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Funny / Willow

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  • Madmartigan temporarily becoming an absurdly massive Human Snowball.
  • The entire scene at the crossroads where they meet Madmartigan; in fact most things Madmartigan says or does before the climax.
    Willow: He doesn't know a thing about babies!
    Madmartigan: No. But I... know a lot of women who do.
  • Madmartigan Paper Thin Disguises himself as a woman to dodge an angry husband, only to catch the hulking oaf's eye (which is pretty darn chauvinist of him, considering he barged into the room in a jealous rage). Hilarity Ensues.
    Lug: Wanna BREED?
    Madmartigan: Tempting, but... no.
    • It does work out for him when Sorsha shows up and He Needs A Distraction.
      Sorsha: You're no woman! (tears off Madmartigan's Paper-Thin Disguise wig)
      Lug: Not a woman!
      Madmartigan: Gentlemen... (smirks)
      Lug: NOT A WOMAN!
      Madmartigan: Meet Lug! (ducks)
      • He's so mad he doesn't even tackle Madmartigan, just the closest thing he can punch.
    • And after the Bar Brawl scene, as Madmartigan drives his wagon off into the background...
  • Pretty much any scene with the Prefect being the Butt-Monkey.
  • You'd think a queen, even an evil queen like Bavmorda, would be above calling Willow "Peck". Nope.
  • Both Bavmorda's army and Madmartigan run away from a two-headed dragon. Madmartigan takes a breather then realizes he's with the army. He has a Oh, Crap! look on his face, and runs back inside.
    • What really sells it is that Sorsha also notices and gives him an exasperated look.
    • Earlier, as said dragon emerges from the moat and Bavmorda's army backs off, Madmartigan thinks he has frightened them away... until he looks at the monstrous beast behind him.
    • The roleplaying sourcebook's description of the dragon's defeat is classic:
      The only successful tactic they might have used was a sneak attack on the heads, and no one but a foolhardy madman would conceive of such a thing. How fortunate, then, that Madmartigan was on the scene.
  • Willow has been trying to undo Raziel's Forced Transformation, but all he's been able to do is change the kind of transformation. Madmartigan has been elsewhere: he comes stumbling in, and Raziel's a goat.
    Fin Raziel: Good work, Ma-a-admartigan.
    Madmartigan: What the hell happened to you?!
  • The High Aldwin is freaking classic.
    High Aldwin: Go in the direction the bird is flying!
    Burgelkutt: It's going back to the village!
    High Aldwin: Ignore the bird! Follow the river!
    • Just after Burgelkutt's exclamation, the High Aldwin has a hilarious "Are you kidding me?" look on his face.
  • Or this:
    High Aldwin: *quietly, to Willow* "The bones tell me nothing". *loudly, to the villagers* ..."The BONES have SPOKEN!"
  • This scene after Willow accepts the duty of taking Elora, with the derisive village prefect Burglekutt attempting to keep the best warrior, Vohnkar, from going with Willow. Also leads to the High Aldwin tricking Burglekutt into allowing it.
    High Aldwin: Who has the courage to protect our brave fellow on his journey?
    Meegosh: I'll go with him.
    Burgelkutt:(Satisfied) Ah, Meegosh! Excellent choice!
    Vohnkar: I'll go!!!
    Burgelkutt:(Does a double take) NO! Not Vohnkar! He's the best warrior in the village!!! We need him HERE!!! Vohnkar, STEP BACK!!!
    High Aldwin:(Slyly) All this expedition needs is a leader! And according to the bones...that leader is....YOU, Burglekutt!
    Burglekutt:(immediately getting an Oh, Crap! look on his face) VOHNNNNKKKKKKKAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRR!!! (Wipe goes to the next scene)
  • Rool (one of the Brownies) gets hit with the Fairy Dust (aka Love Potion), and what's the first thing he sees? A cat. Hilarity Ensues.
    • In fact, the brownies are very effective Plucky Comic Relief throughout.
      Franjean: (to Madmartigan) Don't I knooow youuu? I stole the baby from you, Daikini! While you were taking a pee-pee!
    • And:
      Rool: We'll never catch up with those horses!
      Franjean: Then we will have to track them.
      Rool: That would take forever. Besides, even if we find them, they'd only capture us, stick us in cages, torture us and finally devour us!
      Franjean: Are you suggesting we go home?
      Rool: Nah, this is more fun.
    • Or this gem on seeing Raziel (in possum form) for the first time.
      Rool: That's Raziel?
      Franjean: I don't know, I was expecting something a little more grand. A little less...
      Rool: Fuzzy.
    • Rool having a nightmare:
      Rool (asleep): Rats! Rats! Rats!
      Franjean (wakes up): Rats? Where? (Panics and then realizes what's happening) Oh, Rool! You and that stupid rat dream!
    • Another one:
      Franjean: Then we go that way (pointing), to the lake!
      Rool: (Taps Franjean on shoulder, then points a different direction) That way.
      Franjean: You are drunk, and when you are drunk, you forget I am in charge.
      Rool: (echoing) ... you are in charge. Fine! Then which way do we go?
      Both: ... (pointing in the direction Rool indicated) THAT WAY!
    • A darkly funny moment with the Brownies, depending on your sense of humor; Bavmorda turns the heroes (except for Willow) into pigs. Willow exits his tent to see the army of pigs running around in a moment of despair, yes... but then we see two little piglets running around...
    • When Rool, immediately after the ill-fated Love Powder incident, falls into a tankard, he realizes what he fell into, much to his delight!
    Rool (rising up to grab the edge of the tankard, sputtering before tasting, happily): BEER!!! (Cackles happily before diving back down with a big splash!)
  • This gem:
    Sorsha: What are you staring at?
    Madmartigan: Your leg. I'd like to break it.
  • Blink and you'll miss it, but at the very end of the movie when the brownies are saying good-bye to Willow, Rool takes off the mouse-skull helmet he'd been wearing for the whole movie to wave it in the air, revealing he is bald. The funny part comes when Franjean notices and does a stunned Double Take; apparently he had no idea!
  • The scene where Willow and Madmartigan discuss whether or not it's a good idea to feed blackroot to a baby.
    Madmartigan: *baby voice* "Did you see what he did?! He stole our blackroot!" *normal voice* "Don't worry, I'll find some more."
    • There's a scene earlier where Madmartigan is making kissy faces at Elora Danan to try and charm Willow into letting him be a good father figure for her. In an amazing moment of serendipitynote , Elora makes a facial expression that basically screams, "Can you believe this guy?"
  • Rool and Franjean's Facepalm when Madmartigan is distracted by a combination of Sorsha and the Dust of Broken Heart.
    • In fact, the entire scene in Sorsha's tent.
    • Just the fact that Madmartigan actually feels badly enough about the incident that he tries to explain to Sorsha what happened, while she's their prisoner...
  • Fin Raziel goes nuts in a Laughing Mad way when she briefly gets the upper hand against Bavmorda in their fight. It's so out-of-character for her that it turns hilarious.
  • Fin Raziel's various transformations due to Willow's incompetence in magic.
    Raziel: (in her goat form) Willow! You i-i-i-i-diot!
  • Goat Raziel knocking down a soldier.
    Raziel: Baaaaa! Take tha-a-a-at!
  • When Madmartigan comes to Willow's rescue from a troll attacking him, the troll roars at Madmartigan, who proceeds to roar back at it, scaring it before booting it into the castle moat.
  • When Willow returns to his village with true magical abilities, he produces the dove spell of the High Aldwin...with the dove proceeding to crap on the head of Burglekutt.
