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Headscratchers / Z Nation

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  • Why didn't the zombies in "Resurrection Z" attack anyone else while Murphy was demonstrating his messiah-status? Hell, why wasn't the fact that he was standing in a cage full of zombies unmolested proof?
    • Probably nobody was paying enough attention to notice that Murphy wasn't just a zombie until he started talking, and by the time those unfamiliar with him had gotten over the shock of an apparent Z speaking, he was already well into his spiel.

  • What was the deal with the closing remark in "Zombie Road" about 20 refugees leaving for Edmonton and "not one" surviving the encounter with the main characters? The stoner was still alive, and had in fact joined the group.
    • The stoner was not seen after this episode, he was mostly likely eaten by Cassandra. Warren may have accurately assumed this.

  • What's with nobody noticing for a good while (read: Plot relevant) that Murphy is BLUE, not just just a kinda cold looking blue but like a dirty smurf blue! when the cast interacts with other survivors they always fail to mention it, the one who did just mentioned he looked kinda ill.
    • He doesn't act like a zombie, so maybe people think he is just some loon who went and jumped in a vat of dye or something. Looking at what other folks have done after surviving a zombie apocalypse a blue guy is practically normal.
    • Could also be a bit of in-universe, and out of universe differences. To us Murphy looks like he's a smurf to make it more obvious to the audience what is going on. To the other characters in the show he might just look sick, and a bit off compared to everyone else.
    • There are blue smurf people in real life. Ingesting of colloidal silver is well known to turn people a deep blue color. This medical condition is known as Argyria. Eating massive amounts of carrots turns people orange!

  • Apart from ZONA who exactly does Roberta think she is going to hand off Murphy to after "extracting" him? as far as we have been made aware almost every other place that could make a cure from Murphy is gone, my best guess is that she has gone off the deep end after killing Vasquez and just seems focused on "the mission" which technically doesn't exist anymore.

  • What was Cassandra's deal anyway? Anyone bitten by Murphy has had full control of their cognitive abilities, only difference being Murphy can Compelling Voice them, but for some unknown reason Cassandra is closer to a Blaster, but she isn't a Blaster seeing as she still listens to Murphy.
    • Maybe the vaccine hadn't mutated Murphy enough at this point to turn Cassandra fully.

  • About the reveal that Roberta Warren is a Talker the whole time ever since Season 5: If Warren has been a Talker throughout that whole season, why does she NOT need bizkits, the thing that prevents Talkers from going feral throughout the whole season!?
