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Headscratchers / Rebel Moon

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  • So let me get this straight. The tool to paralyse someone in the restraining robot, is also a physical key that will release the prisoner, not just their head (where the insertion port is) but their whole body at once. And in this knowledge, Kai gave one of his own prisoners this tool, to use on the most valuable prisoner, and General Noble who has many many soldiers perfectly capable of operating the tool themselves, much faster than one guy who's never used it before, doing it one at a time, did not think to object? And Gunnar, a farmer from a world with no high technology, with no security experience, somehow knows that this tool can be used to instantly unlock all of Kora's restraints?
  • The King and Queen that were killed, after hundreds or thousands of years of dynastic rule, didn't have any other relatives to inherit? No other offspring? None of their parents, grandparents, great-great-grandparents, etc. had more than one heir?
  • What are the logistics of the universe like? General Noble is personally going to get supplies for his forces from a small farming village with it being presented that this one small village will supply all his forces which is infeasible. It's trying to ape Seven Samurai, but when escalating to a galactic level, this is ridiculous. Noble wouldn't mess his hands personally going to a small hick village to personally deal with requisitioning grain. It's a level of micro-managing that is ridiculous. More plausibly, they would establish a planetary governor to manage all the settlements and supply stuff. You don't expect to see Grand Moff Tarkin walking into the Lars farm to tell them that the Galactic Empire is requisitioning their blue milk.
