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Headscratchers / Drawn Together

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  • In Lost in Parking Space (both parts), why couldn't they all climb out through the sunroof and get help? It's not like anything was perventing the gang from going with Foxxy. Even Xandir climbs out yet nobody else does the same.
    • They're all idiots who frequently miss obvious solutions for the sake of a joke. Or they would be afraid of Captain Hero shooting them. But if you want individual reasons: Captain Hero and Spanky would want to keep Spanky in power and wouldn't want to go out into the cold, freezing world; Toot would be too fat to fit; Ling Ling wouldn't want to leave his fish behind; Wooldorf's an idiot.
    • See below response.

  • I find it funny how Toot honestly isn't too bad looking when not being given gross closeups or anything. Could this be part of the joke?
    • See above response.
