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Nausea Fuel / Osmosis Jones

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Osmosis Jones is a Farrelly Brothers film about the human body, so it naturally contains gross-out humor and sights that not only can disgust you, but also make you a germaphobe, eat healthy, and wash your hands 24/7!

  • At the beginning, Frank grabs his egg from a chimp's disgusting mouth that has been touched by its hands that has been scratching its ass and then eats it with his hands that also has been scratching his ass, and did we mention this is after the egg has fallen out of the chimp's mouth and rolled around the feces strewn floor? And this is where the film begins.
  • Frank opens his mouth wide to see if he has a temp but doesn't swallow his food. To make matters worse, it was shown in both trailers.
  • When Osmosis almost gets hit by two police cars, one of them crashes into a billboard advertising "Come Visit The Land Down Under" in-between the buttocks. And this embarrasses and disgusts Osmosis!
  • Frank sneezes near pollen onto his hands and gives Danny a high-five. Judging by what we see within Frank's nose, whatever was on his hand wasn't a pretty sight.
  • In a deleted scene, Frank is picking his nose.
  • In a flashback, Frank swallows some contaminated oysters from a kid's science project at Shane's school science fair, and he throws up on Mrs. Boyd.
  • Frank’s ingrown toe, which he presents barefoot to Shane in a restaurant.
  • Ozzy has to drink a gross concoction in the Zit that includes something the bartender ejects from his armpit.
  • When Frank returns to Mrs. Boyd with the intention of apologizing to her for the vomiting incident, she's grossed out by his bulging zit. As Ozzy and Drix pop the zit, it explodes and lands on her lip. UGH!
