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Tear Jerker / Digimon: The Movie

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  • The scene where Greymon battles Parrotmon. Who doesn't want to cry when two kids are seeing their first Digimon have to duke it out and almost die? Of course, this soon turns into a Moment of Awesome when Tai wakes Greymon up the same way Kari awoke him (with her whistle), and he kicks that goddamn bird's ass.
  • When little Kari is crying out for the sacrificed Digimon who just saved her and her brother's life, and Tai's voice connects us to the future story, followed by this. A boy and his digimon.
  • Her dialogue just as sad in the dub... As Tai wakes up in the middle of the rubble, Kari is already awake, shouting for Greymon to stay and play horsey with her.
  • T.K.'s despair after Diaboromon knocks out Patamon. T.K. is simply distraught at Patamon being unable to respond and keeps telling himself he's coming to help him, with Matt having to tell him he simply can't, which leads to him having MetalGarurumon go on the offensive with even more motivation.
    • WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon appear to get killed by Diaboromon and his clones. For those who have watched the entire series up until this point it is heartbreaking to see them in such a state.
