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Nightmare Fuel / Pocket God

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Normally, Pocket God is morbidly humorous, but there are times when it can get a little scary.

  • In issue 25, Newbie is choosing which pygmy to kill off with the Gem of Death. This is accompanied by graphic pictures of Ooga being burned alive, Booga having his head split open, and Nooby doused in acid. Unlike most of the comic, this is not played for laughs.
  • You can can play tug of war with the ice squid using a Pygmy. If you pull too hard, the Pygmy's head comes off!
  • The possessed Pygmies on the winch and bongos are disturbing, what with their black sclerae and red pupils.
  • Winch a Pygmy too hard in the altar and his limbs are ripped off!
  • If you drop a monkey on a Pygmy, the monkey rips the Pygmy's face off!
  • The jellyfish in the Coral Reef. If one of them stings a Pygmy, the latter explodes. If you drag a Pygmy to a jellyfish's head, the jellyfish will devour it alive until there's nothing left but a single bone. If you drag a Pygmy to a jellyfish's body, the jellyfish drinks from the Pygmy then the Pygmy will wither.
  • The Apocalypse Rooms all have their share of Nightmare Fuel, like the Plague Room with its dark, sickly atmosphere and ability to infect Pygmies with a deadly disease, the Time Room distorting space and time, the Dance Room for its deceptively upbeat atmosphere hiding the fact that it kills whoever underperforms a rhythm, the Locust Room which contains a giant man-eating locust in the middle and some pretty brutal deaths, like being force-feed locusts and exploding into a green goo, or Lord Xenu's Room which is the Big Bad's lair and your first visit kicks of The End of the World as We Know It. But the most nightmarish is definitely the Purification Chamber, despite its bright, pristine appearance. It seemingly causes Pygmies to go insane from overbearing germophobia and eventually causes them to fade from existence. The music is also creepy as well, containing an ominous piano and sounding like something out of a horror movie.
