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Nightmare Fuel / Z Nation

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  • The Z virus has infected every living thing. Everything, as long as its head is intact, turns into a zombie at death. EVERYTHING.
  • In the first episode, prisoners were used as involuntary test subjects for the zombie vaccine. Two of them turned on the spot.
    • What crime did Murphy commit to land in Federal Prison? Rape? Murder? Terrorism? None of the previous. He committed mail fraud.
  • What Tobias does with people his cult trick. You probably saw the whole cannabalism angle from miles away, but unlike other people in this scenario who just kill their victims beforehand, he keeps them alive so they have a constant supply of food.
  • Episode 7 introduces the Zunami. Imagine every zombie horde you've ever seen, from every movie, game and book combined, place them in one giant row, and you have this. Citizen Z, who's got access to satellites, finds that it goes for miles. Can't go around it or through it. The only way to survive it is to hide in a dark corner and hope to god that they don't notice you. An episode later, the Zunami is so large in scope it causes earthquakes through sheer numbers.
    • The group run into another survivor while hiding out in a morgue. They hide by locking themselves in the drawers where bodies are stored. After having to listen to the Z's shamble about for so long, the survivor they encountered freaks out and jumps out of his hiding spot. The group has to listen as he is torn apart.
  • It's minor, but the disturbing level of calm that most survivors have when dealing with Z's is kinda scary. It's not even that they're jaded by it, it's that the Z's are just kind of pests at this point.
  • Murphy's immunity. He's not immune. He's mutating. At first, it's just weird black veins on his chest. Then his hair starts falling out. His skin turns grey. By episode 6, he's so far along that Z's just won't bite him. By the final episode he sheds his entire skin.
  • The unstoppable Super Z from "Die, Zombie, Die... Again" is this. Imagine a zombie that can run faster than you, is bigger and stronger than you, can shrug off over a dozen Z-Whacker hits to the head like it's nothing and worst of all, think. This thing can dodge Mac's knife and even use the Z-Whacker without missing a beat. Thankfully, this thing isn't real.
  • As of episode 10, the group finds a strange zombie covered in green goop that glows. As it's revealed a few moments later, all the zombies nearby are radioactive. Doc even lampshades how zombies weren't dangerous enough before.
  • The episode introducing the Mennonite survivors also introduces us to anthrax zombies.
  • The Sisters of Mercy in episode 11 feed anyone they find guilty to a ZOMBIE BEAR.
  • Also in episode 11, Murphy appears to have impregnated one of the Sisters of Mercy. Considering what Murphy himself is going through, imagine what's happening to the fetus.
  • On a separate note for episode 11, the fact that Helen's own experience in a fundamentalist, polygamous marriage led her to believe that ALL men in general were monsters. After "freeing" herself of her husband and taking over the compound where they lived, she sends every boy in her community that reaches the age of 13, none of whom have done anything wrong, out on their own to Salt Lake City to "see their dads." Presuming they don't die of exposure, thirst, or zombies on the highway, they'd be walking into a city overrun by zombies.
    • Even worse, the boys' own mothers seem to have been complicit in the practice.
    • Helen's interactions with Addie throughout the episode are textbook examples of cult recruitment tactics. To wit, she has Addie reveal to her a secret (Tobias's clan of cannibals), uses that to present a fallacious argument and plant a seed (linking Tobias's brutality to her group's ideology that men are the root of all evil), then exploits it later in the confrontation with bikers to coerce Addie to participate in violence on the group's behalf.
  • As of episode 12, Murphy now has the ability to control anybody infected with his vaccine. As in, to the point of making somebody commit suicide.
  • While not 100% confirmed, as of the season 1 finale it is quite likely that Murphy is Immune to Bullets. In short, Garnett died for nothing.
  • As of Season 2, Episode 1, the entire country seems to have gone insane. A completely empty town transforms, in the time of a mere hour, turns into a warground. These people are willing to kill everyone else for a pretty low amount of money, in a world where so few settlements of humans are around currency is effectively worthless.
  • In season 2, there's a zombie with charred black skin and a white suit. For whatever reasons, it only eats a person's face. Nowhere but their face. It's fast too, and can keep up with a speeding truck at full speed. Worst of all, it looks like the damn thing might actually be sentient.
  • Oh boy, Rozwell... Let's unpack this one. The entire episode is based on alien conspiracy theories, which already makes it pretty damn nightmarish.
    • First up, a Z is cut perfectly, as if it were sliced by a laser. Actually, that's pretty likely, given how it seemed to be by a GOD DAMN UFO. The crew runs into its remains shortly after, and are suitably creeped out. Later, they encounter a Z with a triangle cut into its chest like a cookie cutter.
    • Bernadette's entire shtick is creepy. Always giving a Stepford Smile, sounding just happy enough to creepy everybody out and has the downright terrifying ability to Jump Scare herself into scenes. One example of that would be her sudden appearance at a table the group was sitting at, in such a way that somebody should've seen her.
      • The scenes where Bernadette seems to teleport just adds to her creepiness. And to make matters worse, we NEVER get an explanation for her apparent teleportation.
  • Season 2, Episode 10. The first hint of horror comes from the opening narration, repeating the monologue from season 1 about the Zunami. In the episode proper, the group spies a massive Z-Storm headed their way. According to Citizen Z, the storm is miles deep and there is no way around it. It is somehow BIGGER than the Zunami from season 1.
    Roberta: That's not a Z-Storm. That's the end of the world.
  • The Plant-Zombies. Oh, hell, the Plant-Zombies.
  • 10K in early season three Post-Murphy Bite. The sobering realization of who's in control and the look on his face in that moment is terrifying.
  • Just the Zombies in general seem to be worse than usual zombie media fare, mainly due to how adaptable they are in comparison, if it doesn't kill the brain, the zombies can have pretty much have it, making them more dangerous, a few notable examples are the Blasters, the Radioactive zombies and the zombies who carry Anthrax!
