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Heartwarming / Falling Down

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  • Detective Torres kindness and willingness to understand Prendergast's situation is a complete contrast of all the other assholes who are apart of his police department; It's no wonder she's his partner on the job.
  • Prendergast angrily punching the colleague who insulted his wife. Despite his frustration with her mental issues, Prendergast does care about his wife.
  • Foster, despite his violence, still has a few moments of sympathy, which show that even though he's going off the deep end, he hasn't completely lost his humanity.
    • Foster's compassion for a black man being denied a loan. He even uses the man's slogan, "economically unviable", to describe himself.
    • His concern for a kid's safety on the street after prematurely firing a bazooka.
    • Despite being somewhat bigoted, he is repulsed by the Neo-Nazi who gushes about his violence.
    • His unwillingness to take the father hostage when he offers himself as one or hurts his family at a plastic surgeon's house. He's even horrified with himself when he thinks he injured the poor girl.
    • His Suicide by Cop. He chose to not kill Prendergast, probably because he accepts Prendergast was right to call him out for his despicable actions.
