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Recap / Soul Eater

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This is the Recap page for the anime and manga series Soul Eater.

  1. Prologues Arc (Ch. 0.1-0.3, Ep. 1-3)
  2. Remedial Lessons Arc (Ch. 1-3, Ep. 4-6)
  3. Demon Sword Arc (Ch. 4-6, Ep. 7-9)
  4. Uncanny Sword Arc (Ch. 7-9, Ep. 10-12)
  5. The Experiment Arc (Ch. 10-12, Ep. 13-14)
  6. Black Dragon Arc (Ch. 13-15, Ep. 15-16)
  7. A Fight to the Death at the Anniversary Celebration Arc (Ch. 16-23, Ep. 18-24)
  8. Trial Enrollment Arc (Ch. 24-26, Ep. 25-27)
  9. The Bodyguard Arc (Ch. 27-28, Ep. 28)
  10. Reunion Express Arc (Ch. 29-31, Ep. 29-32)
  11. "BREW" - The Tempest Arc (Ch. 32-37, Ep. 33-37)
  12. Internal Investigation Arc (Ch. 38-40, Ep. 38-40)
  13. The Clown Arc (Ch. 41-44)
  14. Operation Capture Baba Yaga Castle Arc (Ch. 45-60, Ep. 41-47)
  15. Kishin Battle Arc (Ep. 48-51)
  16. Grigori Arc (Ch. 61-65)
  17. The Witch's Research Arc (Ch. 66-67)
  18. Business Lunch Arc (Ch. 68-71)
  19. Salvage Arc (Ch. 72-81)
  20. Mad Blood Arc (Ch. 82-88)
  21. Hunt Arc (Ch. 89-90)
  22. War on the Moon Arc (Ch. 91-97)
  23. Witches' Trial Arc (Ch. 98-100)
  24. War on the Moon II Arc (Ch. 101-103)
  25. Dark Side of the Moon Arc (Ch. 104-113)
