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Nightmare Fuel / Osmosis Jones

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.
  • Thrax is a pretty scary, intimidating and completely psychopathic villain.
    • When he emerges from the contaminated egg, the first thing Thrax does is brutally murder a cell on-screen with his deadly left index finger, casually saying "Ow". We see the poor guy rapidly boil and deteriorate as his eyeball bursts into boiling liquid magma, screaming as he bursts into flames. This is the on-screen kids-unfriendly death that sets the tone for the entire film.
    • For that matter, the Red Death. Compare Ebola to dandruff. For the sake of the argument, Ebola is X times worse. Now imagine something X times worse than Ebola and a man dying of it and you have the Red Death. Not only that, remember Thrax's unveiling of his plan to kill Frank in 48 hours? He's killed several people before by stealing their posterior hypothalamic nuclei, the part of the hypothalamus that controls body temperature, showing off a piece of jewelry with several of these stolen nuclei. The thought of having a sudden, uncontrollable fever that will only go higher and higher and higher as time passes by...
      Thrax: Ya see this? This little DNA bead comes from a little girl in Riverside, California. Didn't like to wash her hands. Took me three whole weeks. And this one, nice lady in Detroit, Motown. Six days flat. Then there's this old guy in Philly. I killed him in 72 hours. Yeah, I'm getting better as I go along, baby, but the problem is I never set a record! Until my man Frank, that is. I'm gonna take him down in 48 hours! Get my own chapter in the medical books!
    • As mentioned above, one of Thrax's previous victims was a little girl who "didn't like to wash her hands", killed just to get his "own chapter in the medical books", and his only regret was that he didn't kill her fast enough. Given that his modus operandi is to get in, cause all the symptoms of a common cold, and then go for the hypothalamus, it's haunting to imagine what her parents must have gone moment their baby seemingly has a cold, the next she's burning alive, and then suddenly she's gone.
    • The sheer scale of death Thrax has caused. Killing a handful of humans is bad enough, but the average human body contains as many as 30 trillion cells at any given time and billions of more in microbes that make up the microbiome (the human mouth alone houses more bacteria than the entire human population). And by the film's logic, every single one of those cells is alive with their own personalities and emotions and the microbiomes, while not as prominently featured in the movie, can be synonymous with macroscopic ecosystems we're familiar with. So when a human dies, it's like an entire planet facing total extinction and dying. And Thrax being Thrax, there's no quick explosion like in A New Hope, but rather the planet slowly burning to a crisp. Slow, and agonizing to watch.
    • Thrax killing Scabies by slashing him open with his claw.
    • Thrax killing Bruiser and Joe Cramp when they suggest incubating (which would mean he won't be able to break his record).
      Thrax: You incubate! I said 48 hours, I'm gonna make my deadline. (Stabs a goon in the eye with his claw and bears down on it, causing said goon to whimper in agony. Thrax burns down his hideout, killing his thugs in the process.) Medical books aren't written about losers!
    • Even worse, had he not been stopped by the fake eyelash he and Ozzy were battling on, he was planning on going after Shane next and breaking his record of 48 hours. The Slasher Smile on his face as he says this makes it even worse.
      Thrax: (seemingly impaling Ozzy with his trigger finger) Can you feel the heat, Jones? (chuckles evilly) Too bad you won't be here to see me break my record when I take down Frank's pretty little girl.
    • The very fact that he is a virus that is capable of causing death only a few days after infection. By the time you feel the symptoms, it's probably too late.
    • His final moments are also nightmarish. When Shane's fake eyelash detaches, it and Thrax fall into a beaker of rubbing alcohol, and Thrax's face distorts as he screams in agony, before dissolving into nothingness. Yikes.
  • Frank's entire near-death experience via Cytokine Storm, both from his perspective and the perspective of all the cells and microbes in his microbiome. The screaming panic and fires really make it look like a civilization on the verge of collapse.
  • From a Deleted Scene, Ozzy and Drix were inside the mucus of Frank's nose, when all of a sudden, Frank's finger comes towards them.
