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Headscratchers / Falling Down

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  • How come Foster, who's been working in the military industry for most of his life, has no idea how to operate a LAW M72 rocket launcher? Even if Foster was in the guided missile branch, you can hardly qualify for a profession, which basically requires you to have rather broad knowledge and interest in modern warfare. And the M72 is a rather primitive weapon to use.
    • He states that he built missiles, presumably meaning weapons such as air-to-ground missiles for planes or ICBMs. Doesn't necessarily mean you have to have hands on experience with man portable weapons.
  • This may sound meaningless and petty but what's actually wrong about "shoveling food into yourself without any emotion"? Are we supposed to eat like anime schoolgirls?
    • We are supposed to smile a bit and make eye contact and talk to the person we're eating with. Eating is social. If someone totally switches off, everyone else at the table will suspect something is wrong. If that person is an emotionally-abusive man with severe anger management issues who may or may not be plotting a murder-suicide, everyone is gonna be even more nervous, and with good reason.
