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Funny / Digimon: The Movie

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First-world DigiDestined problems.
  • The conversation between the two truck drivers after they nearly hit Big Agumon and Kari:
    Truck Driver 1: Did you see that?!
    Truck Driver 2: (drowsily) No, I was sleeping.
    Truck Driver 1: But you're driving!
  • In a similar vein, Diaboromon's attack on the world's technology leads to this occurrence a grocery store:
    Cashier: Okay, that's one box of chocolate. Your total comes to one million, one hundred—HUH!? (looks at the register) Yeah, that's what it says. That must be really good chocolate! Paper or plastic?
    Buyer: (babbles in shock as he drops coins)
  • Tai's mom complaining about how "every electronic device has to have a bug in it". Oh if only you knew, Yuuko.
    • Tai's mom pretty much delivers way too many funny moments involving her atrocious food dishes. As seen here:
  • The increasingly annoyed phone operator Tai tries to speak to. He only got the same "lines are busy" messages in the original, whereas here:
    Phone Operator: All circuits are busy, try again later.
    (Tai tries again)
    Phone Operator: All circuits are busy, try again later.
    (Tai tries again)
    Phone Operator: All circuits are still busy.
    (Tai tries again)
    Phone Operator: (irritated) Didn't you hear me?!
    Tai: (visibly freaked out) But I-
    Phone Operator: IT'S BUSY!!!
    Tai: (meekly and defeated) I'm sorry, lady.
  • Izzy enjoying Mrs. Kamiya's strange recipes and helping her in the kitchen while Tai is frantically trying to call the others. (It bites him in the ass later.)
  • The reaction to Willis' story.
    Davis: (sobbing) That's the saddest story I've ever HEARD!
    Willis: I'm the one with the problem, not you. Get over it.
    Davis: (suddenly smiling) Okay!
    Willis: That was fast.
  • Davis, Veemon and Terriermon crashing into a sign.
  • Koromon leaving a surprise for the kids after it digivolves the first time.
    Tai: It can't get any worse!
    * farting noise; Kari lifts Koromon up to reveal a poop*
    Tai: It just got worse...
  • Veemon straining very hard, before bouncing back and saying:
    Veemon: I think I strained something trying to digivolve.
  • The dub has Yolei talking about her various uncles that can help her and her friends in America and the various restrictions they have to deal with.
  • Davis and Willis getting left behind by the pizza truck.
  • Also, Davis bonking DemiVeemon on the head for trying to figure out what Terriermon is by sniffing him.
    • And instead of being worried that Willis will freak out about being approached by a miniature dragon, Davis excuses DemiVeemon's behavior by saying that he's too young to know better. DemiVeemon, meanwhile, is an ancient Dragon Digimon and is thus actually pretty old, all things considered.
  • When Izzy asks if Tai knows what a semi-conductor is, Tai chimes in with:
  • Basically, the entire movie was full of Rapid-Fire Comedy. At one point, Tai and Izzy leave their computers, and when they get back, Tai's cat walks away from it, as the computer says, "Thank you for visiting meow! dot com".
  • Just after the battle with Diaboromon:
    Izzy: I'm... about... to barf!
    Tai: Wait till you try the cake.
  • During a scene that Izzy is away from the room, Tai gets frustrated at the losing battle against Diaboromon and hits the computer, causing it to blue screen. Cue epic Oh, Crap! face.
  • When Agumon and Tentomon are racing to deal with Infermon, this hilarious exchange occurs:
    Tentomon: Does this information super highway have a rest stop? I have to go!
    Agumon: [clearly annoyed] You should've gone before you left! JUST HOLD IT!
    • Soon after this happens:
    Tentomon: (whispering) [Keramon] doesn't know we're here yet.
    Agumon: (whispering) Let's sneak up quietly.
    Tentomon: (as loudly as physically possible) SUPER SHOCKER!!
    Agumon: That's quietly!?
  • Mimi's cameo in the dub; not only has she been on vacation in Hawaii long enough for letters to be overflowing from her mailbox, but she apparently didn't even tell any of her friends until after she got there. Tai doesn't find out until his mom gives him a postcard and (in the dub) Joe sent her what appears to be a love letter, which promptly falls out of her full-to-capacity mailbox.
  • When Tai tries to get Kari to come home from a friend's birthday party.
    Kari: You don't understand, the magician's coming soon and I already volunteered to be sawed in half!
    Tai: Well tell the half with legs to come home soon!
  • Tai isn't impressed when Izzy tells him Willis is studying university level classes in elementary school:
    Tai: So what? I'm in junior high school and I take classes in junior high school.
  • The ending is also pretty funny. Wendigomon is dancing to "All Star" by Smash Mouth and Willis responds with "He's tone-deaf!" For added Hilarious in Hindsight points, this movie came out six months before Shrek made "All Star" one of its Signature Songs.
  • The "Kids in America" music video after the movie ends has a brief scene where Greymon is trying to swipe popcorn from one of the musicians.
  • When Izzy arrives at Tai’s apartment to warn him about the Digimon on the internet we are treated to this scene:
    Izzy: It’s about the egg. The egg has already hatched.
    (Tai looks at the chicken egg he’s holding)
    Izzy: No, not that egg! A Digiegg!
