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Platforms are software (programs, apps, websites), hardware (video game systems, tablets, mobile phones, other devices), or locations (theaters, concert halls, film festivals, other public venues) that are made or used to allow people to experience various creative works or performances. Some are specialized around a single medium of work, while others are designed to be more versatile and allow for people to enjoy multiple forms of media.

A large number of the platforms listed here arose as a result of the advent of computers, and with technology continuing to advance to this day, will likely become even more powerful, less expensive, and more ubiquitous in the future. Aspects like technical specifications, memory limitations, and other design details play a significant role in shaping the kinds of works that can be hosted through such platforms.

So in general, while platforms themselves usually do not have tropes of their ownnote , they can inform the tropes available to the works or performances they host.


    open/close all folders 
    Apps & Websites 

    Digital Distribution Services 

    Game Consoles 


    Locations and Events 

    Personal Computers and Microcomputers 

    Software and Hardware 

    Tablets & Devices 
HTC Corporation


Oculus VR

Alternative Title(s): Home Page
