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Heartwarming / Zoids: New Century

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  • From the first episode, after Leon's Shield Liger crashes into his invisible truck and trips. Bit, feeling sorry for him, helps the injured man. Despite this leading to the Blitz team detaining him.
    • When Leena leaves him tied up, the Liger Zero Bit had been admiring suddenly moves by itself and severs his ropes. Allowing Bit into the cockpit, giving him the opportunity to escape. Despite having every reason "not" to. Bit returns with Liger during the battle with the Tigers team the following day. Saving Leena and Brad along with winning the Blitz team the match.
  • Episode 2, Bit seemingly absent-mindedly helping out Naomi and her novice teammates against some rude men who refuse to leave the ladies alone.
    • Leon taking Jamie and his Pteras out of action so Bit, and Liger can have their chance to show what they can do.
  • The eleventh episode, Bit and Liger lose a match for the first time to Jack and his Lightning Saix's. The rest of the Blitz team join in and surround him, but Bit is actually thrilled that the match was so exiting. Hoping to have another battle with Jack again in the future.
    Leena: Oh Bit, don't get all depressed. We lost "one" match, that's all there is too it. Cheer up, it's not the end of the world.
    Brad: We're still a team to be reckoned with.
    Bit: (chuckles) I'm not depressed. I'm totally psyched for our next match!
    Leena & Brad: (completely confused) Huh?
    Bit: Jack was right, I've got to start taking these matches more seriously. (smiling) Look out Jack Cisco, cause next time you're gonna be in real trouble!
  • Episode 12, Liger refusing all pilots the Backdraft Group try to force on him.
    • Bit initially refusing all attempts by the Backdraft Croup to recruit him. Only backing down once they threaten to destroy Liger if he doesn't cooperate.
  • Episode 15 when she's kidnapped, Leena finds herself in a room covered with flowers. Dr. Laon appears and explains that he was only holding her captive, in order to keep her out of the ensuing battle. While still slightly creepy, this shows that Laon isn't a complete monster.
    • Dr. Toros helping the badly injured Kirkland, Omari, and Lineback by bringing them to the Hover Cargo for first aid after they'd been attacked by Dr. Laon's anti-gravity surge weapon.
  • Episode 18, Bit assisting Harry and Benjamin to find the Judge that Benjamin has fallen in love with, despite the long string of injuries they receive in form of stray fire whilst driving around in Bit's camouflaged truck.
    • In the battle between the Blitz Team and the Champ Team, the Judge refereeing is in fact the same model Benjamin was looking for! Whilst Harry tries to hold back Benjamin and decides to forfeit his chances at going up to Class A, Benjamin in return decides to give up his chance for love so Harry can achieve Class A. You just got to admire the dedication between the two!
    • Bit coming up with a plan to help set Benjamin up with the Judge; stage an accident during the battle and knock the Judge out of the capsule. Best thing was - it worked, Benjamin's feelings were well received, ending the episode on a happy note!
  • Episode 20, Brad revealing that he was never loyal to Laon when the Judge re-activates and reassigns the Shadow Fox to the Blitz Team.
    Laon: Come back Brad! Your part of the Backdraft Group now!
    Brad: Sorry Doc, just wanted the Shadow Fox. I never actually intended to join your side. (smirks)
    Bit: (smiles) You sly fox!
  • Episode 26: The first thing Bit does after the battle with the out-of-control Berserk Fury is to check on Vega and make sure the kid is okay since Vega blacked out. Vega, after confirming he is, happily tells him he hopes they can battle again someday to which Bit agrees. Regardless of how violent the zoid battle got, it shows it wasn't anything personal.
