinced he's about to kill someone is Nightmare Fuel, but it also Crosses the Line Twice so hard that it's hilarious.
      Foster: Enjoying your meal? [to a young boy] How 'bout you, son? Is it good? [to a woman] And you, ma'am? How's the food?
      Woman: [stress-vomits]
      Foster: Looks like we have a critic!
    • The old guy who sees Foster produce a machine-gun from a bag and immediately abandons his terrified wife to make for the front door, leaving her to be a hostage. Foster catches him, berates him and makes him sit back down with her.
    • The flirtatous gaze Sheila (the counter girl) gives to Foster throughout the scene. She knows the restaurant's policy is bullshit.
    • The little black kid who sheepishly raises his hand when Foster berates the staff for having such sad-looking burgers and asks "Can anybody tell me what is wrong in this picture?"
    • And the absolute funniest detail about the scene? After scaring the shit out of everybody there, Foster just changes his mind in the end and goes for a burger and fries instead.
  • Foster's mishandling of a rocket launcher.
    • To add on to that, a kid teaches him how to use it, pointing out that he saw one being used on TV.
  • Before the rocket launcher scene, Foster walks past a douche yelling at people while stuck in traffic. Foster deservedly punches him out cold and continues on his merry way. For added funny, the man is played by the film’s writer, Ebbe Roe Smith.
  • "Hey, you forgot the briefcase! YOU FORGOT THE BRIEFCASE!!"
  • Foster shooting up a pay phone after use because an angry man yells at him to hurry up and get off.
  • Though the character is creepy and undoubtably malicious, the Neo Nazi gun store owner is pretty funny just by how over-the-top racist and homophobic he is. Every line he says is said with such perfect ham.
  • Foster firing a shotgun at an old man's golf cart when he tries to hit him with a golf ball, causing him to have a heart attack and the golf cart to malfunction and speed off into a water hazard. As the cart rolls into the hazard, the old man begs for his pills, which are in the golf cart.
    Foster: Bad news. Your little cart's gonna drown. And now you're gonna die wearing that stupid little hat! How does it feel?
  • The guy who pesters Foster for money in the park who claims he hasn't eaten in three days - except for the sandwich he is currently eating. He also claims he was in 'Nam despite being about 30, makes up a story about a car when he doesn't have one, much less a license to drive one, and is just a terrible liar all around and a pushy asshole. Foster calling him out on every single lie and denying him any help is just deliciously satisfying.
  • The doodle on the Hawaiian tropic Billboard of the head sticking out of a bikini saying "help"
